- Johann Pachelbel - World's Most Popular Wedding Guest [Chronology]
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Johann Pachelbel
(1653 - 1706)


PH : Ferdinand IV becomes King of the Romans
PH : End of Fronde
PH : The "Great Elector" abolishes the estates; establishes a standing army
PH : Peasants' revolt in Bern under Nikolaus Leuenberg
ED : Chetham's Library, Manchester, founded
RP : Blaise Pascal joins the Jansenists at Port-Royal
ED : The London Polyglot Bible (in 10 languages)
ST : Armamentarium chirurgicum, work of Ger. surgeon Johann Schultes on surgical instruments and procedures (posth.)
DL : Izaak Walton: The Compleat Angler
DL : First letter boxes in Paris
M : Johann Pachelbel born 30 August


LT : Henry Vaughan: Flores Solitudinis
PH : Treaty of Westminster ends first Anglo-Dutch war; Dutch recognise Navigation Act
PH : Treaty of Commerce between England and Sweden
PH : Queen Christina of Sweden abdicates on becoming a Roman Catholic; succeeded by her cousin Charles X
PH : Coronation of Louis XIV at Rheims
PH : War between Russia and Poland
DL : Johann Amos Comenius publishes in Nuremberg first picture book for children, Orbis sensualium pictus
RP : John Milton: Defensio secunda
ST : Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat state the theory of probability
DL : Entailor, fee tail, after Span. model, introduced in Germany
M : Samuel Scheidt dies 30 March


LT : Henry Vaughan: Silex Scintillans, second part
PH : Cromwell dissolves Parliament and divides England into 11 districts
RP : Anglican services prohibited in England
PH : Outbreak of first Northern War
ED : Pierre Borel: Tréso des recherches et antiquités Gauloises
RP : Oliver Cromwell readmits Jews into England
ED : William Drummond: A History of the Five Jameses (posth.)
RP : Thomas Fuller: Church History of Britain
RP : Thomas Hobbes: Elementorum philosophia
RP : Pope Innocent X dies; Fabio Chigi becomes Pope Alexander VII
RP : Thomas Stanley: A History of Philosophy
ST : Chin. scientist and naturalist Ch'en yüan-lung publishes Ko-chih-ching-yüan, on new inventions
DL : First regular newspaper in Berlin


PH : Treaty of Königsberg and Alliance of Marienberg between Sweden and Brandenburg
PH : Second Protectorate Parliament
PH : King John IV of Portugal dies; succeeded by his son Alfonso VI
RP : Manasseh ben Israel: Vindiciae Judaeorum, reply to attacks on Cromwell's readmission of Jews
RP : John Bunyan: Some Gospel Truth Opened
RP : Marchamont Needham: The Excellency of a Free State
RP : Blaise Pascal: Lettres provinciales against Jesuits
RP : Spinoza excommunicated
VA : Academy of Painting in Rome founded
M : Opening of first London opera house
ST : Thomas Wharton describes anatomy of glands
DL : Regiment of grenadier guards formed
DL : Hôpital général, Paris, opens, combining hospital, poorhouse, and factory


LT : Richard Lovelace dies
LT : Henry Vaughan: The Chemist's Key
PH : Emperor Ferdinand III dies; his son Leopold I succeeds him
PH : Oliver Cromwell rejects offer of title "king"
PH : Creation of a new House of Lords increases Cromwell's power
PH : Treaty of Bromberg: Brandenburg allied with Poland against Sweden
RP : Richard Baxter: A Call to the Unconverted
RP : Johann Amos Comenius: Opera didactice omnia
ED : Le Sieur Saunier: L'encyclopédie des beaux esprits, believed to be first reference book with "encyclopédie" in title
ED : Accademia de Cimento founded in Florence
ST : Dutch scientist Christiann Huygens designs first pendulum clocks
DL : Drinking chocolate introduced in London
DL : First stockings and fountain pens manufactured in Paris


PH : Treaty of Roskilde between Sweden and Denmark ends first war
PH : Aurangzeb imprisons his father, Shah Jahan, and succeeds him as Mogul Emperor
PH : Charles X begins Second Northern War
PH : Oliver Cromwell dies; succeeded as Lord Protector by his son Richard
PH : Leopold I elected Holy Roman Emperor
PH : Formation of Rhenish League under Fr. protectorate
RP : James Harrington: The Prerogative of Popular Government
ED : Edward Phillips: A New World of Words
RP : Société des missions étrangères founded in Paris
ST : J.R. Glauber: De natura salium
ST : Jan Swammerdam first observes red blood corpuscles
ST : Robert Hooke, naturalist and philosopher, invents the balance spring for watches
DL : Swed. Financier Johann Palmstruck devises first bank note, issued by the Swed. state bank


M : Henry Purcell born
PH : Richard Cromwell resigns
PH : Peace of the Pyrenees between France and Spain
RP : Henry More: The Immortality of the Soul
ED : William Somner: Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum
ST : Eng. physician Thomas Willis describes first typhoid fever
ED : Prussian State Library, Berlin, founded


