Anton von Webern :
Three Little Pieces for Violincello and Piano
M :
Charles Ives : Three Places in New England
M :
Ralph Vaughan Williams : A Lark Ascending
for violin and orchestra
M :
Jean Sibelius : Symphonic Poem, The Oceanides
M :
Ottorino Respighi : Sinfonia drammatica
M :
Maurice Ravel :
Trio for piano, violin, cello
DL :
Panama Canal officially opened
PH :
U.S. Marines occupy Veracruz, Mexico, intervening in civil war to protect American interests
LT :
Sara Teasdale: Rivers to the Sea
LT :
Edwin A Robinson: The Porcupine
LT :
Rupert Brooke: 1914 and Other Poems
M :
Charles Ives : Piano Sonata
No.2 "Concord Mass. 1840-60"
M :
Manuel de Falla : Noches en los jardines de España
('Nights in the Gardens of Spain')
M :
Manuel de Falla : Ballet, El Amor Brujo
('Love, the Magician')
M :
Richard Strauss : An Alpine Symphony
M :
Jean Sibelius : Symphony
M :
Zoltán Kodály : Cello Sonata
M :
Gabriel Urbain Fauré : Song-cycle, Le Jardin clos
('The Enclosed Garden')
M :
Claude Debussy : 12 Etudes
('Studies'), for piano
M :
Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry : The Wanderer
M :
Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry : Chorale Fantasia
based on an old English tune When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
M :
Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry : Chorale Fantasia, O God, Our Help
M :
Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry : Chorale Fantasia, The Old Hundredth
PH :
Genocide of estimated 600,000 to 1 million Armenians by Turkish soldiers
ST :
Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity
VA :
D. W. Griffith's film Birth of a Nation
VA :
Walter Crane dies
LT :
Rupert Brooke dies 23 April
VA :
Arthur Hughes dies 23 December
LT :
W.B. Yeats: Reveries over Childhood and Youth
LT :
Edwin A Robinson: The Man against the Sky
LT :
Robert Frost: Mountain Interval
LT :
Rupert Brooke: Letters From America (posth.)
M :
Charles Ives : Symphony
M :
Arnold Schoenberg :
Second Chamber Symphony
M :
Ottorino Respighi : Symphonic Poem, The Fountains of Rome
M :
Gustav Holst : Orchestral suite, The Planets
M :
Frederick Delius : Violin Concerto
M :
Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry : Seven Choral Preludes for Organ
Set II
M :
Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry : Jerusalem
VA :
John William Waterhouse : I am Half Sick of Shadows
VA :
John William Waterhouse : Miranda
VA :
John William Waterhouse : A Tale from Decameron
PH :
U.S. buys Virgin Islands from Denmark for $25 million
PH :
President Wilson re-elected with “he kept us out of war” slogan.     GO !
PH :
Easter Rebellion in Ireland put down by British troops
ST :
Margaret Sanger opens first birth control clinic
PH :
24 April - Irish nationalists launch the Easter rebellion in Dublin, Republic declared and Patrick Pearse announced as first President
M :
Milton Byron Babbitt born 10 May
PH :
22 November - Emperor Franz Josef of Austria-Hungary, dies; he is succeeded by Charles I
LT :
First Pulitzer Prizes awarded
PH :
Russian Revolution
PH :
U.S. enters World War I
LT :
W.B. Yeats: The Wild Swans at Coole
LT :
Sara Teasdale: Love Songs
LT :
Edwin A Robinson: Merlin
LT :
Thomas Hardy: Moments of Vision
LT :
Robert Graves: Over the Brazier
LT :
T S Eliot: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
M :
Erik Satie : Ballet, Parade
M :
Ottorino Respighi : Ancient Airs and Dances
first series
M :
Giacomo Puccini : Opera, La rondine
('The Swallow')
M :
Sergei Prokofiev : Violin Concerto
M :
Sergei Prokofiev : Symphony
No.1 'Classical'
M :
Francis Poulenc : Rapsodie nègre
for baritone and instrumental ensemble
M :
Leoš Janácek : Opera, The Excursions of Mr. Broucek
M :
Gustav Holst : The Hymn of Jesus
for chorus and orchestra
M :
Béla Bartók : String Quartet
M :
Béla Bartók : Ballet, The Wooden Prince
M :
Igor Stravinsky : Les Noces
('The Wedding'), for voices, percussion and four pianos
PH :
Balfour Declaration promises Jewish homeland in Palestine.
RP :
Sigmund Freud's Introduction to Psychoanalysis
VA :
John William Waterhouse dies 10 February
DL :
Daylight Saving
Time introduced
PH :
Russian Czar Nicholas II and his family are killed
LT :
Robert Graves: Fairies and Fusiliers
M :
Franz Schreker : Opera, Die Gezeichneten
('The Stigma Bearers')
M :
Erik Satie : Socrate,
for voices and instruments
M :
Giacomo Puccini : Il trittico
('The Triptych'), three one-act operas
M :
Francis Poulenc : Trois mouvements perpétuels
for piano
M :
Leoš Janácek : Orchestral rhapsody, Taras Bulba
M :
Edward Elgar : String Quartet
M :
Béla Bartók : Opera, Duke Bluebeard's Castle
M :
Igor Stravinsky : The Soldier's Tale,
for speaker, chamber ensemble, dancers
M :
Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry : Elégie
DL :
Worldwide influenza epidemic strikes; by 1920, nearly 20 million will be dead ("Spanish Flu")
PH :
Russian Civil War between Reds (Bolsheviks) and Whites (anti-Bolsheviks)
PH :
German Kaiser abdicates (Nov.); hostilities cease on the Western Front
VA :
Gustav Klimt dies 6 February
M :
Claude Debussy dies 25 March
LT :
Joyce Kilmer dies 30 July
M :
Leonard Bernstein born 25 August
M :
Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry dies 7 October
DL :
Prohibition begins in the U.S.
LT :
John Masefield: Reynard the Fox
M :
Manuel de Falla : Ballet, El sombrero de tres picos
('The Three-Cornered Hat')
M :
Ottorino Respighi : Ballet, La Boutique fantastique
('The Fantastic Toy Shop') - based on music by Rossini
M :
Sergei Prokofiev : Opera, The Love for Three Oranges
M :
Francis Poulenc : Song-cycle, Le Bestiaire
M :
Darius Milhaud : Symphonic Suite
M :
Darius Milhaud : Ballet, Le Boeuf sur le toit
('The Ox on the Roof')
M :
Leoš Janácek : Song-cycle, The Diary of One Who Disappeared
M :
Gabriel Urbain Fauré : Orchestral suite, Masques et Bergamasques
M :
Edward Elgar : Cello Concerto,
Piano Quintet
M :
Béla Bartók : Ballet, The Miraculous Mandarin
PH :
Third International (Comintern) establishes Soviet control over international Communist movements
PH :
Versailles Treaty, incorporating Woodrow Wilson's draft Covenant of League of Nations, signed by Allies and Germany; rejected by U.S. Senate    GO !
PH :
Mahatma Gandhi initiates satyagraha (“truth force”) campaigns, beginning his nonviolent resistance movement against British rule in India
ST :
Alcock and Brown make first trans-Atlantic nonstop flight
VA :
Pierre-Auguste Renoir dies 3 December
PH :
U.S. Dept. of Justice "red hunt" nets thousands of radicals; aliens deported
ST :
First commercial radio broadcast aired
LT :
Harlem Renaissance begins
PH :
League of Nations established
DL :
Women granted the right to vote in U.S.
