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Decrees of Æthelbert

Þis syndon Þa domas, Þe Æðlbihrt asette on Augustinus dæge.
  1. Godes feoh 7 ciricean XII. gylde. Biscopes feoh XI. gylde. Preostes feoh IX. gylde. Diacones feoh VI. gylde. Cleroces feoh III. gylde. Ciricfriþ II. gylde. Mæthl friþ II. gylde.
  2. Gif cyning his leode to him gehateþ 7 heom mon þær yfel gedo, II. bóte 7 cyninge L. scillinga.
  3. Gif cyning æ mannes ham dincæþ, 7 ðær man lyswæs hwæt gedo, twibote gebete.
  4. Gif frigman cyninge stele, IX. gylde forgylde.
  5. Gif in cyninges tune man mannan ofslea, L. scill' gebete.
  6. Gif man frigne mannan ofsleahþ, cyninge L. scill' to drihtinbeage.
  7. Gif cyninges ambihtsmið oþþe laadrincmannan ofslehð, meduman leodgelde forgelde.
  8. Cyninges mundbyrd L. scillinga.
  9. Gif frigman freum stelþ, III. gebete, 7 cyning age þæt wite 7 ealle þa æhtan.
  10. Gif man wið cyninges mægdenman geligeþ, L. scillinga gebete.
  11. Gif hio grindende þeowa sio, XXV. scillinga gebete. Sio þridde XII. scillingas.
  12. Cyninges fedesl XX. scillinga forgelde.
  13. Gif on eorles tune man manna ofslæhþ, XII. scill' gebete.
  14. Gif wið eorles birele man geligeþ, XII. scill' gebete.
  15. Ceorles mundbyrd VI. scillingas.
  16. Gif wið ceorles birelan man geligeþ,VI. scillingum gebete; aet þære oþere ðeowan L. scætta; aet þare þriddan XXX. scætta.
  17. Gif man in mannes tún ærest geirneþ, VI. scillingum gebete; se þe æfter irneþ III. scillingas; siððan gehwylc scilling.
  18. Gif man mannan wpnum bebyreþ ðær ceas weorð, 7 man nænig yfel ne gedeþ, VI. scillingum gebete.
  19. Gif wegreaf sy gedón, VI. scillingum gebete.
  20. Gif man þone man ofslæhð, XX. scillingum gebete.
  21. Gif man mannan ofslæhð, medume leodgeld C. scillinga gebete.
  22. Gif man mannan ofslæhð, æt openum græfe XX. scillinga forgelde, 7 in XL. nihta ealne leod forgelde.
  23. Gif bana of lande gewiteþ, ða magas healfne leod forgelden.
  24. Gif man frigne man gebindeþ, XX. scill' gebete.
  25. Gif man ceorlæs hlafætan ofslæhð, VI. scillingum gebete.
  26. Gif læt ofslæhð, þone selestan LXXX. scll' forgelde; gif þane oþerne ofslæhð, LX. scillingum forgelde; ðane þriddan XL. scilling forgelde.
  27. Gif friman edorbrecþe gedeþ, VI. scillingum gebete.
  28. Gif man inne feoh genimeþ, se man III. gelde gebete.
  29. Gif friman edor gegangeð, IIII. scillingum gebete.
  30. Gif man mannan ofslea, agene scæ 7 unfacne feo gehwilce gelde.
  31. Gif friman wið fries mannes wif geligeþ, his wergelde abicge, 7 oðer wif his agenum scætte begete 7 ðæm oðrum æt ham gebrenge.
