| VA : | Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini born | VA : | Sir James Thornhill born | LT : | Thomas Traherne: Christian Ethicks | PH : | Alliance between France and Poland | PH : | War between Sweden and Denmark | PH : | Charles II of England receives 500,000 crowns from Louis XIV and is able to prorogue Eng. Parliament for 15 months | PH : | King Charles II of Spain attains majority | LT : | Poems of Basho (pseudonym of Matsuo Munefusa) help popularise Jap. haiku poetry | RP : | Jacques Savary: Le Parfait Négociant | RP : | Philipp Jacob Spener: Pia desideria | RP : | Spinoza finishes his Ethics | RP : | Thomas Traherne: Christian Ethics (posth.) | ST : | Greenwich Observatory established | ST : | Leibniz invents differential and integral calculus | ST : | Isaac Newton: Opticks | ST : | Finite velocity of light established by Olaus Romer | VA : | Johannes Vermeer dies |
| LT : | John Dryden: Aurengzebe | PH : | Czar Alexis of Russia dies; succeeded by his son Feodor III | PH : | Ahmed Kiuprili dies; succeeded as grand Vizier of Turkey by his brother-in-law Kara Mustafa | RP : | "Declaration of the People of Virginia" by Nathaniel Bacon gains support for rebellion against authorities | RP : | Pope Clement X dies; Benedetto Odescalchi becomes Pope Innocent XI | RP : | Benjamin Thompson; New England's Crisis | RP : | Roger Williams: George Fox Digg'd Out of His Burrowes, anti-Quaker tract | ST : | Thomas Sydenham: Obervationes medicae | DL : | Influenza epidemic in England | RP : | Legal protection of Sabbath observance in England |
| RP : | William Cave: History of Martyrdoms | ED : | Johann Jacob Hofmann: Lexicon Universale, on science and arts | RP : | John Houghton: England's Great Happiness, or A Dialogue between Content and Complaint | RP : | Increase Mather: The Troubles That Have Happened in New England | DL : | Ice cream becomes popular as dessert in Paris |
| LT : | Henry Vaughan: Thalia Rediviva | LT : | John Dryden: All for Love and Limberham | LT : | Anne Bradstreet: Several Poems Compiled with Great Variety of Wit and Learning (posth.) | PH : | Peace of Nijmegen between France and the Dutch and France and Spain | PH : | "Popish Plot" in England revealed; trials of many leading Roman Catholics | PH : | Roman Catholics in England excluded from both Houses of Parliament | PH : | Hungarian rebellion against Hapsburgs under Emeric Tökölyi | PH : | Outbreak of war between Russia and Sweden | RP : | John Bunyan: The Pilgrim's Progress, part I | RP : | Ralph Cudworth: The True Intellectual System of the Universe | M : | Thomas Britton, Eng. patron of music, introduces weekly concerts in Clerkenwell, London | M : | First Ger. opera house opens in Hamburg | ST : | Ital. mathematician Giovanni Ceva states the geometrical theorem on the nature of concurrency | ST : | Christian Huygens records his discovery of the polarisation of light | ST : | Robert de La Salle explores the Great Lakes | ST : | Thomas Thatcher: A Brief Rule in Small Pocks or Measles, first medical treatise published in America | DL : | First chrysanthemums arrive in Holland from Japan | DL : | Import of all Fr. goods to England prohibited | PH : | End of third Anglo-Dutch war | M : | Antonio Vivaldi born 4 March | LT : | Andrew Marvell dies 18 August |
| M : | Alessandro Scarlatti : Opera, Gli equivoci nel sembiante
| PH : | Peace of Nijmegen between Louis XIV and Leopold I | PH : | Habeas Corpus Amendment Act in England | PH : | Peace of St. Germain-en-Laye between Sweden and Brandenburg | PH : | Peace Treaty of Lund between Denmark and Sweden | RP : | Gilbert Burnet: History of the Reformation of the Church of England, vol I | RP : | Sir William Petty: A Treatise on Taxes and Contributions | RP : | Abraham a Sancta Clara: Merk's Wien!, sermons against corruption of morals in Vienna | ST : | Elias Ashmole founds Ashmolean Museum at Oxford | ST : | Edmund Halley: Catalogus stellarum australium | ST : | Fr. Jesuit Louis Hannepin discovers Niagara Falls | DL : | Edict against duelling in France | DL : | First German coffeehouses in Hamburg | VA : | Jean-François de Troy born 27 January |
| PH : | Absolutism in Sweden under King Charles XI | PH : | Maximilian II Emanuel becomes Elector of Bavaria | PH : | Tsunayoshi becomes Shogun of Japan | LT : | Comédie Français formed by merging Théâtre Guénéguad Paris, with Théâtre de'Hôtel de Bourgogne | RP : | Robert Filmer: Patriarche, or The Natural Power of Kings | ED : | César-Pierre Richelet: Dictionnaire François | RP : | Sir William Temple: An Essay on Government | M : | First ballets arrive in Germany from France | M : | Stradivari makes his earliest known cello | ST : | First Brandenburgian expedition to W. Africa | DL : | Dodo, flightless bird of the Raphidae family, extinct | DL : | Penny post established in London | PH : | Start of fourth Anglo-Dutch war | VA : | Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini dies |
| LT : | John Dryden: Spanish Friar | M : | Marc-Antoine Charpentier : Divertissement, Les Plaisirs de Versailles
('The Pleasures of Versailles')
| PH : | Defensive alliances between Brandenburg and France and between Brandenburg and Sweden | PH : | European Congress meets at Frankfurt | ED : | Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet: Discours sur l'histoire universelle | ED : | Jean Mabillon: De re diplomatica, study of historical documents as foundation of historical criticism | RP : | James Dalrymple of Stair: Institutions of the Law of Scotland | M : | Female professional dancers appear for first time at the Paris Opéra | ED : | Academy of Sciences, Moscow, founded | ST : | Canal du Midi, joining Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean, finished | DL : | Founding of the Chelsea Hospital, London, for wounded and discharged soldiers | DL : | First checks in England | M : | Johann Mattheson born 28 September | VA : | Gerard Ter Borch dies |
| LT : | John Dryden: Absalom and Achitophel, The Medal and Religio Laici | PH : | Czar Feodor III of Russia dies; his sister Sophia becomes Regent for her infant brothers, Ivan and Peter | PH : | Emeric Tökölyi proclaimed King of Hungary by Turks | ST : | Pierre Bayle: Thoughts on the Comet of 1680, against superstitions on comets | RP : | John Bunyan: The Holy War | ED : | François Eudes de Mézeray: De l'origine des Français | RP : | 58,000 Fr. Huguenots forced to conversion | ED : | Sir George MacKenzie founds Advocates' Library, Edinburgh, later to becomes Scot. national library | RP : | Sir William Petty: Essay Concerning Multiplications of Mankind | ED : | Acta eruditorum, first learned periodical appears (in Latin) in Leipzig | DL : | Versailles becomes royal residence | DL : | Weaving mill with 100 looms established in Amsterdam | VA : | Giovanni Batista Piazetta born 13 February |