LT :
Sara Teasdale: Flame and Shadow
LT :
Edwin A Robinson: Lancelot
LT :
T S Eliot: The Sacred Wood
M :
Franz Schreker : Opera, Der Schatzgräber
('The Treasure Digger')
M :
Erik Satie : Musique d'ameublement
('Furniture music')
M :
Erik Satie : Trois petites pièces montées
M :
Igor Stravinsky : Symphonies
of Wind Instruments
M :
Igor Stravinsky : Ballet, Pulcinella
PH :
Treaty of Sèvres dissolves Ottoman Empire
PH :
Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Finland, Luxembourg are admitted to the League of Nations
LT :
Howard Nemerov born 1 March
M :
Max Christian Friedrich Bruch dies 20 October
PH :
Irish Free State proclaimed
VA :
John William Godward dies
LT :
Edwin A Robinson: Avon's Harvest
LT :
Marianne Moore: Poems published without her knowledge
LT :
Walter de la Mare: Memoirs of a Midget
M :
Edgard Varèse : Offrandes
M :
Arthur Honegger : Oratorio, King David
M :
Ralph Vaughan Williams : Symphony
No.3, 'Pastoral'
M :
William Turner Walton : Façade
settings of poems by Edith Sitwell
M :
Sergei Prokofiev : Piano Concerto
M :
Darius Milhaud : Suite for orchestra, Saudades do Brasil
('Memories of Brazil')
M :
Darius Milhaud : Ballet, Les Mariés de la Tour Eiffel
('The Newlyweds of the Eiffel Tower'), written with "Les Six"
M :
Leoš Janácek : Opera, Katya Kabanová
M :
Gabriel Urbain Fauré : Song-cycle, L'Horizon chimerique
('The Elusive Horizon')
PH :
Reparations Commission fixes German liability at 132 billion gold marks;
German inflation begins
PH :
Major treaties signed at Washington Disarmament Conference limit naval tonnage and pledge to respect territorial integrity of China
PH :
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania are admitted to the League of Nations
LT :
Richard Wilbur born 1 March
M :
Camille Saint-Saëns dies 16 December
PH :
Kemal Atatürk founds modern Turkey
ST :
King Tut's tomb found
PH :
Mussolini marches on Rome
LT :
The Reader's Digest first published
VA :
Edmund Blair Leighton dies
LT :
A E Housman: Last Poems
LT :
Thomas Hardy: Late Lyrics and Earlier
LT :
T S Eliot: The Waste Land
LT :
ee cummings: The Enormous Room
M :
Edgard Varèse : Amériques
M :
Paul Hindemith : Suite, 1922
M :
Arthur Honegger : Ballet, Skating Rink
M :
Manuel de Falla : Chamber opera, El Retablo de Maese Pedro
('Master Peter's Puppet Show')
M :
Ottorino Respighi : Opera, Belfagor
M :
Gustav Holst : A Fugal Overture
M :
Gustav Holst : Opera, The Perfect Fool
VA :
Frederick Maxfield Parrish : Morning
VA :
Frederick Maxfield Parrish : Daybreak
PH :
Hungary is admitted to the League of Nations
M :
Lukas Foss born 15 August
VA :
Lucien Freud born
DL :
Talking movies invented
LT :
Wallace Stevens: Harmonium
LT :
Walter de la Mare: Come Hither and The Riddle, and Other Stories
LT :
Thomas Hardy: The Famous Tragedy of the Queen of Cornwall
LT :
Robert Frost: New Hampshire
LT :
ee cummings: Tulips and Chimneys
M :
Edgard Varèse : Octandre
M :
Edgard Varèse : Hyperprism
M :
Paul Hindemith : Das Marienleben
M :
Arthur Honegger : Pacific 231
M :
Jean Sibelius : Symphony
M :
Ottorino Respighi : Ancient Airs and Dances
second series
M :
Darius Milhaud : Ballet, La Création du monde
('The Creation of the World')
M :
Zoltán Kodály : Psalmus hungaricus
for voices and orchestra
M :
Leoš Janácek : String Quartet
No.1, 'The Kreutzer Sonata'
M :
Leoš Janácek : Opera, The Cunning Little Vixen
M :
Béla Bartók : Dance Suite
for orchestra
M :
Igor Stravinsky : Octet
for Wind Instruments
PH :
Adolf Hitler's "Beer Hall Putsch" in Munich fails
PH :
Occupation of Ruhr by French and Belgian troops to enforce reparations payments
DL :
Widespread Ku Klux Klan violence in U.S.
DL :
Earthquake destroys third of Tokyo
M :
George Gershwin : Rhapsody in Blue
M :
Bessie Smith, known as "the Empress of the Blues", makes her first record
LT :
William Butler Yeats wins Nobel Prize in Literature
PH :
Ethiopia, Ireland are admitted to the League of Nations
PH :
Dominican Republic is admitted to the League of Nations
VA :
Roy Lichtenstein born
DL :
First Olympic winter games
LT :
Marianne Moore: Observations
LT :
John Masefield: Sard Harker
LT :
Archibald MacLeish: The Happy Marriage
LT :
Robert Graves: Poems: 1914-26
VA :
Frank Cadogan Cowper : The Damsel of the Lake, Called Nimue the Enchantress
M :
Edgard Varèse : Intégrales
M :
Paul Hindemith : String Trio
M :
Jean Sibelius : Symphony
M :
Franz Schreker : Opera, Irrelohe
('Flames of Madness')
M :
Erik Satie : Ballet, Relâche
M :
Erik Satie : Ballet, Mercure
M :
Ottorino Respighi : Symphonic Poem, The Pines of Rome
M :
Maurice Ravel : Tzigane
('Gypsy'), for violin plus orchestra or piano
M :
Francis Poulenc : Ballet, Les Biches
('The Little Darlings')
M :
Leoš Janácek : Wind sextet, Mládi
M :
Gustav Holst : Choral Symphony
M :
Gustav Holst : Opera, At the Boar's Head
M :
George Gershwin : Rhapsody in Blue
for piano and jazz band
M :
Aaron Copland : Symphony for Organ and Orchestra
(later arranged without organ)
PH :
Adolf Hitler is sentenced to five years in prison where he writes Mein Kampf; released after eight months
PH :
Death of Lenin; Stalin wins power struggle, rules as Soviet dictator until death in 1953
LT :
Robert Frost wins first of four Pulitzers
PH :
Italian Fascists murder Socialist leader Giacomo Matteotti
PH :
Teapot Dome scandal
M :
Gabriel Urbain Fauré dies 4 November
PH :
Hitler's Mein Kampf published
LT :
Edwin A Robinson: Roman Bartholow and Dionysus in Doubt
LT :
Walter de la Mare: Broomsticks and Other Tales
LT :
Archibald MacLeish: The Pot of Earth
LT :
Thomas Hardy: Human Shows
LT :
ee cummings: & and XLI Poems
M :
Paul Hindemith : Concerto
for Orchestra
M :
Ernst Bacon : Prelude and Fugue
M :
Sir George Dyson : Children's Suite After Walter De La Mare
M :
William Turner Walton : Overture, Portsmouth Point
M :
Dmitry Shostakovich : Symphony
M :
Maurice Ravel : Opera, L'Enfant et les sortilèges
('The Child and the Magic Spells')
M :
Sergei Prokofiev : Ballet, The Steel Step
M :
Leoš Janácek : Opera, The Makropulos Affair
M :
George Gershwin : Concerto
in F, for piano and orchestra
VA :
Frederick Maxfield Parrish : The Knave
PH :
Locarno conferences seek to secure European peace by mutual guarantees
ST :
John Logie Baird, Scottish inventor, transmits human features by television
ST :
John T. Scopes convicted and fined for teaching evolution in a public school in Tennessee "Monkey Trial"; sentence set aside
VA :
Robert Rauschenberg born
PH :
Costa Rica withdraws from the League of Nations
M :
Pierre Boulez born 26 March
VA :
John Singer Sargent dies
M :
Erik Satie dies 1 July
LT :
Sara Teasdale: Dark of the Moon
LT :
John Masefield: Odtaa
LT :
Archibald MacLeish: Streets on the Moon
VA :
Frank Cadogan Cowper : La Belle Dame Sans Merci
M :
Paul Hindemith : Opera, Cardillac
M :
Arthur Honegger : Opera, Judith
M :
Manuel de Falla : Concerto
for harpsichord and chamber ensemble
M :
Jean Sibelius : Symphonic Poem, Tapiola
M :
Sergei Rachmaninov : Piano Concerto
M :
Giacomo Puccini : Opera, Turandot
(the final scene completed by Franco Alfano after Puccini's death)
M :
Zoltán Kodály : Opera, Háry János
M :
Leoš Janácek : Sinfonietta
for orchestra
M :
Leoš Janácek : Glagolitic Mass
for soloists, choir and orchestra
M :
George Gershwin :
Three Piano Preludes
M :
George Gershwin : Musical, O, Kay!
