Sir Walter Scott: The Bride of Lammermoor, Ivanhoe, and A Legend of Montrose
LT :
George Gordon, Lord Byron: Mazeppa and Don Juan cantos I and II
M :
Carl Maria von Weber : Invitation to the Dance
for piano (later orchestrated by Berlioz)
M :
Franz Schubert : 'Trout' Quintet
VA :
Jean Louis André Théodore Géricault : The Raft of the Medusa
VA :
John Crome : Yarmouth Beach
PH :
Florida purchased by U.S. from Spain
PH :
Bolivar becomes President of Colombia
RP :
Georg Hermes: Philosophical Introduction to Christian Theology
RP :
Jean Sismondi: Nouveaux principes d'economie politique
ST :
Mitscherelich discovers isomorphism
ST :
David Napier constructs the flat-bed cylinder for printing
ST :
Danish physicist Hans Oersted discovers electromagnetism
DL :
Opening of Burlington Arcade, Piccadilly, London
VA :
Mehemet Ali presents Cleopatra's Needle to Britain
DL :
Freedom of the press in France
DL :
Maximum 12-hour working day for juveniles in England
M :
Franz von Suppé born 18 April
LT :
Walt Whitman born 31 May
VA :
Gustave Courbet born 10 June
M :
Jacques Offenbach born 20 June
M :
Clara Wieck Schumann born 13 September
LT :
John Clare: Poems Descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery
LT :
Elizabeth Barret Browning: Battle of Marathon
LT :
William Blake: Jerusalem
VA :
John Constable : Dedham Lock and Mill
VA :
Henry Fuseli : Solitude at Dawn
PH :
Revolution in Spain - King Ferdinand VII forced to restore Constitution of 1812
PH :
King George III of England dies; succeeded by Prince Regent as George IV
DL :
U.S. Land Law fixes land price at a minimum of $1.25 per acre
RP :
Thomas Brown: Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind
RP :
Thomas Erskine: Internal Evidence for the Truth of Revealed Religion
RP :
J.J. Görres: Germany and the Revolution
RP :
Jesuits driven out of Rome
RP :
T. R. Malthus: Principles of Political Economy
VA :
Discovery of the Venus de Milo
ST :
André Ampère: Laws of the Electrodynamic Action
DL :
Washington Colonization Society founds Liberia for repatriation of Negros
VA :
Benjamin West dies 11 March
LT :
Joseph Rodman Drake dies 21 September
VA :
Francisco José de Goya Y Lucientes : The Great He-Goat
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: Kenilworth
LT :
John Clare: The Village Minstrel
LT :
George Gordon, Lord Byron: Marino Faliero, Don Juan cantos III-V, Cain, The Two Foscari, and Sardanapalus
VA :
John Constable : Study of Clouds at Hampstead
VA :
John Constable : The Hay Wain
M :
Carl Maria von Weber : Opera, Der Freischütz
PH :
James Monroe begins second term as U.S. president
PH :
Revolution in Piedmont: Victor Emmanuel abdicates, names his brother Charles Felix successor
PH :
Reign of Terror begins between Greeks and Turks
PH :
Peru proclaimed independent from Spain, followed by Guatemala, Panama, and Santo Domingo
ED :
Ecole des Chartes founded in Paris for historical studies
RP :
George Grote: Statement of the Question of Parliamentary Reform
RP :
Hegel: Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts
ED :
Champollion deciphers Egyptian hieroglyphics using Rosetta Stone
ST :
Faraday discovers fundamentals of electromagnetic rotation
ST :
T.J. Seebeck discovers thermoelectricity
ST :
Sir Charles Wheatstone demonstrates sound reproduction
DL :
London Co-operative Society founded
DL :
Manchester Guardian founded
LT :
John Keats dies 23 February
VA :
John Crome dies 22 April
LT :
William Wordsworth: Ecclesiastical Sketches
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: The Fortunes of Nigel and Halidon Hill
LT :
George Gordon, Lord Byron: Vision of Judgment
VA :
Eugène Delacroix : Dante and Virgil in Hell
M :
Franz Schubert : Fantasia
in C, 'Wanderer' Fantasy
M :
Franz Schubert : Symphony
No.8, 'Unfinished'
M :
Ludwig van Beethoven : Mass
in D (Missa Solemnis)
VA :
William Blake : The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins
PH :
Greeks adopt liberal republican constitution and proclaim independence
PH :
Augustin de Iturbide elected Emperor of Mexico
PH :
Brazil becomes independent of Portugal
PH :
Congress of Verona opens to discuss European problem
PH :
Bottle riots in Dublin, viceroy attacked by Orangemen
ED :
Colebrooke founds Royal Asiatic Society (study of Eastern languages)
RP :
Jean B. J. Fourier: Thèorie analytique de la chaleur
ST :
J.V. Poncelet: Traité des propriétés projectives des figures on projective geometry
M :
Royal Academy of Music, London, founded
VA :
Daguerre and Bouton invent the diorama, paintings illuminated in dark room to give illusion of reality
ST :
A.J. Fresnel perfects lenses for lighthouses
DL :
Streets of Boston, Mass., lit by gas
DL :
Sunday Times, London, founded
M :
Franz Strauss born 26 February
M :
ErnstTheodor Amadeus Hoffmann dies 25 June
LT :
Mathew Arnold born 24 December
VA :
Alexandre Cabanel born
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: Macduff's Cross, Peveril of the Peak and Quentin Durward
LT :
George Gordon, Lord Byron: Don Juan cantos VI-XIV
M :
Carl Maria von Weber : Opera, Euryanthe
M :
Franz Schubert : Moments Musicaux
M :
Franz Schubert : Incidental music
to Rosamunde
M :
Franz Schubert : Song-cycle, Die schöne Müllerin
M :
Giaocchino Antonio Rossini : Opera, Semiramide
M :
Ludwig van Beethoven :
'Diabelli' Piano Variations
M :
Ludwig van Beethoven : Symphony
No.9 ('Choral')
PH :
Mexico becomes republic, Iturbide forced to abdicate
PH :
Guatemala, San Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Costa Rica form Confederation of United Provinces of Central America
PH :
The Monroe Doctrine closes American continent to colonial settlements by European powers    GO !
RP :
Oxford Union Society founded
RP :
Pope Pius VII dies; succeeded by Pope Leo XII (Annibale de la Genga)
RP :
Saint-Simon: Catéchisme des industriels
ED :
Louis Thiers: Histoire de la Révolution Française
ED :
Sir Robert Smirke designs British Museum, London
ST :
Charles Babbage's early attempts to construct a calculating machine
ST :
Faraday succeeds in liquefying chlorine
ST :
Charles Macintosh invents waterproof fabric
ED :
Mechanic's Institute founded in London and Glasgow
ST :
Walter Oudney, discovers Lake Chad in Central Africa
ST :
British medical journal The Lancet first issued
DL :
First Cologne Carnival festivities
DL :
Death penalty for over 100 crimes abolished in Britain
ED :
George IV presents the library of George III to British Museum
DL :
Founding of Royal Thames Yacht Club
DL :
Rugby Football originates at Rugby School, England
VA :
Pierre-Paul Prud'hon dies 16 February
VA :
Sir Henry Raeburn dies 8 July
VA :
Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson dies
VA :
Eugène Delacroix : Massacre at Chios
M :
Franz Schubert : Sonata
for two pianos, 'Grand Duo'
M :
Franz Schubert : Octet
in F
M :
Franz Schubert : String Quartet
No.14, 'Der Tod und das Mädchen
M :
Mikhail Glinka : Symphony in B-flat
M :
Ludwig van Beethoven :
Last five string quartets
VA :
Caspar David Friedrich : Evening
PH :
Bolivar proclaimed Emperor of Peru
PH :
Frontier treaty signed between Russia and U.S.
PH :
U.S. House of Representatives elects John Quincy Adams as president when none of the four candidates wins a majority in the national election    GO !
ED :
August Böckh: Corpus Inscriptionum Graecum (ed.)
ED :
Carlo Botta: History of Italy, 1789-1814
ED :
Leopold von Ranke: History of the Latin and Teutonic People, 1494-1535
RP :
Sunday School Union formed in U.S.
