| PH : | Edward III dies; succeeded by his grandson Richard II
    GO ! | RP : | Pope Gregory XI returns to Rome; end of the Church's "Babylonian Captivity"
| M : | The musicians of the papal chapel, Avignon, return with the court; beginnings of Rome as the centre of music
| DL : | Playing cards displace dice in Germany
| M : | Guillaume de Machaut dies 13 April |
| PH : | Renewal of Anglo-Fr. war
| PH : | Charles IV of Luxembourg dies; succeeded by Wenceslas IV
| RP : | The Great Schism begins: after the death of Pope Gregory XI, two popes elected; Urban VI at Rome, Clement VII at Avignon
| PH : | Treaty of Neuberg: Albert III and Leopold III divide Hapsburg territories between them
| ED : | William of Wykeham founds New College, Oxford
| PH : | Charles V of France dies; succeeded by Charles VI, the Mad
| VA : | Robert Campin, artist, born |
| PH : | Anglo-Fr. truce for six years
| PH : | Peasants' Revolt in England under Wat Tyler
| PH : | Venice wins the "hundred years war" against Genoa |
| PH : | Anglo-Scot. war renewed
| PH : | Jadviga, daughter of King Louis I, crowned "king" of Poland
| PH : | Anglo-Fr. war renewed
| DL : | The first Fr. court ball at the wedding of Charles VI and Isabella of Bavaria
| PH : | Leopold III of Austria defeated and killed by the Swiss and Sempach
| PH : | Grand Prince Jagiello of Lithuania marries Jadviga and becomes Vladislav II, King of Poland
| ED : | Heidelberg University
| PH : | Sigismund of Brandenburg, son of Charles IV, becomes King of Hungary by marriage
| VA : | Artist Fra Angelico is born |
| ED : | Cologne University founded
| PH : | Truce between England, Scotland, and France
| PH : | Bajazet I, Emir of the Turks
| RP : | Pope Boniface IX elected at Rome
| PH : | Robert III, King of Scots
| PH : | Charles VI seized with madness; his brother Louis becomes Duke of Orleans
| PH : | Succession dispute in Japan: the Ashikagas become shoguns of Muromachi
| PH : | Irish rulers do homage to Richard II, receive amnesty
| PH : | Richard II of England marries Isabella of France at Calais; Anglo-Fr. truce extended to 28 years
| LT : | Manuel Chrysoloras opens Greek classes in Florence: beginning of revival of Greek literature in Italy
| PH : | Union of Kalmar between Sweden, Denmark, and Norway
| VA : | Paolo di Dono (Uccello) is born | M : | Francesco Landini dies 2 September |
| PH : | Richard II deposed: Henry of Lancaster, son of John of Gaunt, succeeds to the throne as Henry IV
| VA : | Rogier van der Weyden is born |
| ST : | Alchemy becomes more and more a field for swindlers | M : | First mention of the dulcimer | VA : | Early Renaissance period | ED : | Jean Froissart: Chronicles | LT : | Earliest known literature written in Cornish tongue | LT : | Flourishing of the ecclesiastical drama in Italy | PH : | Ascent of the Medici in Florence | PH : | Wenceslas IV deposed and succeeded by Rupert III of the Palatinate | PH : | Richard II murdered    GO ! | PH : | Henry IV suppresses rebellion of the barons |
| PH : | Klause Störtebeker, the pirate, executed at Hamburg | VA : | Tommaso Cassai (Masaccio) is born |
| ED : | Compilation of Yung Lo Ta Tien, Chin. encyclopaedia in 22,937 vols. (only three copies made) | PH : | Bajazet dies; succeeded by his son Suleiman I |
| |
| ST : | Konrad Kyeser: Bellifortis, book of military technology | PH : | Timur dies; succeeded by Shah Rokh |
| RP : | Pope Gregory XII | PH : | Robert II of Scotland dies; succeeded by James I, who is imprisoned in England | VA : | Artist Fra Filippo Lippi is born |
| DL : | Bethlehem Hospital, London, Bedlam, becomes an institution for the insane | PH : | Louis, Duke of Orleans, murdered by Burgundians; start of civil war in France |
| RP : | Cardinals of Rome and Avignon meet to end Great Schism |
| ED : | Leipzig University founded by Ger. refugees from Prague | RP : | Pope Gregory XII abdicates; Council of Pisa, Pope Alexander V |
| RP : | Hus and his followers excommunicated by the Archbishop of Prague | RP : | Pope John XXIII, antipope | PH : | King Rupert dies |
| ED : | Founding of St. Andrews University, Edinburgh | RP : | Pope John XXIII excommunicates Jan Hus | PH : | Sigismund, King of Hungary, son of Charles IV, elected Ger. King, and crowned emperor |
