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War of 1812
(1812 - 1814)

1803Between 1803 and 1812, the British impress approximately 10,000 Americans forcing them to work on British ships
180523 July - British decide in Essex case that American ships who travel between neutral and enemy ports may justifiably be seized
180625 January - James Madison delivers report concerning British interference and impressment of sailors, fueling anti-British feelings
180616 May - British (Fox Blockade) Orders in Council; the British seize approximately 1000 US ships
1806December - James Monroe and William Pinkney negotiate treaty concerning commercial shipping and impressment with Lords Auckland and Holland
1807March - Jefferson receives the Monroe-Pinkney treaty but refuses to submit it to Congress because it carries no guarantee against impressment
1807June - The American ship 'Chesapeake' is fired on by the British ship 'Leopard' after refusing to be boarded
1807December - Jefferson's Embargo Act prohibits U.S. ships from trading with Europe and bans the importation of manufactured goods from Britain
18091 March - Embargo Act repealed, Non-Intercourse Act passed
18101 May - Macon's Bill, No.2
18114 November - War Congress convenes
1812June thru August - Baltimore Riots against anti-war Federalists
181216 June - British Orders in Council Repealed
181218 June - America declares war against the British
18121 July - United States doubles customs duties
181212 July - Hull Enters Canada
181217 July - Fort Michilimackinac Surrenders to the British
18125 August - Battle of Brownstown
18129 August - Battle of Magagua
181215 August - Fort Dearborn Massacre
181216 August - Americans (under Hull) surrender Detroit; U.S. loses Ft. Mackinac
181219 August - The USS 'Constitution' Defeats the HMS 'Guerriere'
181213 October - Battle of Queenston Heights
181218 October - The USS 'Wasp' defeats the HMS 'Frolic'; USS 'Wasp' subsequently captured by the HMS 'Poictiers'
181225 October - The USS 'United States' defeats HMS 'Macedonian'
1812November - British blockade South Carolina and Georgia
181223 November - Americans retreat from eastern Canada
181227 November - Americans attack outlying positions at Fort Erie
18123 December - William Eustis resigns as Secretary of War
181226 December - Great Britain proclaims blockade of Chesapeake and Delaware Bays
181229 December - The USS 'Constitution' Defeats the HMS 'Java', Paul Hamilton resigns as Secretary of the Navy
181312 January - William Jones sworn in as Secretary of the Navy
181321 January - Americans under General Winchester defeated at battle of Raisin River
181322 January - British and Indian allies repel American forces at battle of Frenchtown
181323 January - River Raisin massacre
18135 February - John Armstrong Sworn in as Secretary of War
181324 February - The USS 'Hornet' engages and destroys the British vessel HMS 'Peacock'
181327 March - Oliver Hazard Perry begins construction of Lake Erie Fleet
181330 March - British blockade extended from Long Island to the Mississippi
181315 April - Wilkinson captures Mobile, Alabama; Americans occupy part of west Florida
181327 April - Battle of York (Toronto)
1813First week in May - Siege of Fort Meigs
18133 May - British burn Havre de Grace
181326 May - British blockade additional middle and southern states
181327 May - Americans under Lt. Col. Winfield Scott, capture Fort George
181329 May - British attack and are repulsed at Sacketts Harbor
18131 June - The HMS 'Shannon' defeats the USS 'Chesapeake'
18136 June - American detachment defeated at Stoney Creek
181322 June - Battle of Norfolk
181324 June - Battle of Beaver Dams
181325 June - British attack Hampton
18131 August - British attack Fort Stephenson and are repulsed
18134 August - Perry's fleet enters Lake Erie
18135 August - The privateer 'Decatur' defeats HMS 'Dominica'
181314 August - Capture of the USS 'Brig Argus' by HMS 'Brig Pelican'
18135 September - The HMS 'Boxer' is defeated by the USS 'Enterprise'
181310 September - Battle of Lake Erie, Lake Erie is now an American lake
181327 September - Harrison Lands in Canada
18135 October - Battle of Thames (Ontario, Canada); Tecumseh, the Indian chief, is killed in battle