VA :
National Gallery, London, founded
ST :
Portland Cement developed
ST :
Nicolas Carnot: Puissance motrice du feu (on therodynamics)
DL :
Founding of Athenaeum Club, London
DL :
Combinations Law of 1799-1800 repealed; British workers are allowed to unionise
DL :
Le Globe, Paris begins publication
DL :
R.S.P.C.A. founded in London
VA :
Jean Louis André Théodore Géricault dies 26 January
M :
Bedrich Smetana born 2 March
LT :
George Gordon, Lord Byron dies 19 April
VA :
Jean Léon Gérôme born 11 May
M :
Anton Bruckner born 4 September
VA :
Eugène Delacroix : Female Nude Reclining on a Divan
LT :
William Wordsworth: Yarrow Revisited, and Other Poems
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: The Talisman
M :
Felix Mendelssohn : Octet
for strings
M :
Vincenzo Bellini : Opera, Adelson e Salvini
VA :
William Blake : The Body of Abel Found by Adam & Eve
VA :
William Blake : Queen Katherine's Dream
PH :
Ferdinand IV of Naples dies; succeeded by Francis I
PH :
Anglo-Russian Treaty of British territory in north-western N. America
PH :
Bolivia becomes independent of Peru, Uruguay of Brazil
PH :
Maximilian I, King of Bavaria, dies; succeeded by his son Louis I
PH :
Czar Alexander I dies; succeeded by Nicholas I
RP :
William Hazlitt: The Spirit of the Age, or Contemporary Portraits
RP :
French law makes sacrilege a capital offence
ED :
Augustin Thierry: Histoire de la Conquête de l'Angleterre par les Normands
ST :
Faraday isolates benzene
ST :
Oxygen-hydrogen limelight invented
ED :
Hungarian Academy of Sciences founded in Budapest
DL :
Opening of Stockton-Darlington railroad - the first line to carry passengers
DL :
A Baseball Club organised at Rochester, New York
DL :
Tea roses from China introduced in Europe
LT :
Anna Lætitia Barbauld dies 9 March
VA :
Henry Fuseli dies 16 April
M :
Johann Strauss II born 25 October
VA :
Sir Adolph William Bouguereau born 30 November
VA :
Jacques-Louis David dies 29 December
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: Woodstock
LT :
Elizabeth Barret Browning: An Essay on Mind and Other Poems published anonymously
LT :
William Blake: Job
M :
Carl Maria von Weber : Opera, Oberon
M :
Franz Schubert : Symphony
M :
Nicolò Paganini : Violin Concerto
M :
Nicolò Paganini : Violin Concerto
No.2, including La campanella ('The Little Bell')
M :
Felix Mendelssohn : Overture, A Midsummer Night's Dream
M :
Vincenzo Bellini : Opera, Bianca e Gernando
M :
Hector Berlioz : Opera, Les Francs-juges
VA :
William Blake : Satan Inflicting Boils on Job
PH :
Treaty of Yandabu ends Burmese War
PH :
John VI, King of Portugal, dies; succeeded by Peter IV
PH :
Russia declares war on Persia
PH :
Dost Mohammed becomes Amir of Kabul
RP :
Ngüan Ngüan edits the writings of Confucius
VA :
U.S. Academy of Design founded
ST :
André Ampère: Electrodynamics
ST :
N.J. Lobachevsky develops his system of non-Euclidean geometry
ED :
Munich University founded
ST :
Galvanometer invented
DL :
Unter den Linden, Berlin, lit by gas
ST :
Stamford Raffles founds Royal Zoological Society, London
DL :
First railroad tunnel, on Liverpool-Manchester line, in England
M :
Carl Maria von Weber dies 5 June
VA :
Eugène Delacroix : Death of Sardanapalus
LT :
Alfred, Lord Tennyson: Poems by Two Brothers
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: The Surgeon's Daughter and Life of Napoleon
LT :
John Clare: The Shepherd's Calendar with Village Stories and Other Poems
M :
Franz Schubert : Song-cycle, Winterreise
('Winter Journey')
M :
Frederic Chopin : Nocturne
in E-flat
M :
Frederic Chopin :
Variations for piano and orchestra on 'La ci darem la mano' (aria from Mozart opera Don Giovanni
M :
Vincenzo Bellini : Opera, Il pirata
('The Pirate')
PH :
Count Kapodistrias elected President of Greece
PH :
By the Treaty of London the Allies agree to force a truce on the Sultan
RP :
John Darby founds the Plymouth Brethren
ED :
Henry Hallam: The Constitutional History of England
RP :
John Keble: The Christian year
ST :
J. J. Audubon : Birds of North American
ST :
Karl von Baer: Epistola de Ova Mammalium et Hominis Generis
ST :
English physician describes Bright's disease
VA :
Joseph Niepce produces photographs on a metal plate
ST :
George Ohm formulates Ohm's Law, defining electrical current potential and resistance
ST :
James Simpson constructs sand filter for purification of London's water supply
DL :
Karl Baedeker begins publishing his travel guides
DL :
Evening Standard, London, appears
DL :
Sulfur friction matches introduced by John Walker
M :
Ludwig van Beethoven dies 26 March
VA :
William Holman Hunt born 26 April
LT :
William Blake dies 12 August
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: Anne of Geierstein
LT :
Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Poetical Works (3 volumes) and Work without Hope
M :
Franz Schubert : String Quintet
in C
M :
Franz Schubert : Song-cycle, Schwanengesang
('Swan Song')
M :
Giaocchino Antonio Rossini : Comic Opera, Le Comte Ory
('Count Ory')
M :
Hector Berlioz : Overture, Waverly
PH :
Maria II deposed, Dom Miguel proclaimed King of Portugal
PH :
Russia declares war on Turkey
PH :
Mehemet Ali agrees to Britain's demand to quit Greece
PH :
Uruguay becomes independent republic following Treaty of Rio de Janeiro
PH :
Liberal revolt in Mexico, Vincente Guerrero becomes president
DL :
British Test and Corporation Acts repealed; Catholics and Nonconformists may hold public office
VA :
German scholar K.O. Müller publishes his treatise on Etruscan antiquities
ED :
University College, London, opened
ED :
American Dictionary of the English Language, by Noah Webster, published
ST :
John Franklin publishes an account of his Arctic explorations
ST :
Cap and ring spinning machines invented
ST :
Friedrich Wöhler's synthesis of urea begins organic chemistry
DL :
London weekly Athenaeum issued
DL :
The Spectator, London weekly periodical, founded
DL :
Working Men's Party founded in New York
VA :
Francisco José de Goya Y Lucientes dies 16 April
VA :
Dante Gabriel Rossetti born 12 May
LT :
Dante Gabriel Rossetti born 12 May
M :
Franz Schubert dies 19 November
VA :
Anthony Frederick Sandys born
M :
Giaocchino Antonio Rossini : Opera, Guillaume Tell
('William Tell')
M :
Nicolò Paganini :
Variations on 'God Save The King' for violin and orchestra
M :
Felix Mendelssohn :
Book I of 'Songs Without Words' (Lieder ohne Worte), for piano
M :
Vincenzo Bellini : Opera, Zaira
M :
Vincenzo Bellini : Opera, La straniera
('The Foreigner')
PH :
Andrew Jackson inaugurated at President of the U.S.    GO !
