- The Bucolic Dreamworld of Giorgione [Chronology]
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Giorgio Barbarelli (Giorgione)
(1478 - 1510)


PH : Union of Aragon and Castile under Ferdinand the Catholic and Isabella; beginning of Span. state
ED : Copenhagen University founded
DL : After the destruction of Arras, Brussels becomes the centre of European tapestry industry


PH : Ivan III styles himself Czar of the Russians
PH : Ludovico Sforza, Regent of Milan
RP : Ferdinand and Isabella appoint inquisitors against heresy among converted Jews
ST : Leonardo da Vinci invents parachute
VA : Albrecht Altdorfer born (year approximate)


PH : Bajazet II, Sultan of the Turks
RP : Beginning of the Spanish Inquisition under the joint direction of state and church


PH : Peace of Arras between Louis XI and Hapsburgs


PH : Edward IV of England dies; succeeded by his son young Edward V
PH : Edward V and his brother disappear, probably murdered by their uncle, Richard of Gloucester, who claims the throne as Richard III
PH : Louis XI of France dies; succeeded by Charles VIII
VA : Artist Raphael is born in Urbino


RP : Pope Innocent VIII
RP : Papal bull "Sumis desiderantes" against witchcraft and sorcery
M : Joannes de Tinctoris: De inventione et usu musicae
DL : Richard III reforms law, trade, and tax collection


PH : Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond defeats and kills Richard III; succeeds as Henry VII; starts Tudor dynasty
DL : Establishment of Yeomen of the Guard in England


PH : Maximilian I elected Ger. King
ST : The Portuguese discover Angola


VA : Titian is born (year approximate)


PH : James III of Scotland murdered; succeeded by James IV
PH : Revolt of Fl. towns against Maximilian
DL : The first dispensary (Apotheke) in Berlin


PH : Caterina Cornaro, Queen of Cyprus, forced to cede her kingdom to Venice
PH : Yasuf Adil Shah, a former slave, becomes ruler of Bijapur, India
ST : The symbols + (plus) and - (minus) come into use
VA : Correggio is born (year approximate)


PH : Matthias Corvinus of Hungary dies; Vladislav II of Bohemia elected to succeed him
LT : Beginning of development of Span. drama
M : First beginnings of ballet at Ital. courts
ST : Leonardo da Vinci observes capillary action of liquids in small-bore tubes
DL : The first orphanages in Italy and Holland


PH : Five-year truce of Colstream between England and Scotland
PH : Treaty of Pressburg: Vladislav II of Hungary and Bohemia acknowledges the Hapsburg right of Succession


PH : The Spanish conquer Granada and extinguish Moorish kingdom
PH : Charles VIII takes control of affairs in France
PH : Lorenzo de' Medici, "The Magnificent", dies; his son Piero becomes ruler in Florence
PH : Casimir IV, King of Poland, dies; succeeded in Poland by John Albert, in Lithuania by Alexander
PH : Peace of Etaples: France expels Warbeck and pays England an indemnity of £159,000
RP : Pope Innocent VIII dies; Roderigo Borgia becomes Pope Alexander VI
ED : Elio Antonio Nebrija: Latin-Spanish dictionary
RP : By order of the inquisitor-general, Torquemada, Span. Jews are given three months to accept Christianity or leave the country
ST : Leonardo da Vinci draws a flying machine
M : Opera, treatise on theory of music by Roman philosopher Boëthius, published in Venice
ST : The first terrestrial globe constructed by Nuremberg geographer Martin Behaim
PH : Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain finance the voyage of Christopher Columbus to the New World    GO !
DL : The profession of book publisher emerges, consisting of the three pursuits of type - founder, printer and bookseller
VA : Artist Piero della Francesca dies 12 October


PH : Pope Alexander VI publishes bull Inter cetera divina dividing the New World between Spain and Portugal
DL : Statute of Piotrkow grants Pol. aristocracy privileges at expense of burghers and peasants
PH : Frederick III dies; succeeded as Holy Roman Emperor by Maximilian I
PH : The first Bundschuh (peasants' revolt) in Alsace and south-west Germany
ED : The Nuremberg Chronicle, and illustrated world history from the Creation to the present, by Hartmann Schedel published in Latin and German
RP : Pope Alexander VI appoints his son Cesare Borgia a cardinal
RP : Jacques Lefèvre d'Etaples: Paraphrasis in Aristotelis octo physicos libros
ST : Columbus leaves Spain on second voyage; discovers Puerto Rico, Dominica, and Jamaica