M :
Aaron Copland : Piano Concerto
M :
Béla Bartók : Out of Doors
for piano
M :
Béla Bartók : Piano Concerto
DL :
General strike in Britain brings nation's activities to standstill
PH :
U.S. marines dispatched to Nicaragua during revolt; they remain until 1933
PH :
Germany is admitted to the League of Nations, Brazil withdraws
VA :
Mary Cassatt dies 14 June
VA :
Claude Monet dies 5 December
DL :
BBC founded
LT :
Edwin A Robinson: Tristram
VA :
Marc Chagall : Lovers with Flowers
M :
Edgard Varèse : Arcana
M :
Arthur Honegger : Opera, Antigone
M :
Ottorino Respighi : Three Botticelli Pictures
M :
Ottorino Respighi : The Birds
suite for small orchestra (based on 17th and 18th century pieces about birds)
M :
Sergei Prokofiev : Opera, The Fiery Angel
M :
Zoltán Kodály : Dances of Marosszék
for piano (later orchestrated)
M :
Gustav Holst : Tone poem, Egdon Heath
M :
George Gershwin : Musical, Funny Face
M :
George Gershwin : Musical, Strike Up the Band
M :
Béla Bartók : String Quartet
M :
Igor Stravinsky : Opera-oratorio, Oedipus Rex
M :
Franz Schreker : Christophorus
PH :
German economy collapses - Socialists riot in Vienna; general strike follows acquittal of Nazis for political murder
PH :
Trotsky expelled from Russian Communist Party
ST :
Charles A. Lindbergh flies first successful solo nonstop flight from New York to Paris
ST :
Philo T. Farnsworth demonstrates working television model
ST :
Georges Lemaître proposes Big Bang Theory
DL :
Babe Ruth hits 60 home runs in the season; record stands for next 34 years
VA :
The Jazz Singer, with Al Jolson, first part-talking motion picture
LT :
Galway Kinnell born 1 February
VA :
Juan Gris dies
LT :
First Oxford English Dictionary published
ST :
Penicillin discovered
LT :
W.B. Yeats: The Tower
VA :
Sir Frank Bernard Dicksee dies
LT :
Archibald MacLeish: The Hamlet of A. MacLeish
M :
Anton von Webern : Symphony
M :
Virgil Garnett Thomson : Symphony
on a Hymn Tune
M :
Virgil Garnett Thomson : Opera, Four Saints in Three Acts
M :
Olivier Messiaen : Le banquet céleste
for organ
M :
Olivier Messiaen : Trois petites liturgies de la Presence Divine
M :
Ralph Vaughan Williams : Opera, Sir John in Love
(including 'Greensleeves')
M :
Dmitry Shostakovich : Opera, The Nose
M :
Arnold Schoenberg :
Variations for Orchestra
M :
Ottorino Respighi : Symphonic Poem, Roman Festivals
M :
Maurice Ravel : Boléro
for orchestra
M :
Darius Milhaud : Opera, Christopher Columbus
M :
Franz Lehár : Operetta, Das Land des Lächelns
('The Land of Smiles')
George Gershwin : Symphonic Poem, An American in Paris
M :
Béla Bartók : String Quartet
M :
Igor Stravinsky : Ballet, Apollon musagète
M :
Franz Schreker : Der singende Teufel
PH :
Kellogg-Briand Pact, outlawing war, signed in Paris by 65 nations    GO !
RP :
Anthropologist Margaret Mead publishes Coming of Age in Samoa
LT :
Thomas Hardy dies 11 January
VA :
Andy Warhol born
M :
Leoš Janácek dies 12 August
M :
Karlheinz Stockhausen born 22 August
VA :
Helen Frankenthaler born in New York City
LT :
Edwin A Robinson: Cavender's House
LT :
Robert Graves: Goodbye to All That
M :
Ernst Toch : Bunte Suite
M :
William Turner Walton : Viola Concerto
PH :
Trotsky expelled from U.S.S.R.
PH :
Lateran Treaty establishes independent Vatican City
DL :
In U.S., stock market prices collapse, with U.S. securities losing $26 billion—first phase of Depression and world economic crisis
ST :
Edwin Powell Hubble proposes theory of expanding universe
M :
Andre Previn born 6 April
ST :
Pluto discovered
LT :
Sara Teasdale: Stars To-night
LT :
Sara Teasdale: Stars To-night
LT :
Walter de la Mare: On the Edge
LT :
Archibald MacLeish: New Found Land
LT :
Robert Frost: Selected Poems
LT :
T S Eliot: Ash-Wednesday
LT :
Wystan Hugh Auden: Paid on Both Sides and Poems
M :
Anton von Webern : Quartet
Violin, Clarinet, Tenor Saxaphone, Piano
M :
Olivier Messiaen : Diptyque
for organ
M :
Ernst Toch : Gesprochene Musik
M :
Ralph Vaughan Williams : Ballet, Job, a Masque for Dancing
M :
Dmitry Shostakovich : Ballet, The Age of Gold
M :
Gustav Holst : Prelude and scherzo
for military band, Hammersmith
M :
Gustav Holst : Choral Fantasia
M :
George Gershwin : Musical, Girl Crazy
M :
Aaron Copland : Piano Variations
(later orchestrated)
M :
Igor Stravinsky : Symphony
of Psalms
PH :
Britain, U.S., Japan, France, and Italy sign naval disarmament treaty
ST :
Cyclotron developed
M :
Stephen Sondheim born 22 March
LT :
Edwin A Robinson: Matthias at the Door
LT :
Robert Graves: Poems: 1926-1930
LT :
T S Eliot: Thoughts After Lambeth
LT :
ee cummings: CIOPW and ViVa
M :
Edgard Varèse : Ionisation
M :
Paul Hindemith : Das Unaufhörliche
M :
Arthur Honegger : Oratorio, Cris du monde
M :
Arthur Honegger : Opera, Amphion
M :
Sir George Dyson : The Canterbury Pilgrims
M :
William Turner Walton : Cantata, Belshazzar's Feast
M :
Maurice Ravel : Piano Concerto
in G
M :
Gustav Holst : Hammersmith
for orchestra
M :
Samuel Barber : Overture, The School for Scandal
M :
Samuel Barber : Dover Beach
for solo baritone and string quartet
M :
Vincenzo Bellini : Opera, Norma
M :
Béla Bartók : Piano Concerto
M :
Igor Stravinsky :
Violin Concerto
PH :
Spain becomes a republic with overthrow of King Alfonso XIII
PH :
German industrialists finance 800,000-strong Nazi party
PH :
Mukden Incident begins Japanese occupation of Manchuria
ST :
Harold C. Urey discovers heavy hydrogen
DL :
The Star Spangled Banner officially becomes U.S. national anthem
DL :
Notorious Scottsboro trial begins, exposing depth of Southern racism in U.S.
PH :
Mexico is admitted to the League of Nations
LT :
Edwin A Robinson: Nicodemus
LT :
Archibald MacLeish: Conquistador
M :
Ernst Bacon : Symphony
M :
Richard Strauss : Opera, Arabella
M :
Dmitry Shostakovich : Opera, The Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District
(later revised as Katerina Izmaylova)
M :
Arnold Schoenberg : Opera, Moses and Aaron
M :
Francis Poulenc : Concerto
in D-minor, for two pianos and orchestra
M :
George Gershwin : Musical, Of Thee I Sing
M :
George Gershwin : Cuban Overture
M :
Benjamin Britten : Sinfonietta
M :
Franz Schreker : Der Schmied von Gent
PH :
Nazis lead in German elections with 230 Reichstag seats
DL :
Famine in U.S.S.R.
DL :
In U.S., Congress sets up Reconstruction Finance Corporation to stimulate economy.
DL :
Veterans march on Washington—most leave after Senate rejects payment of cash bonuses; others removed by troops under Douglas MacArthur
PH :
Iraq, Turkey are admitted to the League of Nations
M :
John Phillip Sousa dies 6 March
PH :
Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
LT :
W.B. Yeats: The Winding Stair and Other Poems
LT :
Edwin A Robinson: Talifer
LT :
Archibald MacLeish: Conquistador
LT :
A E Housman: The Name and Nature of Poetry
LT :
T S Eliot: The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism
LT :
ee cummings: Eimi
VA :
Marc Chagall : Solitude
M :
Paul Hindemith : String Trio
M :
Olivier Messiaen : L'Ascension
(for orchestra, later for organ)
M :
Sir George Dyson : St Paul's Voyage to Melita
M :
Ottorino Respighi : Opera, La Fiamma
M :
Sergei Prokofiev : Film Score, Lieutenant Kijé
M :
Zoltán Kodály : Dances of Galánta
for orchestra
M :
Gustav Holst : Brook Green Suite
for strings
M :
Vincenzo Bellini : Opera, Beatrice di Tenda
PH :
Reichstag fire in Berlin; Nazi terror begins
PH :
Germany and Japan withdraw from League of Nations
PH :
Roosevelt inaugurated; launches New Deal    GO !
DL :
In U.S. Prohibition repealed
PH :
U.S.S.R. recognised by U.S.
PH :
Germany, Japan withdraw from the League of Nations
LT :
Sara Teasdale dies 29 January
M :
Henryk Mikolaj Górecki born 6 December
VA :
Marc Chagall : Bouquet with Flying Lovers
PH :
Mao Zedong begins the Long March
LT :
Edwin A Robinson: Amaranth
LT :
Robert Graves: I, Claudius and Claudius the God
LT :
T S Eliot: After Strange Gods
M :
Edgard Varèse : Ecuatorial
M :
Paul Hindemith : Symphony, Mathis der Maler
M :
Arthur Honegger : Ballet, Sémiramis
M :
Ralph Vaughan Williams : Symphony
M :
Sergei Rachmaninov : Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini
(including '18th Variation'), for piano and orchestra
M :
Pietro Mascagni : Opera, Nerone
M :
Franz Lehár : Opera, Giuditta
M :
Béla Bartók : String Quartet
PH :
Hitler becomes führer.