PH : Charles X of Sweden dies; succeeded by Charles XI
PH : Parliament invites Charles II to return to England (The Restoration)
PH : Peace of Oliva signed, ending war between Austria, Poland, Sweden, and Brandenburg, and recognising the "Great Elector's " sovereignty in E. Prussia
PH : Peace of Copenhagen ends war between Sweden and Denmark
PH : Dan. crown becomes hereditary
LT : Patents granted for reopening of London theatres
RP : James Harrington: Political Discourse
ED : James Howell: Lexicon Tetraglotten, Eng.-Fr.-Ital.-Span. dictionary
DL : Dutch peasants (Boers) settle in S. Africa
DL : Royal African Company founded
DL : Famous "Café Procope" opens in Paris
DL : Water closets arrive from France in England
M : Alessandro Scarlatti born 2 May
VA : Diego Velázquez dies


VA : Alexandre Francois Desportes born
PH : Cardinal Mazarin dies; Louis XIV begins his personal rule
PH : Coronation of Charles II
PH : Peace of Kardis between Russia and Sweden ends Northern War
PH : "Cavalier Parliament" meets
DL : Famine in India, no rain since 1659
PH : Mohammed Kiuprili, Grand Vizier of Turkey dies; succeeded by his son Ahmed Kiuprili
LT : Sir William Davenant, poet and dramatist, opens Lincoln's Inn Theatre, London
RP : John Eliot translates the Bible into Algonquin (first Amer. Bible edition)
RP : Joseph Glanvilil: The Vanity of Dogmatizing
M : Académie Royale de Danse founded by Louis XIV
M : Mathew Lock made court composer to Charles II
M : Edward Lowe: Short Direction for the Performance of Cathedra Servies, to revive organ accompaniment, suppressed during Commonwealth
ST : Robert Boyle: The Skeptical Chymist, with definition of chemical elements
ST : Christian Huyghens invents the manometer for ascertaining elastic forces of gases
ST : John Evelyn: Fumifugium, or the Inconvenience of the Air and Smoke of London Dissipated, an early attack on air pollution
ED : Kongelige Bibliothek, Copenhagen, founded
VA : Antoine Coypel born 11 March


LT : John Dryden: The Wild Gallant
PH : Elizabeth of Bohemia, "the Winter Queen", dies
PH : Shun Chih, first Manchu Emperor of China dies; succeeded by his son K'ang-hsi
RP : Act of Uniformity gives assent to revised Eng. prayer book
ED : Thomas Fuller: The worthies of England, biographical reference work (posth.)
VA : Louis XIV begins to build palace of Versailles
ED : Founding of the Academia Leopoldina in Vienna
ST : The Royal Society receives charter from Charles II
DL : Last silver pennies minted in London


LT : John Dryden: The Rival Ladies
PH : Turks declare War on Holy Roman Empires
LT : Colbert founds Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres in Paris
LT : The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London, opens
RP : Robert Boyle: Concerning the Usefulness of Experimental Philosophy
RP : Lord Herbert of Cherbury: De religione gentilium (posth.)
RP : Writings of Descartes put on the Index
ST : Guericke constructs a frictional electrical machine
ST : John Newton discovers the binomial theorem
DL : First gold guinea pieces coined in England
DL : Hearth tax in England
DL : Turnpike tolls introduced in England


PH : Alliance between France and Brandenburg
PH : Truce of Vasvar between Turks and Austrians
RP : Conventicle Act, against Nonconformists, forbids meetings of more than five people
RP : The Trappist Order founded at La Trappe, Normandy
M : French horn becomes an orchestral instrument
ST : Thomas Willis: Cerebri anatome on the nervous system
DL : "Compagnie des Indes Occidentales" formed to control Fr. trade in Canada, S.America, W.Africa and W. Indies
DL : Introduction of large periwig style
DL : First Royal Marine Regiment
PH : Start of second Anglo-Dutch war


LT : John Dryden: The Indian Emperor
PH : Philip IV of Spain dies; succeeded by his son Charles II
PH : Absolutism introduced into Denmark by Lex Regia
LT : Journal des Savants, first literary periodical, started in Paris
RP : John Bunyan: The Holy City
ED : Codex Theodosianus, ed by Jacques Godefroy
RP : John Eliot: Communion of Churches, privately printed at Harvard, Mass.
RP : Five-Mile Act put restrictions on Nonconformist ministers
ST : Philosophical Transactions, first scientific journal in England
ST : Giovanni Cassini determines rotations of Jupiter, Mars, and Venus
ST : Peter Chamberlen invents midwifery forceps
ST : Francis Grimaldi: Physico-mathesis de lumine (posth.) explains diffraction of light
ST : Robert Hooke: Micrographia, on the microscope
ED : University of Kiel founded
PH : Colony of New Jersey founded
ST : Issac Newton experiments on gravitation; invents differential calculus
ED : First modern census taken in Quebec
ED : Caleb Cheeshateaumuck, first N. Amer. Indian to take an A.B. Degree at Harvard
DL : First issue of the London Gazette
DL : The Prince Archbishop of Münster sells 7,000 of his subjects as solders
DL : The Great Plague of London begins, killing 68,596
VA : Nicolas Poussin dies


PH : France and Dutch declare war on England
PH : Quadruple alliance between Holland, Brandenburg, Brunswick, and Denmark to secure safety of Holland
PH : Treaty of Cleves between Brandenburg and Neubrug for partition of Jülick-Cleves
PH : Hungarian noblemen revolt against Emperor Leopold I
RP : First Armenian Bible printed
RP : John Bunyan: Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners
RP : Leibniz: De arte combinatoria
RP : Raskol (Great Schism) breaks out in Russ. Church
RP : John Tillotson: The Rule of Faith
M : Antonio Stradivari labels his first violin
ST : Issac Newton measures the moon's orbit
DL : First Cheddar cheese
DL : Great Fire of London
VA : Gobelin workshops established in Paris by Colbert
DL : Cricket Club founded at St. Alban's , Herfordshire, England
VA : Frans Hals dies