PH : Treaty of Tordesillas: Spain and Portugal divide New World between them    GO !
PH : Charles VIII begins invasion of Italy, enters Florence, deposes Piero de'Medici, and enters Rome; Pope Alexander VI takes refuge in Castel Sant' Angelo
PH : Henry VII of England sends Edward Pynings as deputy to Ireland to end support for Perkin Warbeck: Poynings' Laws make Irish legislature dependent on England
PH : Maximilian I recognises Perkin Warbeck as King of England
PH : Ferdianand I of Naples dies
PH : Parliament of Drogheda marks subservience of Ireland to England
ED : Aemilius Paulus of Verona appointed historiographer royal to Charles VIII of France
RP : Johann Reuchilin: De verbo mirifico, a study of cabalism
ED : King's College Aberdeen, founded
M : Jean Mauburnus: Rosetume exercitiarum spiritualium, the first systemic study of musical instruments
DL : Goods lottery (Pots of Luck) introduced in Germany as popular amusement
VA : Domenico di Tommaso Bigordi (Ghirlandaio) dies


PH : Charles VIII enters Naples, is crowned King of Naples, then retreats toward northern Italy
PH : Pope Alexander VI forms Holy League which aims at expelling Charles VIII from Italy; its forces defeated at Battle of Fornovo, the Holy League ends; Charles VIII returns to France
PH : The Imperial Diet opens in Worms, proclaims Perpetual Peace, sets up and Imperial Chamber and Court of Appeal, imposes common penny as general tax
DL : English Parliament frames new statute of treason and an act against vagabonds and beggars
PH : Manuel the Fortunate succeeds John II as King of Portugal
PH : Peace between France and the allies, with Lodovico Sforza as agent, foreshadows idea of balance of power in European politics
RP : Jews expelled from Portugal
DL : Dry dock in Porstmouth, Eng.
DL : Syphilis epidemic spreads from Naples all over Europe through Fr. soldiers


PH : Ferdinand II of Naples dies; succeeded as king by Frederick III
ED : Jesus College, Cambridge, founded
M : Franchino Gafori: Practica Musica, treatise on composition
ST : Romano Pane first describes tobacco plant


PH : King John II of Denmark defeats Swed. army at Brunkeberg, enters Stockholm, and revives Scandinavian Union
RP : John Alcock: The Hill of Perfection
RP : Conradus Celtis introduces humanism in Vienna
RP : Savonarola excommunicated for attempting to depose Pope Alexander VI
ST : Vasco da Gama rounds Cape of Good Hope
DL : Severe famine in Florence
VA : Hans Holbein the Younger is born


PH : Charles VIII of France dies; succeeded by his cousin, Louis XII, Duke of Orleans
LT : Mémoires by Philippe de Commines, the "French Machiavelli"
ST : Vasco da Gama discovers sea route to India
DL : The first Ger. pawnshop at Nuremberg


PH : Partition of Milan: Lodovico Sforza flees, French take Milan; Louis XIII enters the city
PH : War between Swabian League and Swiss cantons; ends with the Peace of Basel, the Swiss establishing their independence
PH : War between Turks and Venice
RP : The Span. inquisitory-general, Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros, introduces forced mass conversions of Moors, thus causing great Moorish revolt in Granada
ED : University of Alcalá founded
M : University of Oxford institutes degrees in music
ST : Amerigo Vespucci and Alonso de Ojeda leave Spain on voyage of discovery to S. America


PH : Diet of Augsburg establishes Council of Regency for administering the Holy Roman Empire and divides Germany into six "circles" or regions
RP : Pope Alexander VI proclaims a Year of Jubilee, and imposes a tithe for crusade against Turks
ED : Aldus of Venice founds academy for study of Greek classics and invents italics
ED : Univeristy of Valencia founded
VA : The turn of the century marks end of Early and beginning of High Renaissance
M : Ottavio de'Petrucci of Venice prints music with movable types
M : Hans Folz of Nuremberg reforms songs of the Mastersingers: from now on worldly subjects admitted
ST : Hieronymus Brunschwig: Liber de arti distillandi, the first herbal medicine
ST : Pedro Alvarez Cabral discovers Brazil, claiming it for Portugal
ED : First commercial colleges founded in Venice
DL : First black-lead pencils used in England
ST : First recorded Caesarean operation performed on a living woman by Swiss pig gelder Jakob Nufer
ST : First manufacture of faience (in Faenza) and majolica (in Majorca)
DL : First regular postal connection between Vienna and Brussels
DL : Silver guilders introduced in Germany
DL : First annual horserace meetings at Chester