PH :
U.S.S.R. admitted to League of Nations
PH :
Afghanistan, Ecuador, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics are admitted to the League of Nations
M :
Edward Elgar dies 23 February
M :
Franz Schreker dies 21 March
M :
Gustav Holst dies 25 May
M :
Frederick Delius dies 10 June
M :
Harrison Birtwistle born 15 July
PH :
Germany issues the anti-Jewish Nuremberg Laws
VA :
Jessie Willcox Smith dies
LT :
Wallace Stevens: Ideas of Order
LT :
T S Eliot: Murder in the Cathedral
LT :
ee cummings: No Thanks and Tom
M :
Paul Hindemith : Viola concerto, Der Schwanendreher
M :
Paul Hindemith : Opera, Mathis der Maler
M :
Olivier Messiaen : La nativite de Seigneur
for organ
M :
Arthur Honegger : Film music, Mayerling
M :
Arthur Honegger : Oratorio, Jeanne d’Arc au bûcher
('Joan of Arc at the Stake')
M :
Sir George Dyson : Nebuchadnezzar
M :
William Turner Walton : Symphony
M :
Sergei Prokofiev : Violin Concerto
M :
George Gershwin : Opera, Porgy and Bess
PH :
Nazis repudiate Versailles Treaty, introduce compulsory military service
DL :
Roosevelt opens second phase of New Deal in U.S., calling for social security, better housing, equitable taxation, and farm assistance
PH :
Mussolini invades Ethiopia; League of Nations invokes sanctions
PH :
Paraguay withdraws from the League of Nations of Nations
LT :
Edwin A Robinson dies 6 April
VA :
Malevich dies
VA :
Paul Signac dies
M :
Alban Berg dies 24 December
PH :
Spanish Civil War begins
PH :
King George V dies; succeeded by son, Edward VIII, who soon abdicates to marry an American-born divorcée, and is succeeded by brother, George VI
M :
Steve Reich dies
LT :
Marianne Moore: The Pangolin and other verse
LT :
Robert Frost: A Further Range
LT :
ee cummings: 1/20
LT :
Wystan Hugh Auden: Look Stranger!
M :
Edgard Varèse : Density 21.5
for flute solo
M :
Ernst Bacon : Twilight
M :
Ernst Bacon : Songs of Eternity
M :
Virgil Garnett Thomson : Film score, The Plow that Broke the Plains
M :
Olivier Messiaen : Song-cycles, Poèmes pour Mi
M :
Elliott Cook Carter : Tarantella
for Male Chorus and Orchestra
M :
Arnold Schoenberg : Violin Concerto
M :
Sergei Rachmaninov : Symphony
M :
Sergei Prokofiev : Peter and the Wolf
for narrator and orchestra
M :
Sergei Prokofiev : Ballet, Romeo and Juliet
M :
Darius Milhaud : Suite provençale
M :
Mikhail Glinka : Opera, Zhizn'za tsarya
('A Life for the Tzar')
M :
George Gershwin : Film music, Shall We Dance
M :
Samuel Barber : Symphony
M :
Samuel Barber : String Quartet
M :
Aaron Copland : El Salón México
for orchestra
M :
Béla Bartók :
Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta
PH :
Germans occupy Rhineland, Italy annexes Ethiopia, Rome-Berlin Axis proclaimed (Japan will join in 1940)
PH :
War between China and Japan begins, to continue through World War II
PH :
Japan and Germany sign anti-Comintern pact; joined by Italy in 1937
PH :
Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua withdraw from the League of Nations
M :
Ottorino Respighi dies 18 April
LT :
A E Housman dies 30 April
PH :
Japan invades China
LT :
Wallace Stevens: The Man With the Blue Guitar
LT :
Wystan Hugh Auden: On This Island
M :
Virgil Garnett Thomson : Film score, The River
M :
Virgil Garnett Thomson : Ballet, Filling Station
M :
Olivier Messiaen : O sacrum convivum!
M :
William Turner Walton : Coronation march, Crown Imperial
M :
Dmitry Shostakovich : Symphony
M :
Francis Poulenc : Mass in G-Major
M :
Francis Poulenc : Song-cycle, Tel jour, telle nuit
M :
Carl Orff : Cantata, Carmina Burana
M :
Darius Milhaud : Suite for 2 pianos, Scaramouche
M :
George Gershwin : Film music, A Damsel in Distress
M :
Béla Bartók : Sonata
for 2 pianos and percussion (later orchestrated)
M :
Benjamin Britten : Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge
VA :
Picasso's Guernica mural
PH :
Hitler repudiates war guilt clause of Versailles Treaty; continues to build German power
PH :
Egypt is admitted to the League of Nations,El Salvador and Italy withdraw
VA :
David Hockney born
M :
George Gershwin dies 11 July
M :
Maurice Ravel dies 28 December
VA :
Marc Chagall : The Three Candles
VA :
Marc Chagall : Madonna of the Village
LT :
Broadcast of "The War of the Worlds" causes panic
LT :
Robert Graves: Collected Poems
LT :
Robert Graves: Count Belisarius
M :
Paul Hindemith : Ballet, Nobilissima visione
M :
Arthur Honegger : Oratorio, Cantique des cantiques
M :
Sergei Prokofiev : Cantata, Alexander Nevsky
(based on the film score)
M :
Francis Poulenc : Concerto
for organ, strings, and timpani
M :
Carl Orff : Opera, Der Mond
('The Moon')
M :
Samuel Barber : Adagio for Strings
M :
Aaron Copland : Ballet, Billy the Kid
M :
Béla Bartók : Violin Concerto
M :
Igor Stravinsky : Concerto
'Dumbarton Oaks'
PH :
Hitler marches into Austria; political and geographical union of Germany and Austria proclaimed
PH :
Munich Pact—Britain, France, and Italy agree to let Germany partition Czechoslovakia
DL :
In U.S. the Fair Labor Standards Act establishes minimum wage
PH :
Chile, Venezuela withdraw from the League of Nations
LT :
Archibald MacLeish: America Was Promises
LT :
T S Eliot: The Family Reunion and The Idea of a Christian Society
LT :
Wystan Hugh Auden: Journey to a War
M :
Paul Hindemith : Violin Concerto
M :
Olivier Messiaen : Les corps glorieux
M :
Elliott Cook Carter : Ballet, Pocahontas
M :
Ralph Vaughan Williams : Serenade to Music
for voices and orchestra
M :
William Turner Walton : Violin Concerto
M :
Joaquín Rodrigo : Concierto de Aranjuez
for guitar and orchestra
M :
Zoltán Kodály : Variations on a Hungarian Folksong
('The Peacock'), for orchestra
M :
Aaron Copland : Film Score, Of Mice and Men
M :
Aaron Copland : Quiet City, for orchestra
M :
Béla Bartók : Mikrokosmos
for piano
M :
Béla Bartók : String Quartet
M :
Benjamin Britten : Song cycle, Les Illuminations
M :
Benjamin Britten :
Violin concerto
PH :
Russo-Finnish War begins
DL :
New York World's Fair opens
DL :
Gone with the Wind premieres
PH :
In U.S., Roosevelt submits $1,319-million defence budget, proclaims U.S. neutrality, and declares limited emergency
ST :
Einstein writes FDR about feasibility of atomic bomb
PH :
Hungary, Peru, Spain withdraw from the League of Nations, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is expelled from the League
PH :
Germany invades Poland; occupies Bohemia and Moravia; renounces pact with England and concludes 10-year non-aggression pact with U.S.S.R
LT :
William Butler Yeats dies 18 January
PH :
World War II begins
VA :
Arthur Rackham dies
PH :
Rumania withdraws from the League of Nations
VA :
Stone Age cave paintings found in France
LT :
John Masefield: Basilissa
LT :
T S Eliot: Notes Towards the Definition of Culture
LT :
Wystan Hugh Auden: Another Time
M :
John Cage : Bacchanale
for prepared piano
M :
Paul Hindemith : Cello Concerto
M :
Paul Hindemith : Ballet, The Four Temperaments
M :
Ernst Bacon : Symphony
No.2 (Americana)
M :
Anton von Webern :
Variations for Orchestra
M :
Anton von Webern : Cantatas
No.1 and No.2
M :
Arthur Honegger :
Solo Violin Sonata
M :
William Turner Walton : Overture, Scapino
M :
Dmitry Shostakovich : Piano Quintet
M :
Sergei Rachmaninov : Symphonic Dances
M :
Sergei Prokofiev : Piano Sonata
M :
Darius Milhaud : Ballet, Moïse
M :
Zoltán Kodály : Concerto
for orchestra
M :
Samuel Barber : Violin Concerto
M :
Aaron Copland : Film Score, Our Town
M :
Benjamin Britten : Sinfonia da Requiem
M :
Igor Stravinsky : Symphony
in C
PH :
Russo-Finnish War ends; Finns lose one-tenth of territory in peace treaty
PH :
Hitler invades Norway, Denmark (April 9), the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg (May 10), and France (May 12)
PH :
Churchill becomes Britain's prime minister
PH :
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania annexed by U.S.S.R.
DL :
The first official network television broadcast is put out by NBC
PH :
June - Canadian National Resources Mobilisation Act
VA :
Paul Klee dies
LT :
Theodore Roethke: Open House
LT :
Marianne Moore: What Are Years?
