- Robert Burns - The Ploughman Poet [Chronology]
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Robert Burns
(1759 - 1796)


VA : Corrado Giaquinto : Justice and Peace
VA : Bernardo Bellotto : View of Vienna from the Belvedere
LT : Candide written by Voltaire
DL : The Botanical Gardens founded at Kew in London
PH : Cherokee War against the English begins
VA : Jean-Marc Nattier : Portrait of a Lady as a Vestal Virgin
PH : King Ferdinand VI of Spain dies; succeeded by Charles II
RP : Alexander Gerard: An Essay on Taste
ED : Oliver Goldshmith: An Enquiry Into the Present State of Polite Learning in Europe
RP : Expulsion of Jesuits from Portugal
RP : Adam Smith: Theory of Moral Sentiments
VA : William Chambers: Treatise on Civil Architecture
ST : Franz Aepinus: Testamen theoriae electricitatis et magnetesmi
ED : Bavarian Academy of Science founded
ED : British Museum opened (at Montagu House)
DL : The Publish Ledger, London daily paper, appears
M : George Frideric Handel dies 14 April


PH : George III becomes King of England
PH : Catherine II, The Great becomes ruler of Russia
PH : King George II of England dies; succeeded by his grandson George III
LT : James Macpherson: Fragments of Ancient Poetry, Collected in the Highlands, famous literary fraud
VA : First exhibition of contemporary art at Royal Society of Arts, London
M : Noverre, ballet master at Stuttgart, publishes his Letter on Dancing and Ballets
ED : First British school for deaf and dumb opened by Thomas Braidwood, Edinburgh
DL : Josiah Wedgewood founds pottery works at Etrurua, Staffordshire
ST : Botanical Gardens in Kew, London, opened
DL : Rules of whist laid down by Edmund Hoyle
M : C.P.E. Bach : Sonatas with Varied Repeats
VA : George Stubbs : Mares and Foals in a Landscape
VA : Richard Wilson : Solitude
VA : Francesco Zuccarelli : Mountain Landscape with Washerwomen and Fisherman


M : Christoph Willibald Gluck : Ballet, Don Juan
M : Joseph Haydn : Symphonies No.6, No.7 and No.8 ('Morning', 'Midday' and 'Evening')
VA : Jean-Baptiste Greuze : The Laundress
VA : Jean-Baptiste Greuze : The Village Betrothal
VA : Pompeo Girolamo Batoni : Diana & Cupid
VA : Anton Raphael Mengs : Parnassus
VA : Allan Ramsay : Mrs. Martin
PH : Ieharu, the new Shogun of Japan
LT : Benjamin Victor: History of the Theatres of London and Dublin
RP : Henry Home: An Introduction to the Art of Thinking
ST : Russian scientist and poet Mikhail V. Lomonosov discovers the atmosphere of Venus
ST : B.G. Morgagni: On the Causes of Diseases, beginning of pathological anatomy
ST : Johann Peter Süssmilch initiates study of statistics
ED : First French veterinary school founded at Lyons
ST : Society of Arts, London, opens first exhibition of agricultural machines


VA : Allan Ramsay : Queen Charlotte
M : Christoph Willibald Gluck : Opera, Orfeo ed Euridice
VA : Thomas Gainsborough : William Pointz
VA : George Stubbs : Whistlejacket
VA : Richard Wilson : Lake Albano
PH : Czarina Elizabeth of Russia dies; succeeded by Peter III, who dies by assassination; succeeded by Catherine II
PH : Treaty of Hamburg between Sweden and Prussia
PH : Russo-Prussian alliance against Austria signed
PH : Truce between Prussia, Saxony, and the Holy Roman Empire
ED : Robert Lowth: Introduction to English Grammar
RP : George Campbell: Dissertation on Miracles
ED : John Parkhurst: Hebrew and English Lexicon
RP : Rousseau: Du Contrat social, ou principes du droit politique
ED : Sorbonne Library, Paris, opened
VA : Stuart and Revett: Classical Antiquities of Athens, Vol I
M : Benjamin Franklin improves the harmonica, turning it into a practical musical instrument
ST : At Carron ironworks in Stirlingshire, Scotland, cast iron converted for the first time into malleable iron


PH : The Seven Years war ends with the Treaties of Paris and Hubertusburg    GO !
PH : Augustus III dies; he is succeeded (1764) by Stanislaw II, the last king of Poland
VA : Jean-Baptiste Greuze : Filial Piety
VA : Jean-Baptiste Oudry : Still-life with Pheasant
VA : Joseph Marie Vien : The Cupid Seller
RP : Voltaire: Treatise on Tolerance
ED : Frederick the Great establishes village schools in Prussia