LT : John Dryden: The Maiden Queen, Sir Martin Marall and an adaptation of The Tempest
PH : Truce of Andrusovo ends 13-year war between Russia and Poland
PH : Secret treaty between Louis XIV and Charles II against Spain
PH : War of Devolution begins as Fr. troops invade Netherlands
PH : Shah Abbas II of Persia dies; succeeded by his son Suleiman
PH : Alfonso VI of Portugal banished to the Azores by his brother Pedro, the regent
PH : Peace of Breda between the Dutch, France and England
RP : Pope Alexander VII dies; Giulio Rospigliosi becomes Pope Clement IX
ED : Fr. jurist Guillaume Lamoignon compiles the Code Louis
RP : Leibniz: Nova methodus discendique juris
RP : Samuel Pufendorf: De statu republicae Germanicae
ST : National Observatory, Paris , founded
DL : Fr. army uses hand grenades
PH : Treaty of Breda ends second Anglo-Dutch war
VA : Alessandro Magnasco born


LT : John Dryden: The Mock Astrologer and Tyrannic Love, or the Royal Martyr
PH : Alliance of the Hague signed by English and Dutch
PH : Treaty of Lisbon: Spain recognises independence of Portugal
PH : Brit. East India Company obtains control of Bombay
PH : Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle ends War of Devolution between France and Spain
PH : John II Casimir, King of Poland abdicates
PH : Treaty between Louis XIV and Leopold I concerning future partition of Span. realms
RP : Joseph Glanvill: Plus ultra, or Progress of Knowledge since Aristotle
RP : Henry More: Divine Dialogues
RP : William Penn: Sandy Foundation Shaken, questions the doctrine of the Trinity
RP : Sir Josiah Child: Brief Observations Concerning Trade and the Interest of Money
ST : Robert Hooke: Discourse on Earthquakes
ST : Isaac Newton constructs reflecting telescope
DL : Oder-Spree Canal finished
M : François Couperin born 10 November


PH : Michael Wisniowiecki, a Lithuanian, elected King of Poland
PH : John Locke's constitution for Carolina approved, S. Carolina founded    GO !
PH : Venetians lose Crete, their last colonial possession, to the Turks
RP : Aurangzeb bans Hindu religion in India
PH : Last meeting of the Hanseatic League
RP : Pope Clement IX dies
RP : William Penn: No Cross, No Crown
M : Royal patent for founding Académie Royale des Opéras granted
M : Mathew Locke: The Treasury of Musick
ED : Edmund Castell: Lexicon Heptaglotton
ST : Phosphorus prepared for first time
ST : Nicolaus Steno begins the modern study of geology
ST : Jan Swammerdam: History of the Insects
DL : Outbreak of cholera in China
DL : Earliest Fr. trading station in India
VA : Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn dies


LT : John Dryden: first and second parts of Almanzor and Almahide, or the Conquest of Granada
PH : Defensive alliance between France and Bavaria
PH : Treaty of Dover between England and France
PH : Frederick III, King of Denmark, dies; succeeded by Christian V
PH : Rebellion of Ukrainian Cossacks crushed
LT : John Dryden appointed historiographer royal and poet laureate
LT : First Ital. "commedia dell'arte" companies appear in Germany
RP : Cardinal Emilio Altieri becomes Pope Clement X
ED : John Milton: The Historie of Britain
RP : Pascal: Pensées (posth.)
RP : Spinoza: Tractatus theologico-politicus
ST : Paul Amman: Medicina critica
ST : Ital. scientist Giovanni Borelli attempts to use artificial wings for flying
ST : Engl. physician Thomas Willis describes for first time typical symptoms of diabetes
PH : Hudson's Bay Company incorporated by royal charter to trade in region of N. America draining into Hudson Bay
DL : Louis XIV's Minister of War introduces uniforms and paper cartridges in Fr. army
DL : First minute hands on watches


PH : Turks declare war on Poland
RP : First Bible edition in Arabic, printed in Rome
RP : John Bunyan: A Confession of My Faith
ED : Stephen Skinner: Etymologicon linguae anglicanae
M : Paris Opéra opens
ST : Leibniz defines nature and existence of the ether
DL : Eng. Crown resumes direct control of customs system
DL : Founding of the Fr. Senegal Company
M : Tomaso Albinoni born 14 June


LT : John Dryden: Marriage à la Mode and The Assignation, or Love in a Nunnery
DL : Stop of Eng. exchequer; cash payments suspended for 12 months
PH : Declaration of Indulgence issued by Charles II (withdrawn in 1673)
PH : Britain declares war on the Dutch
PH : France declares war on the Dutch
ED : Clarendon Press, official printers of Oxford University, founded
ED : Elias Ashmore: Institutions, Laws, Ceremonies of the Order of the Garter
RP : William Cave: Primitive Christianity
RP : Confessions of faith of the Greek Orthodox Church revived by the Synod of Jerusalem
ED : William Tempel: Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands
DL : Fulham Pottery, London, founded
M : First public concert at Whitefriars, London
ST : Root ipecacuanha introduced for medicinal purposes in Europe
ST : Flexible hose for use in fighting fires introduced
ST : John Josselym: New England's Rarities Discovered, on local flora and fauna
DL : Charter granted to the Royal African Company
PH : Start of third Anglo-Dutch war
LT : Anne Bradstreet dies 16 September
M : Heinrich Schütz dies 6 November