DL :
New Act of Parliament establishes an effective police force in London
PH :
Peace of Adrianople ends Russo-Turk. war
DL :
Slavery abolished in Mexico
PH :
President Guerrero of Mexico overthrown by General Anastasio Bustamante
DL :
Catholic Emancipation Act allows Roman Catholics in Great Britain to sit in Parliament and to hold almost any public office
RP :
Pope Leo XII dies; Cardinal Francisco Castiglione elected Pope Pius VIII
M :
The concertina patented
VA :
L.J.M. Dagueerre forms a partnership with J.N. Niepce for the development of their photographic inventions
ST :
Dobereiner: classification of similar elements
ST :
Von Drayse invents the breechloading needle gun
ST :
American physicist John Henry constructs and early version of the electromagnetic motor
ST :
Hydropathy, the system of treating diseases by water, developed by Silesian farmer Vincenz Priessnitz
DL :
The first co-operative stores in America
DL :
The omnibus becomes part of London public transport
DL :
First Oxford-Cambridge boat race takes place at Henley; Oxford wins
DL :
Suttee, the Indian custom of immolating a widow along with her dead husband, abolished in British India
DL :
The first U.S. patent on a typewriter granted this year
ST :
The Royal Zoological Society takes over the menagerie at the Tower of London (origin of the London Zoo at Regent's Park)
PH :
Uruguay declares war against Argentina
PH :
Treaty of London settles the dispute between the Dutch and their former Belg. subjects
PH :
Outbreak of First Opium War between Britain and China
PH :
Frederick IV, King of Denmark dies; succeeded by Christian VIII
PH :
The independent republic of Natal founded by the Boers
PH :
Abdul Mejid becomes Sultan of Turkey
ED :
Franz Bopp identifies Celtic as part of the Indo-European language family
ED :
John Lloyd Stephens discovers and examines the antiquities of the ancient Maya culture in Central America
ST :
Charles Goodyear makes possible the commercial use of rubber by discovering the process of "vulcanisation"
ST :
Metallic element lanthanum discovered
ST :
Ozone discovered
ST :
First electric clock built
DL :
Electrotyping process developed by Moritz Jacobi
DL :
Abner Doubleday lays out first baseball field and conducts first baseball game ever played
RP :
Louis Blanc publishes: L'Organization du Travail
DL :
First Grand National run at Aintree, England
DL :
Prussia restricts juvenile labour to a maximun of 10 hours a day
ED :
Lowell Institute, Boston, founded
DL :
George Weed's anti-slavery pamphlet, Slavery As It Is
M :
Louis Moreau Gottschalk born 8 May
VA :
Sir John Everett Millais born 8 June
M :
Anton Grigoryevich Rubinstein born 28 November
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: The Doom of Devorgoil, a Melodrama and Auchindrane
M :
Gaetano Domenico Maria Donizetti : Opera, Anna Bolena
('Anne Boleyn')
M :
Robert Schumann : Abegg Variations,
for piano
M :
Nicolò Paganini : Violin Concertos
No.4 and No.5
M :
Felix Mendelssohn : Overture, The Hebrides
(Fingal's Cave)
M :
Frederic Chopin : Piano Concertos
No.1 and No.2
M :
Vincenzo Bellini : Opera, I Capuleti e i Montecchi
('The Capulets and the Montagues)
M :
Hector Berlioz : Symphony Fantastique
VA :
Eugène Delacroix : The 28th July: Liberty Leading the People
PH :
Revolution in Paris
PH :
William IV becomes King of Great Britain and Ireland
PH :
Charles X, King of France abdicates
PH :
Louis Philippe, King of the French, "the Citizen King"
PH :
Peter II, last of the Vladikas dynasty ascends the throne of Montenegro
PH :
Serbia a fully autonomous state
RP :
Jeremy Bentham: Constitutional Code for all Nations
RP :
William Cobbett: Rural Rides
RP :
The religious society of Mormons (now known as Latter Day Saints) founded by Joseph Smith and his friends in New York
RP :
Pope Pius VIII dies
ST :
Robert Brown, Scottish botanist, discovers the cell nucleus in plants
ST :
Scottish geologist Charles Lyell divides the geological system into three groups which he names eocene, miocene, and pliocene
ST :
Paraffin discovered
ST :
Founding of Royal Geographic Society, London
VA :
End of the Nazarene Brotherhood
ST :
French tailor Barthélemy Thimmonier devises a machine for utilitarian stitching (beginning of the sewing machine)
M :
Hans von Bülow born 8 January
VA :
Camille Pissarro born 10 July
VA :
Lord Frederic Leighton born 3 December
LT :
Christina Rossetti born 5 December
LT :
Emily Dickinson born 10 December
M :
Vincenzo Bellini : Opera, La sonnambula
('The Sleepwalker')
M :
Hector Berlioz : Overture, King Lear
M :
Hector Berlioz : Overture, The Corsair
PH :
Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg elected Leopold I, King of the Belgians
PH :
Separation of Belgium from the Netherlands
PH :
Southampton insurrection: Virginia slave revolt led by Nat Turner
PH :
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, divided into two parts, the larger of which goes to Belgium
DL :
Wretched conditions of the working classes in Lyons, France, lead to uprisings
DL :
Mass demonstrations in Swiss cities lead to introduction for more liberal legislation and the principle of popular sovereignty
PH :
Emperor Pedro I of Brazil abdicates; succeeded by Pedro II, his son
DL :
U.S. Copyright law amended: 28 years, renewable for 14 years
M :
Samuel Francis Smith writes the words to "My Country, Tis of Thee" (one of the national anthems until 1931)
RP :
Cardinal Mauro Capellari elected Pope Gregory XVI
RP :
William Miller, leader of the Second Adventists in America, begins his preachings
ST :
Chloroform invented
ST :
Sir James Clark Ross determines position of magnetic North Pole
DL :
The great cholera pandemic, which began in India in 1826, spread from Russia into Central Europe, reaching Scotland in 1832
DL :
William Lloyd Garrison begins publishing the abolitionist periodical The Liberator, in Boston
DL :
Légion Etrangère (French Foreign Legion) formed
DL :
London Bridge opened
DL :
First horse-drawn trolleys appear in New York
LT :
Alfred, Lord Tennyson: Poems
M :
Gaetano Domenico Maria Donizetti : Opera, L'Elisir d'amore
('The Elixir of Love')
M :
Felix Mendelssohn : Piano Concerto
M :
Frederic Chopin :
12 piano studies, Opus 10, including 'Black Key', 'Tristesse', and 'Revolutionary' studies
VA :
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres : M. Bertin
DL :
Mass demonstrations at Hambach, Germany, in favour of the liberal and national cause
DL :
The First Reform Act to enfranchise the upper-middle classes passed by the House of Lords; number of voters increased from 500,000 to 1,000,000
PH :
Andrew Jackson re-elected President of the U.S.    GO !
PH :
Giuseppe Mazzini, Italian patriot, founds the organisation "Giovine Italia" (Italian Youth), with the aim of achieving national independence
RP :
The word "socialism" comes into use in English and French
ED :
Zurich University founded
VA :
Ando Hiroshige, great master of Japanese colour prints (Ukiyoe) publishes his series Fifty-three stages of the Tokaido
DL :
The first French railroad line (from St. Etienne to Andrézieux) begins to carry passengers
ST :
Hungarian mathematician Bolyai publishes his system of non-Euclidean geometry
ST :
Reichenback discovers creosote in wood tar
DL :
New England Anti-Slavery Society founded in Boston
VA :
Edouard Manet born 23 January
VA :
Arthur Hughes born 27 January
LT :
Lewis Carroll born 27 January
LT :
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe dies 22 March
LT :
Sir Walter Scott dies 21 September
LT :
Robert Browning: Pauline, A Fragment of a Confession published anonymously
M :
Gaetano Domenico Maria Donizetti : Opera, Lucrezia Borgia
M :
Felix Mendelssohn : Symphony
No.4, 'Italian'
M :
Clara Wieck Schumann :
Romance in G Minor for Violin and Piano
PH :
Prince Otto arrives in Nauplia to occupy the newly erected throne of Greece as King Otto
PH :
Isabella II proclaimed Queen of Spain, with her mother Maria Christian as regent
PH :
General Antonio López de Santa Anna becomes President of Mexico; country threatened by civil war
PH :
Mehemet Ali is given Egypt and Syria; founds the dynasty that rules Egypt until 1952
PH :
All German states join the Zollverein (customs union)
ED :
Franz Bopp: Vergleichende Grammatik
ST :
Gauss and Weber devise the electromagnetic telegraph which functions over a distance of 9,000 feet
ST :
The Handbook of Human Physiology by Johannes Müller
ST :
Wheatstone bridge, for the comparison of electric resistances, inductances, and capacitances devised
DL :
British Factory Act provides a system for factory inspection
DL :
Charity bazaars becomes popular in England
DL :
New York Sun founded
DL :
Olympic Club of Philadelphia organises two "Town Ball" teams
DL :
Abolition of slavery in British Empire
M :
Johannes Brahms born 7 May
VA :
Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones born 28 August
M :
Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin born 12 November
M :
Anton von Webern born 3 December
M :
Gaetano Domenico Maria Donizetti : Opera, Maria Stuarda
('Mary Stuart')
M :
Mikhail Glinka : Symphony on Two Russian Themes
M :
Frederic Chopin :
12 piano studies, Opus 25, including 'Butterfly and 'Winter Wind' studies
M :
Adolphe Adam : Opera, Le Chalet
M :
Hector Berlioz : Symphony, Harold in Italy
M :
Clara Wieck Schumann : Der Abendstern
VA :
Eugène Delacroix : Women of Algiers
PH :
Quadruple Alliance: Britain, France, Spain and Portugal
RP :
Spanish Inquisition finally suppressed
PH :
South Australia Act allows establishment of colony there
PH :
Maria II ascends throne of Portugal
PH :
Monopoly of the China trade by the East India Company abolished; friction between China and Britain
PH :
Carlist Wars begin in Spain
ED :
George Bancroft: History of the United States, first volume
RP :
Leopold von Ranke: Die Römischen Päpste
VA :
The Munich Glyptothek completed
ST :
Françis Arago: Astronomie Populaire
ST :
Babbage invents the principle of the "Analytical engine" (modern computer)
ST :
Von Buch: Theory of Volcanism
ST :
Faraday: Law of Electrolysis
ST :
McCormick patents his reaping machine
ST :
Discovery of phenol (carbolic acid)
DL :
Disastrous fire in the British Houses of Parliament
DL :
Gabelsberger publishes his system of German shorthand
DL :
Hansom cabs introduced in London
DL :
Poor Law Amendment Act decrees that no able-bodied man in Great Britain shall receive assistance unless he enters a workhouse
ED :
University of Brussels founded
ED :
Wilkins begins building the National Gallery, London
VA :
William Morris born 24 March
VA :
Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas born 19 July
LT :
Samuel Taylor Coleridge dies 25 July
VA :
Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas dies 27 September
LT :
John Clare: The Rural Muse
LT :
Robert Browning: Paracelsus
VA :
John Constable : The Glebe Farm
M :
Gaetano Domenico Maria Donizetti : Opera, Lucia di Lammermoor
('The Bride of Lammermoor')
M :
Robert Schumann : Carnaval,
for piano
M :
Giaocchino Antonio Rossini : La danza taretella
M :
Frederic Chopin :
M :
Frederic Chopin : Piano Ballade
M :
Vincenzo Bellini : Opera, I puritani
('The Puritans')
PH :
Francis II, the last Holy Roman Emperor (and Emperor of Austria as Francis I) dies
PH :
Ferdinand I becomes Emperor of Austria
PH :
The Municipal Corporation Act revolutionises borough government in England
James K. Polk inaugurated as President of the U.S.    GO !