LT :
John Masefield: In the Mill
LT :
Robert Graves: The Long Weekend
LT :
ee cummings: Fifty Poems
M :
Olivier Messiaen : Quatour pour la fin du temps
M :
Witold Lutoslawski : Paganini Variations
for two pianos
M :
Sir George Dyson : Concerto
for Violin and Orchestra in E flat
M :
Dmitry Shostakovich : Symphony
No.7, 'Leningrad'
PH :
Germany attacks the Balkans and Russia
ST :
Manhattan Project (atomic bomb research) begins
PH :
Roosevelt enunciates "four freedoms"    GO !
DL :
T-shirt introduced
LT :
Wallace Stevens: Notes Towards a Supreme Fiction
LT :
Robert Frost: A Witness Tree
M :
John Cage : Credo in Us
M :
Paul Hindemith : Ludus tonalis
M :
Lukas Foss : Oratorio, The Prairie
M :
William Turner Walton : Film Score, The First of the Few
M :
Richard Strauss : Horn Concerto
M :
Arnold Schoenberg : Ode to Napoleon,
for speaker and chamber ensemble
M :
Arnold Schoenberg : Piano Concerto
M :
Sergei Prokofiev : Piano Sonata
M :
Carl Orff : Opera, Die Kluge
('The Clever Woman')
M :
Aaron Copland : A Lincoln Portrait
for speaker and orchestra
M :
Aaron Copland : Ballet, Rodeo
M :
Leonard Bernstein : Symphony
No.1, 'Jeremiah'
M :
Benjamin Britten : A Ceremony of Carols
PH :
Declaration of United Nations signed in Washington on 1 January     GO !
PH :
Nazi leaders attend Wannsee Conference to coordinate the "final solution to the Jewish question", the systematic genocide of Jews known as the Holocaust
ST :
Enrico Fermi achieves nuclear chain reaction
DL :
More than 120,000 Japanese and persons of Japanese ancestry living in western U.S. moved to "relocation centers", some for the duration of the war
PH :
Haiti withdraws from the League of Nations
LT :
Robert Graves: Wife to Mr Milton
LT :
T S Eliot: Four Quartets
M :
John Cage : Tosses as it Is Untroubled
for prepared piano
M :
Paul Hindemith : Symphonic Metamorphoses on Themes of Carl Maria von Weber
M :
Ralph Vaughan Williams : Symphony
M :
Joaquín Rodrigo : Concierto heroíco
for piano and orchestra
M :
Carl Orff : Cantata, Catulli Carmina
('Songs of Catullus')
M :
Leonard Bernstein : Ballet, Fancy Free
M :
Béla Bartók : Concerto
for Orchestra
M :
Benjamin Britten : Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings
PH :
Mussolini deposed
PH :
U.S. President freezes prices, salaries, and wages to prevent inflation
DL :
Income tax withholding introduced in U.S.
PH :
14-24 January - Casablanca Conference: Churchill and Roosevelt meet, Stalin declines
M :
Sergei Rachmaninov dies 28 March
LT :
Marianne Moore: Nevertheless
LT :
ee cummings: 1 x 1
LT :
Wystan Hugh Auden: For the Time Being and The Sea and the Mirror
M :
John Cage : A Book of Music
for two prepared pianos
M :
John Cage : Perilous Night
for prepared piano
M :
Elliott Cook Carter : The Harmony of Morning
for Female Chorus and Small Orchestra
M :
Elliott Cook Carter : Symphony
M :
William Turner Walton : Film Score, Henry V
M :
Sergei Prokofiev : Violin Sonata
M :
Sergei Prokofiev : Ballet, Cinderella
M :
Sergei Prokofiev : Piano Sonata
M :
Sergei Prokofiev : Symphony
M :
Darius Milhaud : Symphony
M :
Aaron Copland : Ballet, Appalachian Spring
M :
Leonard Bernstein : Musical, On The Town
PH :
Bretton Woods Conference creates International Monetary Fund and World Bank
PH :
Dumbarton Oaks Conference—U.S., British Commonwealth, and U.S.S.R. propose establishment of United Nations
VA :
Edvard Munch dies 23 January
VA :
Wassily Kandinsky dies
ST :
First electronic computer (ENIAC) built
LT :
Robert Frost: A Masque of Reason
M :
John Cage : Three Dances
for two prepared pianos
M :
Pierre Boulez : Douze Notations
M :
Paul Hindemith : Piano Concerto
M :
Richard Strauss : Metamorphosen,
for strings
M :
Dmitry Shostakovich : Symphony
M :
Sergei Prokofiev : Film Score, Ivan the Terrible
M :
Francis Poulenc : L'histoire de Babar
for narrator and piano
M :
Carl Orff : Die Bernauerin
('Bernauer's Wife'), for voices and orchestra
M :
Darius Milhaud : Suite française
M :
Samuel Barber : Cello Concerto
M :
Béla Bartók : Piano Concerto
M :
Benjamin Britten : Opera, Peter Grimes
M :
Igor Stravinsky : Ebony Concerto
M :
Igor Stravinsky : Symphony
in Three Movements
M :
Tomaso Albinoni :
Adagio in G minor (arranged by Remo Giazotto)
PH :
FDR dies on 12 April; Harry Truman becomes president    GO !
PH :
Hitler commits suicide 30 April
PH :
Germany surrenders 7 May; V-E Day declared 8 May
PH :
U.S. drops atomic bombs on Japanese cities of Hiroshima (6 Aug. ) and Nagasaki (9 Aug.)
M :
Pietro Mascagni dies 24 August
PH :
Japan signs official surrender on 2 September : V-J Day     GO !
Witold Lutoslawski : Dance Preludes
for clarinet and piano
M :
Witold Lutoslawski : Concerto
for orchestra
M :
Milton Byron Babbitt : String Quartets
No.1 and No.2
M :
William Turner Walton : Opera, Troilus and Cressida
M :
Joaquín Rodrigo : Fantasía para un gentilhombre
('Fantasia for a Gentleman'), for guitar and orchestra
M :
Joaquín Rodrigo : Concierto serenata
for harp and orchestra
M :
Aaron Copland : Opera, The Tender Land
M :
Leonard Bernstein : Film music, On the Waterfront
M :
Benjamin Britten : Opera, The Turn of the Screw
PH :
Soviet Union grants sovereignty to East Germany
PH :
Dien Bien Phu, French military outpost in Vietnam, falls to Vietminh army
DL :
U.S. Supreme Court (in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka) unanimously bans racial segregation in public schools     GO !
PH :
Eisenhower launches world atomic pool without Soviet Union
PH :
Eight-nation Southeast Asia defence treaty (SEATO) signed at Manila    GO !
DL :
Dr. Jonas Salk starts inoculating children against polio
PH :
Algerian War of Independence against France begins
M :
Charles Ives dies 19 May
VA :
Henri Matisse dies
DL :
Disneyland opens
PH :
Warsaw Pact signed
DL :
McDonald's corporation founded
LT :
Walter de la Mare: A Beginning, and Other Stories
LT :
Robert Graves: The Greek Myths
M :
Olivier Messiaen : Oiseaux exotiques
for piano, wind and percussion
M :
William Turner Walton : Film Score, Richard III
PH :
Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Nepal, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Sri Lanka admitted to the United Nations
PH :
Nikolai A. Bulganin becomes Soviet premier, replacing Malenkov
PH :
Churchill resigns; Anthony Eden succeeds him
PH :
West Germany becomes a sovereign state
PH :
Western European Union (WEU) comes into being
PH :
Argentina ousts Perón
DL :
Rosa Parks refuses to sit at the back of the bus :
Martin Luther King, Jr., leads black boycott of Montgomery, Ala., bus system (1 Dec.); desegregated service begins 21 Dec. 1956
LT :
Wallace Stevens dies 2 August
M :
Arthur Honegger dies 27 November
PH :
Grace Kelly marries Prince Rainier III of Monaco
PH :
Workers' uprising against Communist rule in Poznan, Poland, is crushed in June; rebellion inspires Hungarian students to stage a protest against Communism in Budapest in Oct. Hungarian rebellion forces Soviet troops to withdraw from Budapest in Oct.
DL :
T.V. remote control invented
LT :
Richard Wilbur: Things of This World
M :
Karlheinz Stockhausen : Gesang der Junglinge
(electronic work)
M :
Karlheinz Stockhausen : Zeitmasse
M :
John Cage : Music for Piano
(nos 1-84)
M :
Edgard Varèse : Good Friday Procession in Verges
M :
Elliott Cook Carter :
Variations for Orchestra
M :
Ernst Toch : Third Symphony
M :
William Turner Walton : Cello Concerto
M :
Francis Poulenc : Flute Sonata
M :
Francis Poulenc : Opera, Dialogues des carmélites
M :
Leonard Bernstein : Opera, Candide
PH :
Japan, Morocco, Sudan, and Tunisia admitted to the United Nations
PH :
Egypt takes control of Suez Canal in July, Israel launches attack on Egypt's Sinai
peninsula and drives toward Suez Canal in Oct., British and French invade Port Said
on the Suez Canal on 5 Nov., Cease-fire forced by U.S. pressure stops British, French, and Israeli advance 6 Nov.