LT : Thomas Traherne: Roman Forgeries
LT : John Dryden: Amboyna
M : Marc-Antoine Charpentier : Incidental music to Molière's play Le Malade imaginaire ('The Hypochondriac')
PH : Test Act excludes Roman Catholics from office in England
PH : After preliminary peace between Brandenburg and France the "Great Elector" promises, in Treaty of Vossen, not to support any enemies of Louis XIV
PH : Emperor Leopold I declares war on France
PH : King Michael of Poland dies
PH : Fr. expedition against Ceylon
ED : Robert Clave; Catalogue of All the Books Printed in England Since the Dreadful Fire of London in 1666
LT : Archpriest Petrovich Avvakum writes his Zhitie, first Russ. autobiography
M : Mathew Locke: The Present Practice of Music Vindicated
ED : University of Innsbruck founded
ST : Stalactic grotto of Antiparos (Aegean Sea) discovered
DL : Financier Richard Hoare founds Hoare's Bank, London
DL : Mitsui family's trading and banking house in Japan founded


LT : Thomas Traherne dies
LT : John Dryden: The State of Innocence
PH : Jan Sobieski elected as Jan III, King of Poland
PH : Sivaji Bhonsla declares himself independent of the Mogul Emperor Aurangzeb; founds Mahratta state and is crowned at Raigarh
PH : Office of Stadholder of the United Provinces becomes hereditary in the House of Orange
LT : Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London, rebuilt after the fire and reopened
ED : Anthony à Wood: Historia et antiquitates universitatis Oxoniensis
RP : Nicolas Malebranch: De la recherche de la vérité
ED : Louis Moreri: Le Grand Dictionnaire historique, first encyclopedic reference work on history
ST : John Mayow: Tractatus quinque medico-physici, on the nature of combustion
ST : Thomas Willis: Pharmaceutice rationalis
LT : Robert Herrick dies in October


VA : Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini born
VA : Sir James Thornhill born
LT : Thomas Traherne: Christian Ethicks
PH : Alliance between France and Poland
PH : War between Sweden and Denmark
PH : Charles II of England receives 500,000 crowns from Louis XIV and is able to prorogue Eng. Parliament for 15 months
PH : King Charles II of Spain attains majority
LT : Poems of Basho (pseudonym of Matsuo Munefusa) help popularise Jap. haiku poetry
RP : Jacques Savary: Le Parfait Négociant
RP : Philipp Jacob Spener: Pia desideria
RP : Spinoza finishes his Ethics
RP : Thomas Traherne: Christian Ethics (posth.)
ST : Greenwich Observatory established
ST : Leibniz invents differential and integral calculus
ST : Isaac Newton: Opticks
ST : Finite velocity of light established by Olaus Romer
VA : Johannes Vermeer dies


LT : John Dryden: Aurengzebe
PH : Czar Alexis of Russia dies; succeeded by his son Feodor III
PH : Ahmed Kiuprili dies; succeeded as grand Vizier of Turkey by his brother-in-law Kara Mustafa
RP : "Declaration of the People of Virginia" by Nathaniel Bacon gains support for rebellion against authorities
RP : Pope Clement X dies; Benedetto Odescalchi becomes Pope Innocent XI
RP : Benjamin Thompson; New England's Crisis
RP : Roger Williams: George Fox Digg'd Out of His Burrowes, anti-Quaker tract
ST : Thomas Sydenham: Obervationes medicae
DL : Influenza epidemic in England
RP : Legal protection of Sabbath observance in England


RP : William Cave: History of Martyrdoms
ED : Johann Jacob Hofmann: Lexicon Universale, on science and arts
RP : John Houghton: England's Great Happiness, or A Dialogue between Content and Complaint
RP : Increase Mather: The Troubles That Have Happened in New England
DL : Ice cream becomes popular as dessert in Paris


LT : Henry Vaughan: Thalia Rediviva
LT : John Dryden: All for Love and Limberham
LT : Anne Bradstreet: Several Poems Compiled with Great Variety of Wit and Learning (posth.)
PH : Peace of Nijmegen between France and the Dutch and France and Spain
PH : "Popish Plot" in England revealed; trials of many leading Roman Catholics
PH : Roman Catholics in England excluded from both Houses of Parliament
PH : Hungarian rebellion against Hapsburgs under Emeric Tökölyi
PH : Outbreak of war between Russia and Sweden
RP : John Bunyan: The Pilgrim's Progress, part I
RP : Ralph Cudworth: The True Intellectual System of the Universe
M : Thomas Britton, Eng. patron of music, introduces weekly concerts in Clerkenwell, London
M : First Ger. opera house opens in Hamburg
ST : Ital. mathematician Giovanni Ceva states the geometrical theorem on the nature of concurrency
ST : Christian Huygens records his discovery of the polarisation of light
ST : Robert de La Salle explores the Great Lakes
ST : Thomas Thatcher: A Brief Rule in Small Pocks or Measles, first medical treatise published in America
DL : First chrysanthemums arrive in Holland from Japan
DL : Import of all Fr. goods to England prohibited
PH : End of third Anglo-Dutch war
M : Antonio Vivaldi born 4 March
LT : Andrew Marvell dies 18 August