| M : | Henry Purcell : Ode for St. Cecelia's Day
(2 composed in this year, 2 more later)
| M : | Marc-Antoine Charpentier : Dramatic oratorio, La Descente d'Orphée aux enfers
('The Descent of Orpheus into the Underworld')
| PH : | Pol.-Aust. alliance against Turks | PH : | Rye House Plot to assassinate Charles II discovered | PH : | Turks begins siege of Vienna | PH : | Spain declares war on France | PH : | Alfonso VI, King of Portugal, dies; succeeded by his brother Peter II | PH : | Dutch traders admitted to Canton | PH : | League of The Hague: the Emperor Leopold I and Charles II of Spain join Dutch-Swed. alliance against France | PH : | Manchus conquer Formosa | PH : | Peace treaty between William Penn and N. American Indians | RP : | Mathew Hale: A Discourse Touching Provision for the Poor | ED : | William Penn: A General Description of Pennsylvania | ED : | Sir William Petty: The Growth of the City of London | ST : | Eng. navigator William Dampier begins voyage around the world | ST : | Newton explains mathematical theory on tides under gravitational attraction of sun, moon, and earth | DL : | First coffeehouses in Vienna | DL : | Wild boars become extinct in Great Britain |
| PH : | The Emperor, Poland and Venice conclude Holy League of Linz against Turks | PH : | Bermudas become crown colony | PH : | The "Great Elector" offers Fr. Huguenots refuge in Brandenburg | LT : | Nouvelles de la République des Lettres, literary review, published | LT : | Takemoto Gidayu begins puppet theatre "Joruri" in Tokyo | RP : | 93 Jewish families expelled from Bordeaux | RP : | Increase Mather: Remarkable Providences | ST : | Giovanni Cassini: Les Éléments de l'astronomie vérifiés | ST : | Ger. explorer Engelbert Kämpfer travels to Persian Gulf, Java, and Japan | DL : | First attempts in London to light the streets | PH : | Siamese embassy arrives at court of Louis XIV at Versailles | PH : | End of fourth Anglo-Dutch war | VA : | Jean-Antoine Watteau born 10 October |
| M : | Henry Purcell : Rejoice in the Lord Alway
| PH : | Charles II of England dies; succeeded by his brother James II | PH : | Charles, the Elector Palatinates, dies; electorate claimed by Louis XIV for his sister-in-law Liselotte | DL : | All Chin. ports opened to foreign trade | ED : | César de Rochefort: Dictionnaire général et curieux | RP : | Louis XIV revokes Edict of Nantes, exiles thousands of Fr. Protestants | ST : | David Abercromby: De pulsis variatione | DL : | Fr. Huguenots begin silk manufacture in Great Britain | M : | George Frideric Handel born 23 February | VA : | Jean-Marc Nattier born 17 March | M : | Johann Sebastian Bach born 21 March |
| PH : | Russia declares war on Turkey | PH : | Roman Catholics readmitted to Eng. army | LT : | First Swed. theatre opens in Stockholm | RP : | Ger. pietist and educator begins at Leipzig his Collegum Philobiblicum for the study of the Bible | ST : | Halley draws first meteorological map | ED : | Jean Le Clerc: Bibliothèque universelle et historique, 25 vols | ST : | Francis Willughby: Historia piscium (posth.) | DL : | Maison St. Cyr founded as convent school for daughters of poor gentlefolk | VA : | Jean-Baptiste Oudry born 17 March |
| VA : | Giovanni Battista Pittoni born | LT : | John Dryden: The Hind and the Panther | M : | Marc-Antoine Charpentier : Divertissement, Idle sur le retour de la santé du roi
('Idyll on the King's Return to Health')
| PH : | James II issues Declaration of Indulgence for liberty of conscience | PH : | Papal nuncio received by James II | PH : | Hungarian diet of Pressburg recognises the crown as hereditary possession of the male line of Hapsburgs | PH : | Sultan Mohammed IV of Turkey deposed; succeeded by Suleiman III | ED : | Fénelon: Traité de l'éducation des filles | RP : | Samuel von Pufendorf: The Relation of Religious Liberty to Civilian Life | RP : | John Wallis: Institutio logicae | ST : | Isaac Newton: Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica | ST : | Sir Hans Sloane begins his botanical collection on a visit to Jamaica | ED : | University of Bologna founded | M : | Jean-Baptiste Lully dies 22 March |
| VA : | François Le Moyne born | M : | Henry Purcell : Song
'Evening Hymn'
| PH : | Frederick William, the "Great Elector" dies; succeeded by his son Frederick III | PH : | Transylvania becomes province under King of Hungary | PH : | Seven Eng. lords invite William of Orange to England (the "Glorious Revolution") | PH : | War between France and the Empire | RP : | Jacques- Bénigne Boussuet: Histoires des variations des églises protestantes | DL : | Joseph de la Vega: Confusion de confusiones, description of transactions on Amsterdam Exchange | DL : | London underwriters begin meeting regularly at Lloyd's Coffee House | ST : | Plate glass being cast for first time | DL : | Smyrna destroyed by earthquake | LT : | Alexander Pope born 21 May |
| M : | Henry Purcell : Musik's Handmaid
for harpsichord (including a version of 'Lilliburlero')
| M : | Henry Purcell : Opera, Dido and Aeneas
| PH : | Parliament confirms abdication of James II | PH : | Declaration of Rights in England, William and Mary proclaimed King and Queen for life (also in Scotland) | PH : | Louis XIV declares war on Great Britain | PH : | Peter the Great becomes Czar of Russia | PH : | Ger. diet declares war on France | RP : | Pope Innocent XI dies; Pietro Ottoboni becomes Pope Alexander VIII | ED : | John, Lord Somers: A Brief History of the Succession to the Crown of England | RP : | William Sherlock: A Practical Discourse Concerning Death | DL : | William III establishes Devonport Naval Dockyards | DL : | First modern trade fair held in Leiden, Holland |
| LT : | John Dryden: Don Sebastian and Amphitryon | M : | François Couperin : Pièces d'orgue consistantes en deux messes, l'une à l'usage ordinaire des paroisses, l'autre propre pour les couvents de religieux et religieuses
| M : | Marc-Antoine Charpentier :
Setting of the Te Deum