VA : German historian Johann Winckelmann publishes his History of the Art of Antiquity
M : Joseph Haydn : Symphony No.22, 'The Philosopher'
PH : Pontiac's Rebellion in Ohio valley
PH : Stanislas Poniatowski elected King of Poland
PH : Hyder Ali usurps throne of Mysore
RP : Confiscation of Church lands in Russia
PH : Deposed Czar Ivan VI murdered in prison
RP : Jesuits suppressed in France
LT : The Literary Club founded in London by Dr. Johnson, with Burke, Gibbon, Goldsmith, Reynolds, etc.
LT : Literary salons founded in Paris by Mme. Necker and Mlle. de Lespinasse
RP : Cesare Beccaria-Conesana: On Crimes and Punishments
RP : Charles Bonnet: Contemplation de la nature
ED : Brown University, Providence, R.I. founded
RP : Voltaire: Philosophical Dictionary
VA : J.J. Winckelmann: History of Ancient Art
ST : James Watt invents condenser, first step toward steam engine
DL : London introduces practice of numbering houses
PH : April - Sugar Act passed by Parliament to offset expenses of the French and Indian War
M : Johann Mattheson dies 17 April
PH : July - James Otis publishes The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved
VA : William Hogarth dies 26 October


VA : Thomas Gainsborough : Studies of a Cat
PH : Joseph II becomes the Holy Roman Emperor
VA : Corrado Giaquinto dies
VA : Sir Joshua Reynolds : Lady Sarah Bunbury
Sacrificing to the Graces
VA : Bernardo Bellotto : The Ruins of the Old
Kreuzkirche in Dresden
PH : British Parliament passes Stamp Act for taxing American colonies    GO !
PH : Emperor Francis I, Maria Theresa's husband dies; their son Joseph II succeeds as Holy Roman Emperor, becomes co-regent with his mother
RP : A.R.J. Turgot: Refléxions sur la formation et la distribution des richesses
ST : Spallanzani suggests preserving by means of hermetic sealing
DL : Bank of Prussia founded by Frederick the Great
VA : Charles-André van Loo dies 15 July


ST : The Nautical Almanac provides the first practical method for determining longitude
M : C.P.E. Bach : Six Easy Keyboard Sonatas
VA : Jean Honoré Fragonard : The Swing
VA : Allan Ramsay : Portrait of David Hume
PH : Repeal of Stamp Act, but Declaratory Act states Britain's right to tax American colonies    GO !
PH : Frederick V of Denmark dies; succeeded by the mad Christian VII
LT : Theatre Royal, Bristol, opens, oldest British theatre still in use
RP : Czarina Catherine the Great grants freedom of worship in Russia
ED : Adam Ferguson: Essay on the History of Civil Society
VA : Lessing: Laokoon, against Winckelmann's theories
ST : Louis de Bougainville sets out on voyage to Pacific on which he discovers Tahiti, the Soloman Islands, and New Guinea
DL : First paved sidewalk laid in Westminster, London
VA : Jean-Marc Nattier dies 7 November


PH : Russian-Turkish War
VA : Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson born
VA : Giovanni Battista Pittoni dies
M : Christoph Willibald Gluck : Opera, Alceste
VA : Joseph Marie Vien : Academie
PH : Townshend Duties: taxes on imports of tea, glass, paper, and dyestuffs in American colonies; non-importation agreement at public protest meeting in Boston    GO !
PH : First Mysore War
RP : Jesuits expelled from Spain, Parma, and the Two Sicilies
RP : Moses Mendelssohn: Phaedon, or the Immortality of Soul
VA : J.J. Winckelmann: Monumenti antichi inediti
M : Rousseau: Dictionnaire de musique
ST : Astronomer Royal, Nevill Maskelyne issues Nautical Almanac
ED : Maria Theresa and Joseph II introduce educational reforms in Austria
ST : Joseph Priestley: The History and Present State of Electricity
DL : Electrical machine with glass pane becomes a fashionable toy


DL : The first modern Circus is formed in England by Philip Astley
VA : Joseph Wright of Derby : Experiment with the Air-Pump
PH : Ali Bey, leader of the Mamelukes, Sultan of Egypt
PH : Gurkhas conquer Nepal
RP : Abraham Booth: Reign of Grace
RP : Joseph Priestley: Essay on the First Principles of Government
RP : Swedenborg: Delititiae sapientiae
VA : Founding of the Royal Academy, London, with Joshua Reynolds as president
ST : James Cook sails on first circumnavigation
DL : New criminal code, on humanist principles, introduced in Austria
VA : Giovanni Antonio Canal dies 20 April
VA : John Crome born 22 December