  32. Gif man rihthamscyld þurhstinð, mi weorðe forgelde.
  33. Gif feaxfang geweorð, mid weorðe forgelde.
  34. Gif banes blice weorðeþ, III. scillingum gebete.
  35. Gif banes bite weorð, IIII. scillingum gebete.
  36. Gif sio uterre hion gebrocen worðeþ, X. scillingum gebete.
  37. Gif butu sien, XX. scillingum gebete.
  38. Gif eaxle gelæmed weorþð, XXX. scill' gebete.
  39. Gif oþer eare nowiht gehereð, XXV. scill' gebete.
  40. Gif eare of weorð aslagen, XII. scill' gebete.
  41. Gif eare þirel weorðeþ, III. scill' gebete.
  42. Gif eare sceard weorðeþ, VI. scill' gebete.
  43. Gif eage of weorð, L. scillinga gebete.
  44. Gif muð oþþe eage woh weorðeþ, XII. scill' gebete.
  45. Gif nasu ðyrel weorð, VIIII. scillingum gebete.
  46. Gif hit sio an hleore, III. scill' gebete.
  47. Gif butu ðyrele sien, VI. scill' gebete.
  48. Gif nasu ælcor sceard weorð, gehwylc VI. scill' gebete.
  49. Gif ðirel weorþ, VI. scill' gebete.
  50. Se þe cinban forslæhð, mid XX. scillingum forgelde.
  51. Þt þam feower toðum fyrestum, æt gehwylcum VI. scillingas; se toþ se þanne bistandeþ IIII. scill'; se ðe ðonne bi ðam standeþ III. scill'; ond þonne siþþan gehwylc scilling.
  52. Gif spræc awyrd weorþ, XII. scillingas
    • &sec;1. Gif widobane gebroced weorðeþ, VI. scill' gebete.
  53. Se þe earm þurhstinð, VI. scillingum gebete.
    • Gif earm forbrocen weorð, VI. scill' gebete
  54. Gif þuman ofaslæhð, XX. scillingum gebete.
    • §1. Gif ðuman nægl of weorðeþ, III. scill gebete.
    • §2. Gif man scytefinger ofaslæhð, VIIII. scill' gebete
    • §3. Gif man middelfinger ofaslæhð, IIII. scill' gebete.
    • §4. Gif man goldfinger ofaslæhð, VI scill' gebete.
    • §5. Gif man þone lytlan finger ofaslæhð, XI. scill' gebete.
  55. Æt þam neglum gehwylcum scilling.
  56. Æt þam lærestan wlitewamme III. scillingas ond æt þam maran VI. scill'.
  57. Æt Gif man oþerne mid fyste in naso slæhð, III. scill'.
  58. Gif dynt sie, scilling
    • §1. Gif he heahre handa dyntes onfehð, scill' forgelde.
  59. Gif dynt sweart sie buton wædum, XXX. scætta gebete.
  60. Gif hit sie binnan wædum, XX. scætta gebete..
  61. Gif hrifwund weorðeþ, XII. scill' gebete.
    • §1. Gif he þurhðirel weorðeþ, XX. scill' gebete.
  62. Gif man gegemed weorðep, XXX. scill' gebete.
  63. Gif man cearwund sie, XXX. scill' gebete.
  64. Gif man gekyndelice lim awyrdeþ, þrym leudgeldum hine man forgelde.
    • §1. Gif he þurhstinð, VI. scill' gebete.
    • §2. Gif man inbestinð, VI. scill' gebete.
  65. Gif þeoh gebrocen weorðeþ, XII. scillingum gebete.
    • §1. Gif he healt weorð, þær motan freond seman.
  66. Gif rib forbrocen weorð, III. scill' gebete.
  67. Gif man þeoh ðurhstingþ, stice gehwilce VI. scillingas.
    • §1. Gyfe ofer ynce scilling, æt twam yncum twegen, ofer þry III. scll'.
  68. Gif wælt wund weorðeþ, III. scillingas gebete.
  69. Gif fot of weorðeþ, L. scillingum forgelde.
  70. Gif seo micle ta of weorðeþ, X. scll' forgelde.
  71. Æt þam oðrum taum gehwilcum healf gelde, ealswa æt þam fingrum ys cwiden.
  72. Gif þare mycclan taan nægl of weorþeð, XXX. scætta to bote.
    • §1. Æt þam oþrum gehwilcum X. scættas gebete.
  73. Gif friwif locbore leswðs hwðt gedþ, XXX. scll' gebete.
  74. Mægþbot sy swa friges mannes.
  75. Mund þare betstan widuwan eorlcundre L. scillinga gebete.
    • §1. Ðare oþare XX. scll, ðare þriddan XII. scll', þare feorðan VI. sclll'.
