- The All Too Human Dignity of Pieter Bruegel the Elder [Chronology]
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Pieter Bruegel (the Elder)
(1525 - 1569)


PH : Germans and Spanish defeat French and Swiss at Pavia: Charles V becomes master of Italy
PH : Peace signed between England and France
PH : Seven-year truce signed between Sultan of Turkey and King of Hungary
RP : Matteo Bassi founds Capuchin Order
ED : Cardinal Wolsey endows Cardinal College, Oxford
ST : Dürer compiles first German manual on geometry
DL : Hops introduced to England from Artois
DL : Juan Luis Vives: De subventione pauperum, demanding state help for the poor
VA : Pieter Bruegel the Elder born (year approximate)
M : Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina born 3 February


PH : Anglo-Scot. peace signed
PH : Battle of Mohacs: Pressburg (Bratislava declared capital of Hungary; both John Zápolya and Ferdinand of Austria are crowned King of Hungary
PH : Babar founds Mogul dynasty in Delhi
LT : Francisco de Sáde Miranda founds Italiante school of literature in Portugal
RP : The Anabaptists settle down as "Moravian Brothers" in Moravia
RP : Persecution of Jews in Hungary
RP : Luther: German Mass
DL : Card game piquet first played


PH : Reogranisation of the Hapsburg administration in Austria; Ferdinand is crowned King of Bohemia in Prague and is recognised as sole King of Hungary
PH : The Sack of Rome
LT : Marco Girolamo Vida: De arte poetica, on poetic theory
RP : Reformation in Sweden
ED : First Protestant university founded at Marbug


RP : Afonso de Valdés: Diálog de Mercurio y Carón, on current political questions
RP : Erasmus: Ciceronianus, satire on Latin scholarship
RP : Reformation begins in Scotland
M : Martin Agricola: Eyn kurtz deudsche Musica published
ST : Paracelsus: Die kleine Chirurgia, first manual of surgery
DL : Severe outbreaks of the plague in England
VA : Matthias Grünewald dies
VA : Paolo Caliari (Veronese) born
VA : Albrecht Dürer dies


PH : Treaty of Cambrai between Francis I and Charles V ("Ladies Peace"), joined by England
RP : Second Diet of Speyer opens; the Lutheran minority protests against decisions of Catholic majority ("Protestants")
ED : Antonio de Guevara: El Relos de principes, on the education of Spanish princes
LT : Women seen for the first time on Italian stages
ED : King Francis I founds the Collčge de France
ST : Italian physician Giovanni Battista da Monte introduces in Padua clinical examinations of patients at the sickbed
RP : Bernardino de Sahagún starts his Franciscan mission in Mexico
ST : Kunst-und recht Alchämei-Büchlein, a manual on alchemy, published


PH : Charles V crowned Holy Roman Emperor and King of Italy by Pope Clement VII at Bologna; last imperial coronation by a pope
PH : Knights of St. John re-established in Malta by Charles V
PH : The Confession of Augsburg, prepared by Melanchthon, is signed by the Protestant princes; they form the Schmalkaldic League against Emperor Charles V and his Catholic allies
RP : Melanchthon: Apologia
ST : George Agricola: De re metallica, first treatise on mineralogy
ST : Regnier Gemma Frisius suggests that longitude can be found by means of difference of times
ST : Peter Martyr: Decades de orbe novo (posth.), on the discoveries in the New World
DL : The Antwerp exchange founded
DL : Criminal code and police regulations for the Holy Roman Empire
DL : General use of the spinning wheel in Europe
DL : Workman's bench comes into use
DL : The game of Bingo is developed


PH : Henry VIII recognised as Supreme Head of the Church in England
PH : War in Switzerland between Protestant Zurich and Catholic cantons
RP : First complete edition of Aristotle's works published by Erasmus
ED : Sir Thomas Elyot: The Boke named the Governour, on education for statesmen
RP : Inquisition in Portugal
ED : Beatus Rhenanus: Rerum Germanicarum libri tres, a history of Germany
ED : University of Granada founded
DL : The "great comet" (later Halley's) arouses a wave of superstition