M : Joseph Haydn : Symphony No.48, 'Maria Theresa'
VA : Jean Honoré Fragonard : Inspiration
DL : Privy council in London decides to retain tea duty in American colonies
RP : Charles Bonnet: Palingénésie philosophique
RP : Pope Clement XIII dies; Lorenzo Ganganelli becomes Pope Clement XIV
RP : Johann Gottfried von Herder: Kritische Wälder
ST : N.J. Cugnot constructs first steam road carriage
DL : The Morning Chronicle issued in London
DL : Johann Friedrich Oberlin opens first crêche at Steintal, Alsace


DL : Louis, the future king of France, marries Marie Antoinette
M : Christoph Willibald Gluck : Opera, Paride ed Elena
VA : Thomas Gainsborough : Portrait of Jonathan Buttall
VA : George Stubbs : A Horse Frightened by a Lion
VA : Benjamin West : Self Portrait
VA : Benjamin West : The Death of General Wolfe
RP : Edmund Burke: Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents
RP : Kant: De mundi sensibilie et intelligibilis forma et principiis
ST : James cook discovers Botany Bay, Australia
ED : Elementary school education reformed in Austria
ST : English "Quack" John Hill introduces method of obtaining specimens for microscopic study
ST : Leonhard Euler: Introduction to Algebra
DL : First public restaurant opens in Paris
DL : Visiting cards introduced in England
VA : Giambattista Tiepolo dies 27 March
LT : William Wordsworth born 7 April
VA : Baron François Gérard born 4 May
VA : François Boucher dies 30 May
M : Ludwig van Beethoven born 17 December
VA : Jean Honoré Fragonard : The Love Letter
VA : Hubert Robert : The Burning of the Hötel-Dieu during the Night of 29-30 December 1772


VA : Jean Honoré Fragonard : The Meeting
PH : Gustav III succeeds his father as king of Sweden
VA : Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin : Self Portrait at the Easel
VA : Claude-Joseph Vernet : Clair de lune
VA : Joseph Wright of Derby : The Alchemist in Search of the Philosophers Stone
PH : Adolphus Frederick of Sweden dies; succeeded by Gustavus III
ED : Encyclopaedia Britannica, first edition
RP : John William Fletcher: Five Checks to Antinomianism
ED : William Robertson: History of America
VA : Horace Walpole: Anecdotes of Painting
ST : Luigi Galvani discovers electrical nature of nervous impulse
ST : The Smeatonian Club for engineers founded in London
DL : The Assembly room, Bath, England, opened
DL : New York Hospital founded
VA : Baron Antoine-Jean Gros born 16 March
LT : Sir Walter Scott born 15 August


VA : Louis Tocqué dies
LT : Anna Lætitia Barbauld: Poems
M : Joseph Haydn : Symphony No.45, 'Farewell'
PH : Boston Assembly demands rights of colonies, threatens secession
DL : Royal Marriage Act in Britain to prevent undesirable royal marriages
PH : First Partition of Poland
LT : The Göttinger Hainbund, society of young patriotic German poets, formed
ED : Herder: On the Origin of Speech, on comparative philology
RP : Inquisition abolished in France
RP : Mirabeau: Essai sur le despotisme
RP : F.S. Sullivan, Irish jurist: Lectures on the Feudal Law and the Constitution and Laws of England
M : Flight and Kelly, London firm of organ builders, produces first barrel organs
ST : Leonhard Eurler: Lettres à une princesse d'Allemagne, on mechanics, optics, acoustics, and astronomy
ST : Daniel Rutherford and Joseph Priestley independently discover nitrogen
DL : Judge William Murray decides in the Somerset case that a slave is free on landing in England
LT : Samuel Taylor Coleridge born 21 October


