King George's War (ends 1748) American phase of the War of the Austrian Succession    GO !
M :
C.P.E. Bach : Württemberg
M :
George Frideric Handel : Opera, Semele
VA :
Pietro Longhi : The Display of the Elephant
PH :
France declares war on England and on Maria Theresa
PH :
Second Silesian War begins
RP :
George Berkeley: A Chain of Philosophical Reflexions and Inquiries
RP :
Ruling Arab family Sa-Udi adopts teachings of Abd-al-Wahhab, becomes Wahhabi
M :
Madrigal Society, London, founded
ST :
Jean d'Alembert: Traité de l'équilibre et du mouvement des fluides
LT :
Alexander Pope dies 21 May
PH :
Jacobite Rebellion
VA :
François Boucher : Diana's Return from the Hunt
VA :
Pompeo Girolamo Batoni : Achilles at the Court of Lycomedes
VA :
Jean-Marc Nattier : Portrait of Louis XV of France
VA :
Jean-Marc Nattier : Marie Adelaide of France as Diana
VA :
Jean-Baptiste Oudry : Swan Attacked by a Dog
VA :
Jean-Baptiste Perronneau : A Girl with a Kitten
PH :
Emperor Charles VII dies; Francis, husband of Maria Theresa, elected Holy Roman Emperor, first of the Lorraine-Tuscany line
PH :
Peace of Dresden: Prussia recognises Pragmatic Sanction but retains Silesia
PH :
Ishege becomes Shogun of Japan
RP :
Philip Doddridge: The Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul
ST :
Charles Bonnet: Traité d'insectologie
ST :
Ewald Jurgen von Kleist invents the capacitor (Leydon Jar), a fundamental electrical circuit element
DL :
Earliest Oddfellows Lodge in England
M :
The quadrille becomes a fashionable dance in France
PH :
Alliance between Russia and Austria against Prussia
PH :
Philip V of Spain dies; succeeded by Ferdinand VI
PH :
Christian VI of Denmark dies; succeeded by Frederick V
RP :
Denis Diderot: Pensées philosophiques
RP :
Jonathan Edwards: A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections
ST :
Jean-Etienne Guettard draws first geological map of France
ED :
College of New Jersey founded; becomes Princeton University, 1896
DL :
Wearing of tartans prohibited in Great Britain
VA :
Thomas Gainsborough : Cornard Wood
VA :
Pietro Longhi : The Tooth Puller
VA :
Francisco José de Goya Y Lucientes born 30 March
VA :
Bernardo Bellotto : View of Verona and the River Adige from the Ponte Nuovo
PH :
Nadir Shah is assasinated
M :
Johann Sebastian Bach : The Musical Offering
VA :
Giovanni Antonio Canal : Westminster Bridge, London,
VA :
Charles-André van Loo : Drunken Silenus
VA :
Jean-Baptiste Perronneau : Portrait of Gabriel Huquier, engraver
VA :
Louis Tocqué : Portrait of a Man
PH :
William IV of Orange-Nassau becomes hereditary stadholder of the seven provinces of the Netherlands
PH :
Prusso-Swedish alliance for mutual defence
PH :
Nadir Shah murdered; Ahmed Shah becomes King of Afghanistan
ED :
Biblioteca Nazionale founded in Florence, Italy
ED :
Biographia Britannica
LT :
Benjamin Franklin: Plain Truth
ST :
Sugar discovered in beetroot
M :
Christoph Willibald Gluck born 2 July
VA :
Giovanni Antonio Canal : Warwick Castle
VA :
William Hogarth : The Gate of Calais
VA :
Jean-Marc Nattier : Portrait of Madame
Maria Leszczynska
VA :
Maurice Quentin de La Tour : Maurice, Comte de Saxe, Marshal of France
VA :
Claude-Joseph Vernet : View of Naples
PH :
Shah Rukh, grandson of Nadir Shah, ruler of Persia
LT :
Marie-Thérese Geoffin opens salon as meeting place for Parisian men of letters
RP :
Archibald Bower: History of the Popes
RP :
David Hume: Philosophical Essays Concerning Human Understanding
M :
Holywell Music room, Oxford, opened
ST :
Leonhard Euler: Analysis Infinitorum, on pure analytical mathematics
ST :
English physician John Fothergill describes diphtheria
ST :
Thomas Lowndes founds chair of astronomy at Cambridge
DL :
Abolition of hereditary jurisdiction in Scotland
VA :
Jacques-Louis David born 30 August
PH :
18 October - Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle ends King George's War, restoring the status quo ante in the colonies; general recognition of Pragmatic Sanction and of Francis I as Holy Roman Emperor
M :
C.P.E. Bach : Magnificat
M :
George Frideric Handel : Instrumental, Music for the Royal Fireworks
M :
George Frideric Handel : Oratorio, Solomon
including 'Arrival of the Queen of Sheba'
M :
Johann Sebastian Bach : The Art of the Fugue
M :
Johann Sebastian Bach : Mass
in B Minor
VA :
Giovanni Antonio Canal : London- Westminster Abbey
VA :
Jean-Baptiste Perronneau : Madame de Sorquainville
PH :
Consolidation Act of British navy
RP :
Denis Diderot: Lettre sur les aveugles à l'usage de ceux qui voient
RP :
David Hartley: Observations on Man
DL :