M : Orlande de Lassus born
ST : Francisco Pizarro leads expedition from Panama to Peru
RP : Eng. clergy submit to Henry VIII
ED : Robert Estienne (Stephanus): Thesaurus linguae Latinae, first Lat.-Eng. dictionary
RP : Machiavelli's Il Principe published posth.
RP : Reformation in France (John Calvin)
ST : Ger. botanist Otto Brunfels: Book of Herbs
DL : Sugar cane first cultivated in Brazil


PH : Henry VIII secretly marries Anne Boleyn
RP : Thomas Cranmer becomes Archbishop of Canterbury: he declares marriage between Henry and Catherine of Aragon void and marriage with Anne Boleyn lawful; Anne crowned queen; Henry is excommunicated by pope
PH : Accession of Ivan IV of Russia
PH : Pizarro executes the Inca of Peru
ED : Nicholas Udall: Floures for Latine Speaking
M : First madrigals by Philippe Jacques Verdelot, Arcadelt, and others, printed in Rome
VA : Allerhand Farben and mancherley weyse Dünten zu bereyten, manual for the production of paints and inks, published in Augsburg
ST : First lunatic asylums (without medical attention)
LT : Elizabeth I born 7 September


PH : "Communist state" of Anabaptists under leadership of John Leiden at Münster, Westphalia
PH : Final rift between England and Rome - Church of England is officially formed
RP : Confession of Basel drafted by Oswald Myconius
RP : Pope Clement VII dies; Cardinal Alessandro Farnese elected Pope Paul III
RP : Jesuit Order founded by Ignatius Loyola
RP : Luther completes German translation of the Bible
ST : Jacques Cartier sights coast of Labrador
DL : Decree forbidding Eng. farmers to own more than 2,000 sheep
VA : Correggio dies


PH : Eng. clergy abjure authority of the pope
PH : Sir Thomas More tried for treason and executed after refusing the oath of the king's supremacy
PH : Münster capitulates to the Hessian army; Catholicism prevails again; Anabaptist leader John of Leiden tortured to death
PH : Charles V conquers Tunis and frees 20,000 Christian slaves
ED : Study of canon law forbidden in Cambridge
RP : Order of the Ursulines founded by Angela Merici in Brescia
ED : Marino Sanudo's "Diarii" finished, source for the history and daily life of Venice
ST : First diving bells
DL : Beginnings of the London Exchange
DL : Statute of Uses curbs power of Eng. landowners


PH : Queen Anne Boleyn sent to the Tower of London and executed
PH : Henry VIII marries Jane Seymour, his third wife
RP : The Pilgrimage of Grace, a rising against the dissolution of monasteries, begins under Robert Aske of Doncaster
PH : Act of Parliament declares the authority of the pope void in England
RP : John Calvin: Christianae religionis Institutio
RP : Reginald Pole: Pro ecclesiasticae unitatis defensione
RP : Reformation in Denmark and Norway
RP : 376 religious houses dissolved in England by royal decree
ED : Sansovino (Jacopo Tatti): St. Mark's Library, Venice
M : First songbook with lute accompaniment printed in Spain
ST : India rubber mentioned for the first time


PH : The Pilgrimage of Grace and similar risings are put down; Robert Aske is sentenced to death for treason and executed
RP : First Catholic hymnal (Vete)
ED : Robert Recorde: Introductions for to Lerne to Recken with the Pen
M : First conservatories of music are founded; in Naples for boys, in Venice for girls
ST : Niccolň Fontana, called "Tartaglia", initiates the science of ballistics
ST : Paracelsus: Grosse Astronomie, manual of astrology
ST : First map of Flanders by Gerardus Mercator


RP : Destruction of relics and shrines in southern England
RP : Melanchthon: Ethica doctrinae elementa
ST : Bogotá founded by Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada
VA : Albrecht Altdorfer dies


M : William Byrd born
RP : Calvin: Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans
RP : Erasmus: Proverbs or Adagies, trans. by Richard Taverner
RP : Melanchthon: De officio principum
ST : Olaus Magnus: map of the world
DL : First Christmas tree, at Strasbourg Cathedral
DL : A public lottery held in France