PH :
Imre Nagy announces Hungary's withdrawal from Warsaw Pact; Soviet troops enter and reclaim Budapest in Nov.
PH :
Morocco gains independence
LT :
Walter de la Mare dies 22 June
PH :
European Economic Community established
ST :
Soviet satellite Sputnik launches "Space Age"
LT :
Theodore Roethke: The Exorcism
LT :
Howard Nemerov: Homecoming Game
M :
Karlheinz Stockhausen : Gruppen
M :
Pierre Boulez : Sonata
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : Refrains and Choruses
for wind quintet
M :
Paul Hindemith : Opera, Die Harmonie der Welt
M :
Ernst Bacon : Elegy
M :
Ernst Bacon :
Great River Symphony
M :
Ernst Bacon : Concerto Grosso
M :
Milton Byron Babbitt : All Set
for jazz ensemble
M :
William Turner Walton : Partita
for orchestra
M :
Dmitry Shostakovich : Piano Concerto
M :
Dmitry Shostakovich : Symphony
No.11, 'The Year 1905'
M :
Samuel Barber : Opera, Vanessa
M :
Leonard Bernstein : Musical, West Side Story
M :
Benjamin Britten : Opera, Noye's Fludde
M :
Igor Stravinsky : Ballet, Agon
M :
Stephen Sondheim : Lyrics, West Side Story
PH :
Eisenhower Doctrine calls for aid to Mideast countries which resist armed aggression from Communist-controlled nations
DL :
Little Rock, Arkansas, school integration crisis
PH :
Ghana and Malaysia admitted to the United Nations
M :
Jean Sibelius dies 20 September
ST :
NASA founded
VA :
Frank Cadogan Cowper dies
LT :
Theodore Roethke: Words for the Wind
LT :
Archibald MacLeish: J.B.
LT :
T S Eliot: The Elder Statesman
LT :
ee cummings: 95 Poems
M :
John Cage : Aria
for solo voice
M :
Pierre Boulez : Figure-Double-Prisme
M :
Edgard Varèse : Poème électronique
M :
Olivier Messiaen : Catalogue d'oiseaux
for piano
M :
Witold Lutoslawski : Funeral Music
for strings
PH :
Egypt and Syria merge into United Arab Republic
PH :
Khrushchev becomes premier of Soviet Union as Bulganin resigns
PH :
Eisenhower orders U.S. Marines into Lebanon at request of President Chamoun, who fears overthrow
PH :
New French constitution adopted 28 Sept., de Gaulle elected president of 5th Republic
PH :
Guinea admitted to the United Nations
M :
Ralph Vaughan Williams dies 26 August
PH :
Cuban President Batista resigns and flees — Castro becomes dictator of Cuba
LT :
The Sound of Music opens on Broadway
M :
Karlheinz Stockhausen : Zyklys
M :
Karlheinz Stockhausen : Refrain
M :
John Cage : Fontana Mix
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : Monody for Corpus Christi
for soprano, flute, horn and violin
M :
Virgil Garnett Thomson : Song cycle, Mostly About Love
M :
Henryk Mikolaj Górecki : Symphony
M :
Dmitry Shostakovich : Cello Concerto
M :
Francis Poulenc : Gloria
for soprano, choir, and orchestra
M :
Carl Orff : Opera, Oedipus der Tyrann
M :
Aaron Copland : Ballet, Dance Panels
M :
Stephen Sondheim : Lyrics, Gypsy
PH :
Alaska and Hawaii become states
ST :
Leakeys discover hominid fossils
ST :
St. Lawrence Seaway opens, allowing ocean ships to reach Midwest
John Cage : Theater Piece :, from guidelines 8 performers create their own actions and sounds
M :
John Cage : Cartridge Music
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : Precis
a piano solo
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : Three Sonatas
for Nine Instruments
M :
Lukas Foss : Time Cycle
M :
Virgil Garnett Thomson : Missa pro defunctis
M :
Henryk Mikolaj Górecki : Scontri
('Collisions'), for orchestra
M :
William Turner Walton : Symphony
M :
Dmitry Shostakovich : String Quartet
M :
Carl Orff : Christmas play, Ludus de Nato Infante Mirificus
M :
Benjamin Britten : Opera, A Midsummer Night's Dream
PH :
American U-2 spy plane, piloted by Francis Gary Powers, shot down over Russia ; Khrushchev kills Paris summit conference as a result
PH :
Communist China and Soviet Union split in conflict over Communist ideology
PH :
Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, Madagascar, and Zaire (Belgian Congo) gain independence
PH :
Cuba begins confiscation of $770 million of U.S. property
PH :
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Cyprus, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia and Togo admitted to the United Nations
PH :
Berlin Wall built
ST :
Soviets launch first man in space
LT :
Richard Wilbur: Advice to a Prophet and Other Poems
LT :
Theodore Roethke: I Am! Says the Lamb
M :
Pierre Boulez : Structures for 2 pianos
Book II
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : The World Discovered
M :
Elliott Cook Carter : Double Concerto
for Harpsichord and Piano with 2 Chamber Orchestra
M :
Witold Lutoslawski : Venetian Games
for chamber orchestra
M :
Milton Byron Babbitt : Composition
for synthesizer
M :
Milton Byron Babbitt : Vision and Prayer
M :
Darius Milhaud : Symphony
No.12, 'Rurale'
M :
Zoltán Kodály : Symphony
in C-Major
M :
Benjamin Britten : War Requiem
PH :
Robert Frost recites The Gift Outright at John F. Kennedy's inauguration as president of U.S.
PH :
U.S. breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba 3 Jan.; Cuba invaded at Bay of Pigs by an estimated 1,200 anti-Castro exiles aided by U.S.; invasion crushed 17 April
PH :
Mauritania, Mongolia, Sierra Leone and United Republic of Tanzania admitted to the United Nations
VA :
Marc Chagall : Dance
VA :
Andy Warhol exhibits his Campbell's Soup Can
PH :
Cuban Missile Crisis
LT :
Robert Frost: In the Clearing
LT :
ee cummings: Adventures in Value
M :
John Cage : 4'33" No.2 or 0'0" :
solo to be performed in any way by anyone
M :
Pierre Boulez : Pli selon pli
(includes soprano)
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : Entr'acts
for flute, viola and harp
M :
Paul Hindemith : Organ Concerto
M :
Henryk Mikolaj Górecki : Genesis I, Elementi
('The Elements') for string trio
M :
Henryk Mikolaj Górecki : Genesis II, Canti strumentali
('Instrumental Songs') for orchestra
M :
Dmitry Shostakovich : Symphony
No.13, 'Babi-Yar'
M :
Francis Poulenc : Clarinet Sonata
M :
Francis Poulenc : Oboe Sonata
M :
Samuel Barber : Piano Concerto
M :
Aaron Copland : Connotations
for orchestra
M :
Stephen Sondheim : Music and Lyrics, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
PH :
France agrees to Algeria's independence
PH :
Burundi, Jamaica, Western Samoa, Uganda, and Trinidad and Tobago become independent
RP :
Pope John XXIII opens Second Vatican Council — Council holds four sessions, finally closing 8 Dec., 1965
ST :
Rachel Carson's Silent Spring
ST :
Lt. Col. John H. Glenn, Jr., is first American to orbit Earth—three times in 4 hr 55 min
PH :
Algeria, Burundi, Jamaica, Rwanda, Trinidad and Tobago and Uganda admitted to the United Nations
LT :
ee cummings dies 3 September
LT :
Theodore Roethke: Party at the Zoo and Sequence, Sometimes Metaphysical published (posth.)
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : Music for Sleep
(a child-performed lullabye)
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : Narration: a description of the passing of the year"
for acapella chorus
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : Chorales
for Orchestra
M :
Paul Hindemith : Mass
M :
Lukas Foss : Echoi
M :
Olivier Messiaen : Couleurs de la cité céleste
M :
Witold Lutoslawski : Three Poems of Henri Michaux
M :
Milton Byron Babbitt : Philomel
M :
Leonard Bernstein : Symphony
No.3, 'Kaddish'
M :
Benjamin Britten :
Cello Symphony
ST :
Artificial heart implanted in human for first time; patient lives for four days
RP :
Pope John XXIII dies; succeeded by Cardinal Montini, who becomes Paul VI
PH :
U.K.'s Profumo scandal
PH :
Civil rights rally held by 200,000 blacks and whites in Washington, D.C.; Martin Luther King delivers "I have a dream" speech
PH :
Washington-to-Moscow "hot line" communications link opens, designed to reduce risk of accidental war
PH :
President Kennedy shot and killed by sniper in Dallas, Tex. Lyndon B. Johnson becomes president same day
PH :
Kenya achieves independence
PH :
Kenya and Kuwait admitted to the United Nations
LT :
Robert Frost dies 29 January
M :
Francis Poulenc dies 30 January
LT :
Theodore Roethke dies 1 August
VA :
Georges Braque dies
M :
Paul Hindemith dies 28 December
PH :
Civil Rights Act passes in U.S.
