The Great Republic by the Master Historians The Battle of Buena Vista byBancroft, Hubert H.
[During the period covered by our last selections events were taking place in
another part of America in whose results the United States were destined to
become vitally interested. The events referred to were the revolution in Texas
and its annexation to the United States. This province of Spanish American had
attracted many emigrants from the adjoining States on the east, who showed a
strong rebellious sentiment against the oppressive acts of the Mexican
government, and in 1835 broke out into open rebellion. A collision took place on
October 2 of that year. A war ensued, which continued with varying fortunes
until the following year, a Declaration of Independence being made by the Texans
on March 2, 1836. On March 6 took place the famous massacre at the Alamo, and on
April 21 the battle of San Jacinto, in which the Mexicans were badly beaten, and
their general and president, Santa Anna, taken prisoner. He was forced, as a
condition to his release, to send the Mexican troops from the country and to
decree the cessation of hostilities
The independence of Texas was soon after acknowledged by the United States,
France, and England, and in 1845, in response to a proposal from the Texan
authorities, the new republic of Texas was accepted as a State of the American
Union. This action gave great umbrage to Mexico, which country had never
acknowledged the independence of Texas, and in the ensuing year collisions took
place between the armies of the two countries, on the border line of the Rio
Grande. On May 7, 1846, a conflict occurred on Texan soil, at Palo Alto, and
another on the ensuing day, at Resaca de la Palma, in both of which the Mexicans
were defeated. These events were quickly followed by a declaration of war on the
part of the United States, and an army of fifty thousand volunteers was called
Mexico was invaded in several directions, General Kearney marching upon Santa Fe
and General Wool towards Chihuahua. The results of these movements were the
occupation of the province of New Mexico and the capture of the city of
Chihuahua, while Fremont, about the same time, took possession of California.
Meanwhile, General Taylor, with the main army, advanced, and laid siege to the
strong city of Monterey. The assault on this city began on September 21, and was
repeated on the 22d and 23d, the troops excavating their way through the stone
walls of the houses. On the morning of the 24th the Mexican general surrendered.
The succeeding events were the capture of Saltillo by General Worth, of Victoria
by General Patterson, and of the port of Tampico by the fleet under Commodore
A new enterprise was now projected by the government at Washington,-the capture
of Vera Cruz, and a direct march from the coast upon the city of Mexico. General
Scott was sent out to take the chief command, and withdrew most of the regulars
under Taylor to aid in this expedition. Taylor's force was now reduced to about
ten thousand volunteers and a few companies of regulars. Meanwhile, Santa Anna
was at San Luis Potosi, with twenty-two thousand of the best troops of Mexico,
prepared to oppose his advance. In early February, 1847, Taylor advanced with
part of his force to Agua Nueva, but learning that Santa Anna was marching on
him with his whole army, he fell back to Buena Vista and took position in a
strong mountain-defile. He had then with him four thousand seven hundred and
fifty-nine men to oppose an army of about twenty thousand.
Santa Anna's march to this point had been a difficult one, through deserts and
over mountains, his army almost destitute of food and water. A speedy victory or
a hasty retreat was necessary for him, for his men could not long be sustained
in the country into which he had advanced. Yet he had a serious task before him,
despite the small force of his opponents. The pass through the mountains, which
the Americans had seized, was constricted by impassable gullies, till it was
little wider than the road that traversed it, while on each side rose high and
precipitous mountains. Three miles distant was the small village of Buena Vista,
where the American baggage-and supply-trains were stationed. On February 22 the
Mexican army advanced to the southern entrance to the pass, and Santa Anna sent
General Taylor a summons to surrender, which was without ceremony declined. Some
skirmishing took place, but the main action was reserved for the next day. For
the description of it given below we are indebted to Frost's History of Mexico
and the Mexican War."]
At daylight on the 23d of February both armies were in rapid motion. General
Taylor had reached Saltillo [about eight miles from the field of battle] on the
previous night. Near this place General Minion had maneuvered all day, for the
purpose of cutting off the expected retreat of the American army, and perhaps of
making an attempt upon the town. In order to be prepared for any emergency, the
commander appointed four companies of Illinois volunteers to garrison it,
assisted by Webster's artillery. He then proceeded to Buena Vista, and ordered
forward all the available troops from that place.