PH : Henry VIII marries Anne of Cleves; marriage annulled by the convocation of Canterbury and York; Henry marries Catherine Howard, his fifth wife
PH : Treaty between Venice and Turkey signed at Constantinople
PH : Afghan rebel Sher Shah becomes Emperor of Delhi
RP : Order of the Jesuits confirmed by Pope Paul III
ED : Henry VIII founds regius professorships of Greek, Hebrew, divinity, civil law, and physics ast Oxford and Cambridge
RP : Augustinus Steuchus: De perenni philosophia
ST : Ether produced from alcohol and sulfuric acid
ST : Michael Servetus discovers pulmonary circulation of the blood
VA : Parmigianino dies


PH : Henry VIII assumes titles of King of Ireland and Head of the Irish Church
PH : Queen Catherine Howard sent to the Tower on suspicion of immoral conduct
RP : John Knox leads Calvinist Reformation in Scotland
RP : Loyola elected General of the Jesuits


PH : Queen Catherine Howard executed
PH : Mary, Queen of Scots, ascends the throne
RP : Pope Paul III establishes Inquisition in Rome
ED : Magdalen College, Cambridge, founded
ED : University of Pisa refounded by Cosimo I de'Medici
ST : Antonio da Mota enters Japan as the first European
ST : Andreas Vesalius: De fabrica corporis humani, modern anatomy
DL : Heavy taxes on drinks in Bavaria


PH : Henry VIII marries Catherine Parr, his sixth queen, who survives him
RP : Index librorum prohibitiorum issued by Pope Paul III
RP : First Protestants burned at the stake by Span. Inquisition
ST : Span. navigator and mechanician Blasco da Baray submits to Charles V the design for a steamboat
VA : Hans Holbein the Younger dies


PH : Act of hereditary settlement fixes Swed. succession in male line
ED : University of Königsberg founded
ST : Georg Agricola initiates the study of physical geology
ST : Luca Ghini publishes the first herbarium
ST : Sebastian Münster: Cosmographia generalis
ST : Michael Stifel: Aritmetica integra
ST : St Bartholomew's Hospital in London re-founded
ST : Silver mines of Potosi, Peru, discovered


PH : Truce of Adrianople between Charles V, Ferdinand of Austria, and Suleiman I
LT : Stage comedians create a new type of improvised theatrical entertainment in northern Italy
RP : Council of Trent meets to discuss Reformation and Counter Reformation
ST : Gernoimo Cardano works out Scipione del Ferro's equations of the third and fourth degree
ST : Claude Garamond designs his antique typography
ST : First European botanical garden in Padua
M : John Taverner dies 15 October


ST : Civil war in Germany (Schmalkaldic War) between Emperor Charles V and the Schmalkldic League
ED : Cardinal College, Oxford, refounded as Christ Church
RP : Etienne de La Boétie: Le Discours de la servitude volontaire
ST : First Welsh book printed: Yny Lhyvyr Mwnn
ST : Ital. physician Girolamo Fracastoro states his view on infections and epidemic diseases
ST : Fl. geographer Gerardus Mercator states that the earth has a magnetic pole
ST : First pharmacopoia by Valerius Cordus
ST : Abortive efforts to find the legendary Dorado in Venezuela


PH : Ivan IV crowned Czar of Russia in Moscow
PH : Henry VIII of England dies; succeeded by his and Jane Seymour's son Edward VI
PH : Francis I of France dies; succeeded by his son Henry II
PH : Crown of Bohemia proclaimed hereditary in the House of Hapsburg
RP : William Baldwin: A Treatise of Morall Phylosophie
RP : La chambre ardente created in France for the trial of heretics
M : Swiss musical theorist Henricus Glareanus publishes his work on the 12 church modes, Dodekachordon
DL : First predictions of the Fr. astrologer Nostradamus
DL : French instead of Latin declared the official language of the Fr. authorities
DL : Moscow destroyed by fire
DL : Poor rate levied in London


PH : Sigusmund I of Poland dies; succeeded by his son Sigismund II Augustus
LT : Hôtel de Bourgogne, first roofed theatre, opened in Paris
LT : Royal edict forbids performance of "mystčres" in Paris
RP : Ignatius Loyola: Spiritual Exercises published
ED : University of Messina founded
RP : Francis Zavier founds a Jesuit mission in Japan
ED : Sir Thomas Gresham founds seven professorships in London