| PH : | Joseph I elected King of the Romans | PH : | Act of Grace passed in England | PH : | Spain joins Great Alliance against France | RP : | John Locke: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding | RP : | Sir William Petty: Political Arithmetics | DL : | Calcutta founded by Eng. colonial administrator Job Charnock | ST : | Huyghens publishes his theory of the undulation of light | ST : | Fr. engineer Denis Papin devises pump with piston, raised by steam | ED : | Academia dell' arcadia founded in Rome | DL : | Calico printing introduced to Great Britain from France | VA : | Nicolas Lancret born 22 January |
| LT : | John Dryden: King Arthur | M : | Johann Pachelbel : Six Suites
for two violins
| M : | Henry Purcell :
Incidental music to King Arthur, play by John Dryden
| PH : | Hapsburgs recognised as rulers of Transylvania | DL : | New East India Company formed in London | PH : | Sultan Suleiman III of Turkey dies; succeeded by Ahmad II | PH : | Treaty of Limerick ends Irish rebellion | RP : | Pope Alexander VIII dies; Antonio Pignatelli becomes Pope Innocent XII | RP : | Christian Faith Society for West Indies founded in London | RP : | Claude Fleury: Histoire ecclésiastique begun (20 vols, completed in 1720) | RP : | Kaspar Stieler: Teutsche Sprachschatz | RP : | Henry Wharton: Anglia sacra | ED : | Anthony à Wood: Athenae Oxonienses | ST : | Leibniz: Protagaea, on geology | DL : | First directory of addresses published in Paris | VA : | Aelbert Cuyp dies |
| LT : | John Dryden: Cleomenes | M : | Henry Purcell : Songs
'Music for a While' and 'Nymphs and Shepherds'
| M : | Henry Purcell : Masque or 'semi opera', The Fairy Queen
| VA : | Antoine Coypel : Democritus | PH : | Massacre of Clan Macdonald at Glencoe | PH : | Duke Ernst August of Hanover becomes 9th Elector of the Holy Roman Empire | LT : | Nahum Tate made poet laureate | RP : | Edict of Toleration for Christians in China | ED : | William and Mary College founded in Virginia | ED : | Johann Konrad Amman: Der redende Stumme, manual of language for deaf-mutes | DL : | The Bank, later becomes banking house of Coutts and Co., opened in Strand, London | DL : | Earthquake in Jamaica | DL : | Queen Mary II founds Greenwich Hospital for wounded sailors and pensioners |
| LT : | John Dryden: A Discourse concerning the Original and Progress of Satire | M : | Johann Pachelbel : Chorale Preludes
for organ
| M : | Marc-Antoine Charpentier : Opera, Médée
| PH : | Louis XIV begins his peace policy, reconciliation with the Vatican | DL : | National Debt begins in England | RP : | Edmund Halley: The Degrees of Mortality of Mankind | RP : | Secret society, Knights of the Apocalypse, founded in Italy to defend the church against the antichrist | ED : | Leibniz: Codex Juris gentium diplomaticus | ED : | John Locke: Thoughts Concerning Education, on learning foreign languages | RP : | Cotton Mather: Wonders of the Invisible World | RP : | William Penn: An Essay on the Present and Future Peace of Europe | DL : | Kingston, Jamaica, founded |
| VA : | Corrado Giaquinto born | VA : | Charles-Antoine Coypel born | LT : | John Dryden: Love Triumphant | M : | Alessandro Scarlatti : Opera, Il Pirro e Demetrio
| M : | Henry Purcell : Ode
'Come Ye Sons of Art' (including aria, 'Sound the Trumpet')
| M : | Tomaso Albinoni : Opera, Zenobia
| M : | Tomaso Albinoni :
12 Trio Sonatas
| DL : | Founding of the Bank of England | PH : | Triennial Bill providing for new Parliamentary election every third year | PH : | Augustus the Strong, Elector of Saxony | PH : | Hussain becomes Shah of Persia | ED : | Dictionnaire de l'Académie française, first edition, 2 vols. | ST : | Rudolf Camerarius: De sexu plantarum epistola | ED : | University of Halle founded | DL : | Salt tax doubled in England |
| M : | Johann Pachelbel : Magnificat Fugues
for organ
| M : | Henry Purcell : Semi opera, The Indian Queen
| M : | Henry Purcell :
'The Golden Sonata' for 2 violins, viola de gamba, and keyboard
| M : | Henry Purcell : Queen Mary's Funeral Music
| PH : | Ahmad II, Sultan of Turkey, dies; succeeded by Mustafa II | DL : | End of government press censorship in England | RP : | John Locke: The Reasonableness of Christianity | ST : | Pendant barometer invented | ED : | University of Berlin founded | ST : | Magnesium sulfate isolated (epsom salts) | ST : | John Woodward: Essay Toward a Natural History of the Earth and Terrestrial Bodies | DL : | Royal Bank of Scotland founded | DL : | Window tax in England | LT : | Henry Vaughan dies 23 April | M : | Henry Purcell dies 21 November | VA : | Jean-Baptiste Joseph Pater born 29 December |
| VA : | Louis Tocqué born | DL : | New coinage in England carried out by John Locke and Isaac Newton | PH : | Eng. Habeas Corpus Act suspended | ED : | Nicolas Antonio: Bibliotheca Hispana vetus, Span. bibliography | ED : | William Nicolson: The English Historical Library, 3 vols. | VA : | Kunstakademie, Berlin, founded | ED : | John Bellers: Proposals for Raising a College of Industry, on the education of children | DL : | Board of Trade and Plantations founded in England | DL : | First Eng. property insurance company founded | VA : | Giambattista Tiepolo born 5 March |
| M : | Alessandro Scarlatti : Opera, and La caduta dei Decemviri
| PH : | Peter the Great, calling himself Peter Michailoff, sets out on a year-and-a-half journey to Prussia, Holland, England and Vienna to study European ways of life | PH : | Charles XI, King of Sweden, dies; succeeded by Charles XII | PH : | Augustus, Elector of Saxony, converted to Roman Catholicism, elected King of Poland in succession to Jan III | PH : | In Treaty of Ryswick: France recognises William III as King of England | PH : | China conquers western Mongolia | ED : | Pierre Bayle: Dictionnaire historique et critique, 2 vols | ED : | William Wotton: Reflections on Ancient and Modern Learning | DL : | Last remains of Maya civilisation destroyed by Spanish in Yucatan | RP : | Daniel Defoe: An Essay Upon Projects, recommending income tax | DL : | Sedan chair a popular means of transportation | DL : | Court of Versailles becomes model for European courts | DL : | Whitehall Palace, London, burns down | VA : | Giovanni Antonio Canal born 18 October | VA : | William Hogarth born 10 November |
| PH : | Rebellion of Czar Peter's praetorian guard in Moscow; leaders executed | PH : | Elector Ernest August of Hanover dies; his eldest son George Louis, future King George I of England, becomes electoral prince | DL : | Leopold of Anhalt-Dessau introduces goose-stepping and iron ramrods in Prussian army | RP : | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK) founded | ED : | Bibliotheca Casanatense founded in Rome | RP : | Algernon Sidney: Discourses Concerning Government (posth.) | DL : | The General Society (New East India Trading Company) founded in London | DL : | Paper manufacturing begins in N. America | DL : | Tax on beards in Russia | DL : | Mrs. White's Chocolate House opens in London, soon to become headquarters of Tory Party |