François Philidor: Analyse des échecs, a study of chess, written by the famous composer
ED :
Philadelphia Academy founded, becomes University of Pennsylvania, 1791
VA :
Alessandro Magnasco dies
LT :
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe born 28 August
RP :
The Jewish sect of Hasidism is founded by Baal Shem Tov
PH :
The Capital of the Maratha confederacy in India becomes Poona
VA :
The neoclassical art movement begins in Europe
M :
The Waltz becomes a popular dance form in Europe
M :
C.P.E. Bach : Concerto
in Bb for flute
VA :
François Boucher : The Interrupted Sleep
VA :
Thomas Gainsborough : Mr. and Mrs. Andrews
VA :
William Hogarth : The Artist's Servants
VA :
Jean-Marc Nattier : The Duchess of Parma and
her daughter Isabelle
VA :
Jean-Baptiste Oudry : Farmhouse
ED :
Portuguese Giacobbo Rodriguez Pereire invents sign language for deaf-mutes
PH :
John V of Portugal dies; succeeded by José I
LT :
First playhouse opens in New York
ED :
Dictionnaire de l'art de vérifier les dates des faits historiques ed. by the Benedictine monks of St.Maur
RP :
King Frederick the Great: Oeuvres du Philosophe de Sanssouci
RP :
Baal Shem founds Jewish sect of Chassidim in Carpathian mountain region
VA :
Neoclassicism, as reaction against baroque and rococo, spreading over Europe
M :
Johann Breitkopf, Leipzig music publisher, uses movable type for printing music
ST :
French astronomer Nicolas de Lacaille leads expedition to Cape of Good Hope to determine solar and lunar parallax
ST :
Johann Tobias Mayer: "Map of the Moon"
DL :
First Westminster Bridge, London, finished
M :
Johann Sebastian Bach dies 28 July
VA :
Louis Tocqué : Portrait of Mademoiselle de Coislin
LT :
Diderots' first volume of the Encyclopeie is published
ST :
The Lightening conductor is invented by Benjamin Franklin
VA :
Pietro Longhi : The Rhinoceros
VA :
Maurice Quentin de La Tour : Self-Portrait, 1751
VA :
Richard Wilson : Portrait of Francesco Zuccarelli
PH :
Frederick II of Sweden dies; succeeded by his brother-in-law, Adolphus Frederick
PH :
William IV of Holland dies; his widow, Anne, daughter of George II of England, becomes regent
PH :
China invades Tibet
ED :
French Encyclopédie published
RP :
David Hume: Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals
RP :
Powers of Portuguese Inquisition curtailed by government
ST :
Linnaeus: Philosophia Botanica
M :
Francesco Geminiani: The Art of Playing on the Violin
M :
The minuet becomes Europe's fashionable dance
M :
"War of the Operas" divides Paris into pro-Italian and pro-French music lovers
ED :
Ecole supérieure de guerre, Paris, founded
ED :
Göttinger wissenschaftliche Akademie founded
DL :
British calendar altered by Act of Parliament: 1 January henceforth to be beginning of New Year
DL :
First mental asylums in London
M :
Tomaso Albinoni dies 17 January
PH :
Treaty of Aranjuez between Spain and the Holy Roman Empire
DL :
Great Britain adopts Gregorian calendar on Sept 14
RP :
Jonathan Edwards: Misrepresentations Corrected and Truth Vindicated
RP :
David Hume: Political Discourses
RP :
William Law: The Way to Divine Knowledge
M :
Charles Avison : Essay on Musical Expression
PH :
Chinese invade and conquer Tibet
VA :
Charles-Antoine Coypel dies
VA :
Pietro Longhi : Theatrical Scene
VA :
Jean-François de Troy dies 26 January
M :
Johann Friedrich Reichardt born 25 December
VA :
Thomas Gainsborough : John Plampin
ST :
Swedish biologist Carolus Linnaeus publishes his system of plant classification
VA :
The founding of the British Museum
VA :
Maurice Quentin de La Tour : Mlle Ferrand Meditating on Newton
VA :
Jean-Baptiste Perronneau : Portrait of Jean-Baptiste Oudry
RP :
Robert Lowth: De sacra poesi Hebraeorum
RP :
English Act of Parliament permits naturalisation of Jews
ED :
British Museum, London, granted royal foundation charter
ST :
Linnaeus: Species Plantorum
DL :
British Marriage Act forbids weddings by unauthorised persons
DL :
Vienna Stock Exchange founded
PH :
The Seven Years (French and Indian) War unofficially begins
VA :
Claude-Joseph Vernet : Storm with a Shipwreck
RP :
Jonathan Edwards: Inquiry into Freedom of the Will
ED :
David Hume: History of Great Britain
RP :
Rousseau: L'Inégalité par les hommes: discours
RP :
John Woolman: Some Considerations on the Keeping of Negroes
DL :
Society for the Encouragement of Arts and Manufactures founded in England
ED :
King's College, New York, founded; becomes Columbia University, 1784
ED :
First female M.D. (University of Halle, Germany)
VA :
Giovanni Batista Piazetta dies 28 April
PH :
The French and Indian War officially begins in America    GO !