During the night the enemy had succeeded in gaining the top of the mountain,
where the skirmish of the preceding evening had taken place, and in passing
thence to the left and rear. Under cover of the night about fifteen hundred men
had been thrown forward to the same position, and were now prepared for an
attack upon the light troops of Colonel Marshall. Here the battle of the 23d
commenced at an early hour. Heavy volleys of musketry, succeeded by the roar of
cannon and shouts of officers, convinced General Wool that the left wing was to
be the principal point of attack. The intrepid riflemen, animated by their
commander, received the shock from the immense masses of the enemy with
coolness, pouring back, in return, the contents of their unerring rifles. Soon
they were reinforced by three companies of the 2d Illinois volunteers, under
Major Trail. The troops covered themselves behind ridges of the mountains, in
positions perfectly secure from artillery, and where every charge of the enemy
was met with advantage.
While this movement was going on, a heavy column moved along the San Luis road
against the American centre. As they marched rapidly towards this point, Captain
Washington opened his battery from the pass. So terrible was the effect that
whole lines seemed to sink at every discharge, and long gaps in the densely-
packed mass told of the sweeping entrance of grape and canister. Led on by their
officers, the survivors pressed forward, under this withering fire, until within
full range of the captain's artillery, when the front ranks recoiled in
confusion. The whole column was soon in rapid retreat, leaving behind masses of
dead and dying.
These, however, were but preparations for the main attack. During the whole
morning, an immense force of infantry and cavalry had been concentrated among
the rides, and under cover of the cliffs, at the foot of the mountain on which
Colonel Marshall was posted. They now commenced filing through the gorges
towards the large plateau where Brigadier-General Lane was posted, with the 2d
Indiana regiment, under Colonel Bowles, the 2d Illinois regiment, and Captain
O'Brien's artillery. On gaining the plateau the enemy rushed on in crowded
masses, the cavalry pouring through a defile to charge the American infantry.
Lane immediately ordered the Indiana regiment forward, supporting it with the
artillery. This movement seems to have been unfortunate, as it separated the
troops from immediate support at a most critical moment. The enemy perceived the
error, and, collecting all their force in one united mass, they charged like an
avalanche along the edge of the plateau. The Indiana troops had not reached the
designated position, when Colonel Bowles, who commanded the regiment, without
the authority of General Lane, gave the order, "Cease firing and retreat."
[The consequences were unfortunate. The regiment, once in retreat, could not be
rallied. A few were brought back to the field, but the most of them retreated to
Buena Vista, and were lost to the remainder of the battle.]
Unaware of the loss of his support, O'Brien galloped on until he arrived at the
spot pointed out by General Lane. The spectacle from this position, was
sufficient to appall even a veteran. The hills, on every side, were alive with
troops; horsemen were pouring over the ground, and artillery vomiting forth
floods of flaming death. The rocks seemed to start and topple with the hurrying
multitude, and shouts of officers and men rose, like the roar of ocean, above
the din of battle. The intrepid O'Brien saw the vast host rushing towards him,
and, with a quick, anxious glance, he turned to see where was his support. He
was alone. With three pieces of artillery, and a few cannoneers, he was exposed
to the shock of the huge multitude. If he yielded, the battle was lost, and
certain destruction seemed inevitable if he stood. Flushed with victory, the
heavy columns of cavalry came pouring on from the discomfiture of the
Indianians, their horses crowding upon each other, and surrounded on all sides
by the dense masses of infantry. Victory was concentrated at this single point,
and every eye on the battle-field was bent upon the issue. Amid the deafening
uproar, the shrill voice of Wool was heard far in the distance, calling forward
the troops of Illinois. The sound seemed to animate O'Brien's little company,
and they prepared for the fearful encounter.
By this time most of the cannoneers had been killed or disabled, the captain had
received a wound in the leg and two horses had fallen under him. Three thousand
Mexican infantry were pouring showers of musketry upon him, while a battery
three hundred yards to his left was vomiting forth grape and canister. Suddenly
he opened his fire. Companies melted before him; alleys and gaps opened along
all the enemy's front, and the unerring shot rattled upon their cannon, sweeping
artillery, man, and horse to destruction. Struck with horror, the front columns
wavered and fell back. Elated with success, O'Brien advanced about fifty yards,
and continued his fire. The van paused, rallied to receive reinforcements, and
again moved forward. In rapid succession one discharge after another was hurled
against them; but each gap was filled as soon as made, and in one desperate mass
they poured towards the captain's position. Finding it impossible longer to
resist their progress, he gave them his last discharge, and withdrew to the
American line.