  76. Gif man widuwan unagne geimeþ, II. gelde seo mund sy.
  77. Gif mon mægþ gebiged, ceapi geceapod sy, gif hit unfacne is.
    • Gif hit þonne facne is, eft þær æt ham gebrenge, 7 him man scæt agefe.
  78. Gif hio cwic bearn gebyreþ, healfne scæt age, gif ceorl ær swylteþ.
  79. Gif mid bearnum bugan wille, healfne scæt age, gif ceorl æ swylteþ.
  80. Gif ceorl agan wile, swa an bearn.
  81. Gif hio bearn ne gebyreþ, fæderingmagas fioh agan 7 morgengyfe.
  82. Gif man mæþmon nede genimeþ: ðam agende L. scillinga 7 eft æt þam agende sinne willan ætgebicge.
  83. Gif hio oþrum mæn in sceat bewyddod sy, XX. scillinga gebete.
  84. Gif gængang geweorðeþ, XXXV. scill' 7 cyninge XV. scillingas.
  85. Gif man mid esne cwynan geligeþ be cwicum ceorle, II. gebete.
  86. Gif esne oþerne ofslea unsynnigne, ealne weorðe forgelde.
  87. Gif esnes eage 7 foot of weorðeþ aslagen, ealne weorðe hine forgelde.
  88. Gif man mannes esne gebindeþ, VI. scll' gebete.
  89. Ðeowæs wegreaf se III. scillingas.
  90. Gif þeo steleþ, II. gelde gebete.
These are the decrees which King Æthelberht established in the lifetime of Augustine.
  1. [Theft of] God’s property and the Church's shall be compensated twelve fold; a bishop's property eleven fold; a priest's property nine fold; a deacon's property six fold; a clerk's property three fold. Breach of the peace shall be compensated doubly when it affects a church or a meeting place.
  2. If the king calls his lieges to him, and anyone molests them there, he shall pay double compensation, end 50 shillings to the king.
  3. If the king is feasting at anyone’s house, and any sort of offence is committed there, twofold compensation shall be paid.
  4. If a freeman robs the king, he shall pay back a nine fold amount.
  5. If one man slays another on the king's premises, he shall pay 50 shillings compensation.
  6. If a men slays a free man, he shall pay 50 shillings to the king for infraction of his seignorial rights.
  7. If [he] slays a smith in the king's service, or a messenger belonging to the king, he shall pay an ordinary wergeld.
  8. The king's mundbyrd shall be 50 shillings.
  9. If a freeman robs a freeman, he shall pay a three fold compensation, and the king shall take the fine, or all [the man's] goods.
  10. If a man lies with a maiden belonging to the king, he shall pay 50 shillings compensation.
  11. If she is a grinding slave, he shall pay 25 shillings compensation. [If she is of the] third [class], [he shall pay] 12 shillings compensation.
  12. 20 shillings shall be paid for killing a fedesl belonging to the king.
  13. If one man slays another on the premises of a nobleman, he shall pay 12 shillings compensation.
  14. If a man lies with a nobleman's serving maid, he shall pay 12 shillings compensation.
  15. A commoner's mundbyrd shall be 6 shillings.
  16. If a man lies with a commoners serving maid, he shall pay 6 shillings compensation; [if he lies] with a slave of the second class, [he shall pay] 50 sceattas [compensation]; if with one of the third class, 30 sceattas.
  17. If a man is the first to make [forcible] entry into another man's premises, he shall pay 6 shillings compensation. He who comes next shall pay 3 shillings compensation; and afterwards each one shall pay a shilling.
  18. If one man supplies another with weapons when a quarrel is taking place, no injury however being inflicted, he [the lender] shall pay 6 shillings compensation.
  19. If highway robbery is perpetrated [with the aid of those weapons], [the lender] shall pay 6 shillings compensation.
  20. If the man is slain, [the lender of the weapons] shall pay 20 shillings compensation.
  21. If one man slays another, the ordinary wergeld to he paid as compensation shall be 100 shillings.
  22. If one man slays another, he shall pay 20 shillings before the grave is closed, and the whole of the wergeld within 40 days.