| LT : | John Dryden: Fables | M : | Johann Pachelbel : Hexachordum Apollinis
six arias with variations for organ or harpsichord
| VA : | Alexandre Francois Desportes : Self-Portrait as a Huntsman | PH : | Peace of Karlowitz signed by Austria, Russia, Poland and Venice with Turkey | PH : | Denmark and Russia sign mutual defence pact | PH : | Treaty of Preobrazhenskoe signed by Denmark, Russia, Poland, and Saxony for partition of Swed. empire | PH : | Christian V, King of Denmark, dies; succeeded by Frederick IV | RP : | Richard Bentley: Dissertation Upon the Epistles of Phalaris | RP : | Gilbert Burnet: Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles | ST : | William Dampier explores northwest coast of Australia | ST : | Pierre Lemoyne founds first European settlement in Louisianna, at Fort Maurepas | DL : | Billingsgate, London, becomes a market | DL : | Peter the Great decrees that New Year in Russia will begin on January 1 instead of September 1 | VA : | Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin born 2 November |
| PH : | The Great Northern War | PH : | King Charles II of Spain dies, setting the stage for the War of the Spanish Succession | M : | Alessandro Scarlatti : Opera, Lesbina e Adolfo
| LT : | Development of the Kabuki Theatre in Japan | RP : | Pope Innocent XII dies; Gian Francesco Albani becomes Pope Clement XI | DL : | Unmarried women taxed in Berlin | ED : | Berlin Academy of Science founded | M : | Joseph Saveur measures and explains vibrations of musical tones | LT : | John Dryden dies 30 April |
| PH : | Act of Settlement in Britain. This settlement establishes the Hanoverian Monarchy | PH : | War of Spanish Succession | PH : | Prince Elector Frederick III of Brandenburg crowns himself Frederick I "King of Prussia" | ED : | University of Venice founded | ED : | Yale College founded | M : | Music publisher Henry Playford establishes a series of weekly concerts at Oxford | RP : | Father Francisco Ximénes translates sacred national book of the Quiché Indians of Guatemala, Popul Vah | RP : | Benjamin Whichcote: Several Discourses; Moral and Religious Aphorisms | ED : | Jeremy Collier: The Great historical, Geographical, Genealogical, and Political Dictionary 2 vols. | PH : | James II of England dies; Louis XIV recognises James Edward as King James III |
| VA : | Pietro Longhi born | M : | Marc-Antoine Charpentier : Motet, Judicium Salomonis
('Solomon's Judgement')
| M : | Marc-Antoine Charpentier : Mass, Assumpta est Maria
('The Assumption of Mary')
| VA : | Antoine Coypel : Venus Imploring Jupiter in Favour of Aeneas | DL : | Serfdom abolished in Denmark | DL : | The Daily Courant, first daily newspaper issued in London | ED : | Jesuit college founded in Breslau | DL : | Asiento Guinea Company founded for slave trade between Africa and America | VA : | Japanese painter Ogata Korin unites the two imperial schools of Japanese painting - Kano and Yamato | RP : | Armenian Priest Mekhitar of Sebaste founds in Constantinople Order of the Mekhitarists, Roman Catholic Armenian monks | RP : | Cotton Mather: Magnalia Christi Americana, ecclesiastical history of New England | RP : | Daniel Defoe: The Shortest Way with Dissenters | LT : | Edward Busshe: The Art of English Poetry | PH : | Rebellion of Protestant peasants, "Camisards", in Cévennes | LT : | Earliest form of English pantomime given at Drury Lane, London | PH : | William III dies, succeeded by Queen Anne    GO ! | VA : | Francesco Zuccarelli born 15 August |
| PH : | Treaty of Methuen signed by Britain and Portugal | DL : | Peter the Great lays foundations of St. Petersburg | ST : | Isaac Newton elected President of the Royal Society | PH : | Archduke Charles proclaimed King of Spain in Madrid | ED : | Universal, Historical, Geographical, Chronological and Classical Dictionary | VA : | Corrado Giaquinto born | VA : | François Boucher born 29 September |
| DL : | Earliest subscription library in Berlin | ST : | Isaac Newton: Optics, defence of the theory of light | ST : | John Harris : Lexicon technicum, encyclopaedia of the sciences | ED : | Dictionnaire de Trévoux, of terms used in arts and sciences, published by the Jesuits at Trévoux | PH : | Augustus II of Poland deposed, Stanislas Leszczynski elected King Stanislas I | M : | Marc-Antoine Charpentier dies 24 February | VA : | Maurice Quentin de La Tour born 5 September |
| PH : | Turkish Authority overthrown in Tunis | M : | Johann Sebastian Bach :
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, for organ
| ST : | Royal Observatory, Berlin, founded | LT : | His Majesty's Theatre opens in London | ST : | Edmund Halley correctly predicts the return in 1758 of the comet seen in 1682 | PH : | The Emperor Leopold I dies; succeeded by his eldest son, Joseph I | VA : | Charles-André van Loo born 15 February |
| M : | Tomaso Albinoni : Opera, Griselda
| ST : | Olous Römer's catalogue of astronomical observations | RP : | Mathew Tindal: Rights of the Christian Church | PH : | Peace of Altrandstadt: Augustus renouces Polish throne, recognises King Stanislas I | M : | Johann Pachelbel dies 7 March |
| PH : | Act of Union, Scotland and England become one country | PH : | Death of Aurangzeb leads to the disintegration of the Mughal Empire | M : | Great German organ builder Gottfried Silbermann builds first organ at Frauenstein, Saxony | ED : | Edward Lhuyd: Archeologica Britannica, on Celtic language | RP : | Isaac Watts: Hymns and Spiritual Songs | PH : | Aurangzeb, Mogul Emperor of Hindustan dies; succeeded by Bahadur Shah | PH : | "Perpetual Alliance" signed between Prussia and Sweden | PH : | King Peter II of Portugal dies; succeeded by John V | M : | Dietrich Buxtehude dies 9 May |
| M : | Tomaso Albinoni : Opera, Vespetta e Pimpione
| ED : | Professorship of poetry founded at Oxford University | RP : | Jeremy Collier: The Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain | ED : | Bernard de Montfaucon: Paleographia Graeca | LT : | First German theatre opens in Vienna | DL : | British East India Company and New East India Company merged | PH : | Peter the Great divides Russia into eight government districts to ease administration | VA : | Pompeo Girolamo Batoni born 25 January |