M : Alessandro Scarlatti : Opera, Gli equivoci nel sembiante
PH : Peace of Nijmegen between Louis XIV and Leopold I
PH : Habeas Corpus Amendment Act in England
PH : Peace of St. Germain-en-Laye between Sweden and Brandenburg
PH : Peace Treaty of Lund between Denmark and Sweden
RP : Gilbert Burnet: History of the Reformation of the Church of England, vol I
RP : Sir William Petty: A Treatise on Taxes and Contributions
RP : Abraham a Sancta Clara: Merk's Wien!, sermons against corruption of morals in Vienna
ST : Elias Ashmole founds Ashmolean Museum at Oxford
ST : Edmund Halley: Catalogus stellarum australium
ST : Fr. Jesuit Louis Hannepin discovers Niagara Falls
DL : Edict against duelling in France
DL : First German coffeehouses in Hamburg
VA : Jean-François de Troy born 27 January


PH : Absolutism in Sweden under King Charles XI
PH : Maximilian II Emanuel becomes Elector of Bavaria
PH : Tsunayoshi becomes Shogun of Japan
LT : Comédie Français formed by merging Théâtre Guénéguad Paris, with Théâtre de'Hôtel de Bourgogne
RP : Robert Filmer: Patriarche, or The Natural Power of Kings
ED : César-Pierre Richelet: Dictionnaire François
RP : Sir William Temple: An Essay on Government
M : First ballets arrive in Germany from France
M : Stradivari makes his earliest known cello
ST : First Brandenburgian expedition to W. Africa
DL : Dodo, flightless bird of the Raphidae family, extinct
DL : Penny post established in London
PH : Start of fourth Anglo-Dutch war
VA : Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini dies


LT : John Dryden: Spanish Friar
M : Marc-Antoine Charpentier : Divertissement, Les Plaisirs de Versailles ('The Pleasures of Versailles')
PH : Defensive alliances between Brandenburg and France and between Brandenburg and Sweden
PH : European Congress meets at Frankfurt
ED : Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet: Discours sur l'histoire universelle
ED : Jean Mabillon: De re diplomatica, study of historical documents as foundation of historical criticism
RP : James Dalrymple of Stair: Institutions of the Law of Scotland
M : Female professional dancers appear for first time at the Paris Opéra
ED : Academy of Sciences, Moscow, founded
ST : Canal du Midi, joining Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean, finished
DL : Founding of the Chelsea Hospital, London, for wounded and discharged soldiers
DL : First checks in England
M : Johann Mattheson born 28 September
VA : Gerard Ter Borch dies


LT : John Dryden: Absalom and Achitophel, The Medal and Religio Laici
PH : Czar Feodor III of Russia dies; his sister Sophia becomes Regent for her infant brothers, Ivan and Peter
PH : Emeric Tökölyi proclaimed King of Hungary by Turks
ST : Pierre Bayle: Thoughts on the Comet of 1680, against superstitions on comets
RP : John Bunyan: The Holy War
ED : François Eudes de Mézeray: De l'origine des Français
RP : 58,000 Fr. Huguenots forced to conversion
ED : Sir George MacKenzie founds Advocates' Library, Edinburgh, later to becomes Scot. national library
RP : Sir William Petty: Essay Concerning Multiplications of Mankind
ED : Acta eruditorum, first learned periodical appears (in Latin) in Leipzig
DL : Versailles becomes royal residence
DL : Weaving mill with 100 looms established in Amsterdam
VA : Giovanni Batista Piazetta born 13 February


M : Henry Purcell : Ode for St. Cecelia's Day (2 composed in this year, 2 more later)
M : Marc-Antoine Charpentier : Dramatic oratorio, La Descente d'Orphée aux enfers ('The Descent of Orpheus into the Underworld')
PH : Pol.-Aust. alliance against Turks
PH : Rye House Plot to assassinate Charles II discovered
PH : Turks begins siege of Vienna
PH : Spain declares war on France
PH : Alfonso VI, King of Portugal, dies; succeeded by his brother Peter II
PH : Dutch traders admitted to Canton
PH : League of The Hague: the Emperor Leopold I and Charles II of Spain join Dutch-Swed. alliance against France
PH : Manchus conquer Formosa
PH : Peace treaty between William Penn and N. American Indians
RP : Mathew Hale: A Discourse Touching Provision for the Poor
ED : William Penn: A General Description of Pennsylvania
ED : Sir William Petty: The Growth of the City of London
ST : Eng. navigator William Dampier begins voyage around the world
ST : Newton explains mathematical theory on tides under gravitational attraction of sun, moon, and earth
DL : First coffeehouses in Vienna
DL : Wild boars become extinct in Great Britain


PH : The Emperor, Poland and Venice conclude Holy League of Linz against Turks
PH : Bermudas become crown colony
PH : The "Great Elector" offers Fr. Huguenots refuge in Brandenburg
LT : Nouvelles de la République des Lettres, literary review, published
LT : Takemoto Gidayu begins puppet theatre "Joruri" in Tokyo
RP : 93 Jewish families expelled from Bordeaux
RP : Increase Mather: Remarkable Providences
ST : Giovanni Cassini: Les Éléments de l'astronomie vérifiés
ST : Ger. explorer Engelbert Kämpfer travels to Persian Gulf, Java, and Japan
DL : First attempts in London to light the streets
PH : Siamese embassy arrives at court of Louis XIV at Versailles
PH : End of fourth Anglo-Dutch war
VA : Jean-Antoine Watteau born 10 October


