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Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Christus: A Mystery


Part I. The Divine Tragedy

The First Passover
I. Vox Clamantis
II. Mount Quarantania
III. The Marriage in Cana
IV. In the Cornfields
V. Nazareth
VI. The Sea of Galilee
VII. The Demoniac of Gadara
IX. The Tower of Magdala
X. The House of Simon the Pharisee

The Second Passover
I. Before the Gates of Machaerus
II. Herod's Banquet-Hall
III. Under the Wall of Machaerus
IV. Nicodemus at Night
V. Blind Bartimeus
VI. Jacob's Well
VII. The Coasts of Caesarea Philippi
VIII. The Young Ruler
IX. At Bethany
X. Born Blind
XI. Simon Magus and Helen of Tyre

The Third Passover
I. The Entry into Jerusalem
II. Solomon's Porch
III. Lord, is it I?
IV. The Garden of Gethsemane
V. The Palace of Caiaphas
VI. Pontius Pilate
VII. Barabbas in Prison
VIII. Ecce Homo
IX. Aceldama
X. The Three Crosses
XI. The Two Maries
XII. The Sea of Galilee
Epilogue. Symbolum Apostolorum
First Interlude. The Abbot Joachim

Part II. The Golden Legend
Prologue: The Spire of Strasburg Cathedral
I. The Castle of Vautsberg on the Rhine
Courtyard of the Castle
II. A Farm in the Odenwald
A Room in the Farmhouse
Elsie's Chamber
The Chamber of Gottlieb and Ursula
A Village Church
A Room in the Farmhouse
In the Garden
III. A Street in Strasburg
Square in Front of the Cathedral
In the Cathedral

The Nativity: A Miracle-Play
I. Heaven
II. Mary at the Well
III. The Angels of the Seven Planets
IV. The Wise Men of the East
V. The Flight into Egypt
VI. The Slaughter of the Innocents
VII. Jesus at Play with his Schoolmates
VIII. The Village School
IX. Crowned with Flowers
IV. The Road to Hirschau
The Convent of Hirschau in the Black Forest
The Scriptorium
The Cloisters
The Chapel
The Refectory
The Neighboring Nunnery
V. A Covered Bridge at Lucerne
The Devil's Bridge
The St. Gothard Pass
At the Foot of the Alps
The Inn at Genoa
At Sea
VI. The School of Salerno
The Farm-house in the Odenwald
The Castle of Vautsberg on the Rhine
Epilogue. The Two Recording Angels Ascending
Second Interlude. Martin Luther

Part III. The New England Tragedies
John Endicott
Giles Corey of the Salem Farms
Finale. St. John

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