  23. If a homicide departs from the country, his relatives shall pay half the wergeld.
  24. If a man lays bonds on a freeman, he shall pay 20 shillings compensation.
  25. If a man slays the dependant of a commoner, he shall pay [the commoner] 6 shillings compensation.
  26. If he slays a læt of the best class, he shall pay 80 shillings; if he slays one of the second class, he shall pay 60 shillings; [for slaying one of] the third class, he shall pay 40 shillings.
  27. If a freeman breaks the fence round [another men's] enclosure, he shall pay 6 shillings‘ compensation.
  28. If any property be seized therein, the man shall pay a three fold compensation.
  29. If a freeman makes his way into a fenced enclosure, he shall pay 4 shillings compensation.
  30. If one men slays another, he shall pay the wergeld with his own money and property (i.e. livestock or other goods) which whatever its nature must he free from blemish [or damage].
  31. If [one], freeman lies with the wife of [another] freeman, he shall pay [the husband] his [or her] wergeld, and procure a second wife with his own money, and bring her to the other man's home.
  32. If anyone damages the enclosure of a dwelling, he shall pay according to its value.
  33. For seizing a man by the hair, 50 sceattas shall he paid as compensation.
  34. If a bone is laid bare, 3 shillings shall he paid as compensation.
  35. If a bone is damaged, 41 shillings shall be paid as compensation.
  36. If the outer covering of the skull is broken, 10 shillings shall be paid as compensation.
  37. If both are broken, 20 shillings shall be paid as compensation.
  38. If a shoulder is disabled, 30 shillings shall be paid as compensation.
  39. If the hearing of either ear is destroyed, 25 shillings shall be paid as compensation.
  40. If an ear is struck off, 12 shillings shall be paid as compensation.
  41. If an ear is pierced, 3 shillings shall be paid as compensation.
  42. If an ear is lacereted, 6 shillings shall he paid as compensation.
  43. If an eye is knocked out, 50 shillings shall he paid as compensation.
  44. If the mouth or an eye is disfigured, 12 shillings shall be paid as compensation.
  45. If the nose is pierced, 9 shillings shall he paid as compensation.
  46. If it is one cheek, 3 shillings shall be paid as compensation.
  47. If both are pierced, 6 shillings shall he paid as compensation.
  48. If the nose is lacerated otherwise [than by piercing], 6 shillings shall he paid as compensation, for each laceration.
  49. If it is pierced, 6 shillings shall be paid as compensation.
  50. He who smashes a chin bone, shall pay for it with 20 shillings.
  51. For each of the 4 front teeth, 6 shillings [shall he paid as compensation]; for each of the teeth which stand next to these, 4 shillings [shall he paid as compensation]; then for each tooth which stands next to them, 3 shillings [shall he paid as compensation]; and beyond that 1 shilling [shall he paid as compensation] for each tooth.
  52. If the power of speech is injured, 12 shillings [shall he paid as compensation].
    • §1. If a collar bone is injured, 6 shillings shall be paid as compensation.
  53. He who pierces an arm shall pay 6 shillings compensation.
    • §1. If an arm is broken, 6 shillings shall he paid as compensation.
  54. If a thumb is struck off, 20 shillings [shall he paid as compensation].
    • §1. If a thumb nail is knocked off, 3 shillings shall he paid as compensation.
    • §2. If a man strikes off a forefinger, he shall pay 9 shillings compensation.
    • §3. If a man strikes off a middle finger, he shall pay 4 shillings compensation.
    • §4. If a man strikes off a 'ring finger,' he shall pay 6 shillings compensation.
    • §5. If a man strikes off a little finger, he shall pay 11 shillings compensation.
  55. For the nails of each [of the above-mentioned fingers], 1 shilling [shall he paid as compensation].
  56. For the slightest disfigurement, 3 shillings, and for a greater 6 shillings [shall he paid as compensation].
  57. If one man strikes another on the nose with his fist, 3 shillings [shall he paid as compensation].
  58. If it leaves a bruise, 1 shilling [shall be paid as compensation].
    • §1. If the blow is received with uplifted hand, a shilling shall be paid.