M : Henry Purcell : Rejoice in the Lord Alway
PH : Charles II of England dies; succeeded by his brother James II
PH : Charles, the Elector Palatinates, dies; electorate claimed by Louis XIV for his sister-in-law Liselotte
DL : All Chin. ports opened to foreign trade
ED : César de Rochefort: Dictionnaire général et curieux
RP : Louis XIV revokes Edict of Nantes, exiles thousands of Fr. Protestants
ST : David Abercromby: De pulsis variatione
DL : Fr. Huguenots begin silk manufacture in Great Britain
M : George Frideric Handel born 23 February
VA : Jean-Marc Nattier born 17 March
M : Johann Sebastian Bach born 21 March


PH : Russia declares war on Turkey
PH : Roman Catholics readmitted to Eng. army
LT : First Swed. theatre opens in Stockholm
RP : Ger. pietist and educator begins at Leipzig his Collegum Philobiblicum for the study of the Bible
ST : Halley draws first meteorological map
ED : Jean Le Clerc: Bibliothèque universelle et historique, 25 vols
ST : Francis Willughby: Historia piscium (posth.)
DL : Maison St. Cyr founded as convent school for daughters of poor gentlefolk
VA : Jean-Baptiste Oudry born 17 March


VA : Giovanni Battista Pittoni born
LT : John Dryden: The Hind and the Panther
M : Marc-Antoine Charpentier : Divertissement, Idle sur le retour de la santé du roi ('Idyll on the King's Return to Health')
PH : James II issues Declaration of Indulgence for liberty of conscience
PH : Papal nuncio received by James II
PH : Hungarian diet of Pressburg recognises the crown as hereditary possession of the male line of Hapsburgs
PH : Sultan Mohammed IV of Turkey deposed; succeeded by Suleiman III
ED : Fénelon: Traité de l'éducation des filles
RP : Samuel von Pufendorf: The Relation of Religious Liberty to Civilian Life
RP : John Wallis: Institutio logicae
ST : Isaac Newton: Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica
ST : Sir Hans Sloane begins his botanical collection on a visit to Jamaica
ED : University of Bologna founded
M : Jean-Baptiste Lully dies 22 March


VA : François Le Moyne born
M : Henry Purcell : Song 'Evening Hymn'
PH : Frederick William, the "Great Elector" dies; succeeded by his son Frederick III
PH : Transylvania becomes province under King of Hungary
PH : Seven Eng. lords invite William of Orange to England (the "Glorious Revolution")
PH : War between France and the Empire
RP : Jacques- Bénigne Boussuet: Histoires des variations des églises protestantes
DL : Joseph de la Vega: Confusion de confusiones, description of transactions on Amsterdam Exchange
DL : London underwriters begin meeting regularly at Lloyd's Coffee House
ST : Plate glass being cast for first time
DL : Smyrna destroyed by earthquake
LT : Alexander Pope born 21 May


M : Henry Purcell : Musik's Handmaid for harpsichord (including a version of 'Lilliburlero')
M : Henry Purcell : Opera, Dido and Aeneas
PH : Parliament confirms abdication of James II
PH : Declaration of Rights in England, William and Mary proclaimed King and Queen for life (also in Scotland)
PH : Louis XIV declares war on Great Britain
PH : Peter the Great becomes Czar of Russia
PH : Ger. diet declares war on France
RP : Pope Innocent XI dies; Pietro Ottoboni becomes Pope Alexander VIII
ED : John, Lord Somers: A Brief History of the Succession to the Crown of England
RP : William Sherlock: A Practical Discourse Concerning Death
DL : William III establishes Devonport Naval Dockyards
DL : First modern trade fair held in Leiden, Holland


LT : John Dryden: Don Sebastian and Amphitryon
M : François Couperin : Pièces d'orgue consistantes en deux messes, l'une à l'usage ordinaire des paroisses, l'autre propre pour les couvents de religieux et religieuses
M : Marc-Antoine Charpentier : Setting of the Te Deum
PH : Joseph I elected King of the Romans
PH : Act of Grace passed in England
PH : Spain joins Great Alliance against France
RP : John Locke: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
RP : Sir William Petty: Political Arithmetics
DL : Calcutta founded by Eng. colonial administrator Job Charnock
ST : Huyghens publishes his theory of the undulation of light
ST : Fr. engineer Denis Papin devises pump with piston, raised by steam
ED : Academia dell' arcadia founded in Rome
DL : Calico printing introduced to Great Britain from France
VA : Nicolas Lancret born 22 January


LT : John Dryden: King Arthur
M : Johann Pachelbel : Six Suites for two violins
M : Henry Purcell : Incidental music to King Arthur, play by John Dryden
PH : Hapsburgs recognised as rulers of Transylvania
DL : New East India Company formed in London
PH : Sultan Suleiman III of Turkey dies; succeeded by Ahmad II
PH : Treaty of Limerick ends Irish rebellion
RP : Pope Alexander VIII dies; Antonio Pignatelli becomes Pope Innocent XII
RP : Christian Faith Society for West Indies founded in London
RP : Claude Fleury: Histoire ecclésiastique begun (20 vols, completed in 1720)
RP : Kaspar Stieler: Teutsche Sprachschatz
RP : Henry Wharton: Anglia sacra
ED : Anthony à Wood: Athenae Oxonienses
ST : Leibniz: Protagaea, on geology
DL : First directory of addresses published in Paris
VA : Aelbert Cuyp dies


