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Corpus Juris Civilis
Constitution XVI. Anyone Can Be Created a Subdeacon Who Has Reached His Twentieth Year.

To the Same.

An ancient proverb says that special attention should be given to those who speak of things with which they are familiar; for where they discourse intelligently in general, they discuss subjects of this kind with far greater facility. But what is the application of this? The Civil Law has prescribed that no one under the age of twenty-five years can become a subdeacon; the Canon Law, on the other hand, declares that this can take place at the age of twenty. As the Canon Law has decided with reference to a matter which it is directly concerned, We think that it should have the preference; and in conformity with it, We decree that a subdeacon can be created at the age of twenty years, provided he has not rendered himself unworthy through his conduct up to that time.


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