On arriving here he had not a cannoneer to work the guns, all having been killed
or disabled. It being impossible to replace them, he was compelled to apply to
Captain Washington, who furnished him with two six-pounders. With these he again
ascended the plateau, where he came in contact with a strong line of infantry
and cavalry, covered by a heavy battery. He was himself supported by a body of
infantry posted in two ravines on his right and left. The remainder of the
American infantry and artillery were engaged with the enemy about half a mile to
his left. O'Brien kept the Mexicans in check, while the troops to the left drove
the body opposed to them round the head of the ravine, where they united with
those opposed to the captain. About this time the latter received orders to
advance, and at the same time the enemy, finding themselves strong by their
junction, came on to meet him.
The position of affairs was most critical, for if the Mexicans succeeded in
forcing the American position the day was theirs. There being no artillery
opposed to them but O'Brien's section and another piece, it was all-important
for him to maintain his ground until the guns on the left could come round the
ravine to join him. He determined, therefore, to hold this position until the
enemy reached the muzzles of his guns. The struggle was a terrible one. Each
party put forth its utmost strength, and the feelings of the soldier were wound
to a pitch of enthusiasm that made him reckless of death itself. The enemy sank
down by scores, and a body of lancers, charging the Illinois troops, were
compelled to fall back. Still the main body rushed on, shaking the mountain-
passes with the trampling of their armed thousands, and shouting above the
uproar of battle. The wounded and dying were crushed in their furious charge,
and soon their horses were within a few yards of O'Brien's pieces. Here they
received the last discharge, and as the driving hail smote their columns, a
groan of anguish followed, and horse and rider sank down and rolled over the
rocky surface in the arms of death. It was a dreadful moment, and as the columns
swayed to and fro beneath the shock, and then sternly united for the headlong
leap, companies that were mere spectators grew pale for the result. Although
O'Brien was losing men and horses with alarming rapidity, he gave orders again
to fire, when suddenly the few recruits who were fit for duty lost their
presence of mind, and, with all his efforts, they could not be kept to the guns.
Mortified to find the fruits of his gigantic efforts torn from him, the captain
rode round his guns with startling quickness, urging his followers by voice and
action; but it was in vain; no man on the field could have rallied them; and
after staying at his post to the last, he retired slowly and sullenly. He lost
his pieces, but by his gallant stand he had kept the enemy in check long enough
to save the day.
About the same time the 2d Illinois regiment, under Colonel Bissell, having been
completely outflanked, was compelled to fall back. Colonel Marshall's light
troops, on the extreme left, came down from their mountainous position and
joined the American main army. Masses of cavalry and infantry were now pouring
through the defiles on the American left, in order to gain the rear north of the
large plateau. At this moment General Taylor arrived upon the field from
Saltillo. As the Mexican infantry turned the American flank, they came in
contact with Colonel Davis's Mississippi riflemen, posted on a plateau north of
the principal one. The 2d Kentucky regiment, and a section of artillery, under
Captain Bragg, had previously been ordered to this position from the right, and
arrived at a most important crisis. As the masses of the enemy emerged from the
defiles to the table-land above, they opened upon the riflemen, and the battle
soon became deeply interesting. The lancers meanwhile were drawing up for a
charge. The artillery on each side was in an incessant blaze, and one sheet of
sparkling fire flashed from the small-arms of both lines. Then the cavalry came
dashing down, in dense columns, their dress and arms glittering in the sun,
seemingly in strange contrast with their work of death. All around was clamor
and hurry, drowning the shouts of command and groans of the dying. Davis gave
the order to fire; a report from hundreds of rifles rang along his line, and
mangled heaps of the enemy sunk to the ground. Struck with dismay, the lacerated
host heaved back, while in mad confusion horse trod down horse, crushing wounded
and dying beneath their hoofs in the reckless rushings of retreat. The day was
once more saved.