LT :
The Dictionary of the English Language is published by Samuel Johnson
VA :
Corrado Giaquinto : Saints in Glory
VA :
Anton Raphael Mengs : Semiramis Receives the Message
of the Babylonion Revolt
VA :
Allan Ramsay : Portrait of the Artist's Wife
VA :
Maurice Quentin de La Tour : Portrait of the Marquise de Pompadour
PH :
Landgrave of Hesse sells mercenaries to England for defence of Hanover
PH :
End of Anglo-Aust. alliance
ED :
Samuel Johnson : Dictionary of the English Language
RP :
Benjamin Franklin: Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of countries
RP :
Francis Hutchson: A System of Moral Philosophy
RP :
Immanuel Kant's doctoral thesis: The True Measure of Forces
RP :
J.J. Winckelmann: Gedanken über die Nachahmung der griechischen Werke
ED :
University of Moscow founded
VA :
Jean-Baptiste Oudry dies 30 April
VA :
Bernardo Bellotto : Courtyard of the Castle at Köningstein from the South
PH :
The Black Hole of Calcutta, 123 British soldiers are alledged to have died there
PH :
Treaty of Westminster; alliance between Britain and Prussia
PH :
Treaty of Versailles; alliance between France and Austria
PH :
British Rule India
VA :
François Boucher : The Marquise de Pompadour
VA :
Pompeo Girolamo Batoni : Die Vermählung Amors mit Psyche
VA :
Claude-Joseph Vernet : The Town and Harbour of Toulon
PH :
Anglo-Prussian Treaty of Westminster
PH :
Britain declares war on France - Seven Year's War
PH :
120 British soldiers imprisoned and die in India ("Black Hole of Calcutta")
LT :
Russian royal Court Theatre founded at St. Petersburg
ED :
Thomas Birch: History of the Royal Society of London
RP :
Edmund Burke: Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful
RP :
Alban Butler: Lives of the Saints, vol.1
RP :
Arthur Collins: The Peerage of England finished
RP :
Mirabeau: Ami des hommes ou traité de la population
ED :
Voltaire finished his Siècle de Louis XIV
DL :
First chocolate factory in Germany
DL :
Porcelain factory founded at Sèvres
M :
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart born 27 January
VA :
Sir Henry Raeburn born 4 March
VA :
Louis Tocqué : Portrait of Ekaterina Golovkina
RP :
Denis Diderot: Entretiens sur le fils natural
RP :
Richard Price: Review of the Principal Questions in Morals
ED :
Royal Library, London, transferred to British Museum
DL :
The London Chronicle appears
M :
Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz dies 27 March
M :
Domenico Scarlatti dies 23 July
VA :
William Blake born 28 November
VA :
Thomas Gainsborough : The Painter's Daughters
VA :
Giovanni Battista Pittoni : Annunciation
VA :
Louis Tocqué : Portrait of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna
DL :
Samuel Johnson: The Idler, weekly periodical
RP :
Pope Benedict XIV dies; succeeded by Carlo della Torre Rezzonico as Pope Clement XIII
RP :
Emerich de Vattel: Le Droit des gens
RP :
Claude Adrien Helvétius: De l'esprit
ED :
Serjeant's Inn (London Court) formed
M :
First English manual on guitar playing published
VA :
Pierre-Paul Prud'hon born 4 April
VA :
Corrado Giaquinto : Justice and Peace
VA :
Bernardo Bellotto : View of Vienna from the Belvedere
LT :
Candide written by Voltaire
DL :
The Botanical Gardens founded at Kew in London
PH :
Cherokee War against the English begins
VA :
Jean-Marc Nattier : Portrait of a Lady as a Vestal Virgin
PH :
King Ferdinand VI of Spain dies; succeeded by Charles II
RP :
Alexander Gerard: An Essay on Taste
ED :
Oliver Goldshmith: An Enquiry Into the Present State of Polite Learning in Europe
RP :
Expulsion of Jesuits from Portugal
RP :
Adam Smith: Theory of Moral Sentiments
VA :
William Chambers: Treatise on Civil Architecture
ST :
Franz Aepinus: Testamen theoriae electricitatis et magnetesmi
ED :
Bavarian Academy of Science founded
ED :
British Museum opened (at Montagu House)
DL :
The Publish Ledger, London daily paper, appears
M :
George Frideric Handel dies 14 April
PH :
George III becomes King of England
PH :
Catherine II, The Great becomes ruler of Russia
PH :
King George II of England dies; succeeded by his grandson George III
LT :
James Macpherson: Fragments of Ancient Poetry, Collected in the Highlands, famous literary fraud
VA :
First exhibition of contemporary art at Royal Society of Arts, London
M :
Noverre, ballet master at Stuttgart, publishes his Letter on Dancing and Ballets
ED :
First British school for deaf and dumb opened by Thomas Braidwood, Edinburgh
DL :
Josiah Wedgewood founds pottery works at Etrurua, Staffordshire
ST :
Botanical Gardens in Kew, London, opened
DL :
Rules of whist laid down by Edmund Hoyle
M :
C.P.E. Bach : Sonatas with Varied Repeats
VA :