  59. If it leaves a black bruise [showing] outside the clothes, 30 sceattas shall be paid as compensation.
  60. If it [the bruise] is under the clothes, 20 sceattas shall be paid as compensation for each [bruise].
  61. If the belly is wounded, 12 shillings shall be paid as compensation.
    • §1. If it be pierced through, 20 shillings shall be paid as compensation.
  62. If a man receives medical treatment, 30 shillings shall be paid as compensation.
  63. If a man is severely(?) wounded, 30 shillings shall be paid as compensation.
  64. If anyone destroys the generative organ, he shall pay for it with three times the wergeld.
    • §1. If he pierces it right through, he shall pay 6 shillings compensation.
    • §2. If he pierces it partially, he shall pay 6 shillings compensation.
  65. If a thigh is broken, 12 shillings shall be paid as compensation.
    • §1. If he becomes lame, the settlement of the matter may be left to friends.
  66. If a rib is broken, 3 shillings shall be paid as compensation.
  67. If a thigh is pierced right through, 6 shillings compensation shall be paid for each stab [of this kind].
    • §1. For a stab over an inch [deep], 1 shilling; for a stab between 2 and 3 inches [deep], 2 shillings; for a stab over 3 inches [deep], 3 shillings [shall be paid as compensation].
  68. If a sinew is wounded, 3 shillings shall be paid as compensation.
  69. If a foot is struck off, 50 shillings shall be paid for it.
  70. If the big toe is struck off, 10 shillings shall be paid for it.
  71. For each of the other toes, [a sum] equal to half that laid down for the corresponding fingers shall be paid.
  72. If the nail of the big toe is knocked off, 30 sceattas shall be paid as compensation.
    • §1. 10 sceattes shall be paid as compensation for the loss of each of the other toenails.
  73. If a freeborn woman, with long hair, misconducts herself, she shall pay 30 shillings as compensation.
  74. Compensation [for injury] to be paid to an unmarried woman, shall be on the same scale as that paid to a freeman.
  75. The compensation to be paid for violation of the mund of a widow of the best class, [that is, of a widow] of the nobility, shall be 50 shillings.
    • §l. For violation of the mund of a widow of the second class, 20 shillings; of the third class, 12 shillings; of the fourth class, 6 shillings.
  76. If a man takes a widow who does not [of right] belong to him, double the value of the mund shall be paid.
  77. If a man buys a maiden, the bargain shall stand, if there is no dishonesty.
    • §1. If however there is dishonesty, she shall be taken back to her home, and the money shall he returned to him.
  78. If she bears at living child, she shall have half the goods left by her husband, if he dies first.
  79. If she wishes to depart with her children, she shall have half the goods.
  80. If the husband wishes to keep [the children], she shall have a share of the goods equal to a child's.
  81. If she does not bear a child, [her] father's relatives shall have her goods, and the "morning gift."
  82. If a man forcibly carries off a maiden, [he shall pay] 50 shillings to her owner, and afterwards buy from the owner his consent.
  83. If she is betrothed, at a price, to another man, 20 shillings shall be paid as compensation.
  84. If she is brought back, 35 shillings shall be paid, and 15 shillings to the king.
  85. If a men lies with the woman of a servant, during the lifetime of the husband, he shall pay a twofold compensation.
  86. If one servant, slays another, who has committed no offence, he shall pay his full value.
  87. If the eye and foot of a servant are destroyed [by blows], his full value shall be paid.
  88. If a man lays bonds on another man's servant, he shall pay 6 shillings compensation.
  89. The sum to be paid for robbing a slave on the highway shall be 3 shillings.
  90. If a slave steals, he shall pay twice the value [of the stolen goods], as compensation.

Preserved in the collection of Anglo-Saxon law known as the Textus Roffensis (Rochester Cathedral Library MS A. 3. 5)

Terms Defined

Referenced Works