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A History of Diplomacy in the International Development of Europe: Vol I The Struggle for Universal Empire
- Authorities
by David Jayne Hill, LL.D.

In addition to the collections of documents already named, for the present chapter, see Böhmer, Regesta Chronologica-diplomatica Regum atque Imperatorum Romanorum inde a Conrado I usque ad Henricum V (911-1313), Frankfort, 1831; Böhmer-Ottenthal, Regesta Imperii (919- 1024); the Jahrbücher des deutschen Reichs, edited by Breslau, Hirsch, Köpke, and Waitz for the reigns included in this chapter; Ficker, Forschungenngn zur Reichs- und Rechtsgeschichte Italiens, Innsbruck, 1868- 1874, and Beiträge zur Urkundenlehre, Innsbruck, 1878; Stumpf, Die Reichskanzler, Innsbruck, 1865, completed by Ficker, 1883. For the Greek writers, see Niebuhr, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, Bonn, 1828-1855. Many Italian documente are found in the Archivio Storico Italiano, first series, Florence, 1842-1854, to which there lea general index.

On the period generally, Giesebrecht, Geschichte der deutschen Kaiserzeit, Braunshweig, 1865-1895; Ranke, Weltgeschichte, Bd. VII, Leipzig, 1886; Niehues, Geschichte des Verhältnisses zwischen Kaiserthum und Papstthum im Mittelalter, Münster, 1877-1887; Sybel, Die deutsche Nation und das Kaiserreich, Düsseldorf, 1862; Ficker, Deutsches Königtum und Kaisertum, Innsbruck, 1862; Bryce, The Holy Roman Empire, London, 1875, new edition, 1904.

On the special relations of the Papacy and the Empire, see Langen, Geschichte der römischen Kirche von Nicolaus I bis Innocenz III, Bonn, 1892; Heinemann, Das Patriziat der deutschen Kônige, Halle, 1888; Seeliger, Erzkanzler und Reichskanzleien, Innsbruck, 1889; Lorenz, Papstwahl und Kaiserthum, Berlin, 1874.

The coronation of Otto I is treated by Diemand, Das Ceremoniell der Kaiserkrönungen von Otto I bis Friedrich II, Munich, 1894. Otto's compact with the Papacy, or "Privilegium of 962," is discussed by Th. Sickel, Das Privilegium Otto I für die römische Kirche vom Jahre 962, Innsbruck, 1883, which contains the original text and facsimile; Bayet, in the Revue Historique, May, 1884, pp. 161, 165; Sackur Das römische Pactum Ottos I in the N. Archiv, Bd. XXV, 1900, pp. 409, 424.

The mission of Liutprand is described by Schlumberger, Un empereur byzantin au Xe siècle, Paris, 1890. The same writer's L'épopée byzantine à la fin du Xe siècle, Paris, 1896, contains an account of the marriage of Otto II and Theophano. Moltmann, Theophano, die Gemahlin Ottos II in ihrer Bedeutung für die Politik Ottos I und Ottos II, Schwerin, 1878, considers the political significance of this marriage.

Matthaei, Die Händel Ottos II mit Lothar von Frankreich (978-980), Halle, 1882, has discussed the invasion of Lotharingia by the King of France, and the revenge of Otto II.


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