- Ammianus Marcellinus
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Ammianus Marcellinus
Roman History
Roman History - Book XVI.

I. A panegyric of Julian the Caesar.
II. Julian attacks and defeats the Allemanni.
III. He recovers Cologne, which had been taken by the Franks, and concludes a peace with the king of the Franks.
IV. He is besieged in the city of Sens by the Allemanni.
V. His virtues.
VI. The prosecution and acquittal of Arbetio.
VII. The Caesar Julian is defended before the emperor by his chamberlain Eutherius against the accusations of Marcellus.
VIII. Calumnies are rife in the camp of the Emperor Constantius, and the courtiers are rapacious.
IX. The question of peace with the Persians.
X. The triumphal entry of Constantius into Rome.
XI. Julian attacks the Allemanni in the islands of the Rhine in which they had taken refuge, and repairs the fort of Saverne.
XI. Julian attacks the Allemanni in the islands of the Rhine in which they had taken refuge, and repairs the fort of Saverne.
XII. He attacks the kings of the Allemanni on the borders of Gaul, and defeats them at Strasburg.

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