| LT : | Alexander Pope: Pastorals | M : | George Frideric Handel : Opera, Agrippina
| DL : | First Russian prisoners sent to Siberia | DL : | First Copyright Act in Britain | M : | Invention of the pianoforte | RP : | John Strype: Annals of the Reformation | PH : | Ienobe becomes Shogun in Japan | PH : | 14,000 inhabitants of the Palatinate emigrate to North America | PH : | Peace negotiations at The Hague |
| RP : | George Berkeley: A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge | LT : | The Examiner, literary periodical, issued for first time | VA : | Alexandre Francois Desportes : Still Life with Dog and Game | VA : | Sir James Thornhill : The Apotheosis of Romulus | RP : | William King: An Historical Account of the Heathen Gods and Heroes | RP : | Leibniz: Théodicée (God Created the best of all possible worlds) | RP : | Cotton Mather: Essays to Do Good | DL : | English South Sea Company founded | VA : | Jakob Christoph Le Blon invents three-colour printing | DL : | Porcelain factory at Meissen, Saxony, founded |
| LT : | Alexander Pope: An Essay on Criticism | VA : | Alexandre Francois Desportes : Still Life with Dead Hare and Fruit | VA : | Alexandre Francois Desportes : Still Life (Summer) | PH : | War between Russia and Turkey | PH : | Joseph I dies is ultimately succeeded by his brother Charles VI, father of Maria Theresa | RP : | Francis Atterbury: Representation of the State of Religion | ED : | Berlin Academy started | RP : | Anthony Ashley Cooper: Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, and Times | ED : | Thomas Maddox: The History of Antiquities of the Exchequer | RP : | William Whiston: Primitive Christianity Revived | VA : | London Academy of Arts established under Geoffrey Kneller | M : | Clarinet for first time in an orchestra (in J.A.Hasse's opera Croesus) | M : | Tuning fork invented (supposedly by John Shore) |
| ST : | The First Industrial Revolution begins when Newcomen's Steam Engine
is installed at the Dudley Castle Coal Mine | LT : | Alexander Pope: early version of The Rape of the Lock | PH : | Peace congress opens at Utrecht | PH : | Treaty of Aarau ends Swiss war | PH : | War of Succession between Shah Bahadur's four sons in India | ED : | Jonathan Swift: A Proposal for Correcting the English Language | ED : | Académie des sciences, belles lettres et arts, Bordeaux, founded | ED : | Biblioteca nacional, Madrid, founded | ST : | Cotton Mather begins his Curiosa Americana | RP : | Last execution for witchraft in England | DL : | Slave revolts in New York | VA : | Francesco Guardi born 5 October |
| PH : | The Pragmactic Sanction by Charles VI, allowing Maria Theresa to become the Monarch of Austria | DL : | Asentio Treaty signed by Britain and Spain. This treaty begins the most active period of the British slave trade | DL : | King Friedrich I dies and his son Friedrich Wilhelm becomes King of Prussia | LT : | Alexander Pope: Windsor Forest | M : | François Couperin : Pièces de Clavecin
Book I
| M : | Johann Sebastian Bach : Canata
No.208 ('Where Sheep May Safely Graze)
| PH : | King Frederick I of Prussia dies; succeeded by Frederick William I | PH : | Peace of Adrianople between Turkey and Russia | PH : | Pragmatic Sanction issued by the Emperor Charles VI states female right of succession in Hapsburg domains | PH : | An infant, Ietsugu, becomes Shogun of Japan | LT : | Scriblerus Club founded in London by Swift, Pope, Congreve, and others | RP : | Arthur Collier: Clavis Universalis, or A New Inquiry After Truth | RP : | Fénelon: Traité de l'existence et des attributs de Dieu | RP : | Abbé Saint Pierre: Projet pour la paix perpétuelle | ED : | Spanish Royal Academy, Madrid, founded | M : | School of Dance established at Paris Opéra | ST : | Board of Longitude in England | ST : | Roger Cotes revises Newton's Principia | DL : | Pigtails introduced in Prussian Army | PH : | 11 April - The Treaty of Utrecht ends Queen Anne's War | VA : | Allan Ramsay born 13 October |
| PH : | George I of Hanover became King of England | M : | Johann Sebastian Bach : The Little Organ Book
| PH : | Peace of Rastatt between France and the Holy Roman Empire | PH : | Queen Anne of England dies; succeeded by George Louis, elector of Hanover, as King George I | PH : | Peace of Baden: France keeps Strasbourg and Alsace | RP : | Gottfried Arnold: Unpartheyische Kirchen-und Ketzer-Historie | ED : | Worcester College, Oxford, founded | ST : | D.G. Fahrenheit constructs mercury thermometer with temperature scale | RP : | Witch trials abolished in Prussia | M : | C.P.E. Bach born 8 March | VA : | Richard Wilson born 1 August | VA : | Claude-Joseph Vernet born 14 August |
| PH : | The First Jacobite uprising | VA : | Jean-Baptiste Perronneau born | M : | François Couperin : Concerts Royaux
| M : | François Couperin : Trois Leçons de ténèbres pour le Mercredi Saint
for voice and basso continuo
motets for voice and instruments, "dans le style de Charpentier"
| VA : | Jean-Antoine Watteau : Jupiter & Antiope | PH : | First Parliament of George I opens | PH : | Louis XIV of France dies; succeeded by his great-grandson Louis XV (age 5) | PH : | Jacobite rebellion in Scotland | PH : | Mir Abdullah becomes ruler in Kandahar | RP : | Isaac Watts: Divine Songs for Children | VA : | Early beginnings of rococo | LT : | Vaudevilles, popular musical comedies, appear in Paris | ST : | British mathematician Brook Taylor invents the calculus of finite differences | VA : | English painter and architect William Kent "frees the English garden from formality" |
| VA : | Joseph Marie Vien born | VA : | Jean-Antoine Watteau : Portrait of Pater | PH : | The Emperor Charles VI declares war on Turkey | PH : | Treaty of Westminster between England and the Emperor | PH : | Yoshimune becomes Shogun of Japan | RP : | Christian religious teaching prohibited in China | M : | Couperin: L'Art de toucher le clavecin | DL : | Scot. economist John Law establishes the Banque générale in France | DL : | Royal Regiment of Artillary founded |
| LT : | Alexander Pope: Collected works | M : | François Couperin : Pièces de Clavecin
Book II
| M : | George Frideric Handel :
Chandos Anthems
| M : | George Frideric Handel : Instrumental, Water Music