PH : Ivan IV calls first national assembly in Russia
LT : Joachim du Bellay, leader of the poetic Pléiade group, states the program of Fr. Classicism: Défense et illustration dela langue francaise
RP : Only the new Book of Prayer may be used in England
RP : Consensus Tigurinus agreement between Calvin and Zwinglians on Holy Communion
ST : Melanchthon objects to the theories of Copernicus
RP : Pope Paul III dies
ED : Siegmund von Herberstein: Rerum Moscovitarum commentarii, report on Russia
ED : Konrad von Gesner: Biblioteca universalis
ST : Thomé de Souza founds Sao Salvador
DL : Court jesters (dwarfs, cripples) appear in Europe


RP : Thomas Cranmer: A Defence of the Catholic Doctrine of the Sacrament
RP : Cardinal Giovanni Maria del Monte becomes Pope Julius III
RP : Siegmund von Herberstein: De natura fossilium
VA : Beginning of early Baroque in art
VA : Beginnings of Jap. "Ukiyoe" painting
VA : Giorgio Vasari: Lives of the Artists
M : John Marbeck: The Booke of Common Praier noted, first musical setting of Eng. liturgy
DL : Game of billiards played for the first time in Italy
DL : Sealing wax used for first time
DL : First written reference to game of cricket (creag) in young Edward VI's wardrobe accounts


ED : Jesuits found Collegio Romano in Rome as papal university
RP : Jews persecuted in Bavaria
ED : University of Lima founded
ST : Pierre Belon: Histoire naturelle des estranges poissons
ST : Konrad von Gesner: Historia animalium, modern zoology
DL : First licensing of alehouses and taverns in England and Wales


LT : Sir Walter Raleigh born
ED : Collegium Germanicum, Rome, founded by Jesuits
ED : Francesco López de Gómera, private secretary to Cortes, publishes his Historia general de las Indias
RP : Second Prayer Book of Edward VI
ST : Bartolommeo Eustachio: Tabulae anatomicae, Eustachian tube and valve
ST : Christ's Hospital, London, founded by King Edward VI
DL : St. Andrew's Golf Club, Scotland, founded; Mary, Queen of Scots, probably first female golfer


PH : Lady Jane Grey proclaimed Queen of England; deposed nine days later
PH : Mary I, daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, becomes Queen of England
PH : Sultan Suleiman I makes peace with Persia
RP : Domingo de Soto: De justicia et jure
RP : Sir Thomas More: A Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation (posth.)
RP : Thomas Wilson: The Arte of Rhetorique
M : The violin in its present form begins to develop
DL : Pedro de Cieza de Leon describes the potato in his Chronicle of Peru
VA : Lucas Cranach the Elder dies


PH : Lady Jane Grey executed
PH : Princess Elizabeth sent to the Tower for suspected participation in rebellion against Mary I
RP : Catholic restoration in England
ED : Trinity College, Oxford, founded
ST : Ulisse Aldrovandi: Herbarium


PH : Peace of Augsburg: Lutheran states to enjoy equal rights with Catholic
PH : Charles V turns over government of Netherlands to his son Philip
ED : An Aztec dictionary published
RP : Pope Julius III dies 23 March; Cardinal Marcello Cervino elected Pope Marcellus II (dies 30 April); Cardinal Giovanni Pietro Caraffa elected Pope Paul IV
ST : Pierre Belon: L'Histoire de la nature des oyseaux
ST : Tobacco brought for the first time to Spain from America


PH : Charles V abdicates, assigning Spain to his son Philip II, and the Holy Roman Empire to his brother Ferdinand I, and retires into the monastery of Yuste
PH : Akbar the Great, Mogul Emperor of India
RP : Juan de Ávila: Audi filia, ascetic Christian text
RP : Jesuit Order established in Prague
ST : George Agricola: De re metallica, a study of mineralogy (posth.)
DL : Stationer's Company of London granted monopoly of printing in England