PH :
Anglo-Sikh War begins
PH :
Swiss Sonderbund for the protection of Catholic cantons formed
ED :
Thomas Carlyle: Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches
RP :
Friedrich Engels: The Condition of the Working Class in London
ED :
Sir Austen Layard begins excavations in Nineveh
RP :
Max Stirner: Der Einzige und sein Eigentum (egocentric anarchistic philosophy)
VA :
First artistic photo portraits by David Octavius Hill
ST :
Hydraulic craned patented
ST :
Power loom for manufacturing carpets is constructed
ST :
Arthur Cayler: Theory of Linear Transformations
ST :
First submarine cable laid across English channel
ST :
Machine for combing cotton and wool patented
ST :
Acetic acid synthesised
ST :
Compound steam engine developed
DL :
Knickerbocker Baseball Club codifies rules of baseball
M :
Gabriel Urbain Fauré born 12 May
VA :
Walter Crane born
VA :
Camille Corot : Forest of Fontainebleau
M :
Franz von Suppé : Overture, Poet and Peasant
M :
Felix Mendelssohn : Oratorio, Elijah
M :
Franz Liszt : Hungarian Rhapsodies
for piano
M :
Frederic Chopin : Barcarolle
M :
Hector Berlioz : Dramatic cantata, The Damnation of Faust
M :
Clara Wieck Schumann :
Cadenzas for Beethoven's C minor and G major concerti
VA :
Joseph Mallord William Turner : Angel Standing in a Storm
PH :
Treaty of Lahore ends First Sikh War
PH :
Revolts break out in Poland
PH :
Louis Napoleon escapes from the fortress of Ham to London
RP :
Evangelical Alliance founded, London
RP :
Pope Gregory XVI dies; succeeded by Cardinal Mastai-Rerretti as Pope Pius IX
RP :
Friedrich Vischer: Aesthetics
RP :
Theodor Waitz: Foundation of Psychology
RP :
William Whewell: Elements of Morality
RP :
Brigham Young leads the Mormons to the Great Salt Lake, Utah
DL :
Electric arc lighting at the Opéra, Paris
ST :
F.G.J. Henle: Manual of Rational Pathology
ST :
Ether first used as an anaesthetic in dentistry
ST :
Nitroglycerine first prepared
DL :
Famine in Ireland caused by failure of potato crop
ED :
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, founded
PH :
13 May - U.S. declares war against Mexico    GO !
LT :
Alfred, Lord Tennyson: The Princess
LT :
Dante Gabriel Rossetti: The Blessed Damozel
M :
Giuseppe Verdi : Opera, Macbeth
(later revised)
PH :
Liberia proclaimed independent republic
PH :
Sonderbund War in Switzerland; Catholic cantons refuse to dissolve union
ED :
W.H. Prescott: History of the Conquest of Peru
ED :
Louius Blanc: History of the Revolution
RP :
Karl Marx attacks Proudhon's Philosophy of Poverty in The Poverty of Philosophy
RP :
The Mormons found Salt Lake City
RP :
Leopold von Ranke: Neun Bücher preussicher Geschichte
ST :
George Bool: Mathematical Analysis of Logic
ST :
Evaporated milk made for the first time
DL :
First Swiss railroad between Baden and Zurich opens
ST :
Helmholtz: On the Conservation of Energy
ST :
I.T. Semmelweis, Hungarian physician, discovers connection between childbed fever and puerperal infection
DL :
British Factory Act restricts the working day for women and children (between 13 and 18) to 10 hours
DL :
First Roman Catholic working men's club, Cologne, Germany
DL :
Gold discoveries in California lead to first gold rush
M :
Felix Mendelssohn dies 4 November
VA :
Sir John Everett Millais : Isabella
M :
Richard Wagner : Opera, Lohengrin
M :
Franz Liszt : Trois études de concert
(including 'Un Sospiro')
M :
Franz Liszt : Symphonic Poem, Les Préludes
M :
Franz Liszt : Années de Pèlerinage
(Years of Pilgrimage) for piano, Book I
M :
Mikhail Glinka : Overture, Kamarinskaya
PH :
King Christian VIII of Denmark dies; succeeded by Frederick III
PH :
Revolt in Paris; Louis Philippe abdicates, Louis Napoleon elected President of French Republic in December
PH :
Revolutions in Venice, Berlin, Milan and Parma
PH :
Second Sikh War begins
PH :
Sardinia declares war on Austria
PH :
Revolutions in Vienna, the emperor abdicates in favour of his nephew who becomes Emperor Francis Joseph I
PH :
Nasr-ed-Din becomes Shah of Persia
PH :
Switzerland, by its new constitution, becomes a federal union
PH :
Ibrahim, Viceroy of Egypt, dies; succeeded by Abbas
PH :
Revolt in Rome; Pius IX flees to Gaeta
ED :
Jakob Grimm: History of the German Language
ED :
Macaulay: History of England
RP :
Communist Manifesto issued by Marx and Engels
RP :
Spiritualism becomes popular in U.S.
DL :
Böttger: first safety matches
ST :
First appendectomy by Hancock
DL :
Serfdom abolished in Austria
RP :
Bismarck founds the Neue Preussische Zeitung, Marx the Neue Rheinische Zeitung
DL :
First Public Health Act in Britain
DL :
First settlers arrive in New Zealand
DL :
New York News Agency founded (will become Associated Press in 1856)
DL :
Sebastian Kneipp introduces cold-water cures as Worrishofen, Germany
PH :
2 February - Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends Mexican-U.S. war    GO !
M :
Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry born 27 February
M :
Gaetano Domenico Maria Donizetti dies 8 April
VA :
Eugène Henri Paul Gauguin born 7 June
VA :
Gustave Caillebotte born 19 August
LT :
Mathew Arnold: The Strayed Reveller and other Poems
VA :
Gustave Courbet : Stonebreakers
M :
Robert Schumann : Incidental music
to Byron's verse-drama Manfred
M :
Franz Liszt : Années de Pèlerinage
Book II
M :
Franz Liszt : Totentanz, (Dance of Death), for piano and orchestra
M :
Franz Liszt : Piano Concertos
No.1 and No.2
PH :
Rome proclaimed a republic under Guiseppe Mazzini
PH :
Charles Albert of Sardinia abdicates in favour of his son Victor Emmanuel II
PH :
Peace of Milan ends war
PH :
Zachary Taylor inaugurated as President of the U.S.    GO !