George Stubbs : Mares and Foals in a Landscape
VA :
Richard Wilson : Solitude
VA :
Francesco Zuccarelli : Mountain Landscape with Washerwomen and Fisherman
M :
Christoph Willibald Gluck : Ballet, Don Juan
M :
Joseph Haydn : Symphonies
No.6, No.7 and No.8 ('Morning', 'Midday' and 'Evening')
VA :
Jean-Baptiste Greuze : The Laundress
VA :
Jean-Baptiste Greuze : The Village Betrothal
VA :
Pompeo Girolamo Batoni : Diana & Cupid
VA :
Anton Raphael Mengs : Parnassus
VA :
Allan Ramsay : Mrs. Martin
PH :
Ieharu, the new Shogun of Japan
LT :
Benjamin Victor: History of the Theatres of London and Dublin
RP :
Henry Home: An Introduction to the Art of Thinking
ST :
Russian scientist and poet Mikhail V. Lomonosov discovers the atmosphere of Venus
ST :
B.G. Morgagni: On the Causes of Diseases, beginning of pathological anatomy
ST :
Johann Peter Süssmilch initiates study of statistics
ED :
First French veterinary school founded at Lyons
ST :
Society of Arts, London, opens first exhibition of agricultural machines
VA :
Allan Ramsay : Queen Charlotte
M :
Christoph Willibald Gluck : Opera, Orfeo ed Euridice
VA :
Thomas Gainsborough : William Pointz
VA :
George Stubbs : Whistlejacket
VA :
Richard Wilson : Lake Albano
PH :
Czarina Elizabeth of Russia dies; succeeded by Peter III, who dies by assassination; succeeded by Catherine II
PH :
Treaty of Hamburg between Sweden and Prussia
PH :
Russo-Prussian alliance against Austria signed
PH :
Truce between Prussia, Saxony, and the Holy Roman Empire
ED :
Robert Lowth: Introduction to English Grammar
RP :
George Campbell: Dissertation on Miracles
ED :
John Parkhurst: Hebrew and English Lexicon
RP :
Rousseau: Du Contrat social, ou principes du droit politique
ED :
Sorbonne Library, Paris, opened
VA :
Stuart and Revett: Classical Antiquities of Athens, Vol I
M :
Benjamin Franklin improves the harmonica, turning it into a practical musical instrument
ST :
At Carron ironworks in Stirlingshire, Scotland, cast iron converted for the first time into malleable iron
PH :
The Seven Years war ends with the Treaties of Paris and Hubertusburg    GO !
PH :
Augustus III dies; he is succeeded (1764) by Stanislaw II, the last king of Poland
VA :
Jean-Baptiste Greuze : Filial Piety
VA :
Jean-Baptiste Oudry : Still-life with Pheasant
VA :
Joseph Marie Vien : The Cupid Seller
RP :
Voltaire: Treatise on Tolerance
ED :
Frederick the Great establishes village schools in Prussia
VA :
German historian Johann Winckelmann publishes his History of the Art of Antiquity
M :
Joseph Haydn : Symphony
No.22, 'The Philosopher'
PH :
Pontiac's Rebellion in Ohio valley
PH :
Stanislas Poniatowski elected King of Poland
PH :
Hyder Ali usurps throne of Mysore
RP :
Confiscation of Church lands in Russia
PH :
Deposed Czar Ivan VI murdered in prison
RP :
Jesuits suppressed in France
LT :
The Literary Club founded in London by Dr. Johnson, with Burke, Gibbon, Goldsmith, Reynolds, etc.
LT :
Literary salons founded in Paris by Mme. Necker and Mlle. de Lespinasse
RP :
Cesare Beccaria-Conesana: On Crimes and Punishments
RP :
Charles Bonnet: Contemplation de la nature
ED :
Brown University, Providence, R.I. founded
RP :
Voltaire: Philosophical Dictionary
VA :
J.J. Winckelmann: History of Ancient Art
ST :
James Watt invents condenser, first step toward steam engine
DL :
London introduces practice of numbering houses
PH :
April - Sugar Act passed by Parliament to offset expenses of the French and Indian War
M :
Johann Mattheson dies 17 April
PH :
July - James Otis publishes The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved
VA :
William Hogarth dies 26 October
VA :
Thomas Gainsborough : Studies of a Cat
PH :
Joseph II becomes the Holy Roman Emperor
VA :
Corrado Giaquinto dies
VA :
Sir Joshua Reynolds : Lady Sarah Bunbury Sacrificing to the Graces
VA :
Bernardo Bellotto : The Ruins of the Old Kreuzkirche in Dresden
PH :
British Parliament passes Stamp Act for taxing American colonies    GO !
PH :
Emperor Francis I, Maria Theresa's husband dies; their son Joseph II succeeds as Holy Roman Emperor, becomes co-regent with his mother
RP :
A.R.J. Turgot: Refléxions sur la formation et la distribution des richesses
ST :
Spallanzani suggests preserving by means of hermetic sealing
DL :
Bank of Prussia founded by Frederick the Great
VA :
Charles-André van Loo dies 15 July
ST :
The Nautical Almanac provides the first practical method for determining longitude
M :
C.P.E. Bach : Six Easy Keyboard Sonatas
VA :
Jean Honoré Fragonard : The Swing
VA :
Allan Ramsay : Portrait of David Hume
PH :
Repeal of Stamp Act, but Declaratory Act states Britain's right to tax American colonies    GO !