M : Thomas Morley born
PH : John III, King of Portugal dies; succeeded by his grandson Sebastian I
DL : State bankruptcy in Spain and France
LT : The Sack-Full of Newes, first English play to be censored
ED : Gonville College, Cambridge, refounded as Gonville and Caius College
ST : Robert Recorde: Whetstone of Wit, first Eng. treatise on algebra
ED : Repton School, Derbyshire, founded
ED : Accademia di San Luca, Rome
ST : Thomas Tusser: A Hundreth Good Pointes of Husbandrie
DL : Influenza epidemic throughout Europe


PH : Ferdinand I assumes the title of Holy Roman Emperor
PH : Ex-Emperor Charles V dies
PH : Queen Mary I of England dies; succeeded by Elizabeth I
DL : John Knox: The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women
RP : Zohar, cabbalistic work of Jewish mysticism (13th-century), printed
ED : University of Jena founded
M : Gioseffo Zarlino: Institutioni harmoniche, definitions of modern major and minor scales
DL : Thomas Gresham suggests reform of Eng. currency (Gresham's Law)
DL : Hamburg Exchange founded
DL : Portuguese introduce Europeans to the habit of taking snuff
PH : French retake Calais


PH : King Christian III of Denmark and Norway dies; succeeded by Frederick II
PH : Coronation of Queen Elizabeth I
PH : King Henry II of France killed in a tournament; succeeded by his son Francis II, whose wife Mary, Queen of Scots, assumes title Queen of England
PH : Margaret of Parma, sister of Philip II, Regent in the Netherlands
LT : Thomas Sackville: Induction, introducing the new age of Elizabethan literature
RP : Elizabethan Prayer Book
RP : Mattias Flacius: Ecclesiastica historica
RP : Pope Paul IV dies; Giovanni Angelo de'Medici elected Pope Pius IV
ED : University of Geneva founded
ST : Realdo Colombo describes position and posture of human embryo


RP : Huguenot conspiracy at Amboise; liberty of worship promised in France
PH : King Francis II of France dies; succeeded by Charles IX with Catherine de'Medici, his mother, as regent
RP : Church of Scotland founded
RP : Francesco Patrizi: Della historia, on the philosophy of history
RP : Beginnings of Puritanism in England
ED : Westminster School, London, founded
VA : The Uffizi at Florence founded
ST : First scientific society founded at Naples by Giambattista della Porta
PH : Madrid becomes capital of Spain
DL : Tobacco plant imported to Western Europe by Jean Nicot
DL : Visiting cards used for the first time by Germ. students in Italy


PH : Edict of Orleans suspends persecution of Huguenots
PH : Baltic states of the Order of the Teutonic Knights secularised
RP : First Calvinist refugees from Flanders settle in England
ST : Gabriele Fallopius: Observations anatomicae
DL : Ruy López develops in Spain the modern technique of chess playing
ST : Forerunners of hand grenades made for the first time
ED : Merchant Taylors' School, London, founded
VA : St. Paul's Cathedral, London, badly damaged by fire
DL : Tulips from the Near East first come to Western Europe


M : John Dowland born
PH : Shane O'Neill rebels in Ireland
PH : Emperor Ferdinand I signs eight-year truce with Suleiman I of Turkey
PH : Maximilian, son of Ferdinand I, becomes King of Bohemia
RP : Third session of Council of Trent convenes
RP : 1,200 Fr. Huguenots slain at Massacre of Vassy; first War of Religion begins
RP : Eng. Articles of Religion of 1552 reduced to the Thirty-Nine Articles
M : Gasparo Bertolotti da Salň moves to Brescia to become first great Ital. violin maker
ST : French attempt to colonise Florida
ST : John Hawkins makes his first journey to the New World; begins slave trade between Guinea and West Indies
DL : Milled coins introduced in England
DL : Plague in Paris
M : Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck born in April