At the same time the Kentucky regiment, supported by Bragg's artillery, had
driven back the enemy's infantry and recovered a portion of the lost ground. The
latter officer then moved his pieces to the main plateau, where, in company with
Captain Sherman, he did much execution, particularly upon the masses that were
in the rear. General Taylor placed all the regular cavalry and Captain Pike's
squadron of horse under the orders of Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel May, with
directions to hold in check the enemy's column, still advancing to the rear
along the base of the mountain. May posted himself north of the ravine through
which the enemy were moving towards Buena Vista, in order to charge them as they
approached that place. The enemy, however, still continued to advance, until
almost the whole American artillery were playing upon them. At length, unable to
stand the fearful slaughter, their ranks fell into confusion, some of the corps
attempting to effect a retreat upon their main line of battle. To prevent this,
the general ordered the Ist dragoons, under Lieutenant Rucker, to ascend the
deep ravine which these corps were endeavoring to cross, and disperse them. The
squadron, however, were unable to accomplish their object, in consequence of a
heavy fire from a battery covering the enemy's retreat.
Meanwhile a large body of lancers assembled on the extreme left of the
Americans, for the purpose of charging upon Buena Vista. To support that point,
General Taylor ordered forward May, with two pieces of Sherman's battery. At the
same time, the scattered forces at that hacienda were collected by Majors Munroe
and Morrison, and, uniting with some of the troops of the Indiana regiment, they
were posted to defend the position. Before May could reach the village the enemy
had begun the attack. They were gallantly opposed by the Kentucky and Arkansas
cavalry, under Colonels Marshall and Yell. The shock was a heavy one. Colonel
Yell fell at the head of his column, a lance entering his mouth, wrenching off
his lower jaw, and shattering the side of his face. The Kentuckians lost
Adjutant Vaughan, a young officer of much promise. The enemy's column was
separated into two portions, one sweeping by the American depot under a
destructive fire from the Indiana troops, until they gained the mountain
opposite, the other portion regaining the base of the mountain to the west.
Lieutenant-Colonel May now reached Buena Vista, and, approaching the base of the
mountain, held in check the enemy's right flank, upon whose masses, crowded in
the narrow gorges and ravines, the artillery was doing fearful execution.
The position of that portion of the Mexican army which had gained the American
rear was now so critical as to induce the belief that it would be forced to
surrender. At the moment, however, when the artillery was thinning its ranks,
and May, after much manoeuvring, was about charging their flank, a white flag
was observed approaching the American quarters, and General Taylor ordered the
firing to cease. The message was simply a demand from General Santa Anna,
requesting to know what the American general wanted. General Wool was sent to
have a personal interview with the Mexican general. On reaching the Mexican
lines, Wool was unable to stop the enemy's farther advance, and returned to
head-quarters. The object of the Mexicans had, however, been accomplished,-their
extreme right moving along the base of the mountain and joining the main army..
The roar of artillery, which had lasted from before sunrise, now partially
ceased on the principal field, the enemy apparently confining his efforts to the
protection of his artillery. General Taylor had just left the main depot, when
he was unexpectedly recalled by a heavy fire of musketry. On regaining his
position a stirring scene was presented. The Illinois and 2d Kentucky cavalry
had been attacked in a rugged defile by an overwhelming force of both cavalry
and infantry, and were now struggling against fearful odds. Could the enemy
succeed in defeating these troops, they might renew the main attack with great
advantage, and perhaps gain the day. To prevent the catastrophe, Captain Bragg,
who had just arrived from the left, was immediately ordered into battery.
Feeling how important was every moment, that brave officer abandoned some of his
heaviest carriages, and pushed forward with those that could move most rapidly.
Gaining a point from which they could be used, he placed them in battery and
loaded with canister. His position was one of imminent peril. The supporting
infantry had been routed, the advance artillery captured, and the enemy, flushed
with victory, were throwing their masses towards him. He appealed to the
commanding general for help. None was to be had; and, nerving himself for his
terrible duties, he returned to the battery, and spoke a few low, hurried words
to his men. Silently but firmly they gathered round their pieces, and awaited
orders. The commanding general sat on horseback, gazing with thrilling intensity
upon that handful of troops. After all the losses and triumphs of the day,
victory had eluded their grasp, to hang upon the approaching struggle.