PH :
Frederick V of Denmark dies; succeeded by the mad Christian VII
LT :
Theatre Royal, Bristol, opens, oldest British theatre still in use
RP :
Czarina Catherine the Great grants freedom of worship in Russia
ED :
Adam Ferguson: Essay on the History of Civil Society
VA :
Lessing: Laokoon, against Winckelmann's theories
ST :
Louis de Bougainville sets out on voyage to Pacific on which he discovers Tahiti, the Soloman Islands, and New Guinea
DL :
First paved sidewalk laid in Westminster, London
VA :
Jean-Marc Nattier dies 7 November
PH :
Russian-Turkish War
VA :
Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson born
VA :
Giovanni Battista Pittoni dies
M :
Christoph Willibald Gluck : Opera, Alceste
VA :
Joseph Marie Vien : Academie
PH :
Townshend Duties: taxes on imports of tea, glass, paper, and dyestuffs in American colonies; non-importation agreement at public protest meeting in Boston    GO !
PH :
First Mysore War
RP :
Jesuits expelled from Spain, Parma, and the Two Sicilies
RP :
Moses Mendelssohn: Phaedon, or the Immortality of Soul
Swiss explorer Burckhardt discovers the Great Temple of Abu Simbel
ST :
Georges Cuvier: Recherches sur les ossements fossiles de quadrupèdes
ST :
Humphry Davy: Elements of Chemical Philosophy
ST :
Philippe Girard invents machine for spinning flax
ST :
Laplace: Thérie analytique
DL :
Royal Yacht Squadron founded
DL :
Gas, Light and Coke Company, London developed by F.A. Winsor
VA :
Pierre-Etienne-Théodore Rousseau born 15 April
LT :
Robert Browning born 7 May
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: Rokeby
LT :
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Aus meinem Leben: Dichtung und Wahrheit
LT :
George Gordon, Lord Byron: The Giaour and The Bride of Abydos
M :
Giaocchino Antonio Rossini : Comic Opera, L'italiana in Algeri
('The Italian Girl in Algiers')
M :
Nicolò Paganini : Le streghe
('Witches Dance')
PH :
Prussia declares war on France
PH :
Austria declares war on France
PH :
French expelled from Holland; return of William of Orange
PH :
Simón Bolivar becomes dictator of Venezuela
PH :
Mexico declares itself independent
RP :
J.F. Herbart: Introduction to Philosophy
RP :
Methodist Missionary Society founded
RP :
Robert Owen: A New View of Society
RP :
Schopenhauer: Über die vierfache Wurzel des Satzes vom sureichenden Grunde
M :
London Philharmonic Society founded
DL :
Last gold guinea coins issued in England
M :
The waltz conquers the European ballrooms
M :
Richard Wagner born 22 May
M :
Giuseppe Verdi born 10 October
LT :
William Wordsworth: The Excursion
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: Waverly
LT :
George Gordon, Lord Byron: The Corsair and Lara published
M :
Franz Schubert : Song, Gretchen am Spinnerade
('Gretchen and the Spinning Wheel')
VA :
Francisco José de Goya Y Lucientes : The Third of May, 1808
VA :
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres : Grand Odalisque
VA :
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres : Raphael and the Fornarina
PH :
Napoleon abdicates and is banished to Elba
PH :
Louis XVIII enters Paris and takes up the throne as his hereditary right
PH :
Congress of Vienna opens
PH :
Christian Frederick of Denmark elected King of Norway
PH :
Treaty of Ghent ends British-American war    GO !
PH :
Hanover proclaimed a kingdom
PH :
Lord Hastings, Governor-General of India, declares war on the Gurkhas (Nepal)
ED :
Chateaubriand: De Buonaparte et le Bourbons
RP :
Pope Pius VII returns to Rome and restores the Inquisistion
RP :
Savigny: The Claim of Our Age on Legislation
VA :
Dulwich Gallery, London, opened
M :
J.N. Maelzel invents the metronome
ST :
Berzelius: Theory of Chemical Proportions and the Chemical Action of Electricity
ST :
M.J.B. Orfila: Toxicologie générale
ST :
At Killingworth Colliery, George Stephenson constructs the first practical steam locomotive
DL :
English Statute of Apprentices (1563) repealed
M :
Johann Friedrich Reichardt dies 27 June
VA :
Jean-François Millet born 4 October
LT :
William Wordsworth: Collected Poems
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: Guy Mannering
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: The Lord of the Isles
LT :
Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Biographia Literaria
LT :
George Gordon, Lord Byron: Hebrew Melodies
M :
Carl Maria von Weber : Clarinet Quintet
M :
Franz Schubert : Songs, Der Erlkönig, Heidenröslein
PH :
Napoleon leaves Elba; the "Hundred Days"; Napoleon abdicates again and is banished to St. Helena
PH :
Swiss Federal Pact ratified; the Confederation now consists of 22 cantons
PH :
Joachim Murat, King of Naples executed after attempt to regain Naples
PH :
Brazil declares itself an independent empire
RP :
Protestant Baseler Missiongesellschaft founded
RP :
T.R. Malthus: An Inquiry into the Nature and Progress of Rent
ED :
Savigny: History of Roman Law in the Middle Ages
RP :
Dugald Stewart: Progress of Metaphysical, Ethical, and Political Philosophy
VA :
The Biedermeier styles arrives
ST :
Miner's safety lamp invented
ST :
Augustin Fresnel: research on the diffraction of light
ST :
Lamarck: Histoire naturelle des animaux
ST :
L.J. Prout: hypothesis on relation between specific gravity and atomic weight
DL :
Apothecaries Act forbids unqualified doctors to practice in Britain
DL :
British income tax ended
DL :
British road surveyor John Macadam constructs roads of crushed stone
DL :
Eruption of Sumbawa Volcano in Indonesia - more than 50,000 dead
ED :
Technological College, Vienna, founded
VA :
Ernest Meissonier born 21 February
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: Tales of my Landlord
LT :
George Gordon, Lord Byron: Childe Harold canto III and The Prisoner of Chillon
LT :
George Gordon, Lord Byron: The Siege of Corinth and Parisina
M :
ErnstTheodor Amadeus Hoffmann : Opera, Undine
M :
Franz Schubert : Symphonies
No.4 'Tragic', and No.5
M :
Giaocchino Antonio Rossini : Comic Opera, Il barbiere di Siviglia
('The Barber of Seville')
PH :
Maria I, Queen of Portugal dies; succeeded by her son, Dom John VI
PH :
Argentina declared independent
PH :
Prince Metternich opens Diet of German Confederation at Frankfurt
RP :
American Bible Society founded
ED :
Nikolai Karamzin: History of the Russian Empire
ST :
Sir David Brewster invents kaleidoscope
ST :
Stethoscope invented
DL :
Blackwood's Magazine founded, Edinburgh
DL :
English economic crisis causes large-scale emigration to Canada and U.S.