LT : John Dryden: Cleomenes
M : Henry Purcell : Songs 'Music for a While' and 'Nymphs and Shepherds'
M : Henry Purcell : Masque or 'semi opera', The Fairy Queen
VA : Antoine Coypel : Democritus
PH : Massacre of Clan Macdonald at Glencoe
PH : Duke Ernst August of Hanover becomes 9th Elector of the Holy Roman Empire
LT : Nahum Tate made poet laureate
RP : Edict of Toleration for Christians in China
ED : William and Mary College founded in Virginia
ED : Johann Konrad Amman: Der redende Stumme, manual of language for deaf-mutes
DL : The Bank, later becomes banking house of Coutts and Co., opened in Strand, London
DL : Earthquake in Jamaica
DL : Queen Mary II founds Greenwich Hospital for wounded sailors and pensioners


LT : John Dryden: A Discourse concerning the Original and Progress of Satire
M : Johann Pachelbel : Chorale Preludes for organ
M : Marc-Antoine Charpentier : Opera, Médée
PH : Louis XIV begins his peace policy, reconciliation with the Vatican
DL : National Debt begins in England
RP : Edmund Halley: The Degrees of Mortality of Mankind
RP : Secret society, Knights of the Apocalypse, founded in Italy to defend the church against the antichrist
ED : Leibniz: Codex Juris gentium diplomaticus
ED : John Locke: Thoughts Concerning Education, on learning foreign languages
RP : Cotton Mather: Wonders of the Invisible World
RP : William Penn: An Essay on the Present and Future Peace of Europe
DL : Kingston, Jamaica, founded


VA : Corrado Giaquinto born
VA : Charles-Antoine Coypel born
LT : John Dryden: Love Triumphant
M : Alessandro Scarlatti : Opera, Il Pirro e Demetrio
M : Henry Purcell : Ode 'Come Ye Sons of Art' (including aria, 'Sound the Trumpet')
M : Tomaso Albinoni : Opera, Zenobia
M : Tomaso Albinoni : 12 Trio Sonatas
DL : Founding of the Bank of England
PH : Triennial Bill providing for new Parliamentary election every third year
PH : Augustus the Strong, Elector of Saxony
PH : Hussain becomes Shah of Persia
ED : Dictionnaire de l'Académie française, first edition, 2 vols.
ST : Rudolf Camerarius: De sexu plantarum epistola
ED : University of Halle founded
DL : Salt tax doubled in England


M : Johann Pachelbel : Magnificat Fugues for organ
M : Henry Purcell : Semi opera, The Indian Queen
M : Henry Purcell : 'The Golden Sonata' for 2 violins, viola de gamba, and keyboard
M : Henry Purcell : Queen Mary's Funeral Music
PH : Ahmad II, Sultan of Turkey, dies; succeeded by Mustafa II
DL : End of government press censorship in England
RP : John Locke: The Reasonableness of Christianity
ST : Pendant barometer invented
ED : University of Berlin founded
ST : Magnesium sulfate isolated (epsom salts)
ST : John Woodward: Essay Toward a Natural History of the Earth and Terrestrial Bodies
DL : Royal Bank of Scotland founded
DL : Window tax in England
LT : Henry Vaughan dies 23 April
M : Henry Purcell dies 21 November
VA : Jean-Baptiste Joseph Pater born 29 December


VA : Louis Tocqué born
DL : New coinage in England carried out by John Locke and Isaac Newton
PH : Eng. Habeas Corpus Act suspended
ED : Nicolas Antonio: Bibliotheca Hispana vetus, Span. bibliography
ED : William Nicolson: The English Historical Library, 3 vols.
VA : Kunstakademie, Berlin, founded
ED : John Bellers: Proposals for Raising a College of Industry, on the education of children
DL : Board of Trade and Plantations founded in England
DL : First Eng. property insurance company founded
VA : Giambattista Tiepolo born 5 March


M : Alessandro Scarlatti : Opera, and La caduta dei Decemviri
PH : Peter the Great, calling himself Peter Michailoff, sets out on a year-and-a-half journey to Prussia, Holland, England and Vienna to study European ways of life
PH : Charles XI, King of Sweden, dies; succeeded by Charles XII
PH : Augustus, Elector of Saxony, converted to Roman Catholicism, elected King of Poland in succession to Jan III
PH : In Treaty of Ryswick: France recognises William III as King of England
PH : China conquers western Mongolia
ED : Pierre Bayle: Dictionnaire historique et critique, 2 vols
ED : William Wotton: Reflections on Ancient and Modern Learning
DL : Last remains of Maya civilisation destroyed by Spanish in Yucatan
RP : Daniel Defoe: An Essay Upon Projects, recommending income tax
DL : Sedan chair a popular means of transportation
DL : Court of Versailles becomes model for European courts
DL : Whitehall Palace, London, burns down
VA : Giovanni Antonio Canal born 18 October
VA : William Hogarth born 10 November


PH : Rebellion of Czar Peter's praetorian guard in Moscow; leaders executed
PH : Elector Ernest August of Hanover dies; his eldest son George Louis, future King George I of England, becomes electoral prince
DL : Leopold of Anhalt-Dessau introduces goose-stepping and iron ramrods in Prussian army
RP : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK) founded
ED : Bibliotheca Casanatense founded in Rome
RP : Algernon Sidney: Discourses Concerning Government (posth.)
DL : The General Society (New East India Trading Company) founded in London
DL : Paper manufacturing begins in N. America
DL : Tax on beards in Russia
DL : Mrs. White's Chocolate House opens in London, soon to become headquarters of Tory Party


