1803 | Between 1803 and 1812, the British impress approximately 10,000 Americans forcing them to work on British ships |
1805 | 23 July - British decide in Essex case that American ships who travel between neutral and enemy ports may justifiably be seized |
1806 | 25 January - James Madison delivers report concerning British interference and impressment of sailors, fueling anti-British feelings |
1806 | 16 May - British (Fox Blockade) Orders in Council; the British seize approximately 1000 US ships |
1806 | December - James Monroe and William Pinkney negotiate treaty concerning commercial shipping and impressment with Lords Auckland and Holland |
1807 | March - Jefferson receives the Monroe-Pinkney treaty but refuses to submit it to Congress because it carries no guarantee against impressment |
1807 | June - The American ship 'Chesapeake' is fired on by the British ship 'Leopard' after refusing to be boarded |
1807 | December - Jefferson's Embargo Act prohibits U.S. ships from trading with Europe and bans the importation of manufactured goods from Britain |
1809 | 1 March - Embargo Act repealed, Non-Intercourse Act passed |
1810 | 1 May - Macon's Bill, No.2 |
1811 | 4 November - War Congress convenes |
1812 | June thru August - Baltimore Riots against anti-war Federalists |
1812 | 16 June - British Orders in Council Repealed |
1812 | 18 June - America declares war against the British |
1812 | 1 July - United States doubles customs duties |
1812 | 12 July - Hull Enters Canada |
1812 | 17 July - Fort Michilimackinac Surrenders to the British |
1812 | 5 August - Battle of Brownstown |
1812 | 9 August - Battle of Magagua |
1812 | 15 August - Fort Dearborn Massacre |
1812 | 16 August - Americans (under Hull) surrender Detroit; U.S. loses Ft. Mackinac |
1812 | 19 August - The USS 'Constitution' Defeats the HMS 'Guerriere' |
1812 | 13 October - Battle of Queenston Heights |
1812 | 18 October - The USS 'Wasp' defeats the HMS 'Frolic'; USS 'Wasp' subsequently captured by the HMS 'Poictiers' |
1812 | 25 October - The USS 'United States' defeats HMS 'Macedonian' |
1812 | November - British blockade South Carolina and Georgia |
1812 | 23 November - Americans retreat from eastern Canada |
1812 | 27 November - Americans attack outlying positions at Fort Erie |
1812 | 3 December - William Eustis resigns as Secretary of War |
1812 | 26 December - Great Britain proclaims blockade of Chesapeake and Delaware Bays |
1812 | 29 December - The USS 'Constitution' Defeats the HMS 'Java', Paul Hamilton resigns as Secretary of the Navy |
1813 | 12 January - William Jones sworn in as Secretary of the Navy |
1813 | 21 January - Americans under General Winchester defeated at battle of Raisin River |
1813 | 22 January - British and Indian allies repel American forces at battle of Frenchtown |
1813 | 23 January - River Raisin massacre |
1813 | 5 February - John Armstrong Sworn in as Secretary of War |
1813 | 24 February - The USS 'Hornet' engages and destroys the British vessel HMS 'Peacock' |
1813 | 27 March - Oliver Hazard Perry begins construction of Lake Erie Fleet |
1813 | 30 March - British blockade extended from Long Island to the Mississippi |
1813 | 15 April - Wilkinson captures Mobile, Alabama; Americans occupy part of west Florida |
1813 | 27 April - Battle of York (Toronto) |
1813 | First week in May - Siege of Fort Meigs |
1813 | 3 May - British burn Havre de Grace |
1813 | 26 May - British blockade additional middle and southern states |
1813 | 27 May - Americans under Lt. Col. Winfield Scott, capture Fort George |
1813 | 29 May - British attack and are repulsed at Sacketts Harbor |
1813 | 1 June - The HMS 'Shannon' defeats the USS 'Chesapeake' |
1813 | 6 June - American detachment defeated at Stoney Creek |
1813 | 22 June - Battle of Norfolk |
1813 | 24 June - Battle of Beaver Dams |
1813 | 25 June - British attack Hampton |
1813 | 1 August - British attack Fort Stephenson and are repulsed |
1813 | 4 August - Perry's fleet enters Lake Erie |
1813 | 5 August - The privateer 'Decatur' defeats HMS 'Dominica' |