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: Rob Roy
LT :
John Keats: Poems
LT :
George Gordon, Lord Byron: Manfred
LT :
William Cullen Bryant: Thanatopsis
M :
Franz Schubert : Songs, Die Forelle ('The Trout'), Der Tod und das Mädchen (Death and the Maiden'), An die Musik
M :
Giaocchino Antonio Rossini : Opera, Armida
M :
Giaocchino Antonio Rossini : Opera, La gazza ladra
('The Thieving Magpie')
M :
Giaocchino Antonio Rossini : Comic Opera, La Cenerentola
M :
Nicolò Paganini : Violin Concerto
VA :
Caspar David Friedrich : Cemetery at Dusk
VA :
Caspar David Friedrich : City at Moonrise
PH :
James Monroe inaugurated as fifth President of the U.S.    GO !
PH :
Wartburg Festival of revolutionary German students
RP :
August Böckh: The Public Economy of Athens
RP :
Lutheran and Reformed Churches in Prussia form Evangelical Union
RP :
Hegel: Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences
RP :
H.F.R. de Lamennais: Essai sur l'indifférence en matière de religion
ED :
Juan Llorente, a former secretary of the Inquisition, publishes his History of the Inquisition in Spain
RP :
Joseph de Maistre: Du Pape
ED :
Braccia Nuova begins building of Vatican Museum, Rome
ST :
Berzelius discovers selenium and lithium
ST :
Karl Ritter: Geographie in ihrer Beziehung zu Natur und Geschichte
DL :
Riots in Derbyshire, England, against low wages
DL :
Opening of Waterloo Bridge, London (replaced 1945)
VA :
Charles-François Daubigny born 15 February
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: The Heart of Midlothian
LT :
John Keats: Endymion
LT :
George Gordon, Lord Byron: Beppo and Childe Harold canto IV
M :
Giaocchino Antonio Rossini : Opera, Mosè in Egitto
M :
Ludwig van Beethoven :
'Hammerklavier' Piano Sonata
VA :
Caspar David Friedrich : Wanderer above the Sea of Fog
VA :
Jean Louis André Théodore Géricault : Severed Heads
PH :
Act suspending Habeas Corpus is repealed
PH :
Charles XIII of Sweden dies; succeeded by Jean Bernadotte as Charles XIV
PH :
Chile proclaims its independence
PH :
Border between Canada and U.S. agreed upon
ED :
Bonn University founded
ED :
Josef Dobrovsky: History of the Czech language
ED :
Henry Hallam: The View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages
ED :
Prado Museum, Madrid, founded
ST :
F.W. Bessel: Fundamenta Astronomiae, catalog of 3,222 stars
ST :
Berzelius publishes molecular weights of 2,000 chemical compounds
ST :
Cadmium discovered
DL :
British Order of St. Michael and St. George instituted by the Prince Regent
DL :
"Savannah" becomes the first steamship to cross the Atlantic (26 days)
M :
Charles-François Gounod born 18 June
LT :
William Wordsworth: Peter Bell and The Waggoner
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: The Bride of Lammermoor, Ivanhoe, and A Legend of Montrose
LT :
George Gordon, Lord Byron: Mazeppa and Don Juan cantos I and II
M :
Carl Maria von Weber : Invitation to the Dance
for piano (later orchestrated by Berlioz)
M :
Franz Schubert : 'Trout' Quintet
VA :
Jean Louis André Théodore Géricault : The Raft of the Medusa
VA :
John Crome : Yarmouth Beach
PH :
Florida purchased by U.S. from Spain
PH :
Bolivar becomes President of Colombia
RP :
Georg Hermes: Philosophical Introduction to Christian Theology
RP :
Jean Sismondi: Nouveaux principes d'economie politique
ST :
Mitscherelich discovers isomorphism
ST :
David Napier constructs the flat-bed cylinder for printing
ST :
Danish physicist Hans Oersted discovers electromagnetism
DL :
Opening of Burlington Arcade, Piccadilly, London
VA :
Mehemet Ali presents Cleopatra's Needle to Britain
DL :
Freedom of the press in France
DL :
Maximum 12-hour working day for juveniles in England
M :
Franz von Suppé born 18 April
LT :
Walt Whitman born 31 May
VA :
Gustave Courbet born 10 June
M :
Jacques Offenbach born 20 June
M :
Clara Wieck Schumann born 13 September
LT :
John Clare: Poems Descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery
LT :
Elizabeth Barret Browning: Battle of Marathon
LT :
William Blake: Jerusalem
VA :
John Constable : Dedham Lock and Mill
VA :
Henry Fuseli : Solitude at Dawn
PH :
Revolution in Spain - King Ferdinand VII forced to restore Constitution of 1812