PH :
German National Assembly passes constitution; elects King Frederick William IV of Prussia "Emperor of the Germans"; he refuses to accept
PH :
Hungarian Diet proclaims independence
PH :
Revolts in Dresden and Baden
RP :
French enter Rome and restore Pope Pius IX
ED :
J.M. Kemble: History of the Saxons in England
ED :
Who's Who begins publication
ST :
Fizeau measures speed of light
ST :
Amyl isolated
ED :
Bedford College for Women, London, founded
DL :
Amelia Bloomer begins American women's dress reform
VA :
John William Waterhouse born 6 April
M :
Frederic Chopin dies 17 October
LT :
William Wordsworth: The Prelude
LT :
Alfred, Lord Tennyson: In Memoriam
LT :
William Cullen Bryant: The Letters of a Traveller
LT :
Elizabeth Barret Browning: Sonnets from the Portuguese
LT :
Robert Browning: Christmas Eve and Easter Day
VA :
Camille Corot : Morning, the Dance of the Nymphs
M :
Robert Schumann : Symphony
No.3, 'Rhenish'
M :
Franz Liszt : Liebersträume
(Dreams of Love), for piano
M :
Franz Liszt : Consolations
for piano
M :
Adolphe Adam : Opera, Giralda
M :
Hector Berlioz : Te Deum
VA :
William Holman Hunt : Claudio and Isabella
VA :
William Holman Hunt : A Converted British Family
Sheltering a Christian Missionary
from the Persecution of the Druids
PH :
Outbreak of Anglo-Kaffir War
PH :
Prussia and Denmark sign Peace of Berlin on Schleswig-Holstein
PH :
U.S. President Zachary Taylor dies; Millard Fillmore becomes 13th president    GO !
PH :
Taiping rebellion in China; Hung Hiu-tseun proclaims himself emperor
RP :
Church council to manage Protestant churches in Prussia
ED :
Public Libraries Act in Britain
RP :
Schopenhauer: Parerga und Paralipomena
RP :
Herbert Spencer: Social Statics, beginnings of sociology
M :
Foundation of Bach-Gesellschaft to publish the complete works of J.S. Bach
ST :
R.W. Bunsen produces gas burner
ST :
Rudolf Clausius formulates second law of thermodynamics, and kinetic theory of gases
ST :
The speed of nervous impulse established
ST :
Pafnut Chebyshev: On Primary Numbers
DL :
Old age insurance in France
ST :
Royal Meteorological Society founded
ED :
School of Mines, London (to becomes College of Science and Technology), founded
ED :
University of Sydney, Australia, established
LT :
William Wordsworth dies 23 April
VA :
Sir John Everett Millais : Ophelia
LT :
Elizabeth Barret Browning: Casa Guidi Windows
VA :
Charles-François Daubigny : Harvest
M :
Giuseppe Verdi : Opera, Rigoletto
M :
Franz Liszt : Symphonic Poem, Mazeppa
M :
Franz Liszt : Transcendental Studies
for piano
M :
Mikhail Glinka : Souvenir d'une nuit d'été à Madrid
(Second Spanish Overture)
M :
Anton Grigoryevich Rubinstein : Symphony No.2, Ocean
VA :
Sir John Everett Millais : Mariana
PH :
Cuba declares its independence
PH :
Beginning of Basuto War
PH :
Coup d'état of Louis Napoleon; plebiscite in France favours new constitution
PH :
Danilo II converts Montenegro into a secular principality
RP :
Vincenzo Gioberti: Il Rinnovamento civile d'Italia
ST :
Franz Neumann: law of electromagnetic induction
ST :
Isaac Singer devises the continuous stitch sewing machine
RP :
Mary Carpenter: Reformatory Schools...for Juvenile Offenders
DL :
First double-decker bus introduced
DL :
The New York Times appears
DL :
Maine and Illinois begins to enforce prohibition against liquor
VA :
Joseph Mallord William Turner dies 19 December
LT :
William Cullen Bryant: The Fountain, and other Poems
LT :
Mathew Arnold: Empedocles on Etna, and Other Poems
M :
Louis Moreau Gottschalk : El Sitio Zaragoza
M :
Giuseppe Verdi : Opera, Il Trovatore
('The Troubadour')
M :
Adolphe Adam : Opera, Si j'étais roi
('If I Were King')
M :
Johannes Brahms :
Piano Sonatas No.1 and No.2
M :
Anton Grigoryevich Rubinstein : Opera, Thomas the Fool
VA :
Arthur Hughes : Ophelia
VA :
Sir John Everett Millais : A Huguenot on St Bartolomew's Day
VA :
William Holman Hunt : On English Coasts
PH :
South African Republic (Transvaal) established
PH :
New French constitution gives president monarchical powers, Louis Napoleon proclaims himself Emperor Napoleon III
PH :
Outbreak of Second Burmese War
RP :
The Convocation of the Church of England revived
ST :
Delisle begins the study of modern paleography
RP :
First Plenary Council of American Roman Catholics held in Baltimore
ED :
Rank: History of France
ST :
C.F. Gerhardt: New Theory of Organic Compounds
ST :
David Livingstone explores Zambezi
ST :
Dutch army surgeon Mathysen impregnates bandages with plaster
ST :
Herbert Spencer: The Development Hypothesis (first use of the word "evolution")
ST :
James Sylvester: Calculus of Forms
DL :
The U.S. imports sparrows from Germany as defence against caterpillars
DL :
First Congress of Co-operative Societies meets in London
DL :
Formation of United All-English Cricket Eleven
VA :
Edwin Austin Abbey born
VA :
Lord Frederic Leighton : The Reconciliation
VA :
Edmund Blair Leighton born
VA :
Sir Frank Bernard Dicksee born
LT :
Mathew Arnold: Poems with the famous "preface" (Arnold's first important critical essay)
M :
Giuseppe Verdi : Opera, La Traviata
('The Woman Gone Astray')
M :
Robert Schumann : Scenes
from Goethe's Faust, for chorus and orchestra
M :
Franz Liszt : Piano Sonata
in B-minor
VA :
William Holman Hunt : The Awakening Conscience
PH :
Peace between Britain and Burma
PH :
Crimean War begins
PH :
Maria II of Portugal dies; succeeded by her son Pedro V
RP :
Johann Herzog: Encyclopaedia of Protestant Theology
ED :
Mommsen: History of Rome
RP :
Hippolyte Taine: Essai sur les fables de La Fontaine
M :
Henry Steinway and his three sons begins the New York firm of piano manufacturers
ED :
Melbourne University founded
ST :
Alexander Wood uses hypodermic syringe for subcutaneous injections
ST :
Queen Victoria allows choloroform to be administered to her during the birth of her seventh child, thus ensuring its place as an anaesthetic in Britain
DL :
Telegraph system established in India
DL :
Vaccination against smallpox made compulsory in Britain
VA :
Howard Pyle born
VA :
Vincent van Gogh born 30 March
M :
Richard Wagner : Opera, Das Rheingold
M :
Franz Liszt : Symphonic Poem, Orpheus
M :
Hector Berlioz : Oratorio, The Childhood of Christ
VA :
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres : Joan of Arc
VA :
William Holman Hunt : The Scapegoat
PH :
Convention of Bloemfontein
PH :
Britain and France conclude alliance with Turkey and declare war on Russia
PH :
"War for Bleeding Kansas" between free and slave states in U.S.    GO !