LT : John Dryden: Fables
M : Johann Pachelbel : Hexachordum Apollinis six arias with variations for organ or harpsichord
VA : Alexandre Francois Desportes : Self-Portrait as a Huntsman
PH : Peace of Karlowitz signed by Austria, Russia, Poland and Venice with Turkey
PH : Denmark and Russia sign mutual defence pact
PH : Treaty of Preobrazhenskoe signed by Denmark, Russia, Poland, and Saxony for partition of Swed. empire
PH : Christian V, King of Denmark, dies; succeeded by Frederick IV
RP : Richard Bentley: Dissertation Upon the Epistles of Phalaris
RP : Gilbert Burnet: Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles
ST : William Dampier explores northwest coast of Australia
ST : Pierre Lemoyne founds first European settlement in Louisianna, at Fort Maurepas
DL : Billingsgate, London, becomes a market
DL : Peter the Great decrees that New Year in Russia will begin on January 1 instead of September 1
VA : Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin born 2 November


PH : The Great Northern War
PH : King Charles II of Spain dies, setting the stage for the War of the Spanish Succession
M : Alessandro Scarlatti : Opera, Lesbina e Adolfo
LT : Development of the Kabuki Theatre in Japan
RP : Pope Innocent XII dies; Gian Francesco Albani becomes Pope Clement XI
DL : Unmarried women taxed in Berlin
ED : Berlin Academy of Science founded
M : Joseph Saveur measures and explains vibrations of musical tones
LT : John Dryden dies 30 April


PH : Act of Settlement in Britain. This settlement establishes the Hanoverian Monarchy
PH : War of Spanish Succession
PH : Prince Elector Frederick III of Brandenburg crowns himself Frederick I "King of Prussia"
ED : University of Venice founded
ED : Yale College founded
M : Music publisher Henry Playford establishes a series of weekly concerts at Oxford
RP : Father Francisco Ximénes translates sacred national book of the Quiché Indians of Guatemala, Popul Vah
RP : Benjamin Whichcote: Several Discourses; Moral and Religious Aphorisms
ED : Jeremy Collier: The Great historical, Geographical, Genealogical, and Political Dictionary 2 vols.
PH : James II of England dies; Louis XIV recognises James Edward as King James III


VA : Pietro Longhi born
M : Marc-Antoine Charpentier : Motet, Judicium Salomonis ('Solomon's Judgement')
M : Marc-Antoine Charpentier : Mass, Assumpta est Maria ('The Assumption of Mary')
VA : Antoine Coypel : Venus Imploring Jupiter in Favour of Aeneas
DL : Serfdom abolished in Denmark
DL : The Daily Courant, first daily newspaper issued in London
ED : Jesuit college founded in Breslau
DL : Asiento Guinea Company founded for slave trade between Africa and America
VA : Japanese painter Ogata Korin unites the two imperial schools of Japanese painting - Kano and Yamato
RP : Armenian Priest Mekhitar of Sebaste founds in Constantinople Order of the Mekhitarists, Roman Catholic Armenian monks
RP : Cotton Mather: Magnalia Christi Americana, ecclesiastical history of New England
RP : Daniel Defoe: The Shortest Way with Dissenters
LT : Edward Busshe: The Art of English Poetry
PH : Rebellion of Protestant peasants, "Camisards", in Cévennes
LT : Earliest form of English pantomime given at Drury Lane, London
PH : William III dies, succeeded by Queen Anne    GO !
VA : Francesco Zuccarelli born 15 August


PH : Treaty of Methuen signed by Britain and Portugal
DL : Peter the Great lays foundations of St. Petersburg
ST : Isaac Newton elected President of the Royal Society
PH : Archduke Charles proclaimed King of Spain in Madrid
ED : Universal, Historical, Geographical, Chronological and Classical Dictionary
VA : Corrado Giaquinto born
VA : François Boucher born 29 September


DL : Earliest subscription library in Berlin
ST : Isaac Newton: Optics, defence of the theory of light
ST : John Harris : Lexicon technicum, encyclopaedia of the sciences
ED : Dictionnaire de Trévoux, of terms used in arts and sciences, published by the Jesuits at Trévoux
PH : Augustus II of Poland deposed, Stanislas Leszczynski elected King Stanislas I
M : Marc-Antoine Charpentier dies 24 February
VA : Maurice Quentin de La Tour born 5 September


PH : Turkish Authority overthrown in Tunis
M : Johann Sebastian Bach : Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, for organ
ST : Royal Observatory, Berlin, founded
LT : His Majesty's Theatre opens in London
ST : Edmund Halley correctly predicts the return in 1758 of the comet seen in 1682
PH : The Emperor Leopold I dies; succeeded by his eldest son, Joseph I
VA : Charles-André van Loo born 15 February


M : Tomaso Albinoni : Opera, Griselda
ST : Olous Römer's catalogue of astronomical observations
RP : Mathew Tindal: Rights of the Christian Church
PH : Peace of Altrandstadt: Augustus renouces Polish throne, recognises King Stanislas I
M : Johann Pachelbel dies 7 March

Terms Defined

Referenced Works