1752 | June 21 - French attack Fort Pickawillany, most of the English traders taken prisoner |
1753 | Autumn - Virginia’s Lieutenant Governor Dinwiddie sends G.Washington with a letter to the French commander (Captain Jacques Legardeur de St. Pierre) at Fort LeBeouf, demanding that the French abandon territory allegedly belonging to the English; Dinwiddie’s demand is declined |
1754 | Spring - Members of the Ohio Company begin work on a fortification near [present day] Pittsburgh, PA |
1754 | April - French troops evict the English from their incomplete fort and begin building Fort Duquesne |
1754 | 28 May - Battle of Jumonville Glen: Washington defeats French party under Ensign Coulon de Jumonville, then retreats and begins building Fort Necessity |
1754 | 3 July - Siege of Fort Necessity; Washington surrenders to Coulon de Villiers, signs articles of capitulation |
1755 | 14 April - English Brigadier General Edward Braddock arrives in Virginia with two regiments of English regulars, begins plans to march on Fort Duquesne |
1755 | May - France counters by sending six battalions to America |
1755 | 6 June - Battle of the Grand Banks; Britain's Admiral Boscawen tries to intercept these six French battalions off Newfoundland, he captures only two |
1755 | 4-15 June - Siege and capture of Fort Beauséjour [in present day New Brunswick], nearby Fort Gaspereau is abandoned by its French garrison |
1755 | 4 July - British begin deportating the French from Acadia |
1755 | 9 July - Battle of the Monongahela, PA; English under Braddock defeated and Colonel George Washington assumes temporary command as they retreat back to Virginia |
1755 | Summer - Shirley fails at Fort Niagara |
1755 | 8 September - Battle of Lake George, NY; Johnson victorious |
1755 | October - Expulsion of the French inhabitants of Acadia begins |
1756 | 27 March - French troops under Lt. Chaussegros De Lery attack Fort Bull (English fort in central New York) |
1756 | 12 May - The Marquis Louis Joseph de Montcalm (new commander of New France) arrives in Quebec with reinforcements |
1756 | 18 May - Britain and France halt negotiations, Seven Years' War begins as Britain declares war on France |
1756 | 3 July - Ambush of division under John Bradstreet, at Oswego, New York by Canadians and Indians |
1756 | 23 July - New English commander, John Campbell Earl of Loudoun, arrives in North America |
1756 | 14-15 August - Siege of Oswego: Montcalm takes Fort Oswego this English outpost on Lake Ontario; the French now control Lake Ontario |
1756 | 9 September - Battle of Kittaning: Armstrong leads a successful raid against Delaware Indian camp - war chief Captain Jacobs is killed |
1757 | 21 January - First Battle on Snowshoes; Rogers, with 73 men, is ousted by twice that many French |
1757 | Mid March - Pierre François de Rigaud leads an unsuccessful raid on Fort William Henry |
1757 | 26 July - Battle of Sabbath Day Point, 3/4 of Colonel John Parker’s New Jersey Regiment is killed or captured |
1757 | 9 August - Marquis De Montcalm besieges and takes Fort William Henry |
1757 | 4 December - William Pitt named British war minister |
1757 | 30 December - The Earl of Loudoun is replaced by General James Abercrombie |
1758 | 13 March - Second Battle on Snowshoes; Rogers loses 129 (killed or missing) out of 184, French lose only 30 |
1758 | 8-26 June - Siege of Louisbourg: The French, under Chevalier de Drucour, surrender this fortress on Cape Breton Island |
1758 | Early July - English Brigadier General John Forbes begins his campaign to take Fort Duquesne [present day Pittsburgh] from the French |
1758 | 8 July - Battle of Ticonderoga: English under Abercromby are repulsed at Fort Carillon |
1758 | 27 July - Amherst takes Louisbourg |
1758 | 27 August - Raid on Fort Frontenac: Bradstreet captures this French outpost assuring English control of Lake Ontario |
1758 | 14 September - Battle of Grant’s Hill: English army under Major Grant attacks a group of French Indian Allies near Fort Duquesne; Grant is taken prisoner and 273 English troops are killed, captured, or missing |
1758 | 12 October - Battle of Fort Ligonier: 600 French and Indians unsuccessfully attack this fort garrisoned by Colonel James Burd |
1758 | 25 November - Occupation of Fort Duquesne by Forbes (which has been abandoned and burned by the French), construction begins on Fort Pitt |
1759 | 26 June - Siege and capture of Fort Niagara: Johnson defeats the French under Captain Pouchot, who surrenders on 25 July |
1759 | 27 June - Siege of Québec begins, the city yields to the English on 17 September |
1759 | 22 July - Fort Carillon [Ticonderoga] abandoned by the French to the English General Jeffrey Amherst
1759 | 24 July - 1300 French and Indians under Colonel Ligneris are annihilated at La Belle Famille |
1759 | 31 July - Battle of Montmorency Gorge: General Wolfe’s men at Quebec are repulsed by Montcalm |
1759 | 13 September - Battle of the Plains of Abraham: Quebec (under Montcalm) capitulates to Wolfe's forces after 4 days, both Montcalm and Wolfe are mortally wounded |
1759 | 4 October - Rogers' Rangers raid St. Francis Abenaki |
1760 | 27 April - Battle of Sainte Foy: General de Lévis defeats the English under General Murray |
1760 | 16 May - English reinforcements force the French to break off their siege of Quebec and retreat to Montreal |
1760 | 19-31 August - Siege of Fort Lévis: French fort under Captain Pouchot [Ogdensburg, NY] surrenders to English General Jeffrey Amherst |
1760 | 8 September - French Governor Vaudreuil surrenders Montreal (and all of New France) to the English under General Jeffrey Amherst |
1762 | 24 June - Capture of St. John’s: French force under the Chevalier de Ternay and the Comte d’Haussonville takes this English post in Newfoundland |
1762 | 13 September - Colonel William Amherst leads English expeditionary force to St. John’s |
1762 | 15 September - Battle of Signal Hill: Amherst’s troops attempt to re-capture St. John’s |
1762 | 18 September - The French at St. John's are forced to surrender |
1763 | 10 February - England, Spain, and France sign the Treaty of Paris |