LT : Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Götz von Berlichingen
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Exsultate, Jubilate ('Exult, Rejoice') for soprano and orchestra.
VA : Sir Joshua Reynolds : Ladies Adorning
a Term of Hymen
VA : Hubert Robert : Landscape with an Arch and The Dome of St Peter's in Rome
VA : Joseph Marie Vien : Young Greek Maidens Deck Sleeping Cupid With Flowers
VA : Joseph Marie Vien : Lover Crowning His Mistress
VA : Joseph Wright of Derby : The Iron Forge Viewed from Without
LT : Swedish national theatre established in Stockholm
RP : Pope Clement XIV dissolves Jesuit Order
RP : John Eerskine: Institutes of the Law in Scotland
RP : Joseph II expels Jesuits from the Empire
M : Charles Burney: The Present State of Music in Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Provinces
M : The waltz becomes fashionable in Vienna
ED : Philadelphia Museum founded
DL : 10 May - British East India Company Regulating Act
DL : 29-30 November - Boston Tea Party: protest against tea duty


PH : Louis XVI becomes King of France
LT : Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: The Sorrows of Werther
M : Christoph Willibald Gluck : Opera, Iphigénie en Aulide
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Symphony No.29
VA : Francesco Zuccarelli : Landscape with the Education of Bacchus
PH : Quebec Act, to secure Canada's loyalty to Great Britain, established Roman Catholicism in Canada
PH : Louis XV, King of France, dies; succeeded by his grandson Louis XVI
PH : First Continental Congress meets    GO !
PH : Accession of Abdul Hamid I as Sultan of Turkey
LT : Lord Chesterfield: Letters to His Son, on how a gentleman should behave
RP : John Campbell: A Political Survey of Great Britain
RP : John Cartwright: American Independence, the Glory and Interest of great Britain
RP : Jesuits expelled from Poland
RP : Anne Lee of Massachusetts settles in New York to begin a spiritualist revival
ST : Aust. physician F.A. Mesmer uses hypnosis for health purposes
ED : Swiss educator Johan Heinrich Pestalozzi founds school for orphaned and neglected children in Zurich to enable them to lead productive lives
VA : Caspar David Friedrich born 5 September


LT : Anna Lætitia Barbauld: Devotional Pieces
VA : Gavin Hamilton : Priam Pleading with Achilles
for the Body of Hector
PH : Peasant's revolts in Bohemia against servitude
PH : American Revolution begins    GO !
RP : Cardinal Gianangelo Braschi elected in Feb as Pope Pius VI after a long conclave
RP : Justus Moser: Patriotische Phantasien, plea for one organic Germany
ST : Digitalis used for first time as a diuretic in dropsy
ST : J.C. Fabricius: Systema entomolgiae, classification of insects
ST : Pierre-Simon Girard invents water turbine
ST : James Watt perfects his invention of the Steam engine
DL : First British banks' clearinghouse established in Lombard Street, London
DL : First Thames Regatta
VA : Joseph Mallord William Turner born 23 April


VA : Jean Honoré Fragonard : A Young Girl Reading
PH : Treaty of Copenhagen between Russia and Denmark
RP : John Cartwright: Take your Choice, on parliamentary reform
ED : Edward Gibbon: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
RP : Richard Price:Observations on Civil Liberty and the Justice and Policy of the War with America
RP : Adam Smith: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
M : Charles Burney: History of Music
M : Concerts of Ancient Music, London
DL : U.S. Congress institutes a national lottery
DL : Military ski competitions in Norway
VA : Corrado Giaquinto dies
M : Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann born 24 January
VA : John Constable born 11 June
PH : 4 July - Second Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence    GO !


RP : Christianity introduced in Korea
M : Christoph Willibald Gluck : Opera, Armide
VA : Jean-Baptiste Greuze : The Paternal Curse
LT : Court and National Theatre, Mannheim, founded
RP : Joseph Priestley: Disquisition Relating to Matter and Spirit
ST : American engineer David Bushnell invents torpedo
ST : Lavoisier proves that air consists mainly of oxygen and nitrogen
DL : Stars and Stripes adopted as Continental Congress flag
M : Heinrich Heine born 13 December


PH : War of Bavarian Succession
LT : Anna Lætitia Barbauld: Lessons for Children of Two to Three Years Old and Lessons for Children of Three Years Old
M : Christoph Willibald Gluck : Opera, Iphigénie en Tauride
VA : Jean-Baptiste Greuze : Portrait of Count
Stroganov as a Child
VA : Jean-Baptiste Greuze : The Wicked
Son Punished
VA : Benjamin West : Romeo and Juliet
PH : American colonies sign treaties with France and Holland    GO !
RP : G.L.L. Buffon: Epoques de la Nature
RP : J.A. Deluc: Lettres physiques et morals sur les montagnes
M : La Scala, Milan, opened
ST : James cook discovers Hawaii
DL : Act of Congress prohibits import of slaves into the U.S.
VA : Giovanni Battista Piranesi dies 9 November


