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Site last updated 28 October, 2012
By Author
Abbott, Jacob
Adam, G. Mercer
Adams, George Burton
Allen, Grant (B.A.)
Anonymous, various
Apel, Willi
Aubrey, John
Bancroft, Hubert H.
Bodge, George M.
Bryan, Mary Baird
Campbell, Helen
Carhart, Margaret Spraque
Central Intelligence Agency World Fact Book
Coleridge, Stephen
Conybeare, Edward
Curtis, Georgina Pell
David Jayne Hill, LL.D.
Dole, Nathan Haskell
Ellis, Edward S. (A.M.)
Encyclopedia Britannica, 1911
Faguet, Émile
Falckenberg, Richard
Ford, Paul Leicester
Gifford, Justin
Gifford, Katya
Green, John Richard (M.A.)
Griggs, Hon. John W.
Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia
Guizot, Francois Pierre Guillaume
Guizot, M.
Gustav Kobbé
Haaren, John H. (LL.D.) and Poland, A. B. (Ph.D.)
Halbert, H. S. and Ball, T. H.
Hale, Matthew
Hamilton, Clayton
Hamilton, Mary Agnes
Haverfield, F.
Hawthorne, Julian
Howells, William Dean
Howland, Harold
Hubbard, Elbert Green
Irving, Henry
James, Bartlett Burleigh
Johnson, Allen
Lane, Jim
Lang, Andrew
Long, William J.
Lord, John (LL.D.)
Macfarland, Henry B.F.
Mason, Captain John
McLaughlin, Andrew C.
Mencken, Henry Louis
Molloy, J. Fitzgerald
More, Paul
North American Review, The
Paine, Albert Bigelow
Pearson, Edmund Lester
Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell
Pollard, A. F.
Remsburg, John E.
Richardson, James D.
Rossetti, William Michael
Shepherd, Richard Herne
Slattery, John T.
Spring, Leverett Wilson
Standard, Mary Newton
Thayer, William M.
Thayer, William Roscoe
Tout, T.F. (M.A.)
Tumulty, Joseph P.
Turner, William (S.T.D.)
U.S. Department of State
Walter Rowlands
Ward, Adolphus William
Ward, John
Webster, Hutton (PH.D.)
Woodberry, George Edward
Woodson, Carter Godwin
Wormuth, Francis D.
Zacharias, Isidore A.
Zeiger, Arthur (M.A.)