PH :
King George III of England dies; succeeded by Prince Regent as George IV
DL :
U.S. Land Law fixes land price at a minimum of $1.25 per acre
RP :
Thomas Brown: Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind
RP :
Thomas Erskine: Internal Evidence for the Truth of Revealed Religion
RP :
J.J. Görres: Germany and the Revolution
RP :
Jesuits driven out of Rome
RP :
T. R. Malthus: Principles of Political Economy
VA :
Discovery of the Venus de Milo
ST :
André Ampère: Laws of the Electrodynamic Action
DL :
Washington Colonization Society founds Liberia for repatriation of Negros
VA :
Benjamin West dies 11 March
LT :
Joseph Rodman Drake dies 21 September
VA :
Francisco José de Goya Y Lucientes : The Great He-Goat
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: Kenilworth
LT :
John Clare: The Village Minstrel
LT :
George Gordon, Lord Byron: Marino Faliero, Don Juan cantos III-V, Cain, The Two Foscari, and Sardanapalus
VA :
John Constable : Study of Clouds at Hampstead
VA :
John Constable : The Hay Wain
M :
Carl Maria von Weber : Opera, Der Freischütz
PH :
James Monroe begins second term as U.S. president
PH :
Revolution in Piedmont: Victor Emmanuel abdicates, names his brother Charles Felix successor
PH :
Reign of Terror begins between Greeks and Turks
PH :
Peru proclaimed independent from Spain, followed by Guatemala, Panama, and Santo Domingo
ED :
Ecole des Chartes founded in Paris for historical studies
RP :
George Grote: Statement of the Question of Parliamentary Reform
RP :
Hegel: Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts
ED :
Champollion deciphers Egyptian hieroglyphics using Rosetta Stone
ST :
Faraday discovers fundamentals of electromagnetic rotation
ST :
T.J. Seebeck discovers thermoelectricity
ST :
Sir Charles Wheatstone demonstrates sound reproduction
DL :
London Co-operative Society founded
DL :
Manchester Guardian founded
LT :
John Keats dies 23 February
VA :
John Crome dies 22 April
LT :
William Wordsworth: Ecclesiastical Sketches
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: The Fortunes of Nigel and Halidon Hill
LT :
George Gordon, Lord Byron: Vision of Judgment
VA :
Eugène Delacroix : Dante and Virgil in Hell
M :
Franz Schubert : Fantasia
in C, 'Wanderer' Fantasy
M :
Franz Schubert : Symphony
No.8, 'Unfinished'
M :
Ludwig van Beethoven : Mass
in D (Missa Solemnis)
VA :
William Blake : The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins
PH :
Greeks adopt liberal republican constitution and proclaim independence
PH :
Augustin de Iturbide elected Emperor of Mexico
PH :
Brazil becomes independent of Portugal
PH :
Congress of Verona opens to discuss European problem
PH :
Bottle riots in Dublin, viceroy attacked by Orangemen
ED :
Colebrooke founds Royal Asiatic Society (study of Eastern languages)
RP :
Jean B. J. Fourier: Thèorie analytique de la chaleur
ST :
J.V. Poncelet: Traité des propriétés projectives des figures on projective geometry
M :
Royal Academy of Music, London, founded
VA :
Daguerre and Bouton invent the diorama, paintings illuminated in dark room to give illusion of reality
ST :
A.J. Fresnel perfects lenses for lighthouses
DL :
Streets of Boston, Mass., lit by gas
DL :
Sunday Times, London, founded
M :
Franz Strauss born 26 February
M :
ErnstTheodor Amadeus Hoffmann dies 25 June
LT :
Mathew Arnold born 24 December
VA :
Alexandre Cabanel born
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: Macduff's Cross, Peveril of the Peak and Quentin Durward
LT :
George Gordon, Lord Byron: Don Juan cantos VI-XIV
M :
Carl Maria von Weber : Opera, Euryanthe
M :
Franz Schubert : Moments Musicaux
M :
Franz Schubert : Incidental music
to Rosamunde
M :
Franz Schubert : Song-cycle, Die schöne Müllerin
M :
Giaocchino Antonio Rossini : Opera, Semiramide
M :
Ludwig van Beethoven :
'Diabelli' Piano Variations
M :
Ludwig van Beethoven : Symphony
No.9 ('Choral')
PH :
Mexico becomes republic, Iturbide forced to abdicate
PH :
Guatemala, San Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Costa Rica form Confederation of United Provinces of Central America
PH :
The Monroe Doctrine closes American continent to colonial settlements by European powers    GO !
