- The History of England Vol V James I (The marriage of the princess Elizabeth with the Palatine) by David Hume
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The History of England Vol V
James I
The marriage of the princess Elizabeth with the Palatine

by David Hume

[1613.] The marriage of the princess Elizabeth, with Frederic, Elector Palatine, was finished some time after the death of the prince, and served to dissipate the grief, which arose on that melancholy event. [Febr. 14.] But this marriage, though celebrated with great joy and festivity, proved, itself, an unhappy event to the king, as well as to his son-in-law, and had ill consequences on the reputation and fortunes of both. The Elector, trusting to so great an alliance, engaged in enterprizes beyond his strength: And the king, not being able to support him in his distress, lost entirely, in the end of his life, what remained of the affections and esteem of his own subjects.
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