LT :
Theodore Roethke: The Far Field published (posth.)
LT :
Howard Nemerov: The Next Room of the Dream
LT :
Robert Graves: The Hebrew Myths
M :
Karlheinz Stockhausen : Mixtur
(electronic work)
M :
Karlheinz Stockhausen : Momente
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : Ring a Dumb Carillon
for soprano,clarinet and percussion
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : Entr'acts and Sappho Fragments
for soprano,flute,oboe,violin,viola,harp and percussion
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : Three Movements
for Fanfares, for chamber orchestra
M :
Virgil Garnett Thomson : Feast of Love
M :
Olivier Messiaen : Et exspecto resurrectionem mortuorum
for wind and percussion
M :
Milton Byron Babbitt : Ensemble
for synthesizer
M :
Benjamin Britten : Church Parable, Curlew River
M :
Stephen Sondheim : Music and Lyrics, Anyone Can Whistle
DL :
The Beatles appear on The Ed Sullivan Show
PH :
Congress approves Gulf of Tonkin resolution
DL :
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and more than 2,600 other blacks arrested in Selma, Ala., during three-day demonstrations against voter-registration rules
PH :
Malawi, Malta and Zambia admitted to the United Nations
M :
Sir George Dyson dies 28 September
M :
Ernst Toch dies 1 October
PH :
U.S. sends troops to Vietnam
LT :
Theodore Roethke: On the Poet and His Craft published (posth.)
Steve Reich : Pendulum Music
for 3 or more microphones, amplifiers, loudspeakers, and performers
M :
Pierre Boulez : e. e. cummings is der Dichter
M :
Pierre Boulez : Domaines
M :
Pierre Boulez : Livre pour cordes
M :
Milton Byron Babbitt : Relata II
for orchestra
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : Down by the Greenwood Side
PH :
Martin Luther King, Jr., civil rights leader, is slain in Memphis
PH :
Czechoslovakia is invaded by Russians and Warsaw Pact forces to crush liberal regime
PH :
Equatorial Guinea, Mauritius and Swaziland admitted to the United Nations
VA :
Marcel Duchamp dies
ST :
ARPANET, the precursor of the Internet, created
PH :
Yasser Arafat becomes leader of the PLO
LT :
Richard Wilbur: Walking to Sleep: New Poems and Translations
M :
Karlheinz Stockhausen : Hymnen
(includes tape)
M :
Karlheinz Stockhausen : Fresco
M :
John Cage : HPSCHD
(with Lejaren Hiller)
M :
Olivier Messiaen : Meditations sur le mystere de la Sainte Trinité
M :
Olivier Messiaen : La transfiguration de Notre Seigneur Jesus Christ
M :
Elliott Cook Carter : Concerto, for Orchestra
M :
Henryk Mikolaj Górecki : Muzyka staropolska
('Old Polish Music'), for brass and strings
M :
William Turner Walton : Film Score, Battle of Britain
M :
Dmitry Shostakovich : Symphony
M :
Joaquín Rodrigo : Concierto madrigal
for two guitars and orchestra
PH :
Richard M. Nixon is inaugurated 37th president of the U.S.
ST :
Apollo 11 astronauts—Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., and Michael Collins—take man's first walk on moon
DL :
Woodstock Festival
M :
Frank Loesser dies 28 June
PH :
Rhodesia severs last tie with British crown and declares itself a racially segregated republic
PH :
Biafra surrenders after 32-month fight for independence from Nigeria
M :
Karlheinz Stockhausen : Mantra
(electronic work)
M :
Pierre Boulez : Éclats/Multiples
an extension of Éclats
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : Signals
M :
Witold Lutoslawski : Concerto
for cello
M :
Milton Byron Babbitt : String Quartet
M :
Milton Byron Babbitt : Phonemena
M :
Stephen Sondheim : Music and Lyrics, Company
PH :
Senate repeals Gulf of Tonkin resolution
PH :
U.S. troops invade Cambodia
PH :
Fiji admitted to the United Nations
M :
Karlheinz Stockhausen : Trans
M :
Pierre Boulez : ....explosante-fixe
M :
Dmitry Shostakovich : Symphony
M :
Leonard Bernstein : Mass
for singers, players and dancers
M :
Stephen Sondheim : Music and Lyrics, Follies
PH :
UN seats Communist China and expels Nationalist China
PH :
Twenty-sixth Amendment to U.S. Constitution lowers voting age to 18
PH :
Bahrain, Bhutan, Oman, Qatar and United Arab Emirates admitted to the United Nations
M :
Igor Stravinsky dies 6 April
LT :
Theodore Roethke: Straw for the Fire, From the Notebooks of Theodore Roethke published (posth.)
LT :
Howard Nemerov: Reflections on Poetry and Poetics
M :
Karlheinz Stockhausen : Ylem
(electronic work)
M :
Steve Reich :
Clapping Music, for 2 musicians clapping
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : The Triumph of Time
M :
Henryk Mikolaj Górecki : Symphony
No.2, 'Copernican'
PH :
President Nixon makes unprecedented eight-day visit to Communist China and meets with Mao Zedong
PH :
Britain takes over direct rule of Northern Ireland in bid for peace
PH :
Start of the Watergate scandal
PH :
Eleven Israeli athletes at Olympic Games in Munich are killed after eight members of
an Arab terrorist group invade Olympic Village; five guerrillas and one policeman are also killed
PH :
"Christmas bombing" of North Vietnam
VA :
Frank E. Schoonover dies
LT :
Marianne Moore dies 5 February
VA :
Maurits Cornelis Escher dies
M :
Steve Reich :
Music for Mallet Instruments, Voices and Organ
M :
Benjamin Britten : Opera, Death in Venice
M :
Stephen Sondheim : Music and Lyrics, A Little Night Music
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : The Mask of Orpheus
PH :
Great Britain, Ireland, and Denmark enter European Economic Community
DL :
Supreme Court rules on Roe v. Wade
PH :
Vietnam War ends with signing of peace pacts
PH :
Greek military junta abolishes monarchy and proclaims republic
PH :
U.S. bombing of Cambodia ends, marking official halt to 12 years of combat activity in Southeast Asia
PH :
Chile's Marxist president, Salvadore Allende, is overthrown
PH :
Fourth and biggest Arab-Israeli conflict begins as Egyptian and Syrian forces attack Israel as Jews mark Yom Kippur, holiest day in their calendar
PH :
Bahamas, Federal Republic of Germany and German Democratic Republic admitted to the United Nations
VA :
Pablo Ruiz y Picasso dies
LT :
Wystan Hugh Auden dies 28 September
M :
Karlheinz Stockhausen : Inori
M :
Olivier Messiaen : Des canyons aux étoiles
PH :
House Judiciary Committee adopts three articles of impeachment charging
President Nixon with obstruction of justice, failure to uphold laws, and
refusal to produce material subpoenaed by the committee; Richard M. Nixon announces he
will resign the next day, the first president to do so - Vice President Gerald R. Ford
of Michigan is sworn in as 38th president of the U.S. on 9 August
PH :
Bangladesh, Grenada and Guinea-Bissau admitted to the United Nations
VA :
David Alfaro Siqueiros dies
M :
Darius Milhaud dies 22 June
VA :
Marc Chagall : Rest
M :
Pierre Boulez : Rituel in memoriam Maderna
M :
Elliott Cook Carter : A Mirror on Which to Dwell
for Soprano and 9 players
M :
Witold Lutoslawski : Les espaces du sommeil
M :
Milton Byron Babbitt : Reflections
for piano and synthesized tape
PH :
Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge take over Cambodia
ST :
Apollo and Soyuz spacecraft take off for U.S.-Soviet link-up in space
PH :
Cape Verde, Comoros, Mozambique, Papua New Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe, Suriname and admitted to the United Nations
M :
Dmitry Shostakovich dies 9 August
LT :
Richard Wilbur: The Mind-Reader: New Poems
LT :
Richard Wilbur: The Mind-Reader: New Poems
M :
Karlheinz Stockhausen : Amour
M :
Steve Reich :
Music for Eighteen Musicians
M :
Elliott Cook Carter : A Symphony of Three Orchestras
M :
Milton Byron Babbitt : Concerti
for Violin, Small Orchestra, and Tape
M :
Henryk Mikolaj Górecki : Symphony
No.3 'Symphony of Sorrowful Songs'
M :
Leonard Bernstein : Songfest
M :
Stephen Sondheim : Music and Lyrics, Pacific Overtures
DL :
U.S. celebrates bicentennial
ST :
Mysterious disease that eventually claims 29 lives strikes American Legion convention in Philadelphia "Legionnaire's Disease"