M : C.P.E. Bach : Heilig for two choruses
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Sinfonia Concertante
VA : Joseph Wright of Derby : Firework Display at the Castel Sant' Angelo in Rome
PH : Spain declares war on Britian
PH : British war against Mahrattas in India
LT : Samuel Johnson: Lives of the Poets
RP : David Hume: Dialogues of Natural Religion (posth.)
ST : James Rennel: "Bengal Atlas"
DL : First children's clinic, London
DL : The Derby established at Epson racetrack, Surrey, England
DL : Pope Pius VI begins draining Pontine Marshes
DL : First 'velocipedes' appear in Paris
VA : Anton Raphael Mengs dies 29 June
VA : Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin dies 6 December


VA : Jean Honoré Fragonard : Education is Everything
VA : Jean Honoré Fragonard : Fête at Rambouillet
VA : Jean-Baptiste Greuze : Young Woman
in a White Hat
PH : Henry Grattan demands Home Rule for Ireland
PH : Gordon riots in London ("No Popery")
DL : Serfdom abolished in Bohemia and Hungary
PH : Empress Maria Theresa dies; succeeded by her son Joseph II
PH : Outbreak of Second Mysore War
PH : Rebellion in Peru against Spanish rule
RP : Gaetano Filangieri: Science of Legislation
M : Spanish dance 'bolero' invented
M : Sébastien Erard makes first modern pianoforte
ST : Circular saw invented by Gervinus
ST : American Academy of Sciences founded at Boston
DL : Scheller constructs first fountain pen
DL : The British Gazette and Sunday Monitor, first Sunday newspapers, appear in London
VA : Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres born 29 August
VA : Bernardo Bellotto dies 17 October
VA : Jean Honoré Fragonard : The Stolen Kiss


VA : Henry Fuseli : Nightmare
ST : William Herschel discovers the Planet Uranus
LT : Anna Lætitia Barbauld: Hymns in Prose for Children
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Piano Sonata No.11 in A
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Horn Concerto No.4
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Serenade No.10
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Opera, Idomeneo
PH : Warren Hastings deposes Rajah of Benares, plunders treasure of the Nabob of Oudh
ED : Clarendon Press, Oxford, established
RP : Franciscan monks settle at Los Angeles
DL : Joseph II grants patent of religious tolerance and freedom of press in Austria
RP : Kant: Critique of Pure Reason, fundamental work of modern philosophy
RP : Moses Mendelssohn: On the Civil Amelioration of the Condition of the Jews
M : Johann Adam Hiller establishes the Gewandhaus concerts at Leipzig
ST : Herschel discovers the planet Uranus
ST : Composition of mineral tungsten discovered
DL : Serfdom abolished in Aust. dominions


VA : Henry Fuseli : The Three Witches
LT : William Blake: Poetical Sketches
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Opera, The Abduction from the Seraglio
M : Joseph Haydn : Six string quartets published as Opus 33
VA : Francesco Guardi : Concert
VA : George Romney : Lady Hamilton as 'Nature'
PH : Tippoo Sahib succeeds Hyder Ali in Mysore
PH : Rama I founds new dynasty in Siam, makes Bangkok his capital
PH : Pope Pius VI in Vienna fails to persuade Joseph II to rescind program of tolerance
RP : Joseph Priestley: A History of the Corruptions of Christianity
ED : Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, founded
RP : Dugald Stewart: Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind
ST : Montgolfier brothers construct air balloon
ST : James Watt invents double-acting rotary steam engine
PH : Bank of North America established in Philadelphia
VA : Richard Wilson dies 15 May
M : Nicolò Paganini born 27 October


ST : First successful hot-air ballon flight
VA : Jean-Baptiste Perronneau dies
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Symphony No.36, 'Linz'
PH : Great Britain recognises American independence
DL : Joseph II enforces Germ. language in Bohemia
DL : Famine in Japan
ST : William Herschel: Motion of the Solar System in Space
RP : Kant: Prolegomen to Any Possible Metaphysics
RP : Moses Mendelssohn: Jerusalem, plea for freedom of conscience
RP : Charles Simeon begins evangelical movement at Cambridge
DL : Bank of Ireland founded
DL : Civil marriage and divorce in Aust. dominions