The cavalry were almost near enough to spring upon his guns, when Bragg gave the
order to fire. Suddenly they halted, staggered a few paces, and then closed for
the charge. The shouts of their supporting infantry followed the roar of
artillery, and they again advanced. The cannoneers had marked the effect, with
feelings too intense to admit of outward expression, and, rapidly reloading,
they again poured forth a shower of grape. The effect was fearful; and General
Taylor, as he beheld the bleeding columns, felt that the day was his own. A
third discharge completed the rout. Discipline gave way among the enemy to the
confused flight of terrified hosts, as, pouring through the rugged passes, they
trod each other down in their hurried course. One wild shout went up from the
American army, broken at short intervals by the thunder of Bragg's artillery..
In the retreat of the enemy, a portion of the American infantry pursued them
through a ravine so far that they got out of supporting distance. On seeing
this, the Mexicans suddenly wheeled round and attacked them. The infantry were
in their turn driven back, taking the course of another ravine, at the end of
which a body of the enemy were waiting to intercept them. Fortunately, while the
cavalry were pursuing, they came within range of Washington's battery, which,
opening upon them with grape, drove back the column in confusion and saved the
exhausted fugitives.
This was the last struggle on the well-fought field of Buena Vista. For ten
hours the battle had raged with unmitigated fury, and yet, strange to say, each
army occupied the ground that it had early in the morning. As night crept among
the rocky gorges, the wearied soldiers sank down on their arms upon the field.
Although the air was excessively cold, the Americans slept without fires,
expecting a renewal of the attack early on the following morning. The night was
one of horror. On every rock, and in every defile, piles of dead and wounded
lay, the latter writhing in torture, their wounds stiff and clotted with the
chill air, while their piercing cries for aid, and supplications for water, made
the night hideous.
[The expected renewal of the assault by the Mexicans the next day was not made.
Santa Anna found his men worn out with fatigue, burning with thirst, and
starving for want of food. And they had suffered too severely in the battle to
be in a condition to endure another conflict. Before daylight he was in full
retreat, leaving the well-won field to the victorious Americans. After their
failure to carry the American position, desertion became so extreme in the
Mexican host as to threaten to disorganize the army, and another battle would
have been ruinous. The loses in this conflict on the American side were two
hundred and sixty-seven killed, four hundred and fifty-six wounded, and twenty-
three missing. Santa Anna stated his loss at fifteen hundred, but it was
probably greater.
It may be remarked here that the task of Santa Anna in this battle was one that
fully overcame the disparity in numbers. The pass of Angostura, occupied by
Washington's battery, is one of the strongest in Mexico, and capable of being
defended by a small party against great odds. The American right wing was posted
with one flank against the precipitous mountains and the other resting on
impassable ravines, while it could only be approached over broken and exposed
ground. The plateau which formed the key of the American position was high and
commanding, and could be reached only through intricate windings among the rock
There was no other victory of the war received with such enthusiasm in the
United States, and Buena Vista carried General Taylor to the Presidency. It
ended the war in that region of Mexico, Santa Anna being now called southward,
to defend the capital from the projected invasion of General Scot by way of Vera
The remaining events of the war were a constant series of successes. General
Scott, with the army under his command, landed near Vera Cruz on March 9, 1847.
He forced this city to surrender on the 27th, and on April 8 began an overland
march towards the city of Mexico. On April 18 Santa Anna was seriously repulsed
at Cerro Gordo, and in August the American army reached the immediate vicinity
of the Mexican capital. On the 18th the formidable Mexican intrenchments at
Contreras were carried by assault, and on the same day the important post of
Churubusco was carried. On September 8 the fortress known as the Molino del Rey
was captured, and on the 13th the very strong fortifications on the hill of
Chapultepec were carried by an impetuous and daring assault.
On the same day an advance on the city took place, and by nightfall the American
troops were within its gates. The capture of the city was fully achieved during
the ensuing day. This result virtually ended the war, though some minor military
movements followed. A treaty of peace was signed on the 2d of February, 1848,
and was ratified on May 30. Under its provisions the United States gained a
large accession of territory, embracing all New Mexico and Upper California. In
return the United States surrendered all other conquered territory, paid Mexico
fifteen million dollars, and assumed all debts owed by Mexico to American