RP :
Oxford Union Society founded
RP :
Pope Pius VII dies; succeeded by Pope Leo XII (Annibale de la Genga)
RP :
Saint-Simon: Catéchisme des industriels
ED :
Louis Thiers: Histoire de la Révolution Française
ED :
Sir Robert Smirke designs British Museum, London
ST :
Charles Babbage's early attempts to construct a calculating machine
ST :
Faraday succeeds in liquefying chlorine
ST :
Charles Macintosh invents waterproof fabric
ED :
Mechanic's Institute founded in London and Glasgow
ST :
Walter Oudney, discovers Lake Chad in Central Africa
ST :
British medical journal The Lancet first issued
DL :
First Cologne Carnival festivities
DL :
Death penalty for over 100 crimes abolished in Britain
ED :
George IV presents the library of George III to British Museum
DL :
Founding of Royal Thames Yacht Club
DL :
Rugby Football originates at Rugby School, England
VA :
Pierre-Paul Prud'hon dies 16 February
VA :
Sir Henry Raeburn dies 8 July
VA :
Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson dies
VA :
Eugène Delacroix : Massacre at Chios
M :
Franz Schubert : Sonata
for two pianos, 'Grand Duo'
M :
Franz Schubert : Octet
in F
M :
Franz Schubert : String Quartet
No.14, 'Der Tod und das Mädchen
M :
Mikhail Glinka : Symphony in B-flat
M :
Ludwig van Beethoven :
Last five string quartets
VA :
Caspar David Friedrich : Evening
PH :
Bolivar proclaimed Emperor of Peru
PH :
Frontier treaty signed between Russia and U.S.
PH :
U.S. House of Representatives elects John Quincy Adams as president when none of the four candidates wins a majority in the national election    GO !
ED :
August Böckh: Corpus Inscriptionum Graecum (ed.)
ED :
Carlo Botta: History of Italy, 1789-1814
ED :
Leopold von Ranke: History of the Latin and Teutonic People, 1494-1535
RP :
Sunday School Union formed in U.S.
VA :
National Gallery, London, founded
ST :
Portland Cement developed
ST :
Nicolas Carnot: Puissance motrice du feu (on therodynamics)
DL :
Founding of Athenaeum Club, London
DL :
Combinations Law of 1799-1800 repealed; British workers are allowed to unionise
DL :
Le Globe, Paris begins publication
DL :
R.S.P.C.A. founded in London
VA :
Jean Louis André Théodore Géricault dies 26 January
M :
Bedrich Smetana born 2 March
LT :
George Gordon, Lord Byron dies 19 April
VA :
Jean Léon Gérôme born 11 May
M :
Anton Bruckner born 4 September
VA :
Eugène Delacroix : Female Nude Reclining on a Divan
LT :
William Wordsworth: Yarrow Revisited, and Other Poems
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: The Talisman
M :
Felix Mendelssohn : Octet
for strings
M :
Vincenzo Bellini : Opera, Adelson e Salvini
VA :
William Blake : The Body of Abel Found by Adam & Eve
VA :
William Blake : Queen Katherine's Dream
PH :
Ferdinand IV of Naples dies; succeeded by Francis I
PH :
Anglo-Russian Treaty of British territory in north-western N. America
PH :
Bolivia becomes independent of Peru, Uruguay of Brazil
PH :
Maximilian I, King of Bavaria, dies; succeeded by his son Louis I
PH :
Czar Alexander I dies; succeeded by Nicholas I
RP :
William Hazlitt: The Spirit of the Age, or Contemporary Portraits
RP :
French law makes sacrilege a capital offence
ED :
Augustin Thierry: Histoire de la Conquête de l'Angleterre par les Normands
ST :
Faraday isolates benzene
ST :
Oxygen-hydrogen limelight invented
ED :
Hungarian Academy of Sciences founded in Budapest
DL :
Opening of Stockton-Darlington railroad - the first line to carry passengers
DL :
A Baseball Club organised at Rochester, New York
DL :
Tea roses from China introduced in Europe
LT :
Anna Lætitia Barbauld dies 9 March
VA :
Henry Fuseli dies 16 April
M :
Johann Strauss II born 25 October
VA :
Sir Adolph William Bouguereau born 30 November
VA :
Jacques-Louis David dies 29 December
LT :
Sir Walter Scott: Woodstock
LT :
Elizabeth Barret Browning: An Essay on Mind and Other Poems published anonymously
LT :
William Blake: Job
M :
Carl Maria von Weber : Opera, Oberon
M :
Franz Schubert : Symphony
M :
Nicolò Paganini : Violin Concerto
M :
Nicolò Paganini : Violin Concerto
No.2, including La campanella ('The Little Bell')
M :
Felix Mendelssohn : Overture, A Midsummer Night's Dream
M :
Vincenzo Bellini : Opera, Bianca e Gernando
M :
Hector Berlioz : Opera, Les Francs-juges
VA :
William Blake : Satan Inflicting Boils on Job
PH :
Treaty of Yandabu ends Burmese War
PH :
John VI, King of Portugal, dies; succeeded by Peter IV
PH :
Russia declares war on Persia
PH :
Dost Mohammed becomes Amir of Kabul
RP :
Ngüan Ngüan edits the writings of Confucius
VA :
U.S. Academy of Design founded
ST :
André Ampère: Electrodynamics
ST :
N.J. Lobachevsky develops his system of non-Euclidean geometry
ED :
Munich University founded
ST :
Galvanometer invented
DL :
Unter den Linden, Berlin, lit by gas
ST :
Stamford Raffles founds Royal Zoological Society, London
DL :
First railroad tunnel, on Liverpool-Manchester line, in England