181316-19 October - Battle of Leipzig
181325-26 October - Battle of Chateaugay
18134 November - Great Britain offers United States direct peace negotiations
181311 November - Americans defeated at Battle of Crysler's Farm
181316 November - British extend blockade to all middle and southern states
181310 December - Fort George evacuated and Newark burned by Americans
181317 December - United States adopts embargo
181318 December - British capture American Fort Niagara and Lewiston
181322 December - British take Fort Schlosser
181330 December - Black Rock and Buffalo destroyed by the British
181428 March - HMS 'Phoebe' and HMS 'Cherub' defeat the USS 'Essex'
181414 April - United States repeals Embargo and Nonimportation Law
181420 April - HMS 'Orpheus' defeats the USS 'Frolic'
181425 April - British extend blockade to New England
181429 April - USS 'Peacock' defeats HMS 'Epervier'
181428 June - The USS 'Wasp II' defeats HMS 'Reindeer'
1814July - British occupy eastern Maine through September
18143 July - Americans capture Fort Erie
18145 July - Battle of Chippewa
181425 July - Battle of Lundy's Lane
18148 August - Great Britain outlines initial peace terms
181413 August - Siege of Fort Erie begins (continues until September 21)
181414 August - British occupy Pensacola
181415 August - Battle of Fort Erie
181419 August - British land near Benedict, Maryland
181424 August - Battle of Bladensburg
181425 August - The British burn Washington, D.C.
181428 August - British capture Alexandria, Virginia
18141 September - USS 'Wasp' sinks HMS 'Avon' off France.
18144 September - Armstrong resigns and Monroe takes over as Secretary of War
181411 September - Battle of Plattsburgh (Lake Champlain)
181412 September - British repulsed at Mobile
181412 September - Battle of North Point
181412 September - USS 'Wasp' captures HMS 'Three Brothers'
181413 September - American forces stop the British advance on Baltimore; British bombard Fort McHenry
181414 September - USS 'Wasp' captures HMS 'Bacchus'
181421 September - USS 'Wasp' captures HMS 'Atlanta'
181426 September - British squadron captures General Armstrong
181421 October - Great Britain offers peace on basis of uti possidetis (Latin "as you possess", allowing nations to retain property they possess at end of war
18145 November - Americans evacuate Fort Erie
18147 November - Jackson seizes Pensacola
181411 November - Jackson returns to Mobile
181422 November - Jackson leaves for New Orleans
181425 November - British fleet sails from Jamaica for New Orleans
181427 November - Great Britain drops the uti possidetis
181414 December - British overwhelm American gunboats on Lake Borgne
181415 December - Hartford Convention: a group of Federalists discuss secession and propose seven amendments to protect the influence of Northeastern states
181423 December - British land their troops below New Orleans
181423 December - General Andrew Jackson attacks in a surprise night battle
181424 December - Treaty of Ghent: British and American diplomats agree to end war on the basis of returning to their prewar conditions
181428 December - United States rejects conscription proposal
181528 January - Battle of New Orleans
18154 February - United States adopts second enemy trade law
181517 February - Ratifications of the Peace Treaty exchanged and President Madison declares the war at an end
Related Articles/Works
War of 1812
Two Years of War
The Constitution and the Guerriere
Perry's Victory on Lake Erie
The Battle of the Thames
The Charge at Lundy's Lane
The Capture and Burning of Washington
The Defence of New Orleans
Presidential Portraits
Jefferson and his Colleagues, A Chronicle of the Virginia Dynasty
Madison's War Message to Congress
The Chesapeake Affair and the Embargo
Chapter XXVI - The War of 1812

Embargo Act of 1807
(December 1807)
Macon's Bill, No.2
(1 May 1810)
An Act to Prohibit American Vessels from Proceeding to or Trading with the Enemies of the United States, and for Other Purposes
(6 July 1812)
An Act to Encourage the Destruction of the Armed Vessels of War of the Enemy
(3 March 1813)
Treaty of Ghent
(24 December 1814)

Related Works
Madison's War Message to Congress