| VA : | Jean-Antoine Watteau : L'Assemblée dans un parc | VA : | Jean-Marc Nattier : Portrait of Peter I | PH : | Mongols occupy Lhasa | RP : | Cardinal de Retz: Mémoires (posth.) | ST : | Inoculation against smallpox introduced in England | DL : | Mother Grand Lodge of Freemasons established in London | DL : | School attendance in Prussia made compulsory | M : | Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz born 19 June |
| VA : | Jean-Antoine Watteau : Mezzetin | M : | Alessandro Scarlatti : Opera, Il trionfo dell'onore ovvero Il dissoluto pentito
| M : | George Frideric Handel : Pastoral Opera, Acis and Galatea
| VA : | Jean-Antoine Watteau : Pilgrims Leaving the Isle of Cythera | VA : | Jean-Antoine Watteau : Gilles as Pierrot | VA : | Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini : Apollo | PH : | Peter the Great has his son and heir, Alexis, murdered | PH : | Peace of Passarowitz ends war between the Empire and Turkey | PH : | Quadruple Alliance signed by France, the Empire, England, and Holland | PH : | England declares war on Spain | ED : | Accademia dei Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti founded at Palermo | ED : | Philibert-Joseph Le Roux: Dictionnaire comique, satryique, critque, burlesque, libre, et proverbial | ED : | London Society of Antiquaries founded | ST : | English inventor Sir Thomas Lombe patents machine which makes thrown silk | ED : | Collegiate School of America transfers to new site in New Haven, and is renamed Yale University | DL : | First bank notes in England |
| PH : | France declares war on Spain | PH : | Liechtenstein becomes independent principalilty | PH : | Peace of Stockholm between Sweden and Hanover | PH : | Ireland declared inseparable from England | PH : | Mohammed Shah, grandson of Bahadur Shah, becomes the Great Mogul | RP : | Jesuits expelled from Russia | M : | Dimitrie Cantemir writes first book on Turkish music, Tratat de musica Turcéasea | DL : | The Boston Gazette founded | DL : | Oriental Company founded in Vienna to trade in the East | DL : | Westminster Hospital, London, founded | DL : | First cricket match: "Londoners" vs. "Kentish Men" |
| VA : | Nicolas Lancret : Fete in a Wood | M : | George Frideric Handel : Harpsichord Suite
| VA : | Jean-Antoine Watteau : A Halt During the Chase | VA : | Jean-Antoine Watteau : Italian Comedians | PH : | Treaty of Stockholm between Sweden and Prussia | PH : | Ulrica, Queen of Sweden, abdicates; succeeded by her husband Frederick, Prince of Hesse-Cassel | PH : | Treaty of Fredericksborg between Sweden and Denmark | DL : | "South Sea Bubble", English speculation craze, bursts | PH : | Pragmatic Sanction recognised by estates of Upper and Lower Austria | PH : | Tibet becomes a Chinese protectorate | LT : | Old Haymarket theatre opens in London | LT : | First serialisation of novels in newspapers | ED : | Bernard de Montfaucon: L'Antiquité expliquée | DL : | Palatinate court moved from Heidelberg to Mannheim | DL : | Wallpapers becomes fashionable in England | DL : | First yacht club established at Cork Harbour, Ireland | VA : | Bernardo Bellotto born 30 January | VA : | Giovanni Battista Piranesi born 4 October |
| PH : | Treaty of Nystad signed by Russia and Sweden, ends the Great Northern War | ST : | Dutch Navigator Jacob Roggeveen discovers Samoa and Easter Island | M : | Alessandro Scarlatti : Opera, La Griselda
| M : | Johann Sebastian Bach : Brandenburg Concertos
| VA : | Jean-Antoine Watteau : L'Enseigne de Gersaint | VA : | Jean-Baptiste Oudry : Still life with Fruit
| VA : | Jean-Baptiste Oudry : Dead Wolf
| VA : | Jean-Baptiste Oudry : Dead Roe | PH : | Peter I proclaimed Emperor of All the Russians | PH : | China suppresses Formosa revolt | ED : | Nathaniel Bailey: An Universal Etymologycal English dictionary | RP : | Michele Angelo Conti elected Pope Innocent XIII in succession to Pope Clement XI | ED : | Johann Theodor Jablonski of Danzig publishes his Allgemeines Lexikon, first short encyclopaedia | DL : | Swiss immigrants introduced rifles into America | VA : | Jean-Antoine Watteau dies 18 July |
| M : | François Couperin : Pièces de Clavecin
Book III
| M : | Johann Sebastian Bach : The Well-Tempered Clavier,
first book
| M : | Tomaso Albinoni : 12 Concertos
| VA : | Jean-Baptiste Oudry : Allegory of Europe | PH : | Mir Mahmud conquers Afghanistan and becomes Shah | DL : | Austrian East India Company founded | PH : | With Shih Tsung the Yung Cheng dynasty accedes in China | PH : | Hernhut founded as Moravian settlement in Saxony by Count Zinzendorf | VA : | James Gibbs builds St. Martin-in-the-fields, London | M : | Hohann Metheson: Critica Musica, on musical criticism | M : | Rameau: Traité de l'harmonie | DL : | British Parliament forbids journalists to report debates | DL : | Workhouse Test Act for care of poor | VA : | Antoine Coypel dies 7 January |
| VA : | Gavin Hamilton born | M : | Johann Sebastian Bach : Cantata
No.147 (including 'Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring')
| M : | Johann Sebastian Bach : St. John Passion
| VA : | François Le Moyne : Perseus and Andromeda | VA : | François Le Moyne : Hunting Picnic | VA : | Jean-François de Troy : The Alarm | PH : | Louis XV attains majority | PH : | Treaty of Charlottenburg between England and Prussia | PH : | Prussia establishes a ministry of war, finance, and domains | ED : | T'u Shu Chi Ch'eng, Chinese encyclopaedia | ED : | Lodovico Antonio Muratori: Rerum italicarum scriptores, collection of medieval historical material | VA : | Sir Joshua Reynolds born 16 July |
| M : | George Frideric Handel : Opera, Giulio Cesare in Egitto
('Julius Caesar in Egypt')
| VA : | Alexandre Francois Desportes : Dog Guarding Game near a Rosebush | VA : | Nicolas Lancret : The Seat of Justice in
the Parliament of Paris | VA : | François Le Moyne : Hercules and Omphale
| VA : | François Le Moyne : Bather | VA : | Jean-Baptiste Oudry : Still Life with a Monkey, Fruit and Flowers | PH : | Philip V of Spain abdicates; his successor Luis I dies, Philip King again | PH : | Czar Peter the Great crowns his wife, Catherine, Czarina | LT : | Longman's the oldest English publishing house still extant, founded | ED : | John Oldmixon: A Critical History of England | ED : | Professorships of modern history and languages founded at Oxford and Cambridge | M : | Three Choirs Festival founded for Gloucester, Hereford, and Worcester | ED : | Daniel Defoe: A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain | DL : | Gin drinking becomes popular in Great Britain | DL : | Paris Bourse opens | VA : | George Stubbs born 24 August |