PH :
Elgin Treaty between Britain and U.S. on Canadian trade
RP :
George Boole: An Investigation of the Laws of Thought, on Which are Founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities
RP :
Jewish seminary established at Breslau
DL :
Juvenile Offenders Act in Great Britain
RP :
Pope Pius IX declares the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary to be an article of faith
ST :
Christian Ehrenberg: Microgeology
ST :
Laryngoscope invented
ST :
First form of lightbulb developed
ST :
Georg Riemann: On the Hypotheses Forming the Foundation of Geometry
ED :
University College, Dublin, founded
DL :
Northcote-Trevelyan report leads to British Civil Service Commission
ED :
Working Men's College, London, founded
PH :
Abbas I, Viceroy of Egypt assassinated; succeeded by Mohammed Said
M :
Leoš Janácek born 3 July
M :
John Phillip Sousa born 6 November
VA :
Arthur Hughes : April Love
VA :
Sir John Everett Millais : Autumn Leaves
LT :
Walt Whitman: Leaves of Grass
LT :
Alfred, Lord Tennyson: Maud
LT :
Robert Browning: Men and Women
LT :
Mathew Arnold: Poems, Second Series
VA :
Gustave Courbet : The Painter's Studio
M :
Jacques Offenbach : Operetta, Les Deux aveugles
('The Two Blind Men')
M :
Georges Bizet : Symphony in C
PH :
Czar Nicholas I of Russia dies; succeeded by Alexander II
PH :
Britain and Afghanistan join against Persia in Treaty of Peshawar
PH :
Taiping Rebellion ends
RP :
Henry Milman: History of Latin Christianity
RP :
Herbert Spencer: Principles of Psychology
DL :
George Audemars patents rayon production
ED :
Professorship of technology created at Edinburgh University
ST :
Printing telegraph invented
ST :
Tungsten steel developed
ST :
Mathew Maury: Physical Geography of the Sea
DL :
First iron Cunard steamer crosses Atlantic
DL :
Founding of The Daily Telegraph, London
DL :
London sewers modernised after outbreak of cholera
ST :
Florence Nightingale introduces hygienic standards into military hospitals during Crimean War
VA :
Arthur Hughes : Home from the Sea
VA :
Lord Frederic Leighton : The Fisherman and the Siren
M :
Richard Wagner : Opera, Die Walküre
('The Valkyrie')
M :
Franz Liszt : Dante Symphony
M :
Mikhail Glinka : Valse-fantaisie, ('Fantasy Waltz') for orchestra
M :
Adolphe Adam : Ballet, Le Corsaire
M :
Georges Bizet : Operetta, Le Docteur Miracle
VA :
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres : The Source
DL :
Queen Victoria institutes the Victoria Cross
PH :
Reform edict in Turkish Empire; peace conference in Paris recognises integrity of Turkey
PH :
Anglo-Chin. war begins
PH :
Brit.-Persian war begins
ED :
J.A. Foude: History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Deafeat of the Armada
ED :
Theodor Goldstücker: Sanskrit Dictionary
RP :
Rudolf Lotze: Mikrokosmos
RP :
Hippolyte Taine: Les Philosophes classiques du XIXe siècle en France
ED :
Alexis de Tocqueville: L'Ancien régime et la révolution
ST :
Pure cocaine extracted from cocoa beans
ED :
Neanderthal skull found in Feldhofer Cave near Düsseldorf
DL :
"Big Ben" cast at Whitechapel Bell Foundry
VA :
John Singer Sargent born
M :
Heinrich Heine dies 17 February
M :
Adolphe Adam dies 3 May
M :
Robert Schumann dies 29 July
LT :
Elizabeth Barret Browning: Aurora Leigh
M :
Giuseppe Verdi : Opera, Simon Boccanegra
(later revised)
M :
Franz Liszt : Faust Symphony
PH :
Peace of Paris ends Anglo-Persian war
PH :
Indian Mutiny against British rule
PH :
Garibaldi forms Italian National Association for unification of the country
PH :
Irish Republican Brotherhood (Fenians) founded
ED :
Henry T. Buckle: History of Civilisation in England
RP :
Ernest Renan: Etudes d'histoire religieuse
VA :
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, opened
M :
Charles Hallé founds the Hallé concerts in Manchester
ST :
Pasteur proves that fermentation is caused by living organisms
DL :
Alpine Club, London, founded
DL :
Financial and economic crisis throughout Europe, caused by speculation in U.S. railroad shares
DL :
Matrimonial Causes Act in Britain
DL :
First safety elevator installed
ED :
Science Museum, South Kensington, London, founded
DL :
Transatlantic cable laid
DL :
Czar Alexander II begins the emancipation of serfs in Russia
M :
Mikhail Glinka dies 15 February
M :
Edward Elgar born 2 June
M :
Max Christian Friedrich Bruch : Opera, Scherz, List und Rache
('Joke, Trick and Revenge')
M :
Giuseppe Verdi : Opera, Un Ballo in maschera
('A Masked Ball')
M :
Johann Strauss II : Polkas, Champagne and Tritsch-Tratsch
M :
Jacques Offenbach : Operetta, Orphée aux enfers
('Orpheus in the Underwold'), later revised
M :
Johannes Brahms : Serenade
No.1 for orchestra
M :
Hector Berlioz : Opera, The Trojans
PH :
Treaty of Tientsin ends Anglo-Chin. war
PH :
British proclaim peace in India
PH :
Prince William of Prussia declared regent for the insane King Frederick William IV
PH :
Alexander Karageorgevich deposed by Serbian Diet; Milos Obrenovic declared king
RP :
The Blessed Virgin Mary reputed to have appeared at Lourdes, France
RP :
Henry Carey: Principles of Social Science
ED :
Thomas Carlyle: Frederick the Great
RP :
The Paulist Fathers founded by American Catholic priest Issac Hecker
RP :
Lionel de Rothschild becomes first Jewish member of British Parliament
RP :
Philip Schaff: History of the Christian Church
M :
New York Symphony gives its first public concert
ST :
T.H. Huxley: The Theory of the Vetebrate Skulls
ST :
Mirror galvanometer invented
DL :
National Association of Baseball Players organised in America
DL :
Ottawa becomes capital of Canada
DL :
South Foreland lighthouse lit by electricity
M :
Giacomo Puccini dies 29 November
M :
Giacomo Puccini born 23 December
VA :
Arthur Hughes : Knight of the Sun
M :
Louis Moreau Gottschalk : Symphony No.1, La Nuit des Tropiques
VA :
Charles-François Daubigny : On the Oise
VA :
Charles-François Daubigny : The Flood-Gate at Optevoz
The King of Naples surrenders, Italy proclaimed a kingdom by Parliament, with Victor Emmanuel II as king
PH :
Warsaw Massacre- troops fire at demonstrators against Russian rule
DL :
Emancipation of Russian serfs
PH :
Sultan Abdul Mejid of Turkey dies; succeeded by his brother Abdul Aziz
PH :
Pedro V of Portugal dies; succeded by Louis I
ED :
Vladimir Dahl: Dictionary of the Living Russian Tongue
RP :
Ferdinand Lassalle: System of Assigned Rights
RP :
Herbert Spencer: Education: Moral, Intellectual, Physical
RP :
Arthur P. Stanley: Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church
M :
Royal Academy of Music, London, founded
ST :
Archaeopteryx: skeleton of link between reptiles and bird discovered
ST :
Thallium discovered
ST :
First machine-chilled cold storage unit built
DL :
Daily weather forecasts are begun in Britain
DL :
Queen Victoria creates the Order of the Star of India
DL :
U.S. introduces passport system
LT :
Elizabeth Barret Browning dies 29 June
VA :
John William Godward born 9 August
LT :
Christina Rossetti: Goblin Market and Other Poems
LT :
Elizabeth Barret Browning: Last Poems (posth.)
M :
Louis Moreau Gottschalk : Union
M :
Franz von Suppé : Operetta, The Queen of Spades
M :
Giuseppe Verdi : Opera, La Forza del destino
('The Force of Destiny')
M :
Johann Strauss II : Musical scherzo, Perpetuum Mobile
M :
Anton Bruckner : String Quartet
M :
Johannes Brahms :
Piano Quintet
M :
Hector Berlioz : Opera, Beatrice and Benedict
PH :
King Otto I of Greece resigns after military revolt
ED :
James Bruce: The Holy Roman Empire
ED :
George Rawlinson: The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World
RP :
Herbert Specner: First Principles
ST :
Lion Foucault successfully measures the speed of light
ST :
Helmholtz: The Doctrine of the Sensations of Tones
DL :
Swiss humanist Jean Henri Duanant proposes in his book Souvenir de
Solferinio the foundation of an international Voluntary
relief organisation - the Red Cross
DL :
International Exhibition, London
M :
Frederick Delius born 29 January
VA :
Gustav Klimt born 14 July
M :
Claude Debussy born 22 August
VA :
Arthur Hughes : Ophelia
VA :
Jessie Willcox Smith born
VA :
Alexandre Cabanel : The Birth of Venus
M :
Max Christian Friedrich Bruch : Opera, Die Loreley
M :
Bedrich Smetana : Opera, The Brandenburgers in Bohemia
M :
Giaocchino Antonio Rossini : Petite messe solennelle
('Little Solemn Mass')
M :
Camille Saint-Saëns : Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso
for violin and orchestra
M :
Johannes Brahms :
String Quartet No.2
M :
Georges Bizet : Opera, Les Pêcheurs de perles
('The Pearl Fishers')
VA :
Jean Léon Gérôme : The Dance of the Almeh
VA :
Edouard Manet : Olympia
PH :
Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation    GO !
