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Early National Period
(1800 - 1829)

1800U.S. federal offices are moved from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C. - the new capital city
1800Gabriel Prosser's Rebellion
1800Library of Congress established
1801New York passes Emancipation Act
1801Thomas Jefferson inaugurated President of U.S.    GO !
1801Judiciary Act
1801New Land Act
1802Ohio outlaws slavery
1802Judiciary Act repealed
1803Ohio is the 17th state admitted to the Union
1803U.S. buys large tract of land from Louisiana Purchase    GO !
1803Marbury v. Madison (the Court rules a law unconstitutional and thus creates the precedent of judicial review)    GO !
1803Lewis and Clark expedition begins
180412th Amendment Ratified
1805Thomas Jefferson begins his second term as President of U.S.    GO !
1805Treaty of St. Petersburg by Britain and Russia against France, joined by Austria
1805Pike explores the West
1805Palmer v. Mulligan
1807Embargo Act    GO !
1807Chesapeake-Leopard affair
1807Congress passes Non-Importation Act to end international slave trade    GO !
1808Cherokee legal code established
1809James Madison becomes 4th President of the U.S.    GO !
1809Tecumseh's confederacy formed
1810Fletcher vs. Peck (Marshall rules that the Constitution forbids state laws "impairing" contracts
1810Macon's Bill #2    GO !
1812Louisiana is the 18th state admitted to the Union
1812U.S. declares war on Britain    GO !
1812Madison re-elected    GO !
1812West Florida annexed
1814Treaty of Fort Jackson ends Creek War
1814Treaty of Ghent ends British-American war    GO !
1814Hartford Convention    GO !
1815U.S. establishes military posts in trans-Mississippi West
1816Indiana is the 19th state admitted to the Union
1816Martin v. Hunter's Lessee (establishes U.S. Supreme Court's power to review state court decisions)
1816Second Bank of the United States chartered
1817Mississippi is the 20th state admitted to the Union
1817Rush-Bagot Treaty
1817Bonus Bill
1817James Monroe inaugurated as fifth President of the U.S.    GO !
1818Illinois is the 21st state admitted to the Union
1818Jackson Purchase in Kentucky
1818Border between Canada and U.S. agreed upon
1818First Seminole War
1819Alabama is the 22nd stateadmitted to the Union
1819Treaty of Saginaw in Michigan
1819Florida purchased by U.S. from Spain
1819Adams-Onis Treaty with Spain    GO !
1819McCulloch v. Maryland (establishes the superiority of the federal government)    GO !
1819Bank panic and depression
1819Dartmouth College v. Woodward (Expands the principle of the Fletcher decision to include contracts between corporations and states)    GO !
1820Maine is the 23rd stateadmitted to the Union
1820Missouri Compromise    GO !
1820Land Act of 1820
1820South becomes world's largest cotton producer
1821Missouri is the 24th state admitted to the Union
1821James Monroe begins second term as U.S. president
1821Stephen Austin leads American settlement of Texas
1821Beginning of Indian removals
1822Diplomatic recognition of Latin American republics
1822Denmark Vesey's conspiracy in Charleston
1823The Monroe Doctrine closes American continent to colonial settlements by European powers    GO !
1824John Q. Adams elected president
1824Frontier treaty signed between Russia and U.S.
1824U.S. House of Representatives elects John Quincy Adams as president when none of the four candidates wins a majority in the national election    GO !
1824Sturges v. Crowninshield
1824Clay's "American System"
1824Bureau of Indian Affairs established in War Department
1824Gibbons v. Ogden (established the superiority of the federal government)    GO !
1825Anglo-Russian Treaty of British territory in north-western N. America
1827Cherokee adopt written constitution
1828Calhoun publishes Exposition and Protest
1828Tariff of Abominations
1829Andrew Jackson inaugurated at President of the U.S.    GO !
Related Articles/Works
Daily Life
The Second Great Awakening
Louisiana and Britain
Adams and Jefferson
Extension of Slavery
Latin America and the Monroe Doctrine
Factionalism and Political Parties
Building Unity
The Chesapeake Affair and the Embargo
The First Quarter of the Century
The Missouri Compromise
The Ordinance of Nullification
The Hudson River School
Thomas Sully
Classical Revival Architecture (Adam style)
Classical Revival Architecture II
Greek Revival Architecture
The Louisiana Purchase
Jefferson and his Colleagues, A Chronicle of the Virginia Dynasty
Chapter XXI - The Election of 1800. The Repeal of the Judiciary Act of 1801
Chapter XXIV - The Impeachment of Pickering and Chase. The Burr Conspiracy.
Chapter XXV - Federal and State Differences. Federalist Opposition. The Embargo. The Olmstead Case.
Chapter XXVII - Conditions After 1815. The Rise of the New West. Internal Improvements
Chapter XXVIII - The Development of State Constitutions
Chapter XXIX - The Missouri Compromise
Chapter XXXIII - Georgia and States' Rights. South Carolina Resorts to Nullification. The Theories of John C. Calhoun.

Marbury v. Madison
Louisiana Purchase Treaty
(30 April 1803)
12th Amendment
(15 June 1804)
Act to Prohibit the Importation of Slaves
(2 March 1807)
Embargo Act of 1807
(December 1807)
Macon's Bill, No.2
(1 May 1810)
An Act to Prohibit American Vessels from Proceeding to or Trading with the Enemies of the United States, and for Other Purposes
(6 July 1812)
An Act to Encourage the Destruction of the Armed Vessels of War of the Enemy
(3 March 1813)
Treaty of Fort Jackson
(9 August 1813)
Hartford Convention
Treaty of Ghent
(24 December 1814)
McCulloch v. Maryland
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
Adams-Onís Treaty
(22 February 1819)
Missouri Compromise
(6 March 1820)
Monroe Doctrine
(2 December 1823)
Gibbons v. Ogden
(2 March 1824)

Creek War
What began as a Creek civil war led to an uprising against settlers in Alabama
Seminole Wars
A series of conflicts between the Seminole Indians in Florida and the American forces determined to remove them to designated "Indian territories"
War of 1812
War between U.S. and U.K. over trade restrictions due to blockades of French ports (Napoleonic Wars) and over the question of westward expansion between Canada and the U.S.

Art     Gilbert Stuart
Thomas Cole
John Singleton Copley
Charles Willson Peale
Asher B. Durand
Thomas Sully
James Peale
Rembrandt Peale
Raphaelle Peale
George Catlin
Literature     Joseph Rodman Drake
Edgar Allen Poe
William Cullen Bryant
James Fenimore Cooper
Washington Irving
History     Alexander Hamilton
John Jay
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
Henry Clay
John C. Calhoun
Andrew Jackson
John Adams
Daniel Webster
Rufus King
Elbridge Gerry
John Marshall
DeWitt Clinton
Frances Wright
Lucretia Coffin Mott
William Crawford
Aaron Burr
Religion     Pius VII, Pope
Leo XII, Pope

Westward Expansion and Exploration 1803-1807
Lewis and Clark Expedition 1804-1806
Territorial Growth 1800
Territorial Growth 1810
Territorial Growth 1820
The Organization of Territories in the United States since 1803
Oregon Trail
The Indians in the United States
Westward Expansion 1815-1845
Exploration and Settlement 1820-1835
The United States, 1783-1803
Northern Frontier 1783-1812
Chesapeake Bay Area 1812-1814
Exploration and Settlement 1800-1820
The Organization of Territories in the United States since 1803