| PH : | Peter the Great, King of Russia dies | PH : | Peter the Great of Russia dies; succeeded by his wife Catherine | PH : | Treaty of Vienna guarantees the Pragmatic Sanction | PH : | Louis XV of France marries Maria Leszczynska of Poland | PH : | Ashraf, Shah of Afghanistan, succeeds Mahmud in Persia | RP : | Frances Hutcheson: An Inquiry into the Original of Our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue | M : | J.J.Fux: Gradus ad Parnassum, treatise on counterpoint | M : | First public concert given in Paris | M : | Prague opera house (Standetheater) founded | ST : | Guillaume Delisle "Map of Europe" | ED : | St. Petersburg Academy of Science founded by Catherine I | DL : | George I revives Military Order of the Bath | DL : | The New York Gazette issued | VA : | Jean-Baptiste Greuze born 21 August | M : | Alessandro Scarlatti dies 22 October |
| M : | François Couperin : Les Nations
4 grand Sonatas
| VA : | François Le Moyne : The Continence of Scipio | VA : | Jean-François de Troy : Diana at Rest | PH : | Alliances between Empire and Russia against Turkey | RP : | St. John of the Cross canonised | RP : | Johann Lorenz von Mosheim: Institutiones historiae ecclesiasticae | DL : | First circulating library established by Allan Ramsay in Edinburgh |
| M : | George Frideric Handel : Coronation anthem, Zadok the Priest
| M : | Johann Sebastian Bach : St. Mathew Passion
| PH : | Catherine, Russian Czarina, dies; Peter II becomes Czar | RP : | American Philosophical Society founded in Philadelphia | RP : | John Balguy: The Foundation of Moral Goodness | ST : | Stephen Hales: Vegetable Staticks | ST : | Coffee first planted in Brazil | DL : | Miscellanies, satirical periodical issued by Pope, Swift, and Dr. Arbuthnot | DL : | Quakers demand abolition of slavery | VA : | Thomas Gainsborough born 14 May |
| ST : | Danish Navigator Vitus Bering explores the Bering Straits | LT : | Alexander Pope: The Dunciad | VA : | Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin : The Ray
| PH : | Treaty of Berlin between the Emperor Charles VI and Frederick William of Prussia | ED : | Ephraim Chambers: Cyclopaedia, or An Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences | RP : | William Law: A Serious Call to Devout and Holy Life | RP : | Jonathan Swift: A Short View of the State of Ireland | ST : | Dutch explorer Vitus Behring discovers Behring Strait | ST : | James Bradley discovers aberration of light of fixed stars | DL : | Madrid Lodge of Freemasons founded; soon suppressed by Inquisition | VA : | Anton Raphael Mengs born 22 March |
| PH : | Cathrine II is born
| M : | Johann Sebastian Bach : Suite
No.3 in D (including 'Air on the G String')
| VA : | Charles-André van Loo : Aeneas Carrying Anchises | VA : | François Le Moyne : Pygmalion Seeing His Statue Come to Life | PH : | Treaty of Seville between France, Spain, and England | RP : | Thomas Sherlock: A Tryal of the Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus | ED : | Academia de buenas letras, Barcelona, founded | DL : | The Emperor Yung Cheng prohibits opium smoking in China |
| PH : | Maratha government in India | M : | François Couperin : Pièces de Clavecin
Book IV
| VA : | Jean-Baptiste Oudry : Louis XV Hunting Stag in the Forest of Saint-Germain | VA : | Jean-Baptiste Joseph Pater : Young Girls Bathing | VA : | Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini : Allegory of Sculpture | VA : | Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini : Allegory of Painting | PH : | Czar Peter of Russia dies; succeeded by Anne, daughter of Czar Ivan V | PH : | Crown Prince Frederick of Prussia imprisoned by his father | PH : | Sultan Ahmad XII of Turkey deposed; succeeded by Mahmoud I | PH : | Frederick IV of Denmark dies; succeeded by Christian VI | PH : | Ashraf, Shah of Persia, murdered | RP : | Pope Benedict XIII dies; Cardinal Lorenzo Corsini becomes Pope Clement XII | RP : | Mathew Tindal: Christianity as Old as the Creation | RP : | John and Charles Wesley found Methodist sect at Oxford | ED : | Martin Wright: Introduction to the Law of Tenures, on English land law | DL : | Edinburgh Royal Infirmary founded | DL : | Reduction of slavery in China under the Emperor Yung Cheng |
| PH : | The infamous Rebecca Incident near Havanna Cuba sets the stage for the War of Jenkin's Ear | LT : | Alexander Pope: Moral Essays | M : | Johann Sebastian Bach : Magnificat
in D Major
| VA : | Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin : A "Lean Diet" with Cooking Utensils | PH : | Treaty of Vienna between England, Holland, Spain, and the Holy Roman Emperor | PH : | Russia, Prussia, and the emperor agree to oppose Stanislas I in Poland | RP : | Ralph Cudworth: Treatise Concerning Eternal and Immutable Morality | RP : | Mass expulsion of Protestants from Salzburg | ED : | Voltaire: Histoire de Charles XII | ST : | Dr John Arbuthnot: An Essay Concerning the Nature of Ailments, advocates dieting | DL : | 10 Downing Street, Westminster, London residence of British prime ministers, built |
| LT : | Poor Richards Almanac first appears in print | VA : | Giambattista Tiepolo : The Education of the Virgin Mary | VA : | Giovanni Antonio Canal : The Basin of San Marco | RP : | Conrad Beissel founds Seventh Day Baptists (Ephrata Community) in Germantown, Pa | RP : | George Berkeley: The Minute Philosopher | RP : | The Moravian Brethren start missionary work | ED : | J.J.Moser: Foundations of International Law | M : | Academie of Ancient Music founded in London | M : | Covent Garden Opera House, London, opened | M : | J.G. Walther: Musik-Lexikon, first of its kind | ST : | Hermann Boerhaave: Elements of Chemistry | DL : | Benjamin Franklin: Poor Richard's Almanack issued | M : | Joseph Haydn born 1 April | VA : | Jean Honoré Fragonard born 5 April |
| VA : | Giambattista Tiepolo : The Banquet of Cleopatra | PH : | The War of the Polish Succession | LT : | Alexander Pope: Imitations of Horace | VA : | Jean-Baptiste Joseph Pater : The Fair at Bezons | VA : | Jean-François de Troy : Allegory of Music | PH : | War of Polish Succession begins | PH : | France declares war against Emperor Charles VI | RP : | Alexander Pope: Essay on Man | DL : | Latin language abolished in English courts | DL : | The Serpentine, Hyde Park, laid out | VA : | Hubert Robert born 22 May | M : | François Couperin dies 12 September |
| VA : | Giambattista Tiepolo : The Triumph of Zephyr and Flora | LT : | Alexander Pope: Essay on Man | M : | Johann Sebastian Bach :