PH :
Mohammed Said, Khedive of Egypt, dies; succeeded by Ismail
PH :
William, Prince of Denmark, becomes George I, King of Greece
PH :
Civil War breaks out in Afghanistan after the death of Dost Mohammed
PH :
Frederick VII, King of Denmark dies, succeeded by Christian IX
PH :
French capture Mexico City and proclaim Archduke Maximilian of Austria emperor
ED :
S.R. Gardiner: History of England...1603-1642
RP :
T.H. Huxley: Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature
ED :
A.W. Kinglake: The Invasion of Crimea
RP :
Charles Lyell: The Antiquity of Man
RP :
J.S. Mill: Utilitarianism
ED :
University of Mass, Amherst, founded as Mass. Agricultural College
DL :
Ebenezer Butterick develops first paper dress patterns
ST :
Sir Francis Galton: Meteorographica or Methods of Mapping the Weather
ED :
National Academy of Sciences founded Washington, D.C.
ST :
Microstructure of steel discovered leading to development of science of metallurgy
DL :
Grand Prix de Paris first run at Longchamp
DL :
A.F. Nadar makes ascent in his balloon "Le Géant"
DL :
U.S. Congress establishes free city mail delivery
DL :
Roller skating introduced to America
VA :
Eugène Delacroix dies 13 August
VA :
Paul Signac born
M :
Pietro Mascagni born 7 December
VA :
Edvard Munch born 12 December
LT :
Robert Browning: Dramatis Personae
M :
Franz von Suppé : Biographical operetta, Franz Schubert
M :
Max Christian Friedrich Bruch : Cantata, Frithjof
for baritone, female voices and orchestra
M :
Johann Strauss II : Waltz, Morning Papers
M :
Jacques Offenbach : Operetta, La Belle Hélène
M :
Edvard Grieg : Symphony
(subsequently withdrawn by the composer)
M :
Charles-François Gounod : Opera, Mireille
M :
Anton Bruckner : Symphony
in D-minor, known as 'Number 0'
VA :
Jean-Frédéric Bazille : The Pink Dress
VA :
Lord Frederic Leighton : The Painter's Honeymoon
VA :
Lord Frederic Leighton : Golden Hours
VA :
Pierre-Auguste Renoir : La Loge
VA :
Pierre-Auguste Renoir : Portrait of Alfred Sisley
PH :
Peace of Vienna; Denmark cedes Schleswig, Holstein, and Lauenburg to Austria and Prussia
PH :
Abraham Lincoln re-elected President of the U.S.    GO !
PH :
King Maximilian II of Bavaria dies; succeeded by Louis II
DL :
First International Workingmen's Association founded by Karl Marx, London and New York
LT :
Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellscahft founded at Weimar
RP :
Cesare Lombroso: Genius and Madness
RP :
Cardinal Newman: Apologia pro Vita Sua
RP :
Syllabus Errorum issued by Pope Pius Ix: condemns Liberalism, Socialsm, and Rationalism
ST :
Joseph Bertrand: Treatise on Differential and Integral Calculus
ST :
Louis Pasteur invents pasteurisation (for wine)
DL :
Geneva Convention establishes the neutrality of battlefield medical facilities
DL :
Octavia Hill begins London tenement-dwelling reforms
DL :
Knights of Pythias founded, Washington, D.C.
DL :
Neue Freie Presse founded in Vienna
DL :
"In God We Trust" first appears on U.S. coins
LT :
John Clare dies 20 May
M :
Richard Strauss born 11 June
VA :
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec born 24 November
VA :
Gustave Courbet : Woman with a Parrot
VA :
Arthur Hughes : Goodnight
VA :
Arthur Hughes : Sir Galahad
LT :
Walt Whitman: Drum Taps
LT :
Mathew Arnold: Essays in Criticism
VA :
Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas : Madame Valpincon with Chrysanthemums
M :
Franz von Suppé : Operetta, The Beautiful Galathea
M :
Gabriel Urbain Fauré : Song, Après un rêve
('After a Dream')
M :
Antonin Dvorák : Symphony
No.1, 'Bells of Zlonice'
M :
Franz Strauss : Horn concerto
in c minor
PH :
Confederate States of America surrender at Appomattox on 9 April    GO !
PH :
Abraham Lincoln assassinated; succeeded by Andrew Johnson    GO !
PH :
King Leopold I of Belgium dies; succeeded by his son Leopold II
DL :
Thirteenth Amendment to U.S. Constitution abolishes slavery
PH :
Outbreak of war between Boers of Orange Free State and Basutos
RP :
Henri Baudrillart: La Liberté du travail
RP :
W.E.H. Lecky: A History of the Rise and Influence of Rationalism in Europe
RP :
J.S. Mill: Auguste Comte and Positivism
ST :
Line geometry invented (Julius Plücker)
RP :
J.R. Seeley: Ecce Homo
DL :
Atlantic cable finally completed
ST :
Benzene ring theory explains the structure of aromatic compounds
ED :
Mass Institute of Technology, founded
ST :
Gregor Mendel enunciates his Law of Heredity
DL :
Pasteur succeeds in curing silkworm disease, saving the French silk industry
ST :
Ivan M. Sechenov: Reflexes of the Brain, on physiological basis of psychic processes
RP :
Christian Revival Association organised (later the Salvation Army)
DL :
First carpet sweeper comes into use
DL :
Ku Klux Klan founded, Pulaski, Tenn.