1813 | 14 August - Capture of the USS 'Brig Argus' by HMS 'Brig Pelican' |
1813 | 5 September - The HMS 'Boxer' is defeated by the USS 'Enterprise' |
1813 | 10 September - Battle of Lake Erie, Lake Erie is now an American lake |
1813 | 27 September - Harrison Lands in Canada |
1813 | 5 October - Battle of Thames (Ontario, Canada); Tecumseh, the Indian chief, is killed in battle |
1813 | 16-19 October - Battle of Leipzig |
1813 | 25-26 October - Battle of Chateaugay |
1813 | 4 November - Great Britain offers United States direct peace negotiations |
1813 | 11 November - Americans defeated at Battle of Crysler's Farm |
1813 | 16 November - British extend blockade to all middle and southern states |
1813 | 10 December - Fort George evacuated and Newark burned by Americans |
1813 | 17 December - United States adopts embargo |
1813 | 18 December - British capture American Fort Niagara and Lewiston |
1813 | 22 December - British take Fort Schlosser |
1813 | 30 December - Black Rock and Buffalo destroyed by the British |
1814 | 28 March - HMS 'Phoebe' and HMS 'Cherub' defeat the USS 'Essex' |
1814 | 14 April - United States repeals Embargo and Nonimportation Law |
1814 | 20 April - HMS 'Orpheus' defeats the USS 'Frolic' |
1814 | 25 April - British extend blockade to New England |
1814 | 29 April - USS 'Peacock' defeats HMS 'Epervier' |
1814 | 28 June - The USS 'Wasp II' defeats HMS 'Reindeer' |
1814 | July - British occupy eastern Maine through September |
1814 | 3 July - Americans capture Fort Erie |
1814 | 5 July - Battle of Chippewa |
1814 | 25 July - Battle of Lundy's Lane |
1814 | 8 August - Great Britain outlines initial peace terms |
1814 | 13 August - Siege of Fort Erie begins (continues until September 21) |
1814 | 14 August - British occupy Pensacola |
1814 | 15 August - Battle of Fort Erie |
1814 | 19 August - British land near Benedict, Maryland |
1814 | 24 August - Battle of Bladensburg |
1814 | 25 August - The British burn Washington, D.C. |
1814 | 28 August - British capture Alexandria, Virginia |
1814 | 1 September - USS 'Wasp' sinks HMS 'Avon' off France. |
1814 | 4 September - Armstrong resigns and Monroe takes over as Secretary of War |
1814 | 11 September - Battle of Plattsburgh (Lake Champlain) |
1814 | 12 September - British repulsed at Mobile |
1814 | 12 September - Battle of North Point |
1814 | 12 September - USS 'Wasp' captures HMS 'Three Brothers' |
1814 | 13 September - American forces stop the British advance on Baltimore; British bombard Fort McHenry |
1814 | 14 September - USS 'Wasp' captures HMS 'Bacchus' |
1814 | 21 September - USS 'Wasp' captures HMS 'Atlanta' |
1814 | 26 September - British squadron captures General Armstrong |
1814 | 21 October - Great Britain offers peace on basis of uti possidetis (Latin "as you possess", allowing nations to retain property they possess at end of war
1814 | 5 November - Americans evacuate Fort Erie |
1814 | 7 November - Jackson seizes Pensacola |
1814 | 11 November - Jackson returns to Mobile |
1814 | 22 November - Jackson leaves for New Orleans |
1814 | 25 November - British fleet sails from Jamaica for New Orleans |
1814 | 27 November - Great Britain drops the uti possidetis |
1814 | 14 December - British overwhelm American gunboats on Lake Borgne |
1814 | 15 December - Hartford Convention: a group of Federalists discuss secession and propose seven amendments to protect the influence of Northeastern states
1814 | 23 December - British land their troops below New Orleans |
1814 | 23 December - General Andrew Jackson attacks in a surprise night battle |
1814 | 24 December - Treaty of Ghent: British and American diplomats agree to end war on the basis of returning to their prewar conditions
1814 | 28 December - United States rejects conscription proposal |
1815 | 28 January - Battle of New Orleans |
1815 | 4 February - United States adopts second enemy trade law |
1815 | 17 February - Ratifications of the Peace Treaty exchanged and President Madison
declares the war at an end