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Corpus Juris Civilis
TITLE XII. Concerning the Abrogation of Successions Which Formerly Arose Through the Sale of an Estate and From the Claudian Decree of the Senate.

There were formerly other general successions which antedated the one previously mentioned. To these belonged the purchase of an insolvent estate introduced for the purpose of selling the goods of a debtor, which was attended by numerous formalities and was employed when ordinary judgments were in use; but as, in later times, extraordinary judgments have prevailed the purchase of insolvent estates fell into disuse along with ordinary judgments; and creditors are only permitted to take possession of property by an order of court and to dispose of the same as seems advantageous to them; which will more manifestly appear from the larger Books of the Digest.

(1) There was also a wretched species of general acquisition derived from the Claudian Decree of the Senate, where a free woman frenzied by love for a slave lost her own liberty by this Decree of the Senate, and her property along with it; but We, thinking this to be unworthy of Our times, have determined that it shall be abolished in Our dominions and not be inserted in Our Digest.


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