DL :
London Metropolitan Fire Service established
DL :
First railroad sleeping cars appear
DL :
San Francisco Examiner and San Francisco Chronicle founded
DL :
First train holdup at North Bend, Ohio
DL :
Edward Whymper climbs the Matterhorn
ED :
First woman (Maria Mitchell) appointed as professor of astronomy, Vassar College
LT :
William Butler Yeats born 13 June
M :
Jean Sibelius born 8 December
VA :
Claude Monet : The Women in the Garden
LT :
Christina Rossetti: Prince's Progress and Other Poems
VA :
Gustave Courbet : A Thicket of Deer at the Stream of Plaisir-Fontaine
VA :
Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones : The Lament
M :
Franz von Suppé : Operetta, Light Cavalry
M :
Giuseppe Verdi : Opera, Don Carlos
(later revised)
Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky : Songs
'The Seminarist', 'Darling Savishna'
M :
Franz Liszt : Années de Pèlerinage
Book III
M :
Anton Bruckner : Symphony
M :
Léo Delibes : Ballet, La Source
also known as Naila
M :
Georges Bizet : Opera, La joie fille de Perth
VA :
Claude Monet : Jeanne-Marguerite Lecadre
PH :
Alexander Xuza, Prince of Rumania, dethroned; succeeded by Karl, Prince of Hohenzollern, as King Carol I
PH :
Treaty of Vienna ends Austro-Ital. war
PH :
Revolts in Crete against Turkish rule
ED :
Pierre Larousse: Grand dictionnaire universel du XIX siècle
RP :
Friedrich Lange: History of Materialism
RP :
American Evangelical Alliance founded
ST :
Aeronautical Society of Great Britain founded
ST :
Ernst Haeckel: General Morphology (fundamental law of biogenetics)
ST :
Dynamite invented
ST :
Underwater torpedo invented
DL :
"Black Friday" on London Stock Exchange
DL :
Dr. T.J. Barnardo opens his first home for destitute children at Stepney, London
M :
Erik Satie born 17 May
VA :
Wassily Kandinsky born in Moscow
LT :
Walt Whitman: Democratic Vistas I
LT :
Mathew Arnold: On the Study of Celtic Literature
M :
Jules Massenet : Opera, La Grand'tante
('The Great Aunt')
M :
Franz von Suppé : Operetta, The Jolly Robbers
M :
Richard Wagner : Opera, Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg
('The Mastersingers of Nuremberg')
VA :
Sir Adolph William Bouguereau : Art and Literature
M :
Johann Strauss II : Waltzes, The Blue Danube and An Artist's Life
M :
Bedrich Smetana : Opera, Dalibor
M :
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov : 'Symphonic Picture', Sadko
(later revised as an opera)
M :
Jacques Offenbach : Operetta, La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein
M :
Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky : Song
'Gathering Mushrooms'
M :
Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky : St John's Night on the Bare Mountain
for orchestra (later revised by Rimsky and Mussorgsky)
M :
Franz Liszt : Oratorio, Christus
M :
Edvard Grieg : Lyric Pieces
for Piano, Book I
M :
Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin : Symphony
VA :
Jean-Frédéric Bazille : The Artist's Family on a Terrace near Montpellier
VA :
Edouard Manet : The Execution
VA :
Ernest Meissonier : Information:
VA :
Alfred Sisley : Avenue of Chestnut Trees Near Le Celle St. Cloud
VA :
Gavin Hamilton : The Oath of Brutus
VA :
William Holman Hunt : Self Portrait
DL :
The Queensberry Rules, by John Graham Chambers of the London Amateur Athletic Club
PH :
Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy created by "Ausgleich"; Francis Joseph I crowned King of Hungary at Budapest
PH :
Brit. Parliamentary Reform Act
ST :
Discovery of S. African diamond field
ED :
E.A. Freeman: History of the Norman Conquest
PH :
Fenian outrages in Ireland and in Manchester
ST :
Gold discovered in Wyoming
ST :
Livingstone explores Congo
RP :
Marx: Das Kapital, vol. I
PH :
N. German Confederation founded
PH :
Napoleon III withdraws his support from Maximilian in Mexico; Maximilian executed
VA :
Paris World's Fair introduces Japanese art to the West
DL :
Pierre Michaux begins to manufacture bicycles
RP :
Pope Pius IX, on the 18th centenary of the St. Peter and St. Paul, announces his intention to hold an ecumenical council
LT :
Reclams Universal Bibliothek, first of all paperback series, founded at Leipzig
RP :
Walter Bagehot: The English Constitution
VA :
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres dies 14 January
VA :
Arthur Rackham born
VA :
Pierre-Etienne-Théodore Rousseau dies 22 December
VA :
Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas : The Rape
VA :
Edouard Manet : The Balcony
VA :
Jean-François Millet : Spring
VA :
Dante Gabriel Rossetti : La Pia de'Tolomei
LT :
Walt Whitman: Democratic Vistas II
LT :
Robert Browning: The Ring and the Book
VA :
Gustave Courbet : The Source
VA :
Alexandre Cabanel : The Fallen Angel
M :
Max Christian Friedrich Bruch : Violin Concerto
No.1 in G-minor
M :
Johann Strauss II : Polka, Thunder and Lightning
M :
Johann Strauss II : Waltz, Tales from the Vienna Woods
M :
Camille Saint-Saëns : Piano Concerto
M :
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov : Symphony
No.2, 'Antar' (later revised as an 'Oriental Suite')
M :
Jacques Offenbach : Operetta, La Périchole
M :
Edvard Grieg : Piano Concerto
in A-minor
M :
Anton Bruckner : Mass
No.3, for solo voices, chorus and orchestra
M :
Johannes Brahms :
A German Requiem
VA :
Jean-Frédéric Bazille : View of the Village
VA :
Lord Frederic Leighton : Acme and Septimius
VA :
Lord Frederic Leighton : Jonathon's Token to David
RP :
A.H. Stephens: A Constitutional View of the War between the States
ED :
Aust. schools freed from Church control
RP :
Bakunin founds Alliance internationale de la démocratie sociale
ST :
Charles Darwin: The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication
VA :
Development of French impressionist style
DL :
Earliest recorded bicycle race at the Parc de St. Cloud, Paris
RP :
Ernst Haeckel: Natural History of Creation
PH :
King Michael III of Serbia assassinated; succeeded by Milan IV
PH :
Revolution in Spain; Queen Isabella II is deposed and flees to France
PH :
Shogun Kekei of Japan abdicates; shogunate abolished; Meiji dynasty restored
ST :
Skeleton of Cro-Magnon man from Upper Paleolithic age found in France
DL :
The game of badminton devised at the Kuke of Beaufort's residence, Badminton Hall, Gloucestershire
PH :
U.S. President Johnson impeached for violating Tenure-of-Office Act but acquitted by Senate    GO !
DL :
Whitaker's Almanack appears in England
DL :
14th Amendment to U.S. Constitution prohibits voting discrimination, denies government office to certain Civil War rebels, and repudiates Confederate war debts
M :
Giaocchino Antonio Rossini dies 13 November
VA :
Berthe Morisot : The Mother and Sister of the Artist
LT :
Alfred, Lord Tennyson: The Holy Grail and Other Poems
LT :
Mathew Arnold: Culture and Anarchy
M :
Anton Grigoryevich Rubinstein : Oratorio, Der Turm zu Babel
('The Tower of Babel')
M :
Pyotr Tchaikovsky : Song, None But the Lonely Heart
M :
Pyotr Tchaikovsky : Overture fantasy, Romeo and Juliet
M :
Arthur Sullivan : Oratorio, The Prodigal Son
M :
Johannes Brahms :
Hungarian Dances for piano duet
VA :
Pierre-Auguste Renoir : Le Grenouillere
DL :
British debtors' prisons are abolished
ST :
Celluloid invented
RP :
Eduard Hartmann: The Philosophy of the Unconscious
DL :
First Nihilist Congress meets at Basel, Switzerland
DL :
First postcards introduced in Austria
ST :
Francis Galton: Hereditary Genius, pioneering treatise on eugenics
PH :
General Grant inaugurated as President of the U.S.    GO !
ED :
Girton College, Cambridge, founded
RP :
J.S. Mill: On the Subjection of Women
RP :
Mathew Arnold: Culture and Anarchy
ST :
Mendeleyev formulates his periodic law for the classification of the elements
DL :
Opening of Suez Canal by Empress Eugénie
PH :
Parliamentary system reintroduced in France
PH :
U.S. National Prohibition Party formed in Chicago
RP :
W.E.H. Lecky: A History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlesmagne
RP :
Walter Bagehot: Physics and Politics, etx.
M :
Hector Berlioz dies 8 March
M :
Louis Moreau Gottschalk dies 18 December
LT :
Edwin A Robinson born 22 December
VA :
Henri Matisse born
LT :
Walt Whitman: Passage to India
LT :
Christina Rossetti: Commonplace and Other Short Stories
LT :
Dante Gabriel Rossetti: Poems
LT :
William Blake: Hesiod
M :
Giuseppe Verdi : Opera, Aida
M :
Arthur Sullivan : Overture di ballo
M :
Johann Strauss II : Waltz, Vienna Blood
M :
Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky : Song-cycle, The Nursery
M :
Léo Delibes : Ballet, Coppélia
VA :
Jean-Frédéric Bazille : The Artist's Studio
VA :
Sir John Everett Millais : The Knight Errant
ED :
Dictionary of American Biography issued for the first time
PH :
Bismarck's "Ems Telegram"
PH :
End of Red River Rebellion; Manitoba becomes Canadian province
RP :
First Vatican Council promulgates the dogma of papal infallibility
M :
Founding of Société Nationale de Musique, France
ST :
Heinrich Schliemann begins to excavate Troy
PH :
Isabella of Spain abdicates in favour of Alfonso XII
ED :
Keble College, Oxford, founded
PH :
Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern accepts Span. throne but is forced to withdraw by the head of the House of Hohenzollern, King William I, following Fr. protest
PH :
Revolt in Paris and proclamation of the Third Republic
ST :
T.H. Huxley: Theory of Biogenesis
DL :
W. G. Grace and his brothers found the Gloucester Cricket Club
M :
Franz Lehár born 30 April
VA :
Frederick Maxfield Parrish born 25 July
LT :
Thomas Hardy: Desperate Remedies
LT :
Mathew Arnold: Friendship's Garland
M :
Richard Wagner : Opera, Siegfried
M :
Arthur Sullivan : Hymn,
'Onward Christian Soldiers'
M :
Arthur Sullivan : The Merchant of Venice,
incidental music