Coffeehouse Canatas
| M : | Johann Sebastian Bach : Christmas Oratorio
| PH : | War breaks out between Turkey and Persia | PH : | Anglo-Russian trade agreement | RP : | Mme de Lambert, in her Avis d'une Mère à sa Fille, recommends university education for women | ED : | University of Göttingen founded by King George I | RP : | The Koran translated into English by George Sale | VA : | Sir James Thornhill dies 13 May | VA : | Joseph Wright of Derby born 3 September | VA : | George Romney born 15 December |
| VA : | Giovanni Antonio Canal : Piazza San Marco | M : | Johann Sebastian Bach : Italian Concerto
| VA : | Jean-François de Troy : The Lunch of Oysters | PH : | End of the Turko-Persian war | M : | Imperial ballet school at St. Petersburg | ST : | Linnaeus: Systema naturae | ST : | French scientist Benoît de Maillet: Telliamed, evolutionary hypothesis | DL : | The Boston Evening Post issued | DL : | Royal Burgess Golfing Society, Edinburgh, founded |
| PH : | Russia and Austria at war with Turkey (ends 1739)
| PH : | Chi'en Lung becomes Emperor of China
| VA : | William Hogarth : The Pool of Bethesda | VA : | Jean-Baptiste Joseph Pater : The Chinese Hunt | PH : | Stanislas I abdicates as King of Poland | PH : | Theodor von Neuhof elected King of Corsica | PH : | Chi-en Lung becomes Emperor of China | PH : | War between Russia and Turkey | RP : | Joseph Butler: Analogy of Religion | RP : | English statutes against witchcraft repealed | RP : | Pope Clement XII condemns Freemasonry | RP : | William Warburton: The Alliance between Church and State | DL : | Manufacture of glass begins in Venice at Murano | VA : | Jean-Baptiste Joseph Pater dies 25 July |
| M : | George Frideric Handel : Opera, Berenice
including famous 'Minuet'
| VA : | Pompeo Girolamo Batoni : The Triumph of Venice | VA : | Charles-André van Loo : The Grand Turk Giving a
Concert to his Mistress | VA : | Charles-André van Loo : Halt During the Hunt | VA : | François Le Moyne : Time Saving Truth from Falsehood and Envy | VA : | Jean-François de Troy : A Hunting Meal | PH : | Last of the Medici, the Grand Duke of Tuscany, dies; Francis, Duke of Lorraine, husband of Maria Theresa, receives Tuscany; Stanislas of Poland acquires Lorraine | LT : | Licensing Act restricts number of London theatres, and all plays before public performance to be subjected to censorship of Lord Chamberlain | LT : | Ignacio de Luzán Claramunt de Suelves y Gurrea: Poética, laying down classic rules in Spanish literary composition | RP : | Alexander Cruden: Concordance of the Holy Scripture | RP : | Vincent de Paul canonised by Pope Clement XII | RP : | Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: The Nonsense of Common Sense | ED : | William Oldys: The British Librarian | RP : | John Wesley: Psalms and Hymns, published in Charleston | ST : | René de Réaumur: History of the Insects | VA : | François Le Moyne dies 4 June |
| VA : | William Hogarth : Lord Hervey and his friends | PH : | Treaty of Vienna Closes the War of Polish Succession between France and Austria. Lorraine guaranteed to France
| M : | George Frideric Handel : Opera, Serse
(Xerxes), including 'Largo'
| VA : | Nicolas Lancret : The Marriage Contract | VA : | Nicolas Lancret : Summer | VA : | Nicolas Lancret : Winter | DL : | Papal bull "In eminenti" against Freemasonry | ED : | Lodovico Antonnio Muratori: Antiquites Italicae | ST : | Daniel Bernoilli: Hydrodynamica, pressure and velocity of fluids | DL : | First cuckoo clocks in Black Forest district | VA : | Benjamin West born 10 October |
| RP : | The Methodist Church founded by John Wesley
| PH : | War of Jenkins Ear begins
| PH : | Nadir Shah sacks Delhi | M : | George Frideric Handel : Oratorio, Saul
including 'Dead March'
| M : | George Frideric Handel : Oratorio, Israel in Egypt
| VA : | François Boucher : Morning Coffee | VA : | Louis Tocqué : Portrait of Louis, Grand Dauphin of France
| VA : | Jean-Marc Nattier : Portrait of Louis Tocque | PH : | Sack of Delhi by Persians under Nadir Shah | RP : | Crown Prince Frederick of Prussia: Anti-Machiavell, against Machiavelli's philosophy of monarchy | RP : | David Hume: A Treatise of Human Nature | RP : | Moravian Church founded in America by Spengenberg | ST : | American astronomer John Winthrop published his Notes on Sunspots | DL : | Foundling Hospital established in London |
| VA : | William Hogarth : The Shrimp Girl | PH : | War of the Austrian Succession | VA : | François Boucher : The Toilet of Venus | M : | George Frideric Handel : 12 Concerti Grossi
| M : | Tomaso Albinoni : 6 Violin Sonatas
| VA : | William Hogarth : Captain Coram | VA : | Giovanni Batista Piazetta : A Boy Holding a Pear | VA : | Giovanni Batista Piazetta : The Soothsayer | VA : | Louis Tocqué : Marie Leczinska, Queen of France
| PH : | Frederick William I of Prussia dies; succeeded by his son Frederick II, the Great | PH : | Charles VI dies; succeeded by his daughter Maria Theresa | PH : | Anne, daughter of Peter the Great dies; succeeded by Czar Ivan VI | RP : | Pope Clement XII dies; succeeded by Cardinal Prospero Lambertini as Pope Benedict XIV | ST : | Louis Castel: Optique des colours | ED : | University of Pennsylvania founded | ED : | Berlin Academy of Science founded by Frederick the Great | DL : | Frederick the Great introduces freedom of press and freedom of worship in Prussia | DL : | Smallpox epidemic in Berlin | VA : | Jean-Baptiste Perronneau : Portrait of a Boy with a Book
| VA : | Francesco Zuccarelli : Bacchanal | VA : | Francesco Zuccarelli : The Rape of Europa |
| VA : | Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini dies | M : | George Frideric Handel : Oratorio, Messiah
| M : | Johann Sebastian Bach : Goldberg Variations
| VA : | François Boucher : Leda & the Swan | PH : | Maria Theresa accepts crown of Hungary | PH : | Czar Ivan VI deposed and imprisoned; Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great, becomes Czarina | LT : | Thomas Betterton: A History of the English Stage | LT : | Founding of Burgtheater, Vienna | RP : | Jonathan Edwards: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, sermon delivered at Enfield, Mass. | RP : | David Hume: Essays, Moral and Political | ST : | Botanical Garden, Upsala, founded by Linnaeus | DL : | Highway Act in England to improve roads | ED : | Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, England, opened | VA : | Henry Fuseli born 7 February | M : | Antonio Vivaldi dies 28 July |