| VA : | Filippo Bruneleschi: Rules of Perspective |
| RP : | The Disputation of Tortosa (Spain): Joseph Albo defends the Jewish faith | PH : | Henry IV dies; succeeded by his son Henry V |
| DL : | The Medici of Florence becomes bankers to the papacy | RP : | Thomas à Kempis: Imitatio Christi | RP : | The Council of Constance to settle "causa unionis, reformationis, fedei" |
| RP : | Hus burned at the stake at Constance for heresy | RP : | Pope John XXIII deposed |
| RP : | Jerome of Prague, a follower of Hus, burned for heresy | VA : | The Limbourg Brothers die, probably of plague |
| RP : | Pope Martin V elected in Rome: end of Great Schism | RP : | Council of Constance deposes Pope Benedict XIII, who holds out as pretender-pope until his death |
| PH : | Ex-King Wenceslas dies; Sigismund obtains Bohemia | PH : | War between Empire and Bohemian Hussites | PH : | Henry allies with Philip II of Burgundy |
| PH : | Treaty of Troyes; Henry V, recognised by Charles VI as heir apparent to the French throne, marries Catherine of France and enters Paris | VA : | Artist Piero della Francesca born |
| PH : | Henry V of England dies; succeeded by nine-month-old Henry VI | PH : | Charles VI of France dies; succeeded by Charles VII |
| PH : | James I of Scotland released by the English |
| PH : | John VIII, Byzantine Emperor | PH : | Struggles in Bohemia between Ziska's followers, the Utraquists, and the radical Taborites |
| M : | Holland becomes the centre of European music | ED : | Louvain University founded |
| PH : | Itzcoatl, King of the Aztecs, in Mexico, enlarges his empire | ED : | Lincoln College, Oxford, founded | VA : | Tommaso Cassai (Masaccio) dies |
| PH : | Treaty of Delft: peace between England and Flanders | PH : | Joan of Arc leads Fr. armies against England |
| PH : | Joan of Arc raises siege of Orleans; Charles VII crowned in Rheims | PH : | Henry VI crowned at Westminster | PH : | Philip of Burgundy creates the Order of the Golden Fleece |
| LT : | Modern English develops from Middle English | VA : | Beginning of first Dutch school | DL : | "Mad Marjorie", the great cast-iron gun, introduced |
| PH : | Joan of Arc burned at the stake at Rouen | PH : | Henry VI of England crowned King of France in Paris | PH : | First Ger. peasant revolt at Worms | RP : | Pope Eugene IV | ED : | Universities of Caen and of Poitiers founded | VA : | Artist Andrea Mantegna born |
| ST : | Port sailor Gonzalo Cabral discovers the Azores |
| PH : | Sigismund crowned Holy Roman Emperor | DL : | The double-eagle becomes the emblem of the Holy Roman emperors |
| PH : | Vladislav III, King of Poland | PH : | Cosimo de' Medici becomes ruler of Florence | RP : | Revolt in Rome; Pope Eugene IV flees to Florence |
| PH : | Peace of Arras between Charles VII and Philip of Burgundy | PH : | Swed. Parliament (Riksdag) meets for the first time |
| PH : | Compact of Iglau ends Hussite Wars, Emperor Sigismund acknowledged as King of Bohemia |
| PH : | James I murdered at Perth; succeeded by James II | PH : | Emperor Sigismund dies; last of the House of Luxembourg; succeeded as king of Hungary, Bohemia, and Germany by his son-in-law, Albert V | M : | John Dunstable develops counterpoint in musical composition | ED : | All Soul's College, Oxford, founded |
| PH : | Nine-years' truce between England and Scotland | PH : | Pachacutec founds Inca rule in Peru |
| PH : | The heirs to the Fr. throne receive the title Conte du Dauphiné |
| PH : | Frederick of Styria and Carinthia elected Ger. King | ED : | Platonic Academy, Florence, founded |
| ED : | Eton College and King's College, Cambridge, founded | ST : | Port. navigators find the first Negroes near Cape Blanc, western Africa, and start slave trade again |
| DL : | Eng. plague order on quarantine and cleansing |
| PH : | Vladislav III of Poland and Hungary killed by the Turks at the Battle of Varna | ED : | Cosimo de' Medici founds the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Florence | VA : | Robert Campin dies |
| ST : | Port. navigator Diniz Diaz discovers Cape Verde | PH : | Copenhagen becomes Dan. capital | VA : | Botticelli born, day unknown |
| PH : | János Hunyady elected regent of Hungary | VA : | Artist Perugino born in Umbria |