LT : Michael Drayton born
RP : Peace of Amboise ends first War of Religion in France; the Huguenots are granted limited toleration
PH : Charles IX of France (at 13) is declared of age
PH : Maximilian II elected King of Hungary
ST : First printing presses in Russia
LT : Blossoming of Span. mystic poetry
RP : John Foxe's Book of Martyrs, first Eng. edition
RP : Council of Trent ends
RP : Counter Reformation begins in Bavaria
RP : Term "Puritan" first used in England
VA : John Shute: First and Chief Grounds of Architecture
ST : Gerardus Mercator draws the first accurate map of Lorraine
ST : Ambroise Pare: Cinq livres de chirugie
DL : Eng. Parliament passes acts for relief of the poor and for regulating apprentices
DL : General outbreak of plague in Europe kills 20,000 people in London


PH : Peace of Troyes ends war between England and France
PH : Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor since 1556 dies; succeeded by his son Maximilian II
RP : Council of Trent's Professio Fidei confirmed by Pope Pius IV
RP : Counter Reformation begins in Poland
RP : Index librorum prohibitorum published after receiving papal approval
RP : Philip Neri founds the Congregation of the Oratory in Rome
RP : Scots' Psalter
ST : Bartolommeo Eustachio: Opuscula anatomica
DL : Horse-drawn coach introduced in England from Holland
VA : Artist Michelangelo de Buonarotti dies in Rome
LT : William Shakespeare born 23 April


RP : Jacobus Anconcio: Stratagemata Satanae, advocating religious toleration
ED : Thomas Cooper: Thesaurus linguae Romanae et Britannicae
RP : Pierre de la Place: Histoire de nostre temps
RP : Pope Pius IV dies
ST : Royal College of Physicians, London, empowered to carry out human dissections
ST : Bernardino Telesio: De rerum natura, foreshadowing empirical methods of science
DL : Sir Thomas Gresham founds the Royal Exchange, London
DL : Pencils manufactured in England
DL : Sir John Hawkins introduces sweet potatoes and tobacco into England


PH : Suleiman I dies; succeeded by Selim II as Sultan of Turkey
RP : Calvinist riots in the Netherlands; Regent Margaret of Palma abolishes Inquisition
PH : Sigismund III, King of Poland
PH : Turko-Hungarian war renewed in spite of truce of 1562
RP : Jean Bodin: Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem, on the philosophy of history
RP : Heinrich Bullinger unites Calvinism with Zwinglianism in Second Helvetian Confession
RP : Cardinal Michaele Ghislieri becomes Pope Pius V
DL : Notizie Scritte, one of first newspapers, appears in Venice


PH : Queen Mary forced to abdicate; makes her stepbrother, the Earl of Moray, regent
PH : Duke of Alba arrives as military governor in the Netherlands and begins reign of terror; Margaret of Parma resigns regency
PH : In Japan Nobunaga deposes shogunate and centralises government
ED : Francesco Guicciardini: Storia d'Italia (posth.)
RP : Maximilian II establishes monastery council to superintend clergy
ED : University of Helmstedt, Brunswick, founded
ST : Alvaro Mendana de Neyra discovers Solomon Islands in Pacific Ocean
PH : Rio de Janeiro founded
DL : Two million Indians die in S. America of typhoid fever
M : Claudio Monteverdi born 15 May


PH : Peace between Selim II and Maximilian II
PH : Treaty of Longjumeau ends second War of Religion in France
PH : Swedes declare Eric XIV unfit to reign and proclaim John III king
DL : First modern eisteddfod for Welsh music and literature held at Caerwys
RP : First translation of the Bible into Czech
RP : Archbishop Parker's Bishop's Bible
ED : English College founded at Douai by William Allen to train Jesuit missionaries for work in England
RP : Jesuit missionaries welcomed in Japan
RP : Pope Pius V issues revised Brevarium Romanun
ST : Gerardus Mercator devises cylindrical projection for charts
ST : Costanzo Varolio studies the anatomy of the human brain
DL : Alexander Nowell, Dean of St. Paul's, London, invents bottled beer
VA : Jan Brueghel the Elder born


PH : Sigismund II of Poland unites Poland with Lithuania; Union of Lublin
ST : Tycho Brahe begins at Augsburg construction of a 19-foot quandrant and a celestial glove, five feet in diameter
ST : Mercator: Cosmographia, and map of the world for navigational use
DL : 40,000 inhabitants of Lisbon die in carbuncular fever epidemic
DL : Public lottery held in London to finance repairs to the port
VA : Pieter Bruegel the Elder dies

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