VA : Sir Joshua Reynolds : Portrait of Mrs. Siddons
as the Tragic Muse
VA : Jacques-Louis David : The Oath of the Horatii
VA : Henry Fuseli : Lady Macbeth
PH : Treaty of Constantinople: Turkey agrees to Russian annexation of the Crimea
PH : Joseph II abrogates constitution in Hungary, suppressing feudal rights
RP : First Anglican bishop for the colonies
ED : Bengal Asiatic Society (study of Sanskrit) founded by William Jones
RP : Bernardin de Saint-Pierre: Etudes de la nature
RP : Herder: Ideas Toward a Philosophy of History
RP : Kant: Notion of a Universal History in a Cosmopolitan Sense
RP : John Wesley's Deed of Declaration, the charter of Wesleyan Methodism
ST : Swiss inventor Aimé Argant designs oil burner
ST : Eng. mathematician George Atwood accurately determines acceleration of a free-falling body
ST : Joseph Bramah constructs first patent lock
ST : Goethe discovers human intermaxillary bone
ST : Scot. millwright Andrew Meikle invents threshing machine
ED : First school for the blind in Paris
DL : Serfdom abolished in Denmark
VA : Allan Ramsay dies 10 August


VA : Thomas Gainsborough : Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Piano Concerto No.20
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Piano Concerto No.21
VA : George Stubbs : Haymaking
PH : Der Fürstenbund (League of German Princes) formed by Frederick the Great against Joseph II
PH : Commercial Treaty signed between Prussia and the U.S.
LT : The Reverend James Wilmot of Warwickshire identifies Francis Bacon, as author of Shakespeare's plays
ED : Educational reforms in Germany
RP : Kant: Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Ethics
PH : James Madison's Religious Freedom Act abolishes religious tests in Virginia
RP : William Paley: Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy
ST : Salsano: seismograph for measuring earthquakes
VA : Pietro Longhi dies 8 May


M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Symphony No.38, 'Prague'
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Piano Concerto No.23
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Opera, The Marriage of Figaro
M : Joseph Haydn : 'Paris' symphonies (including No.82 and No.83, 'The Bear' and 'The Hen')
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Piano Concerto No.24
VA : Henry Fuseli : Oedipus Cursing His Son, Polynices
PH : Frederick the Great dies; succeeded by his nephew Frederick William II
LT : Berlin Court Theatre opens
RP : Mennonites from Central Europe settle in Canada
ST : William Herschel: Catalogue of Nebulae
ST : M.H.Klaproth, Ger. chemist, discovers uranium
ST : American inventor H.James Rumsey designs first mechanically driven boat
ST : Earliest attempts at internal gas lighting in Germany and England
M : Carl Maria von Weber born 18 November


VA : Thomas Gainsborough : The Woodsman
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Serenade, Eine kleine Nachtmusik
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Opera, Il dissoluto punito, ossia Il Don Giovanni ('The Rake Punished, or Don Giovanni')
VA : Sir Joshua Reynolds : Heads of Angels
VA : Jacques-Louis David : The Death of Socrates
VA : Hubert Robert : The Pont du Gard
VA : George Romney : Miss Constable
PH : Aust. Netherlands declared province of Hapsburg monarchy
PH : Parliament of Paris demands summoning of States-General
PH : Turkey declares war on Russia
RP : John Adams: A Defence of the Constitution of Government of the U.S.A.
RP : Jeremy Bentham: Defence of usury
ED : Imperial Russian Dictionary with 285 words in 200 languages
RP : James Madison: The Vices of the Political System of the United States
ST : Lavoisier: Méthode de nomenclature chimique
DL : Dollar currency introduced in the US
DL : English settlement founded for freed slaves in Sierra Leone
VA : Pompeo Girolamo Batoni dies 4 February


DL : London's Daily Universal Register becomes the Times
LT : William Blake: Natural Religion
M : C.P.E. Bach : Double Concerto for Harpsichord, Piano and Orchestra in Eb
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Symphony No.39
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Concerto for Flute and Harp in C Major
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Symphony No.40
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Symphony No.41 ('Jupiter')
PH : Austria declares war on Turkey
DL : Brit. parliamentary motion for abolition of slave trade
PH : George III's first attack of mental illness; regency crisis in England
RP : Kant Critique of Practical Reason
ED : John Lemprière: Classical Dictionary
RP : Hannah More: Thoughts on the Importance of the Manners of the Great to General Society
ST : James Hutton: New Theory of the Earth
ST : Marquis Pierre Simon de Laplace: Laws of the Planetary System
DL : Bread riots in France
DL : First German cigar factory opens
LT : George Gordon, Lord Byron born 22 January
VA : Maurice Quentin de La Tour dies 17 February
VA : Thomas Gainsborough dies 2 August
M : C.P.E. Bach dies 14 December
VA : Francesco Zuccarelli dies 30 December