PH :
Jimmy Carter elected U.S. president
PH :
Angola, Samoa and Seychelles admitted to the United Nations
M :
Benjamin Britten dies 4 December
LT :
Howard Nemerov: Collected Poems
M :
Karlheinz Stockhausen : Opera, Sirius
M :
Karlheinz Stockhausen : Opera, Samstag aus Licht
M :
Karlheinz Stockhausen : Opera, Donnerstag aus Licht
M :
John Cage : Telephones and Birds
(3 performers, telephone announcements and recordings)
M :
Pierre Boulez : Messagesquisse
ST :
Scientists report using bacteria in lab to make insulin
PH :
Deng Xiaoping, purged Chinese leader, restored to power as "Gang of Four" is expelled from Communist Party
PH :
Nuclear-proliferation pact, curbing spread of nuclear weapons, signed by 15 countries, including U.S. and U.S.S.R
PH :
Djibouti and Viet Nam admitted to the United Nations
LT :
Howard Nemerov: Figures of Thought
M :
John Cage : Variations
VIII, for no music or recordings
M :
John Cage : Pools,
for conch shells and tape
M :
John Cage : l treno,
3 happenings for prepared trains
M :
Elliott Cook Carter : Syringa
a Cantata for Soprano and Small Ensemble
M :
Joaquín Rodrigo : Concierto pastoral
for flute and orchestra
PH :
Rhodesia's prime minister Ian D. Smith and three black leaders agree on transfer to black majority rule
PH :
U.S. Senate approves Panama Canal neutrality treaty; votes treaty to turn canal over to Panama by year 2000
DL :
Supreme Court, in Bakke case, bars quota systems in college admissions but affirms constitutionality of programs giving advantage to minorities
RP :
Pope Paul VI, dies; new Pope, John Paul I, dies after only 34 days in office; succeeded by Karol Cardinal Wojtyla of Poland as John Paul II
PH :
"Framework for Peace" in Middle East signed by Egypt's president Anwar Sadat and Israeli premier Menachem Begin after 13-day conference at Camp David led by President Carter
RP :
Jim Jones's followers commit mass suicide in Jonestown, Guyana
PH :
Dominica and Solomon Islands admitted to the United Nations
VA :
Norman Rockwell dies
LT :
Howard Nemerov: By Al Lebowitz's Pool
M :
Milton Byron Babbitt : A Solo Requiem
for soprano and 2 pianos
M :
Stephen Sondheim : Music and Lyrics, Sweeny Todd
ST :
Oil spills pollute ocean waters in Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
PH :
Vietnam and Vietnam-backed Cambodian insurgents announce fall of Phnom Penh, Cambodian capital, and collapse of Pol Pot regime
PH :
Shah leaves Iran after year of turmoil; revolutionary forces under Muslim leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, take over
ST :
Nuclear power plant accident at Three Mile Island, Pa., releases radiation
PH :
Carter and Brezhnev sign SALT II agreement
PH :
Nicaraguan president Gen. Anastasio Somoza Debayle resigns and flees to Miami; Sandinistas form government
PH :
Iranian militants seize U.S. embassy in Teheran and hold hostages
PH :
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan stirs world protests
PH :
Saint Lucia admitted to the United Nations
LT :
Howard Nemerov: Sentences
M :
Pierre Boulez : Notations I-IV
based on the earlier Douze Notations
M :
Witold Lutoslawski : Concerto
for oboe and harp
DL :
Smallpox eradicated
PH :
8-year Iran-Iraq war begins
PH :
Ronald Reagan elected president in Republican sweep
DL :
Mount St. Helens Erupts
DL :
Ted Turner Establishes CNN
PH :
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines as well as Zimbabwe admitted to the United Nations
M :
Steve Reich : Tehillim :
Psalms for 4 sopranos, percussion, woodwinds, electric organ and string quartet
M :
John Cage :
Thirty Pieces for Five Orchestras
M :
Milton Byron Babbitt : The Head of the Bed
for voice and chamber ensemble
M :
Joaquín Rodrigo : Concierto como un divertimento
('Concerto like a Divertimento'), for cello and orchestra
M :
Stephen Sondheim : Music and Lyrics, Merrily We Roll Along
ST :
New Plague Identified as AIDS
DL :
Personal Computers (PC) Introduced by IBM
PH :
Antigua and Barbuda, Belize and Vanuatu admitted to the United Nations
PH :
Antigua and Barbuda, Belize and Vanuatu admitted to the United Nations
M :
Samuel Barber dies 23 January
M :
Henryk Mikolaj Górecki : Lullabies and Dances
for violin and piano
PH :
Falkland Islands Invaded by Argentina
M :
Carl Orff dies 29 March
LT :
Archibald MacLeish dies 20 April
M :
Steve Reich :
Music for Mallet Instruments, Voices, and Organ
M :
Olivier Messiaen : Opera, Saint François d'Assise
M :
Witold Lutoslawski : Third Symphony
M :
Milton Byron Babbitt : Morephonemena
for 12 unaccompanied voices
PH :
Reagan announces defence plan called Star Wars
PH :
Saint Kitts and Nevis admitted to the United Nations
M :
William Turner Walton dies 8 May
LT :
Howard Nemerov: Inside the Onion
M :
Steve Reich : Desert Music
for orchestra
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : Opera, The Mask of Orpheus
M :
Olivier Messiaen : Livre du saint sacrement
M :
Stephen Sondheim : Music and Lyrics, Sunday in the Park with George
PH :
Indira Gandhi, India's Prime Minister, Killed by Two Bodyguards
PH :
Brunei Darussalam admitted to the United Nations
M :
Steve Reich : New York Counterpoint
for clarinet and tape
M :
Elliott Cook Carter : Penthode
M :
Milton Byron Babbitt : Concerto
for Piano and Orchestra
DL :
Famine in Ethiopia
ST :
Hole in the Ozone Layer Discovered
PH :
Mikhail Gorbachev Calls for Glasnost and Perestroika
VA :
Marc Chagall dies 28 March
LT :
Robert Graves dies 7 December
M :
Pierre Boulez : Dérives I
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : Earth Dances
M :
Elliott Cook Carter : String Quartet
No. 4
ST :
Chernobyl Nuclear Accident
PH :
Iran-Contra Scandal Unfolds
ST :
U.S.S.R. Launches Mir Space Station
PH :
U.S. Bombs Libya
VA :
Georgia O'Keeffe dies
LT :
Howard Nemerov: War Stories
M :
Stephen Sondheim : Music and Lyrics, Into the Woods
ST :
DNA First Used to Convict Criminals
DL :
New York Stock Exchange Suffers Huge Drop on "Black Monday"
VA :
Andy Warhol dies
LT :
Richard Wilbur: New and Collected Poems
M :
Steve Reich : Different Trains
M :
Pierre Boulez : Répons
M :
Pierre Boulez : Le visage nuptial
(includes 2 solo voices, chorus, and full orchestra)
M :
Henryk Mikolaj Górecki : String Quartet
No.1, 'Already it is Dark'
M :
Leonard Bernstein : Concerto, for orchestra
M :
Pierre Boulez : Dérives II
PH :
Berlin Wall Falls
VA :
Salvador Dali dies
M :
Virgil Garnett Thomson dies 30 September
M :
Elliott Cook Carter : Violin Concerto
M :
Stephen Sondheim : Music and Lyrics, Assassins
ST :
Hubble Telescope Launched Into Space
PH :
Lech Walesa Becomes First President of Poland
PH :
Liechtenstein and Namibia admitted to the United Nations
M :
Ernst Bacon dies 16 March
M :
Leonard Bernstein dies 15 October
M :
Aaron Copland dies 2 December
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : Opera, Gawain: The Green Knight
PH :
Collapse of the Soviet Union
PH :
Operation Desert Storm
DL :
South Africa Repeals Apartheid Laws
PH :
Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Estonia, Federated States of Micronesia, Latvia, Lithuania, Marshall Islands and Republic of Korea admitted to the United Nations
LT :
Howard Nemerov dies 5 July
M :
Andre Previn : Song cycle, Honey and Rue
PH :
Official End of the Cold War
PH :
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, San Marino, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan admitted to the United Nations
M :
Olivier Messiaen dies 27 April
VA :
Francis Bacon dies
M :
John Cage dies 12 August
M :
Andre Previn : Sonata
written for Yo-Yo Ma
M :
Witold Lutoslawski :
Fourth Symphony
PH :
Andorra, Czech Republic, Eritrea, Monaco, Slovak Republic and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia admitted to the United Nations
M :
Harrison Birtwistle : Opera, The Second Mrs Kong
M :
Stephen Sondheim : Music and Lyrics, Passion
ST :
Channel Tunnel Opens, Connecting Britain and France