PH : French enter Rome; the Pope declares Louis XII King of Naples
PH : Peace of Trent between France and Emperor Maximilian I
PH : Ismail I, Sheikh of Ardabil, conquers Persia, founding Safavid dynasty
PH : Ivan III of Moscow invades Lithuania
LT : Discover in Nuremberg of manuscripts of plays by the nun Roswitha of Gandersheim, who lived c.1000
LT : Burning of books against the authority of the Church ordered by papal bull
RP : Erasmus: Enchiridion militis christiani
RP : Giorgio Valla: De expetendis fugiendis rebus
DL : Swift development of book printing and typography; since 1445 more than 1,000 printing offices have produced approx. 35,000 books with approx. 10 million copies


PH : The Council of Regency loses its effectiveness
RP : Professorships of divinity at Oxford and Cambridge established
ED : University of Wittenberg founded
DL : Peasants' revolt in the bishopric of Speyer, Germany
ED : Ambrogio Calepino: Cornucopiae, a polyglot dictionary
M : First Book of Masses by Josquin des Prés published
ST : Columbus sails, on his fourth and lst voyage, to Honduras and Panama
ST : Joao de Nova discovers St. Helena
ST : Vespucci concludes that S.America is an independent continent, not identical with India
ST : Peter Henlein of Nuremberg constructs the "Nuremberg Egg", the first watch


PH : The Casa Contratacción (Colonial Office) founded in Madrid to deal with American affairs
PH : Venice abandons Lepanto and signs peace treaty with Turks
PH : War of Succession between Bavaria and the Palatinate breaks out
RP : Francesco Todeschini-Piccolomini elected Pope Pius III, Giuliano della Rovere elected Pope Julius II
DL : Pocket handkerchief comes into use
VA : Bronzino is born
VA : Parmigianino is born


PH : Treaty of Lyons - divides Italy between France (north) and Spain (south)
PH : Treaty of Blois - gives France control of Milan
ED : Bull by Pope Julius II establishes University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain
DL : Henry VII places Eng. guilds and trade companies under supervision of the Crown
DL : Postal service between Vienna and Brussels extended to Madrid


M : Thomas Tallis born
PH : Treaty of Salamanca - Ferdinand of Aragon understakes to rule Castile jointly with his daughter Juana and her husband Philip
PH : Maximilian I begins reformation of Holy Roman Empire
ED : Christ's College, Cambridge, founded
ED : Jakob Wimpfeling: Epitome rerum Germanicarum (history of Germany based on original sources)
ST : Scipione del Ferro solves a form of cubic equation


PH : Treaty of Windsor
PH : Sigismund I ascends throne of Poland
ED : Reuchlin: Rudimenta linguae Hebraicae, grammar and dictionary
ED : University of Frankfurt and der Oder founded
VA : "Laocoön" group unearthed in Rome
DL : Jakob Fugger, Augsburg merchant, imports spices from E. Indies to Europe by sea
DL : Niccolò Machiavelli creates Florentine militia, first national army in Italy
VA : Artist Andrea Mantegna dies 13 September


PH : Diet of Constance recognises unity of Holy Roman Empire and founds Imperial Chamber
RP : Pope Julius II proclaims indulgence for aiding rebuilding of St. Peter's, Rome
ST : Alvise Cadamosto: La Prima Navigazione per l'Oceano alle terre de' Negri della Bassa Ethiopia, exploration of Gambia
ST : Martin Waldeseemüller: Cosmographiae introductio, proposes the New World be called "America" after Amerigo Vespucci
ST : Orlando Galla of Venice improves manufacture of glass mirrors


PH : Maximilian I assumes title of emperor without being crowned
PH : The League of Cambrai formed by Margaret of Austria, the Cardinal of Rouen, and Ferdinand of Aragon for purpose of despoiling Venice


PH : Pope Julius II joins League of Cambrai and excommunicates Venetian Republic; France declares war on Venice
PH : Henry, Prince of Wales succeeds his father as King Henry VIII of England
ED : Brasenose College, Oxford, and St. John's College, Cambridge, founded
RP : Erasmus lectures at Cambridge; dedicates his Praise of Folly to Thomas More
M : John Fisher: The Seven Penitential Psalms printed in London
RP : Persecution of Jews in Germany; the converted Jew, Johann Pfefferkorn, receives authority of Emperor Maximilian I to confiscate and destroy all Jewish books, especially the Talmud
ST : First attempts to restrict right to practice medicine to licensed and qualified doctors
DL : Earthquake destroys Constantinople
DL : Beginnings of slave trade; Bartolomé de Las Casas proposes that each Span. settler should brings a certain number of Negro slaves to the New World


RP : Pope Julius II absolves Venice from excommunication
ED : John Colet founds St. Paul's School, London
ST : Leonardo da Vinci designs horizontal water wheel (principle of the water turbine)
DL : Hamburg becomes Free City of the Holy Roman Empire
VA : Botticelli dies in Florence

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