PH : George Washington elected the First President of the United States     GO !
PH : The French Revolution begins
ST : Planetary satellites of Saturn, Enceladus and Mimas were discovered by Herschel
LT : William Wordsworth: An Evening Walk
LT : William Blake: Songs of Innocence
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Opera, Cosi fan tutte ('Women Are All the Same')
VA : Jacques-Louis David : The Lictors Bring to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons
VA : George Romney : Tom Hayley as Robin Goodfellow
PH : King George II of England recovers
PH : Aust. Netherlands declare independence as Belgium
PH : Abdul Hamid I dies; succeeded as Sultan of Turkey by his nephew Selim III
RP : Jeremy Bentham: Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation
M : Charles Burney: History of Music
ST : Antoine Jussieu: Genera plantarum, modern classification of plants
ED : Pennsylvania State University
DL : Journal des dèbates founded in Paris
DL : Tammany founded as benevolent institution, but shortly after becomes political
VA : Claude-Joseph Vernet dies 3 December


LT : William Blake: Marriage of Heaven and Hell
LT : Anna Lætitia Barbauld: An Address to the Opposers of the Repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts
VA : Henry Fuseli : Thor in the Boat of Hymir
VA : Joseph Wright of Derby : An Italian Landscape with Mountains and a River
PH : Joseph of Austria dies; succeeded by his brother Leopold II
PH : Festival of Champs de Mars, Paris; Louis XVI accepts the constitution
PH : Third Mysore War
LT : Royal Literary Fund initiated by David Williams
RP : Edmund Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France
RP : Jews in France are granted civil liberties
RP : Kant : Kritik der Urteilskraft
RP : The first Roman Catholic bishop consecrated in America
M : First musical competition in America
ST : Lavoisier: Table of Thirty-One Chemical Elements
RP : Alexander Raditcheff: Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow, a plea for the emancipation of serfs
DL : Washington, D.C., founded
PH : First session of the Supreme Court of the U.S.
VA : William Blake : The Marriage of Heaven & Hell


LT : William Blake: The French Revolution
LT : Anna Lætitia Barbauld: Epistle to William Wilberforce, Esq. on the Rejection of the Bill for Abolishing the Slave Trade of 1791
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Requiem Mass
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : German Dances (set of 3), 'Sleigh Ride'
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Piano Concerto No.27
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Clarinet Concerto
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Opera, The Magic Flute
VA : Benjamin West : The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise
PH : Louis XVI, trying to leave France with his family is caught at Varennes and returned to Paris
PH : Massacre of the Champ de Mars, Paris
PH : Fr. National Assembly dissolves
PH : First ten amendments to U.S. constitution (Bill of Rights) ratified    GO !
PH : Canada Constitutional Act divides the country into two provinces, Upper and Lower Canada
RP : Herder: Ideen zur Philosophie die Geschichte der Menschheit
RP : Thomas Paine: The Rights of Man, Part I
RP : Philippe Pinel: Traitè mèdico-philosophique sur l'aliènation mentale
M : The waltz becomes fashionable in England
DL : Bank of North America founded
DL : Wilberfource's motion for abolition of slave trade carried through Parliament
ED : London School of Veterinary Surgery founded
VA : Jean Louis André Théodore Géricault born 26 September
M : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart dies 5 December


LT : The Old Farmers Almanac is published for the first time
LT : Anna Lætitia Barbauld: Remarks on Gilbert Wakefield's Enquiry into . . . Public or Social Worship
M : Joseph Haydn : 'London' symphonies (including No.94 'The Surprise')
PH : Peace of Jassy ends war between Russia and Turkey
PH : Leopold II of Austria dies; succeeded as Holy Roman Emperor by his son Francis II
PH : The Girondists form ministry in France; the royal family imprisoned
PH : Gustavus II assassinated in Stockholm Opera House: succeeded as King of Sweden by Gustavus IV
PH : France declares war on Austria, Prussia, and Sardinia
DL : Denmark is the first nation to abolish the slave trade
PH : Two political parties formed in the U.S.: The Republican and the Federalist
RP : Baptist Missionary Society founded in London
RP : Thomas Paine: Rights of Man, Part II
RP : Mary Wollstonecraft: Vindication of the Rights of Women
ST : Worlds's first chemical society founded, Philadelphia
ST : French engineer Claude Chappe invents mechanical semaphore signal
ST : Illuminating gas used in England for the first time
DL : Libel Act passed in Britain
DL : Dollar coinage minted in U.S.
M : Giaocchino Antonio Rossini born 29 February


PH : Reign of Terror in France
LT : William Wordsworth: Descriptive Sketches
LT : William Blake: America: A Prophecy and Visions of the Daughters of Albion
LT : Anna Lætitia Barbauld: Sins of Government, Sins of the Nation
VA : Jacques-Louis David : Marat Assassinated
VA : Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson : Endymion Asleep
VA : George Stubbs : William Anderson with Two Saddle-horses
PH : Louis XVI executed
PH : Reign of Terror begins
RP : Roman Catholicism banned in France
PH : Queen Marie Antoinette executed
PH : Holy Roman Empire declares war on France
PH : Second Partition of Poland
ED : Compulsory public education in France from the age of six
RP : The Feast of Reason in St. Eustache Church, Paris
RP : William Godwin; The Inquiry concerning Political Justice
RP : Kant: Religion innherhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft (Religion within the limits of mere reason)
ST : Kermadec Islands discovered
ST : Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin
DL : Board of Agriculture established in Britain
DL : U.S. law compels escaped slaves to return to their owners
VA : Francesco Guardi dies in January
LT : John Clare born 13 July


LT : Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship
LT : William Blake: Songs of Innocence and of Experience and The First Book of Urizen
VA : Jacques-Louis David : Self Portrait
VA : Sir Henry Raeburn : Portrait of Sir John Sinclair
VA : William Blake : God as an Architect
PH : "Feast of the Supreme Being" in Paris
PH : The Commune of Paris abolished
PH : Jacobin Club closed
PH : Habeas Corpus Act suspended in Britian
PH : Agha Mohammed founds the Kajar dynasty in Persia
PH : U.S. Navy established
LT : Drury Lane Theatre, London, reopened
ST : Erasmus Darwin: Zoonomia, or the Laws of Organic Life
RP : Thomas Paine: The Age of Reason
ST : Adrien Legendre: Elèments de gèomètrie
ST : First telegraph, Paris - Lille
DL : Slavery abolished in French colonies
ED : Ecole Normale founded in Paris
ED : Ecole Polytechnique, the word's first technical college, opens in Paris
LT : William Cullen Bryant born 3 November


LT : William Blake: The Song of Los
M : Joseph Haydn : Six more 'London' symphonies (including No.100 'The Military', and No.101, 'The Clock'
VA : Baron François Gérard : Jean-Baptiste Isabey and his Daughter
VA : Sir Henry Raeburn : Miss Eleanor Urquhart
PH : Bread riots and White Terror in Paris
PH : Napoleon appointed commander-in-chief, Italy
PH : Secret treaty between Austria and Russia for Third Partition of Poland; joined by Prussia
PH : Third Partition of Poland
PH : King Stanislas II abdicates
PH : Treaty of San Lorenzo between U.S. and Spain settles boundary with Florida
RP : Freedom of worship in France
RP : Kant: Zum ewigen Frieden
M : Paris Conservatoire de Musique founded
ST : Joseph Bramah invents hydraulic press
ED : Institute National, Paris, to replace the abolished academies
ST : Metric system adopted in France
DL : Speenhamland Act for poor relief in Britain
VA : Sir Joshua Reynolds dies 23 February
LT : Joseph Rodman Drake born 7 August
LT : John Keats born 31 October


LT : Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Poems on Various Subjects
M : Joseph Haydn : Trumpet Concerto
PH : John Adams elected second president of the U.S.    GO !
PH : Spain declares war on Britain
PH : Agha Mohammed of Persia siezes Khurasan in Khuzistan
PH : Kau-Tsung, great Manchu Emperor of China dies, succeeded by Kia-King
RP : Louis de Bonald: Thèorie du pouvoir politique et religieux
RP : Jean Jacques Cambacérès: Projet de code civil
RP : Joseph de Maistre: Considérations sur la France
RP : Richard Watson: An Apology for the Bible
ST : G.L.C. Cuvier founds the science of comparative zoology
ST : C.W.Hufeland: Macrobiotics, or The Art to Prolong One's Life
ST : Engl. physician Edward Jenner introduces vaccination against smallpox
ST : J.T. Lowitz prepares pure ethyl alcohol
DL : Edict of Peking forbids import of opium into China
DL : Freedom of press in France
ED : Royal Technical College, Glasgow, founded
VA : Camille Corot born 16 July

Terms Defined

Referenced Works